Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

Chapter 458: Fusion of Azure Dragon Bloodline

Thunder shocks and freaks!

The humiliation of the broken hand let him go!

He unleashes his strongest strength and uses ten pure Nerdans.

Immortal power rushing to the sky.

Mountains collapse and land splits are common.

The whole square was silent, and those ghost disciples hiding in the dark were instantly crushed by this powerful immortal force.

Wang Fu four people were also crushed to death on the ground, struggling desperately, pale face, like strangled throat, difficult to breathe.

Luo Tian weighed heavily.

There is a kind of unspeakable pain all over the body.

Like being bound, his body struggled desperately, trying to break through the constraints, discovering that no matter how desperate it was, the absolute crushing of power made him irresistible!

Gaps in Realm!

Even if Luotian is a demon emperor, he can't change anything!

Luo Tian's face was gloomy, his body trembled, his eyes stared dead at the thunder shock, his mind was like flying, constantly trying to figure out a way, but he couldn't think of a way to do it, and the difference between the thunder and the repair was really too great.

The Demon Emperor's flesh is restricted by the realm of Luotian himself.

Even with stronger power, it cannot be released.

The demon emperor's primitive anger erupted and roar up at the sky.

Thunder struck me step by step, crushing me with the power of madness, laughing: “This is the power of my natural blood, boy, it is also your honor to die on this power, you know it. ”

“Bloodline! ”

“Blood forces again.” Luo Tian said fiercely with his teeth bitten.

Thunder shocked his face with a proud smile. "How can you know that blood is powerful? I really don't know why Huashan Immortal Gate would accept a disciple like you who doesn't even have a gifted blood. You are also kind of strange. I guess you must be upset at Huashan Immortal Gate. Otherwise, how can you come to this place all by yourself? ”

“Fortunately, you didn't come to my Xinghai Immortal Sect, or I'll throw you away 108,000 miles in one hand! ”

Lei Zhen died crushing Luo Tian!

He's proud!

Pretty proud, he enjoys himself immensely every time.

Watching your opponent get crushed doesn't do anything, there's no room for even a little resistance.

He couldn't bear to be happy.

Luo Tianmei wrinkled her heart and said to herself: "Blood, blood, gifted blood is really that tall? I don't have blood? I don't have a gifted blood line? ”


It is a power of inheritance.

unparalleled power.

It improves cultivation speed, improves understanding ability, strengthens oneself, and gains unparalleled power in the blood.

Murong Wan's sword was recognized by all because of his true dragon bloodline and his reputation as the true dragon's son.

Bloodline is diverse.

The stronger the bloodline, the stronger it will be to the rear.

Powerful bloodlines can change a person's fate.

The natural blood of Thunder Tremor is a relatively advanced blood talent, otherwise he will not be recognized by the Xinghai Immortal Sect and will not be eligible to follow the elders of Xinghai Immortal Sect.

“Poor man. ”

“How do you stand in the Immortal Gate without a gifted bloodline? ”

“I can't believe the Taoist Dog took it out for you. I think he's really into shit. You're such a loser all over the street, hahahaha...” Thunderbolt laughed wildly.

Step by step towards Lotte Heaven.

Luo Tian's body was squeezed, his legs trembling, and his heart was furious!

Thunder smiled proudly: “It's hard, hahaha... boy, just a piece of crap like you want to stain Feng Feng? She wouldn't even look at you, would she? How can you compare to Murong Wan's sword? ”

“Dantian shattered! ”

“No natural blood veins. ”

“You may be a little strong in the world of mortals, but in the Immortal Gate you can't even count as waste, you can only count as a piece of junk at most. ”

“It's also a burden to see you live in this world. Go to hell! ”


One sentence, one sentence, Thundershock looked at Luo Tian's painful expression and the more excited he became.

Luo Tian's teeth are chewing!

Repeatedly insulted.

Repeatedly despised.

It was very unpleasant and irritated him immensely.

at this moment!

His eyes suddenly changed.

The muscles in the corners of the eyes trembled wildly, spraying intense killer flames in both eyes.

Thunderstorm smiled coldly: “Why? Disgusted, huh? It hurts, doesn't it? Hahaha… I was so excited to see you suffer, Hahaha…… Princess North Pluto, didn't you say I was going to die? ”

“Who's dying now? ”

“I told you I wouldn't die today, let alone in the hands of a loser who didn't even have a natural bloodline. ”


Crazy laughter!

Thunder struck like crazy.

BOSS Rampage!

The Princess Northwestern looked anxious, her hands tightened, and she said in her heart, “Great God of Destiny, I will be a slave for life, begging you to save him, begging you to save him. ”

Speaking room.

Princess North Underworld, kneel down directly!

She doesn't believe in destiny.

But now she has to ask for destiny.

It's a funny thing.

She couldn't find another way to help Luo Tian, she didn't even know if it was useful, but there was really no other way to watch Luo Tian get crushed constantly, her heart hurt somehow.

Luo Tian came to Ghost Sect because of her.


Indeed, Luo Tian helped her destroy the Ghost Sect and killed Marshall.

However, no one had expected that there would be a strong man of the presbyterian rank of the Xinghai Immortal Sect, which no one had expected.

“Please. ”

“Save him.” The Princess of the North is kneeling on her knees, looking at the heavens with great devotion.


“Kill him! ”

“Hahaha… His Excellency the Special Envoy killed him and killed the boy. ”

“Kid, you weren't very arrogant just now, how can you not even say the words now, then mad, hahahaha...”

“Kill him! ”

All the disciples of the Ghost Sect roared.

Look at Luo Tian's painful expression and they're more excited than anyone else.

This Sha Xing is finally dying.

Luo Tian's legs could barely stand, his face was incredibly pale, all the power in his body was suppressed, his whole body was bound, his eyes filled with blood silk, dead staring at thunder shock.

Thunderstorm looked at Luo Tian with a playful look on his face, “I can't help but get excited to see you in pain, hahahaha...”

“Kid. ”

“Aren't you quite cross, arrogant in front of me, and don't see what you are?! ”


Luo Tian can't stand it anymore.

Double fists and a handful of ‘giggles’, ten finger joints burst, teeth also chewed giggles straight, heart rage, “Fusion Dragon Bloodline!!! ”