Limitless Sword God

Chapter 762 Split

In a quiet cabin.

Suddenly the sword ancestors sitting in the indoor stamp opened their eyes and suddenly stood up.

“Master, what is it? ”

The quiet waiter beside him hurriedly summoned and thought something had happened while the sword ancestors were cultivating.

“Never thought... never thought... that you'd finally use it, just... this sword went down, too many dead creatures...” Jianzu's eyes were a little faint, whispering.

The more the waiter sees, the more confused, the foggier.

“Pearl! ”

“Master, the beads are here.” Next to the waiter, he answered.

“Go, immediately notify the realm owner, let the people of Wanhua quickly gather in the realm tree, and tell the realm owner that I have something to say to them. ”

Sword ancestors sink, the appearance is unusually serious.

The waiter nodded and ran away.


At the same time, there is not much peace within the True Demon World.

The elite of the Taiyi Gate led by Sululo, the Virgin of Taiyi, has been killed in front of the True Demon Sect.

Although there are few Tai Yi people, there is no match between them. Plus, they are born of faith and fearless of death. Therefore, each Tai Yi man's fighting power is exceptionally high.

‘Blood Demon Plains’ outside the Real Demon Sect, this is the main battlefield for Taiyi to fight the Real Demon Sect.

The defensive forces within the Demonic Sect have all been mobilized on the Blood Demon Plain. At this moment, the demon above the plain is in the air. The demon wearing a black robe cannot fight with the Tai Yi man in a white robe. All kinds of strange magic magic realm magic meets without the upper Tai Xuan Qi madness. The earth trembles strongly, the heavens and the earth are dark, and the blood flows into the river. The bodies of the demon and Tai Yi door are like scattered beans, and the plain is covered.

White Bones Hall.

Elders are doing their best to heal the wounded eight teeth.

“Elder, how's the vice lord? ”

Returning from the front line, the demon asked eagerly about the two demons standing beside the line.

The second demon swallowed a pill of Dan, his luck recovered, the injury was not serious. He looked at the round demon whose eyes were healing for eight teeth. Sinking: “The seven sons were prepared, so that the original strength of the Taiwan Patriarch was to quench the pharmacopoeia. Now this unbridled too bright gas deposited in the Vice Patriarch's body, it is extremely difficult to clear it. If it is to be completely eradicated, it is not necessary for 35 years! ”

The words fell and everyone was full of stiffness.

“Tai Yi is clearly aimed at the vice lord! Damn it!! Damn it!” The demon clenches his fist and bites his teeth.

“How was the front line?” The Second Devil asks.

“The Rock Demons and Prohibited Demons are organizing a clergyman to fight back. The number of the Holy Queen leads too few, but according to Tanbao, Taiyimen's army is coming here. Preliminary judgment is that there are more than 400,000 people. Taishan joined the Great Army a time ago, led by him to support the Holy Queen. ”

“What?? ”

When he heard the words of the demon, the demon and others all showed shocked expression.

Then the eight teeth that closed their eyes and were treated by a circular demon suddenly opened their eyes and stared at the demon and said, “Demon, what are you talking about? Too... is the guard here? ”

“Vice Sect Master!! ”

The demons surrounded the past.

“Please concentrate, Vice Lord, your wounds are still very serious, do not stabilize the accumulation of superior and too bright air in your body as soon as possible, wait for them to mess up in your body, you not only risk your life, but even repair it as a retreat!” The Circular Demon, which is pumping gas for eight teeth, immediately sinks into the channel.

Eight teeth took a deep breath and closed their eyes slowly.

The round demon also closed his eyes slowly, but a word appeared in his mouth: "Two demons!! Leave everything to you before the Lord comes out! ”

“Yes!” The Second Devil was busy.

“Second Elder, what do we do now?” Ask the demon.

“Tai Zen is the personal escort of Tai Yi's master, he came here personally... only to hold the intention of overthrowing my demon sect, but Tai Yi should not underestimate us, has the demon man from the front come back yet?” The Second Demon asks.

“Mobilization has begun, but I made a preliminary estimation that it will take at least three days for the front-line to get back here, and maybe two days for the one-way people to arrive...”

“The demons on the front line, together with the armies of all roads, total more than 600,000, which is enough to deal with too much, which means we have to stick to the day! Wait for the front-line team! ”

Erdemon heavy road.

“There are not many people in the Sect right now, and the Virgin has slaughtered thousands of us! Her repair is very high, I am afraid that she is no better than Tai Shang Wei. If the vice lord is not injured, he can still fight the war, but the vice lord is so seriously injured that he cannot fight it! ”

“The Great Elder can also fight with the Virgin, but he must suppress the injuries of the Vice Lord, making it difficult to escape, and the only one who is able to rely on it at present, fearing only the Patriarch. ”

The demon sighed continuously and was full of sadness.

“Hasn't the cultivation land moved yet? ”

“Ten elders have waited outside the cultivation grounds, but there is no news of the departure of the Patriarch. She can't wait to break the seal of the Patriarch immediately. Please come to the Patriarch. The seal of the Patriarch is very strong. She cannot break through, she can only wait bitterly! ”

Without any help, the demons took a deep breath and floated with unbearable seriousness on their faces.

“Pass on your life and fight to the end. ”

A single voice came out of the mouth of the two demons.

The demon nodded and turned around and walked out of the hall.

Too one man has faith, he does not fear death, but the Demon Sect also has faith, also does not fear life and death, a pair of red eyes under the magic, staring directly at the enemies, one figure falling successively, but no one retreats, no one is timid.

If you abandon the strange and inexplicable faith of Tai Men, I'm afraid the craziest thing in the heavens and the earth belongs to this demon.

The demons left, the fighting continued, and the Virgin's offense could be easily resisted, but the most worrisome was the hundreds of thousands of elite men led by the Tai Shang Guard.

The Patriarch has not yet been cleared. Eight teeth were seriously injured by a sneak attack. Due to the injuries caused by eight teeth, the Circular Demon was unable to participate in the war. Combined with the departure of Monkey King Su Yun, the burden of commanding the true demon sect now falls on the head of the Second Demon.

He boasts that he is not a brilliant man or a leader, but he will do everything in his power to guard the true demon sect.

“Elder Erdemon! ”

At this time, the hall walked in again with a group of people.

The second demon looked and found these people to be the forces that were forced by the eight-tooth plot to the front of the true demon sect.

There are men and women, old and young, all of whom exist as spiritual emperors. They are also figures at the power level.

The faces of these people are all worried, and the eyes of the two demons are also slightly subtle.

The leader is Mindfulness Daoist, the head of the Daoist sect.

He grabbed the dust and walked in, looking at the two demons and eight teeth and others, his face looked a little ugly.

“Elder Erdemon! There is a sentence that is improperly spoken. ”

The two demons frowned: “Now that you're here, let's just say what we have to say. I'm listening. ”

“In that case, I will not turn around.” Mindful Taoist chancellor: “Too many doors, all mediocre people, who have oppressed many spiritual cultivators over the years, can say that all the world hates them. Today, we are forced to join your magic sect, only to replace the way of heaven, to destroy too many doors, to prevent them from continuing to commit nonevil. However, when everything is ready, we will do everything we can to fight against Tai one door in concert with you, but you have such a big leak. Shall you not give us an explanation for this? ”

The second demon listened and instantly understood that these guys were here to ask for sins.

“The Three Bone Dragons have been imprisoned and will be severely punished when my Demonic Patriarch leaves the gate! ”

“But the Mountain of Demons failed, too many men drove straight into it, killing to the true Demon Sect, not knowing how many of our disciples were killed and wounded. Now that the alliance is broken, the battle is urgent. What use is it to punish a three-boned dragon severely? ”

“So what do you want?” The eyes of the Second Demon are red, the demons are angry, and they stare at these people coldly: "Do we really want the Demon Sect to be all self-absorbed and sinful?? ”

“Not at all! ”

Mingchang sank: “We just want to say goodbye to all of you now. The mountain past is all in your true magic sect. There is a war now. Too many hundreds of thousands of troops are coming here to slay us. We can't wait to fight it. Too one of the main goals is your true magic sect, we will not be buried with you! ”

The second demon heard and his eyebrows moved: “What do you mean? ”

“We will immediately publish the news to let the front doorman go, we will no longer be involved in this battle, if you do not do this, we are obliged, however, we will not let the doorman sacrifice you for nothing, not much, goodbye! ”

Say it, mindful that the Daoist swept away and turned away.

Erdemon face slightly faded.

“Goodbye! ”

“I've been waiting a long time to leave! ”

“It's not nice to go out with the devil! ”

The rest of them either snorted or held their fists and left without anyone staying.

His face grew uglier, his fists trembled and his chest was angry, but it came out.

He stared at the people who had left, and the last punch hit the next column, smashing the pillar that the bone had built...

“Angry? ”

At this point, a voice emerges.

The second demon suddenly turned around and saw his eight teeth open again.

“Vice Master, hurry up and heal your wounds.” Two demons busy.

“I'm just asking you, are you angry?” Eight-tooth lane.

The two demons nodded for a moment.

“Rest assured, we will not lose. At least, the True Demon Sect will not be destroyed like this.” Eight teeth revealed a slightly disobeyed smile, softly said.

“Vice Sect Master... why do you say that? ”

“Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Don't worry! Too strong, but the true Demon Sect is not weak... let's, wait and see, those guys, if they want to leave, let them go, wait until this war is over, we'll settle with them after fall!! ”

The corner of his mouth raised a grin: “On the same front as us, then we are friends, and when they abandon us, they betray us, they are enemies, never let go!! ”

cold sound...

The demon nodded.

“Vice Master, stop talking, it's good to heal the wounds...” Circular Demon sank.

“Uh... okay... okay. ”