Life, Once Again!

Act 00330 13

It was a blue moon. I think it was sunset when we started filming, but it floated one day. A little further from Hongdae. This is where the blurry hillside was shot. The scene of two men fighting under the moon night with the heroine glass. A thin creature about the grandfather of Cliche.

“Last day, right? ”


Director Kim, the Martial Arts Director, asked for a cigarette next to him. Take a deep sip and rub a few burnt cigarettes on the floor.

“It's also a job to hang up. Do you smoke? ”

“I'm a high school student. ”

“When I was that age, I grew up. ”

“I don't want to smoke for long. ”

“Yeah, I don't know about booze, but don't smoke. I'm sick of it.”

Director Kim and Jong-ho Kim often talked during their breaks. When I met him for the first time, I asked him if he liked what he had fallen behind beautifully. If you think about it, come downstairs.

“Do you really not want to work for me? The stunt is cold now, but the treatment will be different soon. This floor will have its expertise now, too. Our hungry and sick children will make me hungry. I can't help feeling sick as a stunt. ”

“I'm an aspiring actor. ”

“You can learn to act. You know how to use your body. You just need to learn how to smack and punch. What's a man's romance? I'm talking to you on your back. You don't need to talk about action. With my fist and back. ”

Chongho clenches his fist.

“Not if you don't mind. ”

“Thank you for your recommendation. ”

“Every time it works out. I dragged a few of them under me with this horse. ”

During the course of the story, filming took place. Take action by solving the sum of the protagonists in advance. It's a difficult action scene, so I'm cutting fine, not long take. One cut at a time. Change camera position and action again. Chongho told me that if you attach short cuts, you will get a decent picture.

“The floor.”


“What do you have after this? Captured dramas, movies. ”

“No, not yet. ”

“By the way, can you follow me? There are quite a few moments when I was a young protagonist when I was in a movie called Noir. ”


“Crime, police, gangsters. I'm your martial arts secretary. I have to find a young kid who knows how to tease me, but this isn't good. I don't want an adult who looks clumsy, I want a high school student who looks like a real high school student. She has pure, unrefined violence...... I was blabbing about it, but the point is that she wants to take the right kids to be beaten up. ”

“I appreciate the offer, but are you sure you're okay with me? I'm not very good at acting. ”

“Hey! That's enough. So, what do you think? ”

“I want to. It's an opportunity."

“Then let's try it. Shoot scheduled for the end of August. ”

“That was quick.”

“It's already planned. ”

“What role would you play if you did? ”

“Were you hit by the protagonist or did you roll next to the protagonist? ”

“Did you hit anything? ”

“There's got to be one. ”

The floor smiles bloody. That's when the ark came to mind.

“There's a junior who dreams of being an actress, and she's got a lot of weight. He's a little short, but he's strong. I've been told that you're exercising consistently and inducing for about five years. If you're looking for extra, can I take him with me? ”

“There's nothing wrong with me. I was going to pick him up from the luggage I knew if I didn't have enough people anyway. But just because you brought her doesn't guarantee she'll use it. I don't believe in recommendations. Believe only what I see. You know what that means, right? ”


This is the actor's sister Ahn Ju-hyun, "and I kept my mouth shut. There were those who were helpful and those who were not, and Chongho was clearly the latter.

“But is the girl who came in this morning a friend? ”

“Oh, yeah. Girlfriend.”

“Good. Good times. ”

“Are you married? ”

“I did. There's a middle school kid who's begging me to send him home to school, and an elementary school kid who's begging me to buy a new gaming machine. I have my back bent to feed them. You shouldn't get married so soon. I'm just a kid, but listen to this. I mean it.”

“But aren't you happy to see them? ”

“I'm happy. I'm working because I'm happy. Looks like the writer's looking for you. ”

I saw a writer gesturing from afar. The floor nods and rises. Today, the film "Youth Age" ends. The drama will continue to be broadcast, but the "Supervisor" is no longer in play. Because grades change. I said I could call you one more time as a later station, but it seemed unlikely.

He's a cowardly captain who hangs out until the end. You can leave when you hear the male protagonist tell you not to be cowardly. In the morning, I took a picture of the next scene that will be connected at school. The captain gets along well with his classmates thanks to the kind and warm heroine. A typical repenting evil character. It is the dismissal of the mid-boss who led the drama at the beginning.

“Please take good care of it. ”

I greeted the leading actors Umin and Yuri. I faced the relationship because I didn't have the opportunity to do anything other than shoot. However, Umin greeted every time he saw if the work was still memorable at the first shoot. On the contrary, I have never properly shared my greetings with Yuri.

“Take good care of me, too. ”

Umin was frustrated and cared about the script as if Yuri didn't care. You nod your head and stand in front of the director, as it always happens. I had the director's rehearsal, and I went straight to filming. Because of moths flying in front of the lights, once the glass plays NG and once the NGs by mistake of Umin's ambassador. After three re-shoots, the shoot ended.

“Well done.”

You greet the supervisor and the staff around you and step back. The drama ends when you step in and take over the role. Nothing happened that gained popularity because of what the public had said. Of course, I didn't expect it. A few days ago, the ocean searched the Internet for a joke, but there was not a single text on it. That's what isolation is.

“Well done. Let's have dinner later. ”

After exchanging greetings with filmmaker Jangsoo Kim, I left under the light.

It was a place where I didn't feel pressured, intense or proud to show my character. I just want to say a little thank you for letting me know that my day was over.

The light spills from the back of your head and casts a long shadow. Perhaps my smoke has risen as much as this long shadow. The work I did with the adults at the gate was suffocating and heavy, but it was clear that I had climbed a staircase the moment I finished.

Children who know nothing learn from their parents' backs. The same is true for beginners.If you don't know it, you'll gain knowledge and experience from the unknown world that looks beyond your craftsman's shoulders. Everyday drama filming is not bad, but it is also a little more enjoyable. This time, it is still a good time to learn and fall, so I want to experience as many different things as possible, more emotional moments.

If you get a little older and you're thrown into society, you'll have to choose a lot safer then.

“See you next Wednesday. Bring him with you. ”

Chongho said, "The festival will be short, so there's no problem. Meeting on the 4th, National Qualification on the 8th." It's been a long week.

“I'll be going.”

“Yes. Good work. ”

The floor greets you quietly and leaves the scene. I texted my manager on the way. The reply is imminent. Tell me when it's confirmed.

* * *

The next day, after going to school, I realized that the day after tomorrow is a festival. At the school gate, there was a plan card called the dominant festival. The school students shouted as soon as they saw it, although it was a blurry, blurry plan.

“Sit down. You got up there, and you were up all night playing games again, right? Look at the under-eye. Enough and go to bed early. However, I suffer later. ”

"We're still young."

"Youth is short. You're the one who sent youth first. Oh, and I need to talk to you about the festival."

From the ordinance to the festival, Thaksin told us not to pick up eggs or wheat flour and mess around. I guess that happened again last year.

Festivals did not do great things, but in that they were able to play as much as they wanted in their weekdays, they felt like they were floating in the air. The famous humanitarian high school next to him said he invited even popular singers, but he didn't call an outsider and solved everything on his own. I thought the floor was a natural outcome as it would save operating costs.

“What do you want to do? ”

Everyone looked reluctant to the question of Tai Lung. I did not ask about manners twice. The festival of dominance and the festival of dominance are decorated around the club. There are places to prepare separately in class, but there are few. The least of which is to make and sell food for the most part.

“How do I make food without girls? ”

“Sam, we're just teasing. ”

Electronics. Two and a half grades, zero girls. Everyone made sure that they thought it was impossible for the smelly kids to be together even at the festival. At that time, I heard the laughter of the girls across the hall from Asrai. Craftsmanship, design, computers. It seems that the festival atmosphere is intense in the fruit that is crowded with girls.

Half the children built a death award for that laugh.

“You should go with the design. ”

“I am the Furnace. ”

“I hate pepper fields. ”

They were classmates exhaling.

“Then let's do something personal on the day of the festival. Oh, the bragging organ event at the gym. There's a prize on the line, and someone's going to be there. There's also a women's competition, so you might want to try it as a memory since it's in the graduation photo. Don't fall asleep today. Take the class well. More than.”

Thai took the attendance and left.

“The floor.”

The colony turns around and says,


“We're going to rehearse for the play at our festival. It would be a mess if Aram wasn't too prepared. ”

“Okay, okay. ”

He turned around and prepared the textbooks. On the day of the festival, how will Jiyun and Daemyung look? I thought I was pushing too hard, but Aram's momentum is now unstoppable. I wish things could work out between you two, but after everything that's happened, it's gonna get complicated.

‘You'll figure it out. ’

The floor yawns and opens the bag.

* * *


“Yes, I need to see something like an audition, not a confirmation. Looks like they're recruiting young friends to join the action page. So, what do you think? ”

“I will. I want to do it no matter what. ”

The ark opened its eyes wide and said. The floor nods. I thought I'd hesitate a little, but I don't see him at all.

“Is there some kind of wire action? ”

“No. It's not that grand. I bet it's a fist bump 'cause it's about gangsters and cops, right? ”

“Aha. Action is usually a fist. ”

“Ask your parents once just in case. You'll need a consent form to go on record. ”

“I'm sure you'll allow it. He doesn't object to the mess he's been having since he left the trail. ”

“It's worth it. ”

He is an independent child from childhood, so I will trust him that much.

“Do you have anything prepared? ”

“I don't know yet. I'll let you know when I hear from you. But I can assure you, if I do, I will not be absurd. And get ready for Nationals. If you're quitting because it's hard in the middle, you better not start. ”

“You can. I'm confident in my health. ”

If you don't take him, he'll sag his crotch. The floor smiled and said yes. I don't know if you like Chongho, but he's motivated.

“But, sir. ”


“Is that really how you do a play at a festival? ”

“…… that's how it's going to be. ”

“Then you two should really kiss... ”

“I don't know. It's just the vibe of the day. If you cry on the playground, that's also a problem. ”

“I'll do as I'm told. ”

“I do what Aram tells me to do. ”

The floor saw Aram preaching a sermon with Jiyun and his people. Who's gonna stop that prank? I just give bored consolation to two people who have been sacrificed.

“Sunbae! Practice, practice! Come quickly.”

“Okay, here we go, here we go. ”

The floor stands up sighing.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Stab, stab, stab.


Beep, beep, beep.

It's a choir of unknown insects from the outside.

It's a Breman musical.

And then some lady screams.

... I'm scared.

* * *

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