Limitless Sword God

Chapter 1266: Opening the Underground Gate

The battle outside the underworld gate was raging and Su Yun's intervention forced many of the experts who attacked the underworld gate on the front line to return. The attack on the underworld gate was immediately greatly reduced and the pressure was reduced. The people in the underworld gate were stunned.

“What's going on? ”

The sword behind the door saw that the aura infused into the underworld door was not offset by the attack outside, frowned, walked towards the underworld door and asked openly.

“Sir, it seems that the Immortals have stopped the attack! ”

A midget walks fast and hugs his fist and says.

“Stopped the attack? ”

The face of the Imperial Sword is puzzled: “The underworld gate has shaken down. At this speed, the immortal world can break the underworld gate in less than a day. Why stop at this time? ”


“Perhaps they're going to do something strange again. ”

“Is it time for them to use other means? If we continue to attack, we will certainly not be able to resist.” The flowers next to him came over and said, “Master, maybe they're in some kind of trouble. ”

The sword smelled, brows slightly wrinkled, but did not speak.

The underworld people do not know why, they are desperate at this moment, because even at this moment they have no idea of a sword, these people have injected all their strength into the underworld gate, while the vice president used strange methods to restore the unbreakable underworld gate to its pre-broken state, and if the underworld door breaks, these people will be slaughtered by the immortals for fear of not even having the capacity to defend themselves.

What should I do?

The underworld had a pale face and panicked eyes. They had no idea they were going to have such a day, the last barrier of the underworld. Is that how it's going to break? Is this how the Underworld ends?

“Whatever premeditation the Immortals have, at least, the Underworld Gate can't be broken. Since their offense is diminishing, then we should take this opportunity to refill the energy of the Underworld Gate so that we can buy more time, right? ”

At a time of confusion and panic, a voice came from behind the crowd.

The people turned to their fame, but they saw a group of demons with black breath coming towards them. The man who was the head of the demon sect was the true master of the demon sect.

“People of the true Demon Sect. ”

“In other words, these demons are so useless, their power is so weak, how much energy did they put into the underworld gate? Just run out! ”

“There is no way, the Real Demon Realm has been repressed by the Immortal Realm. The demon cultivation has been repressed by the Immortal Realm to a very low realm, and the resources of the Realm Demon Realm have been robbed, and the Demon Man cannot be cultivated, and their strength is weak, nor is it their intention. ”

“Oh, they're just relying on our nostrils. How dare they come here to say that? Shouldn't they be managing our logistics by now? ”

“Now it is the Devil who joins forces. Lord Mighty Sword has acknowledged their status. Don't talk nonsense! Although most people in the realm of true demons are weak, I hear they also have great presence in them, especially that demon king in the realm of true demons! ”

“Demon King? So what? Has the enemy crossed our sword? ”

The surrounding underworld whispers and looks at these demons with disdain.

They seem uncomfortable talking, but they keep their voices down, but they don't wrap them with breath. These demons don't want to hear it, but they're not angry, and they don't react much, because what these meditators are saying is true, weak and not respected, which is quite normal.

The Imperial Sword did not speak, but looked at the Patriarch and said, “Lord Patriarch, you demons have strengthened the Underworld Gate before, now it is our duty, you may be born to rest in the rear. ”

“I have arranged for the original demons to come and support them, and they have recovered quite a bit by swallowing the medicine and rest of the Falun Front.” The Patriarch said, "Don't give up at the last minute, but we don't know exactly what the Immortal Army is going to do. We should send some good men to monitor the situation outside immediately. ”

“I understand.” The sword nodded.

Boom, boom, boom...

At this time, the earth trembled slightly.

Far away, there was a burst of roaring noises, and a burst of roaring noises came from afar. Look at that dark sky, and there's a lot of shadows, like birds flying in the underworld, and these are dense and numb and countless, and they're flying this way, like a wind of death. But that's not all. At the bottom of these birds, there are plenty of underworld beasts, and the beasts of light and land, as if they were attracted to something, rushed wildly this way.

The earth is shaken, the breath is scattered, they are like rainbows, they are like broken bamboo, nobody dares to stop them, the underworld people see, hurry away, they dare not approach, let alone block them.

These underbeasts approached, and the underbeasts were squeezed together, one by one, watching with horror this sudden outburst of underbeasts.

“What's going on here? ”

He also flew over quietly with nine scourges in the rear, stunned to say.

The two men were sent by the Imperial Sword to strengthen the Underworld Gate in the first batch. The Imperial Sword seemed to have begun to warn the two people, so they did not have the ability to preserve them, and they were instilled directly into the Underworld Gate, so that after the energy of the two people was exhausted, they began to rest in a hurry.

Such variation exacerbates the fears of the frightened underworld.

These beasts have always been fierce and unusual. If the underworld approaches them, they will be attacked by them. Together with the power of the underworld beasts, they all exist as spiritual gods. Never mess with them. If they want to add more mess at this time, then the underworld will really end.


Just as people panicked in their hearts, the rushing underworld animals suddenly stopped as they approached the underworld.

People look at each other in disgust, they don't know what's going on, but the mutation isn't over, but listening to the sounds of the array erupt...

“Ho!!!! ”

“Woo!!!!!! ”

“Wow!!!!! ”

“Psst!!! ”


Hearing the countless underworld beasts rushing over, they actually opened their bloody mouths directly and shouted at the underworld gate. The roar of all kinds of underworld beasts intertwined, causing almost all eardrums to burst.


Everyone sees and wonders.

Good end. How could the beasts move like this?

According to theory, the animals have been cultivated into the realm of the Spiritual Xuan God. They are all products of the underworld. After they are generated, their strength is not low, but they are still unable to speak, let alone communicate with people. Unless there are people who are good at reading minds, but the strength of this person who is good at reading minds needs to be stronger than them to understand their minds.

The Patriarch was also frowned upon and wondered what these beasts were going to do.

The underworld is overwhelmed, and the Nine Hazards and the Flying Horn can't help but take a few steps back. So many underworld beasts, if they decide to destroy these underworld people, it is absolutely possible. The spleen of the underworld beast is grumpy, doesn't like the underworld at all, and they all listen to only one person, which is the Queen of the Underworld.

“Orders, open the underdoor immediately!! ”

At this moment, a voice suddenly spreads, and in the roar of this myriad of underworld beasts, it appears particularly bright.

Everyone around them heard it, they couldn't bear to look at the source of the sound, yet the people were shocked to discover that the one who said this astonishing word... was the sword of the king!!

Then he looked seriously at the countless underworld beasts in front of him and repeated what he had just said.

“Immediately... open the underdoor!! ”

“Sir!! ”

The underdogs brushed all the way over here, and some of them were incredible.

“Really... do you really want to open the underdoor? This... this...”

“My lord... can't you open the door, my underworld... is over? ”

“Please also speak up, why open the underworld door? ”

The medieval generals know that the Imperial Sword doesn't do stupid things, but it's not random to open the door, so there has to be a reason?

The Patriarch and others also looked directly at the Imperial Sword, not to mention what the flower wanted to say, but thinking about the person of her master, she stopped and waited quietly for the answer.

But he saw that the Imperial Sword was silent for a moment, and he said, “The Queen of the Underworld should have arrived. If I'm not mistaken, she's probably outside the Underworld Gate by now. ”

“Outside the underdoor? ”

There was a loud noise all around.

Is the Queen of the Underworld here? If she returns to the Underworld at this time, what can she do?

“Master, that means these beasts are actually here to greet the Queen of the Underworld??” Don't mean the flowers stared wide and asked carefully.

“Yes, otherwise, the beast would not have acted like this. ”

The sword sank, then turned his head and drank aloud: "Quickly, open the door and let the people outside come in! ”

”The underworld at the front of the gate was stunned for a while and was afraid to resist.“ Yes, sir. "

Then open the underdoor.

Look at that huge underdoor, make a bursting sound, as if the decaying ancient door was slowly moved, as that huge and incomparable door gradually opened, countless destructive forces and horror spells flew in through the door seam, people standing in front of the door suddenly failed to prevent, directly swallowed, submerged by these horror spells, blinking kung fu disappeared, horror explosion sound and spell release accompanied.

The Imperial Sword jumped and rushed towards the door.

But he hasn't come close yet, and a bunch of shadows rush in through the door, mostly cactus, but at this moment, these cactuses are surrounding a slender figure...

The slender figure appeared a little slutty, obviously wounded, and the fairies around her also looked insane, as if they were going to kill him directly and instantly. At first glance, people found a woman in black. Many people did not know who this woman was. However, the sword had washed up and drank it in her mouth at the same time.

“Close the gates and destroy these immortal walkers!!! ”

“Yes!!! ”

A bunch of underworld experts rushed past.