Life, Once Again!

00122 Act 1 again

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Go around the clock and come back Saturday. My conversations with Moon Guk also lead to a week.

After finishing the routine, the floor grabs the bag hanging next to the desk.

After school, I naturally headed to the auditorium like a salmon that remembers my hometown. You can find yourself in front of the auditorium one day if you are fascinated even when there is no practice. Today is a practice day. It is also the day that the assignment is inspected.

You twist the door hook to get inside.

“There you are.”

The second graders are welcoming, and the participation of the second graders has decreased recently. Progress and employment. It will be third grade soon, so focus on reality.

The floor greets the senior class and immediately warms up. Stretching is the default. If you enter the auditorium without someone ordering you, everyone stretches. The crowd and Dojin, the janitor's number, entered the auditorium late.

“Huh? They're not here. Hello, sunbae! ”

“You're still strong today. ”

Yoon Jeong waves his hands over his head. He's always the most energetic leader. The floor looked at Yun Jing for a moment. Earlier in the semester, I remember when Yun Jung came in half and explained the play. Big smiles and a strong personality. I liked the way that I was passionate about the play and I became interested in the play at the same time.

In retrospect, he may have found her in the confident face of Yun Yin. That's why you're so excited to join the theater department.

“What are you looking at me for? ”

“You're pretty.”

“ ……. ”

Just for a moment, I saw the eyes of the sophomores get complicated. The four of them come together and talk. And it sounded a little bit like, “I think he's sick.”.

“I thought it was strange a few days ago, but today it tastes even better. Are you okay? ”

Dojin whispers from the side. I can see that the public is also empathetic.

“Something's not right. ”

“What is that? It's totally different than usual. ”

“That's what it was like. ”

“What do I do? Keep your mouth shut and look over here with your know-it-all eyes. Right, Daemyung? But things are different these days. ”

“Uh, uh. ”

Two friends who are worried about something. Was it always like this? I can't remember. However, I admit that it is different than usual. My body is light as if I put down a heavy load and slammed my back. Not just my body, but also my mind. Is it a change from that leisure? The floor temporarily leaves the auditorium and enters the bathroom on the right.

The reflection in the mirror. First of all, looks like shit. I woke up for a nap during lunch, and my head was stretched out to the sky. I slept late last night doing a masterpiece with my father, and my eyes fell asleep.

Nevertheless, it looks energetic. It's probably because of a purchase that was curved differently than usual. A smile from the unconscious.

“You look good. ”

The floor washed and pressed down on my head with wet hands. By now, he would have drowned, but his head was still stretched out to the sky. A bitter thanks to healthy hair.

When I returned to the auditorium, the rest of the freshmen gathered together.

“Haha! Are you a superSaiyan? I'm not kidding. ”

Tae Joon smiled and asked. The floor nodded and went to the first grade gathering place. I was sitting in a circle stretching.

In front of the place where I was sitting, I could see myrtle and yurim. Yurim smiles at the cornerstone as usual, but he does not smile as well as before. Nevertheless, Yurim is answering me very quickly.

There was a crazy rumor among the children that they were going to break up soon. It was common opinion that the limestone became a bit cold. But I don't think it's going to break that easily from sticking together like that. If you go out when you're a student, your friends around you won't break your heart.

“Are you going home again today? ”

The dew sitting next to me asks. The floor shakes its head. As the preliminaries were approaching and the amateur classroom was scheduled, the practice room decided not to leave for a while. You'll find it when you have time, but it will be difficult. Kanghwan also advised me to use more power to catch my breath with the children of the theater department.

“Really? Then stay after practice. Okay?"

“What's going on? ”

Then the dew said small.

“Because of Tae-jun and Soyeon. Heh.”

Ah. I saw the prankingly smiling face of dew, and I knew what to say at once. The colonists and dozers have already heard the story of the dew. The same resolutions were flowing between the three people. A resolver full of pranks.

It was when I was lightly warming up and talking with the second graders. A smile leaps in, slamming the door open.

“The car's jammed! ”

“ ……. ”

“Hoo. But I wasn't late. How about it? How about the charm of a promising adult? ”

It is still a smiley face without color compared to Pokerface today. I had two black envelopes in my smiling hand, and it was a snack and beverage.

“Today's the grand spectacle. I can't miss it. ”

Today is the day you unravel the features of your partner you have been observing into a play. The team members are a little nervous, chatting until just a little while ago.

“Okay, okay. I like the look on everyone's faces. I knew people needed this kind of tension. Okay, let's get ready. It's simple. Just go out there, brief me on what I saw, and show me a well-constructed act. We've all seen a video of what a monorama is, so we should solve it similarly. It'll be fun, right? ”

He smiled at his deputies with a look of anticipation. The floor organized the sweets and beverages in the envelope thinking about where the personality was going. Then I found one thing I shouldn't be in.



“This beer... ”

The floor pulled out a can of beer. You can see the roasted almonds and anchovies between the bag of chips. I quickly packed beer and a drink with a smile on my face.

“Don't worry about it, it's mine. ”

That's how you move on. Your maternity teacher needs to see this. They know it's no use trying to stop them, so they say, "Don't get drunk.” I just said. "Well, you can't have a can of beer per share.

“Then who should I start with? ”

A smile opened the can and said. It is said that the beaten falcon is better, but no one wants to be beaten first.

“You're a sophomore, aren't you? But you've lived for another year. ”

“Wow, that's discrimination. ”

“If it's unfair, lecture me. Ms. Yoon-jung?”

“…… Tsk. ”

“Cheers? All right! The first thing you do is set an example. ”

“You did that the other day! ”

“So you should do it again. I'm conservative.”

Yun stood up, weeping, noticing once again that words can never win. As Yun Jeong stepped forward, everyone took out a notebook and paper. It will list your observations and the performance that will take place today.

The floor also took out a notebook. After hearing valuable advice from the public, I diligently observed my friend in return. I experienced how interesting it is to look at people through this assignment.

Everyone has character. However, that characteristic did not always appear. People change depending on the situation. However, I continued to observe the tendency to understand his behavior somewhat. Since we put little things together and put flesh on them, there is a framework for explaining Humankind.

“The floor.”


“... please give me something cool. ”

The public smiled lightly and said.

* * * *

We've been together for the past year, but it's getting weird. Why is this happening? Then, it is the same when presenting in class. I'm just saying it in front of the kids we were laughing and talking about. I am strangely nervous and calm.

And now, that was nothing compared to a class announcement.

Soyeon stepped forward, taking a breath. I understood to some extent why the sophomores were so nervous. It feels different from being on stage.

‘I can see too well here. ’

I can't see the audience well when I'm on stage. The lights coming down from above make people's faces blur. It is also true that the blur gives a strange sense of stability. If the face of the audience is clearly impressed by the eyes, the thought alone is overwhelming.

And now, Soyeon was tasting the tingling sensation of her hair. Why are familiar faces so strange? It was surprisingly difficult to put someone I knew in the audience.

“Why did Soyeon fall like that? ”

“You walked right in front of me. ”

Sunbae pierces Yun Jeong's side. Like he said, Yoon Jung shivered a little in front of us. When I sat down, I could only understand how Yoon Jung looked like.

‘Similar to that time. ’

The first practice that Smile instructor gave me. Get in the chair and get noticed and read the script. At that time, the tremor was reviving.

‘Can I do it well? ’

Yoon Jeong looked nervous until he said goodbye, but he did it as if he was shaking when he entered the smoke. Can I do that? Probably difficult Given this condition, the pronunciation seems to be crooked.

I thought so and explained about Tae Joon in front of people.

The days of watching Tae Joon pass through my head. In fact, I was nervous at first, so I didn't even see it well. When I was unconscious and spent more time with him, I became conscious by myself, and my consciousness became tense enough that my hands became moist. Even though Tae Joon was handsome, he was more considerate than anything else. I was moved by the kindness of asking questions. However, I knew that I didn't fit in well with Tae Joon, so I let my life go gently.

I came up with the idea that I was a fat kid like myself, but soon I got sober. I'm not that weak. Because of his appearance, he was not pathetic enough to be discouraged by the boy.

Isn't excitement good enough for you? Even lovemaking isn't bad. Otherwise, I'll never be so shy in love. That made it easier for me to deal with Tae Joon. It was the same thing, of course.


Tae Joon talks a lot first. It is marvelous to talk with girls all day, but their mouths are not dry. He listens well again. It is also an advantage to remember small things like this. It's cheerful and addictive.

There's no exaggeration, of course.

The disadvantage...... is that I can't see it because of the clicks in my eyes. Ah! How weak are you?

Based on these facts, I set up a character called Tae Joon. The deputies sitting in front will now evaluate how much this resembles Tae Joon.

"This is the Tae Joon I observed."

I finished briefly.

Now let's act.

Thinking that way, I thought of the image in my head, and the tremor subsided like a lie.

Practice doesn't lie.

Soyeon started acting by shaking her head like Tae Joon.

“Hey, did you see that? Did you see that? Hey! Look at me. ”

* * *

“Surprisingly well done. This isn't funny. ”

The smile expected something different.

After all, there is only one stone left and two great men left. The floor expressed its popularity as an excellent observer. Then, I focused on the shy tone and the 180-degree difference between talking and going onstage. I nodded my head to see if it was sympathetic. Like a man who gets crankier when he grabs the wheel, he was beaten more than anyone else when he got onstage.

“Next is Hong Geun-suk. ”

It's your turn. Recent stones have also changed quite a lot since the beginning of the tutoring. If the ability of the public to acquire, analyze, and reinterpretate information around them has increased greatly, the ability of expressive stones has increased. Previously, Stone was good at acting. The character was more immersed in the theater than anyone else, granting the character reality.

The fact that he trained the mental parts with a strong smile every time was resolved was that he believed that the smoke in the rock would grow even more. I heard that Park Seok's coach was an actress who recently appeared in the TV mini-series. I remember her name was Su-yeon.

“Let's get started.”

In front of it, the cornerstone extracted a sound that did not tremble. Preliminary stones were observed in Yurim. This pair was named by a smile, and when you look at Soyeon in Taejoon and Yurim, you can see that it is very intentional.

The stones released by Yurim were okay. A good actor and a little quiet. There was a sweet stone with a lot of Yurim's opinions.

Nearstone was a diagrammatic representation of humans and extracting them into characters. Different genders did not cause difficulty in acting.

The goal of this assignment was not to imitate him, but to characterize the objects he saw and felt.

Soon after the brief silence, the stone's mouth opened.

“I feel a little out of sorts with the kids. What should I do?”

It was a slapping and spitting line. The floor scratched its eyebrows as soon as it heard the metaphor of the stone. I could feel the gaze gathering toward the forest. It was the first negative characterization that appeared.

The floor slightly smiled. For the first time, he was leaning on his back and watching me with his arms folded off the can of beer.

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It was spring weather.

It's warm, so sleep tight.

But it's going to get cold again tomorrow.

Hello, Short Spring.

Thank you for pressing the recommendation during application again today.

And thank you for the coupon.

Good night.