Limitless Sword God

Chapter 853 Accountability

Ziyue Immortal Domestic.

In the quiet palace, Koshi Linli, Sun Ziyan was alone, and quickly walked towards the palace in the center of the palace.

Her Yingqi face was already full of colour at this moment, and the whole person looked particularly serene.

When she arrived at the entrance of the hall, she stopped and the person stood quietly at the entrance of the hall until a servant in Chinese clothing walked out of the hall and shouted to the front: “The queen has decreed that the princess will enter the hall. ”

“Acts of appearance. ”

Sun Ziyan lowered his voice and walked with the waiter towards the inside.

As he entered the palace, Sumu's intentions grew stronger and stronger, as if the air had solidified.

Sun Ziyan lowered her head, step-by-step walked to the center of the hall, who was beside her, she did not know, dared not look, even who was sitting on this hall, she still did not know, because after entering the hall, she kept her head down, it was the rule, she could not raise her head without worship. Of course, it's a good thing not to look up at this moment.

“Goodbye to the Empress. ”

Sun Ziyan knelt down and kowtowed to the person above him.

“Get up and talk, kid. ”

The person above said softly.

“Queen Xie. ”

Sun Zi looked up and looked up at the person above him.

On top was a grey-haired, fairly old old man with a black and brown cane in her hand, dressed in a phoenix robe, in a serious state, but with a deep look of compassion.

“I've heard about the destruction of the Forbidden Land. Sun Raccoon said it's all up to you, isn't it? ”

Queen asks.

Sun Ziyan was silent for a moment and then said: “After returning to Her Highness, this matter... may indeed be related to her appearance. ”

“So you admit it? ”

Queen brows slightly wrinkled.

“Although it is related to appearance, the appearance does not know exactly what the reason is. If the matter does arise because of appearance, the appearance is willing to assume everything, but no one in the original committee understands the matter, the appearance still hopes to be able to investigate it carefully. ”

The queen silenced for a moment, looked at the person below her head, and looked at the silent people on both sides, thinking.

“Let Sun Raccoon enter the palace. ”

The Queen despised.

“Compliance. ”

The Wah waiter nodded before, and the spinner hurried out of the hall for a moment, and then walked into the hall with a young man.

At first glance, this person is the grand raccoon.

“Sun and Sun Raccoon, meet the queen. ”

Sun Raccoon walked to Sun Ziyan's side, shouted and kowtowed.

“Sun Raccoon, you get up. ”

“Queen Xie. ”

Sun Raccoon called again, got up quietly, not much nervousness.

The queen glanced at him and said: "Sun Raccoon, you said that the trial ground left by the ancestors was destroyed by her face. Now that she is here, tell us what happened. ”

Sun Raccoon nodded and gave a salute: "Yes, Your Highness. ”

He acquiesced for a moment, then said: "Queen Qiyin, in fact, the grand raccoon didn't see the whole process. On that day, Sun Raccoon walked through the Qing Palace not far from the trial restricted area, suddenly the forbidden area made a loud noise, tremor, and Xuan Qi flew, so he immediately went to check the exact situation. However, when Sun Raccoon arrived at the restricted area, he saw his sister come out of the restricted area, in addition to her, there were two other people. You can't blame your sister for this, if you are to be held accountable, you have to capture both of them. ”

Sun Raccoon didn't say it in a hurry, but every word vomited clearly.

The queen slowly looked up and asked, “Who are these two? ”

“I'm afraid I'll have to ask you.” Sun Raccoon lowered his voice and his eyes flashed a strange light.

Sun Ziyan flashed his lower lip, but did not hide it. The gift arrived: “After returning to Her Majesty, these two... have a strong relationship with Ziyan, one of whom is the daughter of the master of the Immortal Palace of the Divine Cloud, that is, the sister-in-law of Ziyan, and the other of whom is her apprentice...”

“How did these two end up in the trial restricted area? ”

The Queen asked lightly, and this came to an idea.

“Sister and sister received a new apprentice, talented, and the conditions for cultivating the Divine Cloud Immortal Palace are quite simple. Fearing to bury this child's talent, Sister and Sister let him enter the world of extreme martial arts, and come to my Immortal Land to quietly cultivate. ”

“Quiet repair, why did you go to the test site?” Sun Raccoon smiled softly: “Don't you know what the test site is? ”

“Although the forbidden land is forbidden, it is not really forbidden for others to enter. I have consulted my uncle on this matter and they have all agreed, so I let him go. ”

“Why didn't you consult me? ”

Upper Queen Speaks Up.

Sun Ziyan immediately knelt down and whispered: “The queen has been out for several months looking for the medicine to cure her father. She finds it difficult to come back later, but she happens to have reached the bottleneck, so she urgently needs to challenge to help her break through, so... so her appearance puts her in a test no-go...”

“How can you open the Forbidden Land to an outsider when the ancestors have left it for you grandchildren? ”

Queen brows slightly wrinkled.

“Eh... this...”

“What is more, now that the forbidden land has been destroyed, there must be an explanation for this, otherwise how can my grandchildren explain it to their ancestors?” The Empress sank, then drank: “Go get the girl from the Divine Cloud Immortal Palace and what she leaned on, and go to jail first. ”

“Yes. ”

A deputy general took command and immediately withdrew from the main hall.

Sun Ziyan saw, suddenly hurried, busy shouting: “Queen, slow down, this matter has not been clearly investigated. Although she opened the door of the forbidden land for others without permission, it may be forbidden to destroy it, it is not necessarily the fault of leaning. Sister and sister are even more innocent. Please think twice, and investigate this matter before you proceed. ”

“You mean forbidden land is destroyed for no reason?” The queen faded.

“No... it was just a forbidden place, we weren't there, but we arrived later, and nobody knew what was happening in the forbidden place, Your Highness, and if we behaved so recklessly... it wouldn't be right...”

“Bold! ”

The queen whispered, “Look, are you lecturing me? ”

Sun Ziyan immediately laid down his body and hurried: “My grandson didn't dare, it's just that... my cousin is the daughter of the master of the Immortal Palace of Divine Cloud. Although the strength of the Immortal Palace of Divine Cloud is no greater than that of my Immortal Kingdom, it is nevertheless inextricably linked to that interface, not to mention... the fact that she used to worship the master of the Immortal Palace. If something happened to my sister here, my Immortal Face would be difficult to survive..."

The queen listened and frowned.

In fact, she also knows this Divine Cloud Immortal Palace. Of course, she also knows that Sun Ziyan once entered the Divine Cloud Immortal Palace. Although this Divine Cloud Immortal Palace is only a gatekeeper located on Tianwu mainland, its strength cannot be compared to that of Immortal Kingdom at all, however... measuring the strength and weakness of a force is not only the strength to see, but also the connection of the vein.

“But... if there is no account of the Forbidden Land, my Immortal Kingdom will be laughed at in the future by all worlds.” The Empress sank: “Even if they didn't do the forbidden land, they can't be separated from them!! ”


“I have decided, look, I will hold these two for a while, I will give you a month, and you will investigate the matter, if the results of the investigation prove that the Trial Ban was not destroyed by these two, then I will release these two, if the Ban Ban Ban Ban was destroyed by these two, then... I will have to act according to Immortal Law!! ”

The queen said seriously, then closed her eyes and waved. “Stand down. ”

Sun Ziyan listened, opened his mouth, what else did he want to say, but he swallowed it raw again.

The queen is her grandmother. In the past, there was more love for her, but today's affection is unacceptable. Sun Ziyan also understands the queen's nature. If she makes a decision, she will never change it.

Under helplessness, Sun Ziyan could only withdraw by voice.

The grand raccoon next to him remained silent, but his pride slowly appeared.

“The queen said goodbye to her grandson.” Sun Raccoon smiled.


Sun Raccoon followed Sun Ziyan out of the hall.

Within the court, no one dares to be rude, the energy of the Purple Moon Immortal Kingdom, the whole heavens and millions of realms, but every force that comes to the table knows it.

After the two men left the court, Sun Ziyan turned directly and stared coldly at Sun Raccoon, who had left the palace together.

“Yo, big sister, don't look at me like that, I'm scared. ”

Sun Raccoon said with a laugh, looking scared.

Sun Zi's eyes filled with anger. She stared dead at Sun Raccoon. She bit her teeth into pieces. Her angry face was filled with anger.

“Sun Raccoon, the father is seriously ill, he has not yet been cured, let alone managed the Immortal kingdom, the Immortal kingdom's lord will soon become the Lord, but remember, whoever does this position, it is not you I can decide, it is the father who decides it, the queen decides it, it is those adults who decide it, you can't change anything behind my back, whoever does this position, it will belong to!! ”

“Oh, sister, look at what you're saying, as if this is your place. ”

“My grandson Ziyan doesn't care about this position. ”

“Doesn't matter? If you don't care, then leave Immortal Kingdom. Why did you suddenly come back when Father was ill? ”

Sun Raccoon grinned.

“Father's sick, shouldn't I come back?” Sun Ziyan squeezed his fist tight.

“Oh, I'm too lazy to say anything, and you said... whoever this place belongs to will. ”

Sun Raccoon said that the smile on his face grew stronger, his toes were high, he went straight through Sun Zhiyan, and walked forward. Even after more than 10 steps, Sun Zhiyan could still feel his vigorous pride.

Sun Ziyan's fist got tighter and tighter...

“Sun Raccoon! ”

She shouted.

“What now? ”

Sun Raccoon turned his head and smiled.

Yet it was a fist that came face to face.


Sun Raccoon took a punch in the face, people flew directly out, hit a spiritual practitioner shop not far away, the shop was hit by him rarely, people are also seven.

At first glance, Sun Ziyan was responsible for this punch.

“Bastard, I won't let you go, Sun Raccoon, we'll see. ”

Sun Ziyan retracted his fist and said angrily, then walked away.