Life, Once Again!

00725 Scene 3

Ideas are scary. The coffee I drank yesterday and the coffee I drink today tastes different only because it comes from the same brand. because the recipient has changed. The country's preferences and preferences have changed as the inherent things that define individuals change and expand. What a humble individual. How fragile he is. A handful of memories vanishes and the person turns. Time, experience, and know-how that has been spent seems to be managed efficiently by being replaced by a system of memory, but not even a simple toy by a third party.

The floor put the finished coffee cans in the trash. I knew we needed measures, but we didn't have the means. It was impossible for an ant to fight an elephant. All an ant can do is figure out the elephant's trajectory and go back. One of the two who fights the incomparable opponent. You want an honorable death, or you just want to die.

As I was not a suicidal man, I had to find a way to live. What was urgent was to confirm the stability of the memory. When I think about it, if I lose my memory in clumps, it will be useless.

“It's dark from the start. ”

In my frustrated mind, I spoke to myself. If the electronic device breaks down, you can go to the Repairman. The repairman will look at the goods and give you the answer to repair or exchange. But there are no experts in memory. It wasn't a neurological problem, it wasn't a neuroscience problem, so I had to solve it myself. There's one more fundamental problem. It is the patient who must be observed and judged. I have never heard of a surgeon on the table opening his own head to perform surgery.

I needed someone else's help There was one suitable person, but I couldn't help it.

- If you lose your memory again, I'll lose my right to speak at that moment. It's not something I can do on my own terms.

The masked man said. He was an ideal observer who could recognize and judge change, but his mouth was controlled by God.

The floor did what it could do first. It was a detailed record of everything you could write down in a notebook you bought at a convenience store. I was able to use my emotional evaluation of my previous life and what had happened since my previous life, which I couldn't write down. Can we assume that the restrictions have been lifted?

I wrote down the feelings that I felt under the thick events that occurred after my rebirth. If the memory is lost, it will turn into meaningless bows, but these records may trigger the memory and bring it back to life. I lost my memory once and got it back. It means there are enough possibilities.

The notebook is written on the cover that reads "scenario reincarnation." It's easy to make excuses even if someone watches the notebook. I put the notebook in the back of my pants pocket. What was written in the notebook was both a life record and a checklist. I will look at the notebook every day and compare it with my past memories. If there is a space between the memory and the notebook, it is a sign that memory evaporation has begun. May the day come when you feel safe and put your notebooks in the trash.

“Excuse me, could I have a picture, please? ”

A man approaches, sticking out a digital camera. The floor nods. The man says thank you, and turns around and stands next to the woman in the wheelchair. The two lovingly held hands.

I pressed the shutter, said one more time, and then took a few more pictures. The man who received the camera back looks at the photo with the woman. The floor sat on the bench and watched the two of you. A moment later, the woman went into the hospital. The man remained in his seat. The man staring blankly at the person coming through the entrance sat down. He was crying.

The floor reminds me of autumn. In her repeated life, like Mobius' belt, she would have continued to see a single human death. Fortunately, she is outside the circle of rebirth and will not be remembered. It sometimes helps to forget.

For a moment, the floor frowns over the memory and unfolds the notebook. It reminded me of what happened before. The woman in the white suit said: Just because an individual is reincarnated doesn't mean that the world's time is reversed. She said that a branch point is created where a human being is reborn. The world where the wife who lost her husband lives with her daughter and the world where one floor is reborn is different.

Twenty-one. The number of reincarnations a masked man has seen. This was also not an accurate figure. There must have been a death sentence before the man regained consciousness. An indescribable mound died, and the world looked like a twig. How many Tribal Families have there been?

I sighed deeply. Even though the world is completely separate, the country has dozens and possibly hundreds of wives and daughters who need to live in environments that are lacking by humans.

A disaster called selfishness for rebirth. Of course, this could also be about focusing on this life. It is true that I was relieved to see my wife and daughter living well in the other world at that time and loyal to this life. As long as it turns out that the White Suit woman is not a friend, we need to double check everything she showed and said.

The floor touched the eyebrows. I have something else to think about.

“Did I want to be reborn? ”

No, the reason I was reincarnated was because of my grandmother who lived in the house. A plutocrat, unforgettable name. I even forgot this when I lost all my memories, but now I remember it clearly.

The floor decided to approach the essentials. When I thought it was just one rebirth, the person who gave up the opportunity was like a silver lining. You've given your life, a chance to live again.

Once and for all, it was a kindness I could never repay, but if it is repeated countless times, it will be different. The masked man said. Life begins in high school and ends in death, but that's different every time. Among the dozens of lives that were repeated, there was an example of death at the age of 20. What are the chances of meeting a wealthy grandmother at the time of the disappearance? It is near zero indefinitely. I met my grandmother when I was 40 years old.

“A reasonable story to convince. ”

It was highly likely No one has ever been so kind to one another. A white formal woman might have used her modesty to ease her rebirth.

The floor raises another question. It was also the most important question.

Why life repeats itself.

Is it repeated because of the Buddhist interpretation, or did paradise appear as a form of life that was repeated before the kingdom of heaven, according to Christian perspectives, or was it this form of life itself?

I was running out of information. At the same time, I was able to understand the feelings of those who were obsessed with the cult. There's nothing more unsettling than being thrown into uncertainty.

- There is a divergence point immediately after the rebirth, causing the world to divide. If this happens, many families who have lost me are living in other worlds. But the odds are slim. That's what she showed me.

- Repeated life. In two cases. First, I repeat my life alone, whether it's a prize or a punishment. Second, everyone in the world is going through the same thing as me. I just don't remember.

The floor, which was written in the notebook, decided to exclude the second case. If the world is fixed and the person who lives in it repeats itself, it is useless to do anything. Maybe at 45, the world turns around like a tape. In that case, it would be a world of nothing when you run away from the reenactment. If this assumption is true, it is a blessing to forget.

The floor focused on the fact that only it was repeating itself.

“Why the repetition started... yes. Anything's fine. Then why did you put in such an annoying event as a plutocrat? ”

I tapped the notebook to the back of the pen. If human life is repeated over and over again, why is it that we always work to secure legitimacy? When the masked man spoke of the dead floors, they also met a white formal woman.

If the repetition is in the right order, there is no need to explain how you were reincarnated using a plutocrat. It is enough to say that a white suit woman has appeared and is reborn as a blessing of God, so quickly come back to life. "

A suspicious fishing hook shook. The floor reminds me of the situation after death. It was a question that came to mind before I opened my eyes. Have you ever regretted anything in your life? Why did that question come to mind at that moment? It felt like a stone to make life stupid.

After I opened my eyes, I walked through the sand and asked the white suit woman. You're dead, but you can come back to life. What appeared there was a plutocrat. Despite her life in need, she dedicated her life to helping others, saying that she was okay now, and gave her a chance to be reborn. Sounds like a fairy tale to me. I can believe it even if it's a myth.

I am empowered by the fact that the plutocrat is a fictional person. Then why put all that effort into setting up the character and creating the atmosphere?

“What if I say no? ”

At first, he clearly refused. Don't waste a precious opportunity on someone like me. How was the outcome? I was persuaded by the passive tale.

No matter how much you think about it, repeating an individual's life in vain is not a reward. After all, my life repeats itself in the sense of punishment.

You don't have to ask the prisoner for his opinion. If you tell them to follow the prescribed format, that's it.

“I had a choice. ”

The floor felt a fever inside the scalp. I didn't eat from the beginning. It would be natural for the dead to crave life. The white suit woman paved the way for her to choose life. Who's going to tell me I'm going to die when I turn my back on it?

What if he didn't choose to be reincarnated?

“If that's the key to breaking this cycle...... I have to die first." ”

The floor calls the Mask Man.

- You must have a lot of hair.

"It wouldn't be weird if it blew up. Let me ask you a question. The woman in white, she's just a guide? Or the judge?"

- I'm sorry, I can't tell you.

"Okay. How about this? You said this before I lost my memory. I know why this started."

I know what this is all about. And why it started.

"Okay, then you look at the white rabbit sitting on your shoulder and you say, That rabbit, you called her. And just before that, I asked you this question: What was the woman who brought me back to life? Is she a god?"

The floor said, stuttering with memories of the time.

"Is that the rabbit who guided me?"

- I'm sorry.

"And then you said, Don't hate her too much. She's had more desperate times than me and you. That's why I asked. Who the hell is she?"

- The woman you will love forever.

"Yes, I'm sure you did. No matter how much I think about the woman I will love forever, I can only think of one person. She's the only woman I've ever loved in my life over and over again, so maybe she's autumn."

- I'm sorry.

"What does it mean not to hate her? Is this repeating because I loved her? Or is that why this started?"

I'm sorry. I want to tell you, I can't open my mouth.

"Holy shit."

The floor brings up the final question. I knew you'd say you were sorry, but I had to take it out of my mouth. It was the most frightening and the worst hypothetical question.

"What are the chances that the woman who guided me, the rabbit on her shoulder, and autumn are the same person?"

The masked man replied, "I'm sorry too."

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