Level up from class F

Part 13 King of the Beast

The questions that Mo Young left behind were like homework for other clans.

Akira looked carefully at the demonstration. Sihyun stood by the garden and repeated every word the garden missed and asked again. The garden often missed the delayed words.

Seeing how many times Sihyun told me what the delay said, Taehyun burst into laughter.

“We're a little behind schedule. I don't pronounce it correctly. It's not as if you're not pronouncing it correctly. I can't open my mouth properly. That's why it can be difficult for Mr. Garden to read lips. ”

“Oh, did I? ”

I asked again as if I had never heard of the delay. He consciously looked at their lips while they were speaking, and realized that he was talking with a big mouth.

“Speak up loudly. Tighten your stomach. That way Mr. Garden will understand. ”

When the Thai said it, the garden was hot because of it. He was worried that the two of them would fight because of him.

“I really have to. I didn't know I was saying that until now. Thanks for letting me know. Mr. Garden, I'm going to make this perfectly clear. ”

Delay laughed and said.

“How old are you and you're correcting your pronunciation now? ”

As the Thai continues to squawk, delays strike her in the side.

“That's it. That's it. ”

The garden laughs as she sees the thayn running away.

“You two are close, right? ”

“Even if you're not close, it's annoying that you got married and now you're breaking up with me, so I guess you'll have to live with that forever. ”

Kang Hyun told me several times that the garden that was not aware of that was really amazing.

“That's pretty much how our clans work. You didn't know, did you? Neither did Ji-woo and Jung Hyung. Mr. Lee Hae-hun is with the Extreme Hunter Sun-young Representative. Me and Sejin. Tai Yin's brother is delayed. Kira here is with Ika. ”

“Kira? ”

Mu-young asked.

“Akira. Leica, don't you know? You haven't said hello yet? ”

He said hello, said no, and it was a blurry situation. As adults, they said hello, but they had no choice to introduce themselves or even introduce themselves to each other. One socialite was so overwhelmed by Akira's incredible energy that I couldn't introduce myself to her, that I didn't have to tell her about the others. I didn't have a chance to say who they were because they didn't seem to want to be introduced to Akira or Reika.

Akira and Reika were more closed than any closed couple I had ever seen.

It seemed that they were not interested in all life except themselves, but not just the appearance of the outward appearance, and erasure and benefit commitments were already well aware of how those tendencies appeared in Raid.

The other person was attacked by a monster during a raid together, but the two didn't make a move. It doesn't matter if the beast eats you, breaks you, or chews your bones.

That was the point where Ji-woo and Profit Constitution were most worried. Both men were as strong as anyone in Clan A, but it was still a question of whether they would risk their lives for Clan A or for the new hunters.

He had already given up on his profits.

He thinks it's convenient for both of them to just get their grades up and not to expect anything else.

Akira doesn't seem very interested in the new hunters, but she spreads her wings on her back one day. It was the first time Clan A had seen it. Even Reyka didn't know why Akira did what she did. But Akira wanted to know something. That's how far the garden can hear.

When Akira flew a few decades with her polite bat-like wings, the clans were embarrassed because they didn't know how to react. Mu-young clapped by herself rather than applauding. Is that really necessary? While standing still, he tapped Jay and Hyo-Jae's arms and made them join together, and the three of them clapped together.

Akira came out of nowhere. Reyka noticed that the gaze in the garden had already captured Akira's position and returned to Akira at a moment when others did not anticipate Akira's location. Akira took a few more tests like that and returned to her seat.

I didn't show any interest in Akira's garden slowly coming down from the sky as she folded her wings, but I received meaningful glances while aligning her eyes with Reyka.

“I don't know how helpful it is to fly. It would be beneficial to deal with bird monsters who aren't trying to get off the ground. ”

Profit Constitution said.

Others were trying to praise him without shutting their mouths, but they bowed down.

“Does having wings not help you much? ”

Mu-young asked.

“With a chakra, you can climb 20 stories tall, but do you need wings? Gil Mo-young. Haven't you done that yet? ”

When I asked him with a serious face, his face became stiff. The rest of the clans knew that the constitution of profit was a joke, but Muyoung didn't know it. While some exaggeration was made in what he said, it was not a foolish lie. Still, it was enough to crush a sprout hunter.

Hyojae, Sihyun and Jay were shaking because they were afraid that the target of the question would be them next time, and Leonid laughed loudly and said that if only 70 percent of what he said was a lie.

There was a briefing in the comfort of the center, and the details were identified by the delay of going into the colony and slamming into the body to find out, and everyone was ready to enter the colony.

“Don't go alone with Si-hyun. HyoJae always protects me. Please, Mr. Garden, too. Please.”

Profit Constitution said.

The last time, monsters tried to lure erasers into the pond to try to erase it, but this time, Sihyun, the party, thought that he could try to target the colony himself.

HyoJae nodded his head and made a firm will. Even so, he thought he was trying to protect it somehow, but he thought that the constitution of profit would have a different meaning to say it once more.

Mu-young and Jay didn't ask for any favors, but they also promised to protect her.

After one last report from the delay, Clan A and the new hunters finally made their way inside the colony.

There was something that people felt when they went inside the colony and quietly raided. Is this going to be so easy? Erase. Erase. Erase. Ji-Woo's gaze then turned towards the constitution of profit and Seogyu. Their eyes were saying the same thing. What's so easy about it?

The blow drains the beast's stamina. It took less than 30 minutes to defeat the thirty subjects. In this way, I thought I could finish the raid in a couple of hours.

I don't know if you'll find stronger ones if you go deeper inside, but this feels strange. Even though it wasn't wrong and I was working on the right solution, I still felt like I was walking the wrong path because I thought the difficulty here couldn't be this low.

The erase finally stops. Ik Heon and Seo Kyu-tae approached him.

“Isn't there something wrong? ”

Erase asked.

“Let's go inside for now. I keep caring about him. We're going to have to keep our focus on the terrain inside the colony. ”

Seo Kyu-tae said.

There was no such thing as an attack on Liar Bird. I was expecting the bloodshed to blow, but it was kindergarten level, and I was raising tension in that it was completely unexpected.

The new hunters had no time to think that way. Clan masters were able to beat the monsters with a single or two strokes, but the new hunters are still on their way. The monster's stamina was about a third of what they felt was too easy to beat when they tried to clasp and grip it.

I thought it was different from the Colony I had attacked with the Veronica attackers, but I didn't have time to think about it for long.

Whether the eyes had degraded in the colony's dark environment, the individuals within the colony had a particularly strong side to the hallucinogenic attack of the enzyme. Once he saw something, he could see a vision or something, but he couldn't feel fear, with the Red Violin in his system or other venomous monsters on him. There were particularly dark places in the colony, where monsters gathered.

As soon as the monsters they were in charge were finished, the new hunters started to advance. The clan members who waited relentlessly for them, without haste, moved on slowly. As important as Colony's tactics were to protect him, there was no need for them to rush at all.

The colony grows darker and darker.

Sihyun held the hand of the garden. Darkness meant complete silence to the garden. Now I can't even look at his lips. Others talked to each other and gave their location, but they didn't tell each other unless it was absolutely necessary. I've already been heavily beaten by Ryer Bird, so I've been instructed not to completely believe what I hear when I see the other side, but to filter it out once.

I touched Jihyun's knuckle in the garden's hand.

Silent Darkness.

It was infinitely deeper.

Sihyun placed his hand on the garden for a moment when a 36-million-pound monster suddenly appeared from the wall. It wasn't as dark as the unknown shape. Each one of them was illuminating from the front and from the back, and depending on the light, he was able to determine the shape of the object. After 36 million health, the clans came together and it was over in minutes. He wasn't a difficult man. Sihyun looked around. I saw Hyojae and Leonid. I didn't see the garden, but neither did I, so I thought the three of you went together.

“Should we hurry?”

Hyojae asked.

He realized that he was anxious.

“Gil Mu-young, is the garden with you? Now. You coming up ahead? ”

HyoJae asked aloud.

“Yeah. The three of us are going together. ”

I heard Jay's voice.

“It's right up ahead. Let's go quickly.”

The three quickly catch up with the group.

Sihyun ran to the garden and held the garden hand. The garden looked at him and laughed.

"I was worried because I didn't see it."

Sihyun looked at the garden and said, holding the garden's hand tightly.