Limitless Sword God

Chapter 596 Chaotic Lands

Linglong Mountain is a huge mountain range, the mountain monks are everywhere, Zongmen Linli, has been in the Wanhua realm for many years, foreign Wanhua realm usually gather in Linglong Mountain, it can be said that the Wanhua realm, apart from the realm tree, belongs to Linglong Mountain most prosperous.

But those who come to Linglong Mountain for some time will know that under Linglong Mountain, there is a special place, which is the Phantom.

When Su Yun arrived at the entrance to the Phantom Domain with Muhei, he realized that he was not entirely correct because at the Phantom Domain entrance, he could see a large number of spiritual practitioners entering and exiting.

According to Murphy, there are a lot of space cracks in the Phantom Domain, so many spiritual practitioners intend to use the Phantom Domain Gate to go to other interfaces, so there are many spiritual practitioners at the Phantom Domain entrance.

However, as the darkest realm of the Banhua realm, the perils of the realm are unimaginable. The spiritual practitioners who die tragically in the realm every day are either slaughtered by the heinous creatures in it, or have fallen into the cracks and never found their whereabouts.

There are no laws and regulations at all in the Phantom Domain. The boundaries of Wanhua and the mountain rules of Linglong Mountain simply cannot govern the Phantom Domain. Therefore, this place is also commonly referred to by spiritual practitioners as a forbidden place, but it is not forbidden for spiritual practitioners to go.

The Mutual Equality brought Su Yun to the entrance, which stopped him.

“Lord Su Yun, this is the entrance to the Phantom Domain. Due to the rules of the pavilion, I will not be able to enter the Phantom Domain. I'm afraid it will be difficult to assist Lord Su Yun next. Please forgive me.” Silent Ping hugged his fist.

The Phantom Domain is too chaotic. For the sake of disciple safety, Yu dared not dispatch disciples to assist Su Yun to search the Phantom Domain at will, so he could not help Su Yun here. However, Su Yun can also understand that although he is given face, this face is entirely from the realm owner, and his face is not big enough to allow him to sacrifice his doorman.

“Nothing, that's it. Someone in Su should thank your faction for helping.” Su Yun gave back the gift.

The two were cold for a while, and Su Yun wanted to say goodbye and walk into the dark.

Muhei sent the two Hongyue disciples beside him to wait at the entrance. If Su Yun needed help, he could leave the ghost, inform the disciples, and notify Yu and Muhei.

The entrance to the Phantom is strange.

It falls in the middle of a big stone.

This big stone is a hundred meters high, but it's not like a mountain, unlike a peak, it's just a single big stone, and the crack is like a big stone cut from the middle, a pitch-black crack from top to bottom, one through.

The crack is filled with intense magic and death. People enter the crack and fall straight down to the bottom of Mount Linglong, the so-called ‘Phantom Domain’.

Though the spectacular realm is dark and full of a lot of strange smells, of these, magic and evil are the most powerful, Su Yun is not uncomfortable, but has an unspeakable sense of kindness.

Su Yun was really surprised.

When will I feel this way about demon and evil?

This is not the time to think about it.

After Su Yun landed, he looked in all directions.

At the same time, there are many spiritual practitioners coming in through the entrance, and their surroundings have long been full of shadows and noises, like a market.

“Where did this little brother come from? Which interface do you intend to go to? I know the crack entrance to the interface of Sumiya, Qingbamboo boundary, physical criticality, etc. If you give up the blue coin, I can take you to the corresponding interface. ”

At this time, a guy in the dark who seemed to be a demon in the autumn came over and grinned at Su Yun.

“Oh? How much to go to Sumitomo?” Su Yun asked with a smile.

“One and a half million yen!” The demon man laughed.

“So expensive?” Su Yun was surprised.

“It's not expensive, you got into the wrong crack, but you didn't even have a life, you paid 1.5 million, you saved yourself a life, isn't that a good price?” The Demon Man questioned.

However, as soon as he had finished, another group of black paint guys ran over him. Su Yun glanced at him and he seemed to be an evil man.

“Don't listen to him. 1.5 million. Where's he slaughtering pigs? This friend, come to me, half a million yen, I will take you to the crack of Sumitomo!” The evil man spoke with a dull voice.

“Evil Seeker, you're robbing my business again, you filthy bastard!” The demon frowned and complained.

“I just can't get used to your practice. Everyone wants to earn more brown coins, increase the amount to fix it, but you are too unfair, 1.5 million, thanks to your export! ”

Evil man snorted.

“Mind your own business? You motherfucker! ”

The demon man was annoyed and shooting the past at the demon.

Evil men also do not hesitate, provoking evil forces to resist.

The two immediately fought.

The crowd was like a frying pan, spreading apart and retreating towards the surrounding area.

However, with the exception of a handful of spiritual practitioners who have just entered the Phantom Realm, no one cares what should be done.

Su Yun is even stranger. This is a really messy place to fight.

Su Yun shook his head and ignored the two guys. He went straight inside.

The dark light inside is like an open cave, but the top of the cave is extremely high, about hundreds of meters long, with chaotic rocks standing on both sides, big and small, and many giant worms adsorbing on the rock.

There are corpses on the ground, some of them just died, some of them for a long time.

Say this is a chaotic place, let's say this is like purgatory.


At this time, a man flew over and fell directly in front of Su Yun's heel.

At first glance, he was a young man in his thirties, but at this moment his lower half was gone, his blood gut bled to the ground, he twitched twice, his head twisted, died directly, three souls flew out.

Su Yun backed off a few steps, pulled out the God Xuan Red Blood Sword, felt wrong, and pulled out the Dead Sword again.

Just not far away came a group of beings with a tall black figure, these people are not like demons, let alone evil people, just saw them rush over, like a hungry wolf, grab the only remaining upper body of the person, tear a pulverized body, grab the meat and shove it into his mouth.

But the three spirits of the man were not spared, and the worms adsorbed by the stone were torn apart, and a dark green thing rolled into the three spirits of the man, and then they were withdrawn into the body and disappeared.

Su Yun's eyebrows locked tightly.

Those huge guys grabbed the man's meat. One by one, he barked his mouth. It felt like he was not addicted, but one person saw Su Yun and walked towards Su Yun, approaching the head of three meters.

“You're new here, pay the money, or else that person will be you! ”

The man shouted, a fist bigger than Su Yun's head stretched out.

Su Yun glanced at the person and asked: “How much? ”

“Pay as many as you can! ”

“Oh, that's embarrassing, I didn't. ”

Su Yun grinned, his voice dropped and his arm was shaken like lightning. The god's blushing sword directly stabbed the man in the face.


Before the man had had time to react, he inserted a bright red sword in his head.


The rest of the big men were furious, rushing towards Su Yun one by one, and a horrible giant hand came at him with the intention of making him meat sauce.

But these big guys didn't have time to shoot Su Yun into meat sauce. A bigger, mountain-like boner fell from the sky and directly hit the middle of these big guys. The guy standing in the middle didn't dodge in time, he was directly bombarded into pieces of meat and died. The rest of them were shocked by a seventy-eight vegan.

Everyone glanced at Su Yun, but sometime they saw a giant standing behind him. The giant was huge, the magic was wanton, and a pair of red demon eyes stared at these guys cold.

These beings suddenly frightened the soul away and stood somewhat straightened out.

Su Yun retracted the God Xuan Red Blood Sword and walked toward those big men.

“Come here!”

Su Yun was drunk.

Everyone heard voices. How dare you hesitate? One by one, Qi ran over and knelt in front of Su Yun.

They know that this time they have kicked the iron plate, and if they are not careful, they will probably lose their lives.

This is the case in the Phantom, where dignity and so on are completely unimportant, and where people can live, they can surrender immediately.

Su Yun glanced at the group of people. There were about seven or eight of them here. He waved his hands as if they should be honored by Ling Xuan. “You dare to rob me, but Ben is in a good mood today, I won't compare you to him. Let go of your horses for now. ”

“Thank you, thank you! ”

These big guys bow down and hurry up.

“But this is not the case!!” Su Yun looked cold and drank: “I have ordered you to find me a man named Su Gontian and a man named Shen Xuexue within ten days. If you do not find their whereabouts to me within ten days, even if you flee to the corner of the sky, I will take you back and make a living offering. Do you understand? ”

“We... we must find these two for you, we must find them for you!! ”

Those big men didn't dare say no at all, said hastily.

“Very good!”

Su Yun nodded. "Do you have any contact details? ”

“Communication is basically about yelling...”

“...” Su Yun was speechless. He touched his chin and said: “I'll be here in ten days to hear from you! If you find both of them, be sure to keep an eye on their movements and tell them that a man named Su Yun is looking for them, understand? ”

“Understood... understood...”

“Then get to work! ”

“Sir... sir, we quit.

The big guys trembled and said, and then one of them greased the soles of his feet and ran clean as soon as he smoked.

Su Yun saw the symptoms, exhaled, quite helpless.

He doesn't have much hope for these guys, but letting them do something is better than killing them.

Su Yun snapped a finger, put away the magic bone giant, and continued his journey...