Life, Once Again!

Act 00185 5

* * *

“Another time, then. ”

He was the chairman who got into the car shaking hands.

“Is it going well? ”

Park's lawyer asked. Joon-min smiles and nods.

“But why is Lee Jun-min from all over the world so reluctant to go behind their backs? ”

“The more time an investor sells an item, the more profitable it can be. ”

“Does this Maru mean that it's worth it? ”

“And that, and it's a waste to leave a man with nothing to lose. Wouldn't it be nice to see all your brothers become Korean signage stars? ”

“Again, another excavator. Yeah, well, you've been doing that since you were a student. He was more likely to benefit by raising someone next to him than he would by doing well. ”

“I tried for 15 years as an anonymous actor, and all I had left was debt. That's when I realized. I can't be that big. ”

I realized a long time ago that I am not talented in acting. Nevertheless, I continued to challenge it because of hope. The mid-30s who struggled to stay on site. At the same time, I felt desperately that I had hoped that the extreme was just hopeless.

“Why don't you take a little vacation now? Three generations will eat well with the money I put in my account. ”

“No. I don't want to leave the field yet. There's a lot I haven't done. ”

“After creating so many popular stars in Korea, it's still not enough? ”

Joon-min nods. Money is no longer an excuse. I didn't mind pouring out all the money I had to free up my sense of humor.

“They're good actors. Lots of them. Everyone's great, but they're not up to my standards. I just don't think it's enough. ”

“…… it looks like he's holding your ankle. What was his name?”

“Make up your mind.”

“Yes, he did. That reminds me. About this time, you were laughing like a maniac, calling to finally tell me you found him. ”

“I did. She was the one who met my standards and was going to be a star in a real way. ”

“I hate to say it while referring to the dead, but I've always wondered. Did you like her? ”

“... was a woman who liked dogs. Incredibly.”

“You know where Lee Jun-min's dog psychology comes from. Is that why you're not getting married? ”


“This guy. Get married before you get too old. And don't be too fond of memories. The act of the woman I saw at the time was, of course, great, but was it so great that you hung out like this? There's a saying that memories are always beautiful. Compared to those memories, everyone in the real world can only be seen as one class down. You're not old enough to follow your dreams anymore. We have to make a compromise and have more fun. ”

“So every time it's your wedding anniversary, you call and say you're going to die? ”

“Eek. I have a great memory. ”

Park's lawyer got in the car.

“It's relative anyway. I don't think I have an actor to impress them all. Lower the huddle. It'll make you feel better. ”

“I don't think I'd be much use to you if I heard that. ”

“Did you know that now? You've been raising people for over 20 years. Grab anyone in Korea and ask. Their acting is normal. They'll say you're all excellent actors. So stop chasing ghosts. You're already great. No, it's great. Great.”

He was Park's lawyer who was leaving waving his hands.

Jun-min said as he watched the car drift away.

“But, my friend, I saw it. What is the smoke that touches your soul? Maybe it's a phase of memories you'll never see again, like you said. But it's not forgotten in the brain. The play of the day, her acting. So I have no choice but to chase a ghost. I haven't stepped off that stage yet. ”

Joon-min always pushed on his bread hat and turned around.

* * *

It was 1 a.m. when I arrived near Juwangsan Park. The roots drove to the pension where the lights were still on.

“Almost there. Well done."

“It's been hard on you. ”

The floor from the car followed the root water into the pension. I felt popular in the building, but I didn't see anyone. The large TV on the first floor of the living room was chatting alone.

“Looks like everyone's on the second floor. ”

On the way, the roots and floors brought the purchased utensils to the kitchen and went up to the second floor. You hear a sound coming from the room closest to the stairs. It was a woman's rough voice.

The rookie knocks at the door. After a while, the door opened wide. Heat gushing out at the same time. Not because of the heating, but because of the heat from the man, the room was heating up.


It was Su-yeon who welcomed her. Suyeon's gaze shifted to the side and she soon saw the floor. It is Su-yeon's face that changes even brighter.


“Yes, well. Hello."

“It's still non-infectious. ”

Suyeon's hand to pinch the ball pushed her head back and avoided the floor.

“Expensive, too. Just come in.”

Suyeon smiled as if she was familiar. In the room, there was a man with a shaved head. In front of it is a can of beer and a knock. He glances up at the floor, raising the black horn.

“Who are you?”

It was imperative to answer a man's question.

“Well, let me introduce you to complicated youth! ”

It was the root of a theatrical tone.

“Are you two finally getting along? ”

“No, that stubborn writer still doesn't even tell me his name. Isn't it too much to think about? ”

“He's a friend, so you have to understand. ”

The rookie sits next to a man called the writer. The floor was also next to it.

“But what were you doing? ”

“He asked me to take a look at his character, and I'm stuck like this. ”

He was a grumpy man.

“Tell me a few times it's Kim Su-yeon, not that person. Bold writer.”

“Now that you're here, I'll be going. ”

When the man tried to get up, Suyeon blocked the door.

“The originator has to give his opinion. ”

“You said that earlier. I don't know about acting. You're the expert. Why are you asking me for my opinion? You're on your own."

Looking at the two opposition, the floor smiles small. It was funny that Suyeon who was relaxing in front of Kanghwan was frustrated.

“Come on, I need your help. Maybe we'll shoot together. ”

The rookie pulls on the man. The man who had looked at the roots once finally sat down.

“Then tell me about the three of you when you get here. Is this the subject?”

Suyeon unfolded the middle part of the 'Act of Dusk'. I pointed my finger at the daughter ambassador of the second son who was killed.

I could quickly recall the situation back and forth just by looking at the sentences on the floor. It was because I read it more than ten times.

Suyeon, who was trying to catch her breath, sat on the floor. He looks so miserably distorted that he can't even imagine him smiling just now. Finger-scratch the blanket on the floor and slowly open your mouth.

“…… Grandfather. Don't do that, okay? Calm down a little bit. There must be some misunderstanding. Grandpa! Grandpa! Aah!”

It was Su-yeon who crawled back and forth as if a giant snake had fallen. Looking at Suyeon like that, the floor was able to draw the image of the old man taking down a bloody dowry toward the dead child. Puff, puff, puff. The terrible sound is clearly transmitted to your ears.

“Daddy! Daddy! Dad!"

Su-yeon, who crawled back and crawled forward, quickly made a gesture to side with something. There is definitely a body in the unseen.

Her face is stained with fear and despair. Strange noises continue to flow from your mouth. Wheezing, trembling pupils, inevitable hands. Suyeon suddenly raised her head, hugging an invisible corpse. And I fell into a twist like I was hit by something.


If an incompetent person climbs up using a relationship, it must slip. But Suyeon was different. She has all sorts of scandals, but the act in front of her was real.

She was lying in a daze, and she woke up. She calms down her breathing without saying anything for a while. I could clearly see that there was a small twitch in the hand holding my chest.

“What do you think?”

It was Su-yeon who broke her lips with difficulty.

The floor saw a man named the writer. He smiled bitterly and said, “Well done.” I said.

“I told you. You're the expert. The act was flawless in my eyes. So it's pointless to ask me for advice. ”

“I don't think so. ”

It was Su-yeon who seemed calm again.

“People have a sense of beauty, even if they don't mysteriously tell you. This mummy doesn't just mean beauty, of course. An absolute benchmark for art. That's the beauty. I'm asking you who gave birth to this article. Whether my acting really met your expectations or not. Did I tell you it's pointless to ask for advice? Not at all! It's on your face. Your heart says my acting sucks. ”

It was momentum. Flooring decided to revise Suyeon's assessment. She has ambition. And they have abilities. It seemed to show your whole body that even eating using men as a temptation is only part of your ability.

Of course, I don't want to get acquainted with Su-yeon. I realized that I needed to maintain a good relationship. There is no evil logic in society. It's a place where a competitor becomes a partner the next day is society.

“You're a persistent man. ”

“You get it now? ”

The man who cut his head off lifts up the book in front of him.

“The second son's daughter already notices through the conversation that if a father dies, he dies. So desperate. Your performance may not explain it, but that desperation is lacking. It's awkward to watch, but it's not loving. Here's what I can tell you. ”

In response, Suyeon smiled very satisfactorily.

“Look, you know better than I do. ”

“So let's take a break. I've been locked up for an hour. ”

Suyeon nodded and left the room first. Roots and men followed. Empty room. The floor holds a book on the floor. And I read Su-yeon's acting again.


“What's the matter? ”

The floor raises its head in reflection. In front of you stands a man with a black horn. I thought you went down with the roots.

“It's a pity. ”

“It's nothing. ”

“It's no big deal. What is it?”

The floor pondered for a moment. It would be very unpleasant for others to touch the creative parts. It looks even worse when high school students mention it. I think it's better to be around here.

At that time, the man said, as if he had understood the idea of the floor.

“I hate making things up. ”

The floor closes the book with a bitter smile. I am a humanoid type who would be helpful if I were honest.

“I'm just a little annoyed by this part. ”


“‘She called out to her father and hugged the corpse lying on the floor.’ This woman saw her grandfather shoot him mercilessly. I saw him swing a long pole like crazy at a dead body.

“That's right."

“Women want to live. And even after seeing the murder scene, he's discreet enough to speak plainly. There's a scene that continues to persuade him. ”


“I'm a little curious about the scene where a woman who knows it's her grandfather who holds a birthright holds her dead father in her arms. I thought that if I could just grab Grandpa's crotch and shout at him... … It's nothing.”

At the end of the conversation, the man reaches out his main hand. It was the shape of a hand requesting a handshake.

“The author of this book. ”

“Oh, yes. You're Writer Kwak Jun, right?”

It was a name embedded in a book.

“Yes, it's him. ”

It was a sudden handshake, but the floor was shaken once. Then there was a thump. Su-yeon.

“What are you doing down here? ”

“I was just leaving. ”

Guk Jun said in a thick voice. Suyeon once stared at Gu Jun like that and gave a look to the floor.

“Maruya, this writer is so disgraceful. I haven't told you my name in days. ”

“What? It's Gu Jun in the book.... ”

“It's a pseudonym, not a real name. He's a strange writer after all. Isn't that right?”

The floor looked at Kwak Jun with a curious face. She was standing over Suyeon's shoulder, holding her index finger against her lips.



“I'm having fun. ”

“What are you talking about? ”

“Think about it. ”

As I left the room, I could feel the spicy smell coming up from underneath. A boat that had asked for steamed bread at the rest stop hit Ausung asking for food.

"Have you eaten?"

Guk Jun asked.


"Then let's fill it up first. I'm a nocturnal planet. I'm sober from now on. What about you?"

"I'm an owl myself."

"Then let's eat and talk."


As I went down, talking to her, Suyeon followed behind me grumbling.

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Hanwha... the game... is... cancelled.

Ah, I can't feel the joy of the day gone.

But thanks to you, I'm third place.

Hanwha! Victory! Third place!

I'm happy!

Thank you for reading today.

Referrals, always appreciated. Thank you very much.

Coupon, thank you. Thanks to you, I live!

