Limitless Sword God

Chapter 130: You're Too Slow

Su Yun's eyes were confused and suddenly thought of something. He hurried to remove the scaly eyes from his eyes and hide them in the storage ring.

Then, a few steps passed, and the tray knee sat on the bed in a resting and sitting position.

Dude, dude, dude!

At that point, the knocking sounded.

“Su Yun! Su Yun, open up! Open the door! The Elder is here! Come on out. Bye! ”

The old, sly voice of the deacon came out.

Su Yun opened his eyes, walked out of bed and opened the door.

“Hey, what took you so long? Lazy Elder wants you to look good!” The butler stared at the man and said arrogantly. Then he turned around and smiled at the elder. “The elder, this is Su Yun. ”

Behind him, the elders and the elite forests of the Su family stood.

But he saw the elders staring at him with dignity, sweeping around, and then went straight into the house and looked around.

Su Yun pretended to be confused, but his mind was tight. One hand darkened into the ring. If the situation is not right, it is necessary to preempt!

“Su Yun! ”

At that moment, the Great Elder suddenly called out.

Su Yun hugged his fist: “What do the elders have to say? ”

The elder turned around and stared at him: "Did you... go out tonight? ”

“Why did the Great Elder say that? Su Yun practiced here tonight, never went out! ”

Su Yun looked confused and asked: "Elder, what happened? ”

But the elder did not answer. His eyes flashed a little. He carefully measured Su Yun before and after, and eventually shook his head and turned away.

“Alas, Elder...” The butler outside followed quickly with a mist.

Did you leave silently?

Su Yun couldn't figure it out, but he hugged his fist again: "The elder walked slowly! ”

A group of people scattered out of the cabin.

Seeing these people go far, Su Yun relieved himself.

There is an aura of infinite sword technique that suppresses the sky engine and shadow. The elders can't detect it. Fortunately, he took off the scales in time. If the elder observes his breath and finds it impossible to spy, he will definitely be suspicious. Currently, his performance is most appropriate. I'm sure he will not be suspicious. He will have the ability to attack Su Yingrong at night.

After the elders left, Su Yun closed the door and continued training.

It lasted about two hours before the hustle and bustle of the outside world gradually subsided.

Su Yun ignored it and left nothing behind. I'm sure they won't doubt their identity, but the only concern at the moment is that the Su family will doubt their endless identity.

Why did Infinity suddenly appear in Su's house? Why would he attack Su Yurong? Ultimately, I'm afraid the Su family will associate the Su family's children with Infinity.

And when the shadow was taken, the woman said that two people had already infiltrated Su's house and searched for the infinite whereabouts. Tonight, the wind wave together will only make them more convinced that the infinite is in Su's house.

It will be troublesome in the future, and you must leave Su's house early.

On the second day, Su Yun went to practice the storm sword method as usual. Of course, before practicing the sword, he should first check with Sky Scale to see if there are any surveillance around him. If there are surveillance from the owner or others, he can only change places.

The fierce sword storm swept, Su Yun danced in a thousand abyss, and the powerful cyclone stirred around him.

At present, the storm sword method is not very skilled. The storm sword method is implemented with the Infinite Sword Technique Sword. The power is not strong. Su Yun had to manipulate it by hand.

First, build the trajectory of Ling Xuan Qi.

He settled on his body, releasing his breath, and the spiritual breath of the properties of Ling God began to lay around him.

Cross and horizontal, confusing and complicated.

“Boy, the storm sword is invisible, it can't be captured like the wind, don't set the routine! The layout of the breath trajectory is based on the weakness of the enemy. Don't think of the storm as a wide range without the need to capture weaknesses! That is extremely stupid, infinite swordsmanship is all about striking, don't spare no effort, even if your opponent is much weaker than you, you can't loosen up a bit! ”

Sword Lao began to explain.

“First of all, the trajectory of Storm Sword Gas is based on the enemies you face, not randomly arranged, how tall your enemies are, where your heart is, where your head is, where your chassis is located, you need to accurately grasp it, and quickly arrange the breath trajectory, and then proceed with the sword trajectory. ”

Su Yun heard the news, nodded seriously, eyes focused, began to arrange.

An imaginary enemy appeared in his brain, the original blood soul. He stared at the imaginary blood soul body, raised his hand, his skin bladder pores all over him, emitting a fierce smell of Lingshen, his eyes wide open, his breath running wildly.

Between breaths, however, the trajectory is generated and all penetrates the point of the blood soul.

“Slowly! Too slow! ”

"Great man," said the old sword. “It can be generated at first thought! You're too slow! ”

Su Yun was reluctant to remove the breath trajectory and rearrange it.

“Too slow! ”

Undo, Reset!

“Too slow! ”

Undo, Reset!

“Boy, are you okay or not? ”

Undo, Reset!

“Perhaps I shouldn't give you this sword set. Your current strength may not be enough...”

Undo, Reset!

“ …… ”

It lasted until the sunset. Su Yun was sweating and panting. He also used up most of his breath. The speed of arranging the gas track improved a lot, but it still took a breath.

“Well, if you can hold on, the breath may not be hard to solve, but you have to understand, why is the breath so tight? That's because in battle, the enemy is constantly moving, and your breath must follow the movement. If you are too slow to keep pace with the enemy, then this sword set is also a chicken rib, understand? ”

“My predecessor taught!” Su Yun panted and wiped the sweat off his forehead, "Su Yun understood. ”

“That's it for today, you practice your breath! ”

After that, the sword returned to the Infinite Sword Art.

Su Yun took out three echo dans from the storage ring, stuffed them into the entrance and swallowed them. Then he sat on his knees, played a perfumed kung fu, digested these echo dans and got up and walked towards the house.

When I returned to the house, I began to breathe and warm up everywhere around me.

There are many ways to practice qi. One is to constantly use it in a combat manner, forcing the spiritual eye to produce a spiritual breath. The qi is filled with spiritual breath, and then becomes more generous and more resilient. This belongs to the spiritual spirit of martial arts, because it is too painstaking and the number of users is low. The other way is to cooperate with Dan Yao, and adjust the operation of Ling Xuan himself. This is a literary and spiritual spirit. At present, more people use this method in Ling Xuan, and then use Xuan technology to improve their strength.

Su Yun was not afraid of suffering. In fact, when practicing Xuan technique, he was practicing in a way that cultivated spiritual energy. When he was tired, he was practicing in a way that cultivated the spiritual energy of literature. Alternatively, he was not idle for a moment. He had arrogance and support. His talents were more than seven times higher than those of ordinary people. Then, he practiced in a manner that was several times more than ordinary people's efforts. How could cultivation be slower?

Su Yun didn't dare go too far tonight. After all, he still has something to confirm.

Knee practice, unconsciously approached the child.

Su Yun opened his eyes and took a deep breath. After looking at the moon outside the house, he got up and walked out.

There were also several guard patrols coming from the inner house. This happened to the Su family on three occasions. The security forces were also strengthened, and the doors closed at night, making it difficult to leave the Su family.

He looked around and measured the Su family's defensive forces arranged everywhere with his scales. He found a gap and walked straight out of the Su family to the famous hill on the outskirts of the Su family.

Approaching the hill, sweep around and wait.

The night light shined on his pale face, accompanied by this silent hill, and everything seemed incredibly strange.

He didn't know if Su Yuenrong would come. He could only say that he was lucky. If she came, she would prove that she did not doubt that she was infinite. If she did not come, she would either be hurt too badly and have to change her plans, or she had doubts about herself.

Whatever considerations arise, it is important to do so at the earliest opportunity so as not to have too many nightmares.

Ding Ling!

At this moment, a bell rang, Su Yun looked up, but saw several women who looked dry and slightly yellow, walking next to a luxurious frame, the frame was pulled by purple horns, and there were wind chimes hanging around the frame. It was very beautiful, and behind the curtain at the frame, a woman could be seen lying in it.

It's definitely here.

Su Yun relieved and raised a slight smile at the corner of his mouth. He stood up and walked over.

The frame stopped.

Purple horns roar low.

A woman dressed in gray clothes walked over quickly and talked about the curtain hung with wind chimes. Su Yurong, seriously injured inside, appeared in the eyes of Su Yun with a pale face.

Seeing Su Yun walking here, Su Yunlong's face swept past a tiny tint of color. She looked heavily. She drank: “Su Yun, I'm here as promised. Where are they? Why are you alone? ”

“They didn't come! ”

The cold smile at the corner of Su Yuncou's mouth grew thicker and thicker. He walked towards the frame step by step and slowly moved his hand towards the ring.

“How dare you lie to me? ”

Su Yung was furious: “Don't think I'm hurt, I can't kill you! To kill you? I'm so relaxed! ”

The voices dropped, and the maids on the left and right platoons rushed past and surrounded Su Yun.

But between these moments, Su Yun suddenly pulled two long swords out of the ring.

Thousands of blazing abyss.

pitch-black Dead Sword.

The two swords appeared. As Su Yun's arms waved, he flew directly out and stabbed Su Yurong.

Su Yuzheng's face was instantly pale, her pupils were huge, her heart stopped beating, and her brain was blank...

“Are you... are you infinite? ”

Su Yunnan Dao.

Shh shh shh shh shh...

Sword Feng instantly killed him. Without waiting for Su to be ready, he pierced his chest hole.

Blood splattered the entire frame.

Su Yu had a convulsion all over his body. If he didn't want to say more, he would die directly and tragically...


The maids were stunned, a pair of eyes stunned to see the dead Su Yungrong, suddenly their faces filled with pitch-black aura, and then one of them attacked Su Yun like crazy.

Su Yun retracted both swords, and he was not welcome to fight with these women who had been completely conquered by Su Yurong.

The women were absorbed by Su Yu. They were very impatient. If they were to deal with Su Yun, which had only six spiritual magicians, it would be natural and simple, but if they were to deal with the infinity with infinite swordsmanship, it would be almost impossible! Together with Su Yun's sudden sneak attack, killing Su Yungrong, these groups are even less opponents.

Soon, all the waitresses fell...