Limitless Sword God

Chapter 134: Familiarity and Unfamiliarity

21685; ……………………………………….. ……

The sky was bright and the path to the jungle sounded a rush of horseshoes.

This is the fifth day.

The two horses have been running for five days!

“Is Shi Hong upside down in the woods? ”

Su Yun swept up the rising pride of the sky and looked up at Ahsan, who was riding the Xuanma leading the way in front, and asked.

“Yes, it must be in the forest! ”

Ahsan nodded and exclaimed: “After my brother was captured by Shi Hongbi, Ahsan followed him. On the way to save my brother's life, but was deterred by Shi Hongbi's powerful means, he gave up and turned to Mirror Lake Town, eager to be helped by great energy. From the direction Shi Hongbi was heading forward, he would surely go into the forest! ”

Located a thousand miles north of Mirror Lake town, the jungle is a huge wilderness, the leaves in the forest are huge, dense and unpleasant, and the forest is dark. It is reported that there are ghosts in the jungle, causing people near the jungle to smoke rarely, nobody to settle here, and nobody dares to come here on weekdays.

After listening, Su Yun turned his eyes and thought about it. “Wouldn't it be faster to walk from Kang Ming Avenue if we went to the jungle? Why this Cigarette West? This road is winding rough and hard to walk. If you go from here, you'll have to delay your feet for at least one more day! ”

“Is that so? ”

Sansan shrugged and scratched her head. “I'm sorry, my lord, I'm not familiar with Junlin. Is it faster to take Kangming Avenue? Then let's go to Kangming Avenue! ”

“No need! ”

Su Yun smiled bitterly: “This is it, what else do you want to change? At the end of this journey, we'll be in the jungle. Let's get ready! ”

“Mmm-hmm!” Nodded Sam, and the look became more serious.

“Oh, by the way, since you've seen Shi Hongbing, you know his moves? Talk to me about his road count! ”

Su Yun suddenly said.

“Route count?” Sansan touched his chin for a moment and thought, “Shi Hongbi's power is huge and varied, but according to my observation... his weakness is down the plate! ”

“Down the plate? ”

Su Yun was stunned: “Is the disembarkation still unstable? ”

“Sir, if you think so, you can be misguided. It is for ordinary people, but it is different for Shi Hongbing. Shi Hongbing nicknamed ‘demonic power’, then the power is ever-changing. Can you treat it with ordinary people's eyes? Isn't it?"

“You make sense! It's my mind! ”

Su Yun agreed and said no more words.

Xuanma quickened his hooves, continued to run and rushed towards the jungle.

The closer we get to the jungle, the darker the light around us somehow, several big birds fly out of the forest, the decaying smell rises and floats, and as the distance between the two of us wants to go out of the forest shortens, the smell becomes more intense, choking people are not uncomfortable.

Soon, a huge forest appeared in Su Yun's eyes.

The woods are strange, the leaves are black, and deep in the woods, you can see several glows of green glitter, you don't know what it is, and you can see the numbness of your scalp.

Then he turned his back and tied the Xuan horse to the side of the road. Then he turned to Su Yunjie: "My lord, follow me! ”

Su Yun nodded and rolled down his horse, as he walked into the jungle with him.

Knock, knock, knock!

A strange cry sounded.

Several strange birds, like eagles, flew out of the woods and fell into the sky.

Su Yun looked at the birds that flew away. He bowed his head and pondered for a while. As Sang continued to move forward.

The two of them slowly penetrated into the forest, the light around them became darker and darker, and the temperature in the air became darker and stranger.

“Sansan, where are you taking me? Is this the end of the forest? We are not familiar with this, or it would be more appropriate to lure Shi Huangliang outside! I'm not familiar here! ”

Su Yun shouted.

“My lord, come with me, I know where Shi Hong is. That Shi Hong Hong must be practicing at this moment. If we are surprised, take the opportunity to attack and slaughter it, perhaps we can easily solve it! ”

Sansan said seriously.


Su Yun nodded with a very sensible look.

Sang revealed a thick smile to Su Yun, then continued to turn his head and lead the way.


At this point, a sword burst from the back of his head and pierced his chest, instantly dripping blood.

Sansan punched herself, her eyes were huge, and she looked stunned at the blade on her chest. Her eyes were full of surprise.

He turned his head hard and saw the man in the iron face staring at himself in the shadows at the moment.

“My lord… you… what are you doing? ”

Third of all, the corner of his mouth is spilled with blood.

“Why act? ”

Su Yun faintly said: “I thought you were a thoughtful person, but I didn't expect you to be so careless! ”

“Crude... careless? ”

“Before you told me that you were unfamiliar with Junlin and missed a long way down the Yanxi Road, I thought it was true, but I didn't think you knew where Shi Hongbi was just now... If you knew this, could you be unfamiliar with Junlin? Don't you know that Kangming Avenue can reach the jungle earlier? So, don't fool me. You took me down the Cigarette Road just to stall! Hello, tell Shi Hongbing to ambush me, right? ”

Su Yun faded away, then moved his arm, and the puncture into Arisa's body, uh, turned a circle.

Sanchong suddenly twitched, his seemingly thick face suddenly changed, shaking a lot of ripples, then a more juvenile face appeared.

This face is about 27 or 28 years old, and now it's all twisted and painful.

“Didn't expect... Didn't expect to be discovered by you... it's not easy! It's not simple... cough..."

The three faces began to become moribund and the voice was weak, he said.

“Masquerade? I didn't expect you to disguise yourself...”

Seeing Sang's face change, Su Yun suddenly suddenly suddenly appeared.

“If I had expected well, Shi Hong Bing has now set up an ambush in a position you know, waiting for you to lead me there? The reason you're stalling is to prepare Shi Hongbi, right? ”

“No… good! ”

A three mouth corner raised a slight smile, he raised his trembling hand and grabbed the sword body, weak hehe laughed: “I... am actually Shi Hongfeng's apprentice, he taught me how to suck spirits, as a condition, I have to bring a good strength every month, and he can deal with the Spiritual Enlightenment to come here, then the two of them together, to kill him, for him to suck the practice, every time I disguised the appearance to lure the Spiritual Enlightenment, in order to prevent the person in charge of the wanted list from recognizing, every time I appeared, there will be four persons in charge of the 12 hours of the day of the wanted list to watch, and I made the wrong choice, before I succeeded in luring, but I didn't expect... you to break it.” Speaking of which, there is a slight discontent in Sam's eyes: “When did you start suspecting me? ”

“The concern in your eyes when you go to buy a Xuanmao. ”

Su Yun bluntly said: "When I asked you to buy Xuanmao and prepare for immediate departure, you didn't see the fanaticism of impatience for revenge, but worry and anxiety. This makes me wonder, how can a hateful person not want to get revenge quickly? That's why I was suspicious! ”

“With just one look? ”

“That's enough!” Su Yundao.

A San stunned. Later, he laughed at his cold and miserable haha. His mouth was getting more and more blood. He kept flipping along his lips, but he didn't feel much pain. Instead, he grabbed Su Yun's hand with both hands and laughed at him. “You're smart, but you finally made a mistake! This is Shi Hongbing's land! Once you get in here, you are dead. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

When the voice fell, Sang suddenly opened his mouth and threw out a blood arrow into the sky. He shot directly into the sky, and the blood arrow went into the sky and vanished immediately.

Su Yun saw the symptoms and tried to stop the blood arrow, but it was too late.

He caught his head slightly and immediately seized the thousand abyss, chopping it upwards.

Sang's entire body was cut in half, blood flowed through his guts, and his bones were chopped.

Sang-san died straight away!

Su Yun snorted darkly and hid his sword.

In this way, Arisa is actually Shi Hongbing's apprentice. Shi Hongbing is now included in the list of wanted killings. It is extremely dangerous. Sometimes a wanted hunter kills him. In order to practice steadily, he minimizes his whereabouts. Instead, he chooses a person who is greedy about his methods as his apprentice, using his apprentice as bait, and brings some high cultivation that he wants to kill him and that he can deal with to the spiritual Xuan, while the latter two people work together to ambush, and Shi Hongbing is using it to practice.

A San Zhong, not angry, but patient with Su Yun delayed the time, suffocated a sip of blood arrow, sprayed into the air, in fact, was reporting to Shi Hong.

Only now Shi Hong Bing knows about the exposure of A San, he must rush here.

In that case, do not allow yourself to ambush him once!

Think about it!

Su Yun suddenly moved in shape and jumped over the tree beside him. Several times, people flew into the dense tree and hid it.

One day the scaly eyes cover the breath, as long as the shape is not exposed, no one will notice! The spiritual Xuan, who has often been cultivated to be strong, knows with air whether there are human means completely unnecessary in front of Su Yun.

Very quietly surrounded, the strange green ghost fire floated among the woods, staining the woods with a layer of darkness that could not be said to be strange.


Hidden in a tree for a whole day, Shi Hong did not show up.

Sang's corpse is starting to stink.

Didn't he get the news of Sang's death? Or are you already exposed?

Su Yun was doubtful.

People dare to be a little lazy, still hiding in the trees, staring down at everything.

Is Shi Hong waiting too? Waiting for yourself to go deeper into the woods?

At this time, patience is what you spell!

Su Yun didn't dare to rush forward. After all, Shi Hongfeng's strength was more than his own. He had no major problems with it. If the other party attacked him in secret or attacked him in a trap, it would be ruined.


Just as Su Yun thought indiscriminately about the next move, this silent jungle surrounded, something suddenly burst into a crisp sound.

Su Yun's ears moved and he rushed to his fame, but he saw a figure slowly approaching here.