Life, Once Again!

00008 Twocoins

Yoon Jung, who chose to breathe, said again.

“Theatre requires a wide variety of people. The dressmaker, the prop maker, the stage designer, and the performer. Of course, I have to act in school and make props. Honestly speaking... ”

Out of the question?

The floor was filled with that straightforward attitude and laughter. The other kids were surprised. A crude vocabulary popped out of her mouth with a strong but refined appearance.

He said more vigorously that he didn't care.

“It's hard. We may need to gather together on top of the full time. It can take a lot of time to make props, and if you can't do it, you have to do it yourself, and it's hard. Stage. Last year I made it by hammering wood myself. I had to make a meat locker. It took me a long time to get it to look like a house. I hurt a lot of fingers. If you look here... ”

She extends her hand forward. There is an elongated wound on the tip of the left index finger that stretches coolly. It was a pretty big scar.

“Not that, Yoon Jung. As scripted.”

Another woman standing next to you stabs Yun Jing in the side. Yun Jing was furious as if it were hot water, and he immediately took his hand away.

He was the type to fall in love with his words, and the floor thought. I don't hate that personality. Sometimes it bothers me a little, but I get energized when I watch someone like that. A person who is obsessed. Such a person usually glows.

After refining his voice, Yun Jing breathed out and opened his mouth.

“So I want you to apply to the theater department. It's hard work, but it's worth it. The joy of preparing for the drama and making it happen over the course of several months cannot be explained in words. If you go later, even that process…… will be a moment of enjoyment. ”

It sparkles.

The floor sparkles with Yoon Jung holding his head. The same was true of the elders standing next to him. The weary figure disappears. The moment I put the play in my mouth, I was beaten.

“Of course! Again, emphasizing this can be difficult. No, it won't. It's going to be even harder to be a live performer. Therefore, the idea of receiving someone with a mediocre heart as a support is.... ”

It was when Yun Jeong said that. Another woman who was silent next to him came forward. The floor's eyes are moved from Yun Jung to her. A short cut with a head tip under the ear. If Yun Jing looks feminine, this is the boyish side. But the action is more feminine this way. Lipsticks are lightly applied with hands in place. She was a woman with makeup that wouldn't catch the teacher's eye.

“Of course it's hard. But it's not always hard. Theatre is made by a variety of people. Just because you're an actor doesn't mean you can raise the pole. So we need people. Staff. Staff doesn't have to spend as much time or effort as Yun Jing said. It gives me some time to prepare for the drama. But without this staff, you can't imagine the drama. So for those of you who are interested in the play, I urge you to listen to it. ”

She was a woman who finished saying hello slowly. The feeling of the floor was calm. A woman named Yoon Jung gathered together with energy and said, "Forward!” If she had a style of chanting, she seemed to be in control of that kind of love. Cooked words and convincing expressions. Definitely would be smart

When the two women kept their mouths shut, this time two men went out. Maybe it's because women show energy and logic. Somehow I feel bored.

“We are staff. We played in the first grade, but from the second grade, we decided to work on drama rather than acting. If you come to the office, you'll see a lot of stuff. There's a lot of stuff that we made, a lot of stuff that the distribution left behind. One by one, it became the property of the theater department. As Danmi said before, we are now welcome for anyone who is interested in theater. It would be a pleasure to have you join us for a year or two. ”

A man with a sliced head retreats, and this time a man with a flat nose steps out.

“If anyone wants to play, please come. The system is well organized enough that there are teachers who teach. I'm going to leave you here in hopes of joining. I'll get it by tomorrow, so be sure to come by. You're always welcome to travel for less. And... I want to tell you not to worry if you're hesitant because of what happened. Look at my face. I played freshman year with this face. ”

He was a smiling man. If the crisp man looks light, this side has weight.

The floor sees all three standing in front of you, watching only the man with a flat nose. Like listening to a horse, with a serious face. A man who draws his face to his peer.

"Maybe she's more in control than she is. ’

The more you know about it, the more authentic people are. I thought that even the man with the flat nose would be that kind.

But why do they want to take staff in the second grade? Well, there has to be a reason. All three graders quit, so there are four deputies. Certainly, it will be difficult to prepare the theater for the four.

“So don't worry, you can come to me. I'll explain the details later. ”

After speaking, the four men stand side by side to greet each other. They clapped once, but not many people seem to have the interest that first appeared.

“That's kind of what I like about it. ”

“How hard can it be when you say it's hard on yourself? ”

“Okay's good, okay's good. ”

Looks like your sales failed.

The floor looked at the four of you escaping. We were encouraging each other. I expect I will continue to go to class before first grade.

“Hey, Maruya. ”


“Doesn't it look fun? ”

“Theatre department?”


“Let me?”

“Not yet. Speaking of which... ”

It was time for Dojin to join the rear horses. The English teacher poked the chalkboard with chalk.

“Come on. Let's have a rest of the talk and get on with it. What's today's date? ”

“Eleven days.”

“Number 11. Get up and read the sentence. ”

The class started again. Dojin gazes forward, silent.

The floor pulled out the handout that the class handout shared. The theater department. The names of the other riches strewn up and down are getting smaller. And the word "theater department" expands.

"Theater department."

Movie critics are right underneath. If you enter this, you will have an okay year.


Okay. One more word from my mouth. How's life been for the last 45 years?

Again, the question that came to mind on the way to the intersection struck me.

- How I want to live.

“…… Fun. ”

It was said without even knowing it.

* * *

‘Zombies are no different. ’

The floor bends its chin and sees half the landscape.

The fifth half of the class was literally full of 'zombies’ in the slumber of sleep. It was indeed a powerful sleeping pill.

“Flooring. Let's go see if the theater department's broke. ”


“You said you could come see me. What do you think? You didn't decide anything. ”


“Isn't that right?"

It was a little exciting.

[Yes! Thank you, Maru. I was embarrassed to go alone.]

A speech bubble popped out of nowhere. Stays over the head for a while before disappearing.

“Then let's follow the example. ”


A flutter that sings a nostril.

By looking at the speech bubble that just appeared, the floor was able to give a rough idea of what moment the speech bubble appeared.

‘You have to look at the eyes first. ’

A speech bubble pops up from the opposing Pokémon's eyes. It seems that making eye contact is the first condition to trigger a speech bubble. The second is that they need to think about me.

All the speech bubbles that have appeared so far were expressed by the other party's thoughts about the floor. The speech bubble that appeared when we first met was also a first impression of the floor.

‘The same is true of the people. ’

The floor calls for a push and stares you straight in the eye. I wonder what happened to Dojin.

That's 10 seconds.



The floor is a chin. I was like, "What's wrong with this guy? ’I would have thought the same thing. But the speech bubble did not appear.



“What did you think when I just looked at you? ”


“What were you thinking? ”

“What are you thinking? I just had no idea. ”

Oh, I see.

I understood the floor, and I definitely looked at my best friend and said, "What's wrong with him? ’I wouldn't think the same. No, in the beginning people move without thinking deeply about everyday life.

The floor looks at its own hand. Now his fingers are turning the red ball pen hard. ‘Turn this pen vigorously.’ I did not think the same. It happened unconsciously, or unconsciously.



“Get up.”

“What the hell are you doing? ”

I asked, but I stood up straight.

“What were you thinking? ”

“Oh, really. Think of something. It just happened. ”

“Isn't that right?"

“This is real. Are you upset about the MP3? ”

The moment he said that, the floor looked into the eyes of the flutter. But no speech bubbles came out. It was time for another condition to be triggered.

[Oh, I bet she's in trouble, too, huh? Phew. I have to tell my mom.]

A speech bubble emerges. The floor concludes with this. Speech balloons are only displayed if you have specific thoughts. Only when you think of a sentence in your head can you get a speech bubble like that.

“You don't have to tell her. It's okay.”

“No, but if you look at it like that... What, what? How did you... …. ”

“What should I do? Pretend you're Chuck.”

“…… Are you tired? ”

“Never mind. Give me a candy bar. And forget the MP3s. Why do you care so much that I'm fine as the owner? ”

“My father always emphasizes something. The closer you are, the more polite you have to be. Since you're a friend, you should try to be polite. ”

It was a wave that gave out a voice and candy.

The floor was delighted with candy. You grew up under a great father. The closer you are, the more polite you have to be. It was a word of true empathy. Have you ever regretted not being able to protect this once or twice in your previous life?

“That's a saying.”

“I think so, too. Oh, by the way, we're going with the theater department. ”


The floor sensed a clear change in its attitude toward life. If it were a previous life, I wouldn't be interested in finding a theater room.

It looks fun, but I think it's annoying.

I'm sure you didn't look back and say,

The floor knows.

The only time you can do anything you want is right now in life. Since universities have to face the reality of society, we cannot be distracted and entertained.

Now, then.

Isn't the answer to having as much fun as possible?

You get a faint smile on the floor. Relaxation comes after a decision. I tossed the handout I was touching into the trash.

I'm hardened and won't look back.

“Oh, it's blanket time. ”

With someone's union, the class bell rang.

I turned the floor upside down and chased away my sleep. I don't know about the other times, but I don't want you to fall asleep this time.

I don't want to get hit by a cue this time of life.

* * *

The tradition is over. The students each leave for the cleaning area. The unauthorized children packed their bags and rushed to the front door.

Yoon Jung took his bag and ran into the crack. I wonder how many people have come here with their wishes for joining us during the day. I hope they come around a lot.

Poor theater next to the central staircase on the fourth floor. The light is not on. Yoon Jung grabbed the door hook and twisted it and went inside.

“I have to clean up. ”

Poor size of common classroom half-life. It was quite large, but it was only cramped because props, stage backgrounds, etc. were piled on one side. Only 4 hangers with costumes on.

“It's hard to clean…… ”

Clean this up all the time.

It was Yoon Jung who was bored before he even started. I didn't notice because I was used to it, but it was pretty messy. If the new kids see this.

I'm not signing up.

- It's complicated.

- What's that smell? I don't want to join.

Yun Jing, who was scolded, rolled up his arm.

Let's do this!

There's a commotion in the theater room.

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Thank you, Sun-choko.