Life, Once Again!

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The floor waved lightly towards the freshmen who greeted vigorously.

“Anything good? You've been alive all morning. ”

“I heard that I'll buy you something delicious after you're done. ”

The Ark tasted good again, saying. The floor sat down next to the door that was warming up.

“Are you okay with your pockets? You bought it the last time.”

“I quit smoking, and I have nowhere to spend my money. Plus... ”

She paused as she twisted her waist and said, "Keep the allowance."

“Your sister's love is overwhelming. Aren't there any seats left for Su-jin's sister? ”

“If you're coming under me, I'll think about it. You're gonna have to kill half of them. ”

“You make terrible noises. How's Soo-jin doing, by the way? ”

When I first met her, she said she was doing various things. Making a Sewing Doll, which I thought was a hobby, was one of them, but I heard that I recently got a job opening a Sewing Doll Shop. Selling, manufacturing, and education were shared spaces.

“There's a lot of people coming. There's been a rumor on the Internet. ”

“That's great.”

“That's a relief. The doll's eyes keep sticking together. ”

“It's a hard time getting a job. I can see her. ”

He said, "Crazy bastard," but his face was smiling.

“Do you think your practice is going well? ”

“It seems easier than in summer. There's a lot of dialogue, though. ”

“You have a good head. It's nothing. Take it easy.”

After tapping his shoulder, the floor leaned against the wall and approached Aram, pushing with all his strength with his legs.

“Aram, wait! ”

“It has to tear this much. ”


It was Ji Yun who was beaten from morning to morning. Ji-yoon, who was squeezing out tears, barely escaped from Aram's hands.

“Do you want to join me? ”

“I'd tear better than you. ”

“Not really. You're flexible. But can a man be so flexible? ”

“You should have rolled under him last year. ”

“The instructor looked a little scared. ”

Aram sits on the wall, switching positions. Jiyun, who was preparing to shave his legs, quietly stood up and whispered to Aram.

“Yes, go to the bathroom. Cheers!”

“That's not it. ”

Ji Yun raises her voice and smiles vaguely as she looks at the floor.

“Go on. I'll push you. ”

Ji-yoon nodded once and quietly left the classroom.

“Stop teasing Ji-yoon. He's going to cry. ”

“I used to feel like I was going to cry, so I couldn't even tease her properly. You know, nowadays, they make fun of you because you're really good at joking. ”

The floor slowly pulls forward after holding Aram's hand. Aram's torso gently descends and closes to the ground. I can't even feel my legs torn to the sides.

“Is the stamp still on? ”

“Of course, I'll go to college. ”

“You should have been a player. I think you're gonna be great. ”

“I thought about it for a little while in elementary school, but my personality tells me that group life will be difficult. If you say something that's not right, it's just a habit of hitting you. ”

“I know that personality well. ”

Aram slowly erects his torso.

“How was practice? You said you couldn't memorize a part of your lines before. ”

“That's enough because it's Ji-yoon and I've practiced a few more times. It still doesn't stick to your mouth, but you don't make mistakes. ”

“I'm glad.”

The floor lets go of Aram's hand. Aram, who was breaking his back to the left and to the right, stood up screaming. The floor stands on one side and calls out to the ark looking at the script.

“Yes, sir. ”

“Come on, sit down. ”

“Me, too?"

“Let's do it in one sitting. ”

The Ark comes to rest on the wall.

“I think I've practiced before. ”

“You don't have to die. ”

“Aram's good. You can do the same exercise. ”

“Induction is important for flexibility, but you need to tear your legs to pieces...... Sir! ”

“Action actors are dreams. You have to learn how to use your body properly to be an actor. ”

The floor pulls the arms of the ark slowly. This pose may cause injury, so there is no need to overdo it. You focus on your breathing, making sure you don't want to make a fuss about the Ark, too. The Ark leans over, touching the ground.

“Sunbae, would you mind squeezing my back a little? ”

“You gonna be okay?"

“You've got to do it right. ”

“Don't overdo it. ”

I pressed it to catch my breath as my muscles might break if I tear with a rebound. It wasn't torn to pieces like Aram, but it was definitely torn a lot compared to a fellow man.

“What happened when I asked your sister to teach me acting? ”

The howling ark replied with a humming reply.

“I wasn't going to ask you, but I listened to you and said it was a loss to miss a good teacher. She said she'd take care of it when she had time. I've been busy with the drama lately. ”

“Learn well. Your acting skills are real. How's the play going? Any blockages? ”

“My friend keeps getting confused. I'm confident in myself, but I can't remember. ”

“It's hard to act consciously. ”

The floor tapped the back of the ark. The waist-extending ark smiles brightly, saying it's cool. When the ark rose and exchanged the ambassador with Aram, Ji-yoon left the classroom. The floor smiles and points fingers at the wall.

"Me, me?"

"I don't think there's anyone else here."

“... Please be gentle. ”

“Don't worry. I'll make sure he doesn't die. ”

Looking at Jiyun's posture, the floor asked a slight question.

“How are you practicing your pronunciation? ”

“Yes, I'm asking for a pencil, just like my boss told me. I think I feel somewhat better when I talk fast. ”

“Keep going. It'll get better. ”


"But don't you think it's better if they just call you brother?"


"Yes, no comment."

Ji Yun bends hard. I tried to bend down and extend my lower back to see if it didn't work as I wanted, but the straightening was not my lower back, but my fingertips.

“Here we are. ”

A large thermostat in his hand looks at the children and says, The floor woke up saying to Jiyun, "Thank you."

“What's that? ”

“Barley tea. Pretty cold this morning. That's why I'm here. Drink up, kids. ”

The colony followed the hot barley tea in a paper cup. The body that was slightly frozen in cold air melts thanks to the barley tea that flowed into the body.

“Daemyung, wait. ”

The floor raises a cup and chins up to the window. The man who handed the warmer over to Jiyun came to the window.

“You've all been practicing well. ”

“Because the prize is big. You should have seen the look on their faces when they heard you were a target of 10 million won. ”

The colony laughs.

“Motivation is clear. Oh, please pay attention to the Ark's trajectory when practicing. It's still confusing. And Ji Yun's pronunciation is quite confident thanks to your practice. ”

“That's good. I thought I was stunned by the pronunciation. ”

“Aram and I are doing just fine. It seems a little tense because of the metabolism, but it has to be covered by practice. ”

“I'll get him used to it before he gets onstage. ”

The colonel nodding his head said, "Thank you," and went back to the children. The floor looked at the children chattering among the colonists. The cogs are well engaged and rotated around the central axis of the opposition.

“Mr. Floor! They're going to a meat buffet in front of Suwon Station after a little practice! It's a new place! ”

Aram yells out in excitement. The floor nods, fingers circling.

* * *

“It's cold, it's cold. On a day like this, it's best to wiggle in a warm blanket. ”

“Sunbae, let's move. ”

“It's so cold, I can't move. ”

Hwiwon tries to cover his body as he drags Mofo, but the hand of his patron who was by his side takes her away.

“Too much. ”

“Get up and stretch. You're the deputy director. You're supposed to be leading the charge. ”

“So I don't want to be the director.... ”

At that moment, the children came in with the door open.

“Chansu, do you want to head up? ”

“Again. You do it.”

“In-ho, how about you? You look better than me. ”

“There you go. Now give it up. There's no one else to do it. ”

“Why me? ”

Ji-Won reaches out to Mofo, making a tear.

“Here! We've rested enough. Let's go practice. ”

In-ho stood up encouraging the children. Seeing Heewon's appearance, Hee also thought that she should do it.

“You get up, too. We have to move.”

“Can we do it here? It's cold in the practice room without a heater. ”

“If you run with excitement, you won't get cold because you're sweaty. ”

“I don't like that. ”

“Boys, let's move our deputy director. ”

The followers come to me with a meaningful smile. It looks more sinister than the devil's smile in Jiwon's eyes. I tried my best not to go, but I couldn't overcome more than ten children by myself. Eventually, I was taken to the annex.

“It's freezing in here. ”

Heewon put his hand on his armpit. The annex used as a sturdiness under indoor gymnastics was cold enough to give off a white breath. If you stay like this for a long time, you will catch a cold, and if you catch a cold, your brother will be worried and nagging.

“It seems……. ”

“Come on, let's run. ”

Park In-ho clapped. The followers stand in two lines and start circling inside the ledge. I wanted to lose hope, but I was forced to run because I was held by my arms.

After about five runs, the fever rose from my body.

“Let's stretch and lead the script. ”

Heewon sneaked into the corner, yawning, but his followers who did not know that they were merciful rushed to the center of the strong.

“Let's do what Hee Won does. ”

Incho said, with his eyes focused, he stretched his waist as much as he could. I saw the sign again after lightly stretching. Incho opened his mouth with a satisfied expression.

“I was pushed by a famous painting in the summer, but this time we'll ride the target. I won the Best Performers Award once, so there should be no problem. ”

When he finished, he shouted, "Fight around."

Wow, it fits like a charm. Heewon shrugged his hands as he tried to fight later.

“It's 10 million won for the winter tournament. What happens if we take that? ”

“Divide by number of people. ”

“Wow, I'll take 700,000 won per person if I can't. ”

“700,000 won. I'll switch computers if I get them. ”

“I'm clothes. ”

They were followers who spoke up in anticipation.

Heewon looks around and says small.

“If I'd known this was going to happen, I'd have gone all summer. ”

“What are you talking about, man? You won $100,000 for Best Actress Award. ”

“It's 100,000 won. I only spent 20,000 won because it was taken from my brother. ”

Where did my 80,000 won go? Thinking about it makes me a little depressed. Should I ask your brother to raise the allowance?

“I'm glad Hae-won is really your brother, otherwise I'd be in trouble. ”

“That's right, that's right. It's a shame Hae-won is meticulous.If only he had the same personality...... It's horrible to imagine. ”

At the same time, Hae-won and his friends smiled and said, Hee-won sighed deeply. I can't say it's all true.

“Let the reading begin. Oh, I have to tell you something first. ”

In-ho clears his throat once before opening his mouth.

“Finish your practice today without making a mistake and you'll go to a party. ”

The ceremony? Hee-won opened her eyes wide. The word "banquet" has already caused a tumult.

“Where to?”

“Meat buffet.”

“I'll work hard today. ”

Heewon clenched his fist and said.

“But are you going where you went last time? They don't like it.”

“To go to the Water Garden."

“Suwon? It's a long way. ”

“It's just below Seongnam. Actually, my dad let me go there. I'm just asking you to come with the kids. ”

“So it's free? ”

“Should I get paid? ”


Heewon smiled. Free meat buffet. That was then. There was a face that came to mind.

“Oh, there's In-ho. ”


“I'm sorry, can I call you one more? ”


“Uh, I'm home alone. May I?”

“I tried to call you, even if you didn't tell me. I came to help you during your summer rehearsals, of course I should call you. ”

“Yes! You're the only one. ”

“Let's practice today instead. ”

“Don't worry. I won't make that mistake. ”

Heewon raised his chin. Beef buffet. I can already hear the sound of a zipper. I'm sure he'll like it too.

“Well, let's start practicing. ”

Incho shrugged his shoulders.

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It's warm!

Spring is here.

I went out for a while without my coat on, but I couldn't help but say, "Spring from my mouth."

Hah... If this weather continues like this...

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Coupon, thank you. Thanks to you, I'm writing.

