Level up from class F

Act 11. Colony

“It's not crucifixion, you son of a bitch! ”

HyoJae was angry and yelled when he fell into the path again because of the road.

“There's something my father said. When I was a kid, I used to masturbate and feel a sense of self-esteem. I get angry these days. He lost too much fun in the ban and the taboos and the cruelty that he made. That's not what my father would say. I think he spent more time than anyone else. By the way, my father's speech is now difficult to erect, and the duration is short.”

As the lecture seemed to be longer, Se-hyun shut his mouth.

“Mo-young, please don't talk like that. Ow! People will think we're all perverts because we're all fighting together! ”

“Yes, yes. You're doing great. You're pretending to be noble by yourself. But it's the truth that doesn't change. I'm the only one here who's still keeping it pure. ”

Young-ho said he thought he'd succeeded in the attack. But the thought did not last long.

What is this defeat? ’

Mu-young didn't want the others to notice that he was thinking that way. Hyo-jae and Shi-hyun nodded at the same time.

"Yes. Keep that innocence, beautiful. You win!"

Sihyun said, making eyes sparkling and clenching his fists.

Chae Mi-young visited Hyo-jae a few times. However, the effort to meet Hyojae returned to Blister.

When I called HyoJae, Gil Mu-young answered the phone.

“It's Min Hyo-Jae's phone, but Min Hyo-Jae doesn't want to talk to you. Don't try to approach Min Hyo-Jae. Min Hyo-jae.He has nothing to see. I've been thinking, if you say you approached me or Sihyun, you'll think you're a flower snake. But Min Hyo-jae! That's just too mean. When I think about it, there's only one conclusion. I found out what he was up to and approached Hyo-Jae Min. An Shi-hyun was too tall from the start, so she probably thought she should give up early. That's why he turned his eyes on the other people around. Hmm. You saw me. I've been flying ever since Hyundai High School. You knew about my parents, you knew about my noble blood, and you thought you had to find a way to be friends with me somehow. That's when you saw Hyo-jae. He was playing with Hyo-jae appropriately and then he tried to approach me using Hyo-jae's friendship with me when Hyo-jae fell for you. ”

Chae Mi-young hung up without listening anymore. Then I called again.

"You're quite persistent. You're saying you can't let him go until you make that plan?"

“You. If I see you, I'll kill you! Take care of yourself! Oh, shit! ”

Mu-young also thought that his reasoning was accurate, and that Chae Mi-young, who had been spotted inside of him, had decided to give up his effectiveness. I never thought about it alone, and I told Hyo-jae and Si-hyun. Hyo-jae and Shi-hyun thought that was wrong, but they were strangely persuaded, so they eventually went halfway over.

Regardless of the reason, Chae Mi-young hasn't approached Hyo-jae since, and she avoided him when something happened to her at the boarding house or at the academy.

The spring wind that was strongly hurled at Min Hyo-Jae disappeared like that.

Knowing what his weaknesses were was beneficial to him in many ways. HyoJae had thought he was strong in temptation, but realized that it was an idea that was completely, completely, unfounded. Hyojae agreed to acknowledge and accept the fact.

He was not resistant to temptation, as if he were not resistant to poison. Then you can avoid it carefully, and HyoJae concluded that after a long worry.

* * *

Eventually, a temporary leave of absence was made. There was a long debate over whether or not stopping Hunter Academy's training course was the right choice for attacking colonies in other countries, but it ended up being so stranded.

There was no law telling a powerful colony like the one appearing in the United States not to appear in Korea, and the crisis theory spread that Korea should not quickly discover the characteristics of the colony when it is a safe zone.

Leonid and Michaels were naturally joined Clan A, and Sejin returned. Many of Hunter Academy's professors joined the attack on Colony in the United States, even if they weren't clans.

As Clan A and its group set out for the Colony, his face darkens.

Before Clan A left for the United States, Sihyun went to Clan A's lodging and instead burst into tears as the clan members struggled to console themselves. The clans did not understand the demonstration.

“What's the matter? Did someone scare him again? Why is she crying? ”

Profit constitution asked. Others were relieved to know that the constitution was a question of profit. I thought that the only person who could lie about it would be profit, but I wouldn't have to worry about it if the constitution didn't.

“Si Hyun, it's Colony, Colony. It's not a swamp. We're not going to wipe out the colony completely. We're going to do what we can. ”

Ji-woo told me that he knew Colony's attack was dangerous because he had learned something from Se-jin.

“Don't worry, we'll never be in too much danger. We can't do that. There are people who believe in us, and they can't do that. ”

As Jung said, Xi Hyun nodded. I really wanted them to take care of themselves with their responsibilities to other people.

“And we don't die. Professor Yoon Hae-min's story hasn't come true yet. ”

Mihail winces at Sihyun, saying so.

“Will we be able to travel together next year or next year? ”

Kang Hyun asked Ji.

“We should go together next year. I can't wait till next year. So, Ahn Si-hyun, you have to train hard. ”

Profit Constitution said.


Sihyun left, saying that everyone should recover Chakra while resting. However, I chased after her, saying that she had something to say before she left.

“What's the matter, uncle? ”

“Hey, Ahn Si-hyun. You... you're not dating anyone, are you? ”

“Yes, why? ”

“It's over after Professor Yoon Hae-min, right? ”

“Yes, it is. ”

“You haven't contacted each other? ”


“This guy's cold. ”

Profit constitution opened its eyes thinly and looked at him.

“I'm not the one being cold, I'm the professor. ”

“Why? You tried to call, but the professor didn't answer? ”


“What a jerk. Why are you contacting a broken woman? ”

“Still. It wasn't a bad breakup, but it was because you had to go somewhere else, so I thought we could keep in touch. ”

“Anyway, you don't have a girlfriend now, do you? ”

“Huh. Why? ”

“How about now? ”

Just thinking about it, the questions were pretty persistent.

“Jay? Jay is my uncle. Jay's like a brother to me. ”

“Really? That's great. ”

“Why? Can I get an introduction? But do you think now is a good time to talk about it? I'm going to the colony. Aren't you worried? ”

“What do I have to worry about? And now would be a good time. It's like you're on a temporary vacation. ”


“That's it. Go. ”

“What is it, uncle? Did you do something again that I don't know about? ”

“You did it? I can't say I don't, but I'll never tell you. Go.”

Profit constitution went back on its own, but I thought that the look on my face was filled with laughter.

It turned out it was not too late to find out what the profit constitution was about. On the first day of the temporary vacation at Hyundai Hunter Academy, you heard a knock on the door of the dormitory room from the morning.

Sihyun was tired of getting up, so he asked the door to open it, and it lasted until the end. Other times, HyoJae will get up and go out, but nowadays, HyoJae's condition is not zero, so it was the same situation as if no one else would go out except Shi Hyun or Mu Young.

There was absolutely no disadvantage to the stranger lying on the floor rather than the demonstration that was holding on to the bed. There was no choice but to stand up and go out to open the door. I scratched my head with one hand and put my other hand in the pants dance. I opened the door with my scratching hand, and I barely opened my eyes, and there was a little girl standing at the door of the room.

At first glance, he wasn't a hunter, and the uniform I was wearing made me think he was a Hyundai High School student, but no matter how much I tried to hit him, he didn't look like a high school student.

“W-who? You know this is a boys' dorm, right? Is it a man who likes to dress up? ”

Mu-young said, "What else is Gil Mu-young talking about?" He raises his upper body on his arm. That was the first encounter.


Despite the first encounter, she seemed to know who the girl was.

“Hey, Min Hyo-Jae. Get up.”

Hyojae slowly lowered his blanket and let go of the frizzy head first.

“You. You slept in all your clothes, right? ”

Sihyun asked urgently.


“Enough, asshole. Just put the blanket on. ”

“Why, I'm wearing pants. ”

Hyo-jae said.

“Hey, look at her. Doesn't he look like Uncle Eek? ”

When he spoke in a small voice, Hyo-jae opened his eyes and looked at the girl outside the door.


HyoJae was surprised and immediately came down to the floor.

“Uncle Eek Heon? Ms. Profit Constitution?”

Mu-young understood the words later and looked at the girl.

“Really? You. Is that Mr. Lee Hae-heon's daughter? ”

What I started with was a half-word, and suddenly I came out with a strange respect.


“Phew. That sounds real. But still. Even if you're Ms. Hae-heon's daughter, you can't just barge into a men's dorm. Well, what's not to like in the world? Would you like to come in?”

Mu-young said.

“I didn't take a vacation. There's no reason to take a vacation, because the teachers are normal anyway. I have to go to school. A little later.”

Sihyun and Hyojae looked at the girl as if it were strange.

“What's your name? Have you seen this before? ”

Sihyun asked.

“No, I've heard a lot about you. Her name is Isaiah.”

“Xia? You're like a brother and sister to me. Name.”

Mu-young said.

“Hi, I'm Min-ho. Do you know me? ”

“I've heard a lot about you. ”

“But you. You look very young to go to high school. How old are you?”

Mu-young asked.

“I'm 13 years old. ”

“Huff!! What kind of 13-year-old goes to high school? ”

Sihyun asked.

“There is such a system in the mind. If they pass the exam, they'll get a promotion. Even though the exams show that the kids who get promoted early get so badly that they go back a lot of times. ”

Mu-young said, for some reason, the smell of an expert made me wonder if it was someone who instructed me to steer clear of distractions and promoted children.