Life, Once Again!

Act 00182 5

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When you open your eyes in the morning, the first thing you see are insects sitting on the window sill. It looks like a caterpillar with a strange pattern, or it looks like a cricket, but big. There was a bird in the window, so I did something about it, and I looked inside, and I almost screamed because it was a moth bigger than the palm of my hand.

On the morning of the fourth day in the pension, Suyeon got up and went down to the first floor. The site manager, filmmaker, editorial director, and storyboard writers who were here for the first time have already left. All that remains are the public, the juniors, the radicals, and the silent author who still doesn't know his name.

There are only three people in this pension today because the roots and Jun-min went up to Seoul as early as yesterday morning. Thanks to that, Su-yeon was prepared for the morning.

I went to the kitchen with some expectations, but it was also a nice kitchen.

“The woman cooks by herself, but the man is quite still. ”

When I think of the blackhorned writer, Bua pushes forward. I've been trying so hard to talk to him for the past few days, but coming back was the same cold as the first day. I even thought about it once. Is he crippled?

However, I overheard the phone call and found out that the writer had a girlfriend. The amazing thing was that he showed his girlfriend the extreme bluntness. Suyeon seriously thought that a woman who was dating a human like that would take care of her.

“The wool. That's good. ”

I rolled up my arms and started cooking. It was a boring seaweed soup and egg for the breakfast crowd. Seven years on my own. I was somewhat confident in cooking I left the prepared plate on the table and went up to the second floor with the gateway.

“Teacher, eat. ”

A few moments later, the crowd walks out of the door knocking quietly.

“You don't have to worry about me. ”

“How can I do that? ”

I came naturally and folded my arms. I acted like a granddaughter who served my grandfather. The gatekeeper turned his head and went to the kitchen on the first floor. The crowd looked at the prepared meal and said,

“You're good. I don't know who's gonna take you, but the kid who grabs you is blessed. ”

“Don't just say that, introduce me to a nice guy. ”

The horn-teller comes down as he smiles and talks. He bows his head to the crowd without saying anything before approaching the table.

There is no food on the table for a horn-teller. It's a shy revenge. I was embarrassed and thought of a horn-teller to look at me, so I sued a little.

The horn-teller stands in front of the dining table and blinks once. Suyeon smiled. You can't learn anything without talking to me.

It was then that the horn-teller naturally went into the refrigerator and took out the cereal and milk.

“Why don't you eat something warm? ”

“I don't think she wants to give it to me. I told you that if you eat something that doesn't feel right, you'll get out of here, so I'll beat you with this. ”

The crowd stared at Su-yeon with a meaningless smile. Suyeon tightly bit her molar.

“What are you talking about? I was just about to set it up for you. ”

“Never mind. I don't like seaweed soup. ”

“That's odd. I think you only had it two days ago when Root Su boiled seaweed soup. ”

“Correct. I don't like seaweed soup that looks bad. ”

And he was a horn-teller who ate cereal without a word. The crowd quietly continued to eat without interfering with the situation.

Suyeon became a dog chasing chickens. I stared at the horn-teller helplessly. Well, there's all kinds of people.

“I'll get up first. ”


The horn-teller dishes out his bowl and goes back upstairs. Suyeon said, puffing up her cheeks.

“Why does he hate me so much? Sir? ”

“I don't know. You said that young men and women don't even know God. I'd know it was me. ”

“Ah, teacher. Can't you just tell me his name? I don't ask questions, I don't give answers. I wonder what this is doing. The book says it's a pseudonym. ”

“He's shy. Soothe him and find out. ”

The crowd also got up after finishing eating. Su-yeon sighed and cleared the table. Suddenly, I got used to this life. One day, the schedule that I thought would end in a day ran toward the fifth day.

‘But there's still a lot to salvage. ’

The blackhorned writer and the blackhorned writer are nothing but entertainment. The real reason to stay here without roots is to keep an eye on the crowd.

After breakfast, the crowd starts walking. with a horn-rimmed writer by his side. The same goes for today. The crowd leaves the pension with the horn-teller.

“I'll come with you. ”

Suyeon quickly took the book and followed them. Three people walking along a long trail behind the pension. The door that was walking silently stopped in front of the rotting tree.

“There's a scene where you kill your second son with a baseball bat. ”


The horn-teller replies:

“How could I have killed him? ”

“It's a strong word for harvest. ”

“Take it?”

“Yes, the sentence that represents the madness of the old man ‘What's wrong with teaching the big dogs to feed my life? He said," You know, the old man was just grabbing what he had given him. ”

“It's just a feeling of reaping. ”

It started. Suyeon calmly approached her side. Of course, I stayed out of their way. The reason I came to Locke's pension was not just to shoot a movie. The gatehouse was a place to catch characters. I heard that the horn-terrorist asked for this method. I heard that Jun-min set this place up because he had been nailed to never film without a close conversation with the emerging actor.

In a way, he is a great man. A young writer who gave me only one book, who is now thirty years old, made such a bold proposal.

‘Of course, he could offer you that. ’

If his book had been covered in his writings, this proposal would not have worked. But his book was real. I wrote a book that was unbelievably immersed in the first book.

On the night Suyeon received her first book, Suyeon finished the book until 4 a.m., despite her fatigue. After reading it, I couldn't fall asleep because of the tension that was rising from my spine. The book contained the madness of the old man, the ugliness of man, and a foolish affection that only humans could see.

If he were an investor and decided to film these books, he would have provided extensive support. It was a book worth carrying.

“The more I think about it, the more pathetic I feel. ”

“But the problem is, there are actually a lot of them. ”

“commit murder against a forsaken child. Every time I bring this up, justice seems a little vague. ”

“That's why I think we should mention it more often. I also had a very different relationship with my teacher when I was writing a book. I have to talk to the director, but in the film, I think we need to get rid of some of the irregularities and irregularities that were in the book. ”

“It's going to be a murder movie. ”

“The contrast is fading, but the message to the viewer is definitely going to be intense. ”

“Yes. The creative side is not my area of expertise. ”

The paused step moves forward again. Suyeon moved, tidying up the words she had just heard. This morning walk was an important time to catch the frame of the film. Since both producers and investors actively reflect the public opinion, this conversation is never lighter.

And the horn-teller who talks next to the door. The more I watched, the more I got hungry. He was told to have a meeting with the screenwriter with a conversation here. Not only that, I was preparing for the next piece with the ideas I got from it. Su-yeon paid attention to the next one.

Jun-min seemed to want to make that horn-teller a big deal. Without it, there is no way to provide this convenience. That means that his next work is likely to be filmed or dramatized. If you inspire him in your writing phase, there is a better chance that a character modeled after you will appear. You are more likely to participate in the work automatically.

The two of them walked deep into the mountains. Pretty cool breeze. The temperature of the mountain feels much lower than the flat.

The crowd who was walking under the dense pine tree slowly looked up at the sky.

“But is killing someone so bad? ”

Su-yeon was creeped out by the spit. Since she came here, Suyeon has been watching the way the public takes the character. The way the door was simple. It was often a method of acting that actors put in their mouths. If there is a difference...... the thought of the crowd really resembles the old man in the book. Whenever Su-yeon heard strange things that popped up in her daily life, she felt the urge to steal the performance methodology of the door at the same time.

Of course, there is no way to steal a perfect act through the years. I'm just learning over my shoulder. I will see and hear how to focus, how to character, and finally make it my own.

“No, no, no. It's wrong to kill people. ”

“Generally, I think so, but when I go to extremes, I also get confused. If, for example, the families of the victims of the criminals who killed dozens of people, would you consider that bad? ”

“It's a matter of morality and law. ”

“Sometimes I think about it, but the law is so inhuman. The law has no affection. If you live in an era where personal vengeance is forbidden, you see romantic people in the movies who seek vengeance for their families. ”

“Was the old man just? ”

“I want you to express that. I'm not feeling it right now either. ”

It was two people walking again.

Suyeon wanted to express this honestly.

Two lunatics walking towards each other. "

‘But that's glamour. ’

The world is no place for ordinary people.

The world is a place for madmen.

Suyeon followed behind them quietly today to make their frenzy a little more her own.

* * *

“Because of you. ”

When Root Stone threw this horse for two days, the floor thought for a long time what to make.

“You ruined everything. Damn it.”

The stone was disappearing before my eyes, and the next day, I heard only one fact that the stone moved the club.

“You moved it?”

“I moved to a study club. ”

“Suddenly why……. ”

“They say the play is getting boring. ”

“Does it make sense?”

I couldn't figure out the situation at lunch time. I talked to him, but he was completely ignored when I came back. It felt better to look at the wall and speak.

“Let's see how good the theater department is without me. ”

It was the last thing he said. The floor, which was not worth talking about, came back in half as it was.

“So what do we do now? ”

“You, me, the ark, Ji-yoon. That's four third-graders. ”

“We need two more to go. ”

The crowd looks desperate.

The two gazes turned to the calendar halfway behind.

Today is Saturday.

It is the final decision of the club. If you don't get the application by today, your faults will fly. At the next student council, I will advise the teachers about the club, and the principal will give the bad news to another club.

“It seems that the film production club needs to be broken in the student council proposal box. The vice president told me.”

I asked my wide-footed friend to gather some information. At this rate, it will be bad for the filmmaking club.

“Everyone should put in two. ”

“That's the only way, right? ”

“We have to watch out for flaws first. We can change it during the club shift next week. ”

After completing the application, I had no choice but to bring in my successors during the group change next week. The floor got up from its seat and went to the table. He taps the chalkboard and the children who were talking stare at him.

“Who's up for a quick errand? ”

This board needs to be filled first.

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Sun! Sun!

It's gag day.

And it's a day when the joke is over.

- Wh...

Good night!


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