Limitless Sword God

Chapter 1441: Dead Immortal Realm

Since the extermination of the Divine Eagle Nation, Yangzi and others have lived in Su Yun's premises. Although they do, they have been under house arrest. However, after the wind wave ended, Su Yun ordered them to be released. All of this is what the Vanguards called, and there is no need to be difficult for Yangzi. Besides, there is still communication between the two of them.

However, Yangzi felt angry. When he left the house, he ran directly to Su Yun. However, Su Yun went to the Double Party and did not return for some time. After this return to the site, Yangzi almost rushed to Su Yun's cultivation site for the first time.

“Su Yun!! ”

She yelled.

Soon, the cultivation door opened and a young man in a black robe came out.

During this time, Sululo was not a Difficult Eagle, all served with good medicine. The severely injured Difficult Eagle people at the time were already in good shape. The wings on Youngzi returned full and unusually beautiful.

“Can I help you? ”

Su Yun asked.

“Su Yun! Shouldn't you give us an explanation for keeping us locked up so long?” Youngzi has some angry airways.

“Explain? You brought this to me, I didn't ask you to settle the bill, you asked me to tell you? If I had handed you over at the behest of all the ancient angels, do you think you could still stand here yelling at me?” Su Yun said faintly, his voice seemed indifferent.

Yangzi stood still and then his eyes were slightly red.

Su Yun was right. In her opinion, when Su Yun locked them up, she only wanted to hide them. The ancient angels chased them here for their sake. Su Yun did not hand over these people of the Divine Eagle Nation, and even slaughtered those of the ancient angels. Youngzi thought that Su Yun was doing it for herself. Although she had been locked up for so long, when she thought about what Su Yun had shouldered, she found that the grievance she had suffered was nothing.

“Su Yun... I... I know you've done a lot for us, and today, I... I'm not here to be held accountable...” Youngzi seemed a little weak.

“If you are here to say goodbye, then leave, the door is in that direction!” Su Yun said faintly.

“Is that how you want me to go?” Youngzi feels more and more lost and grieved.

Su Yun did not speak.

Yangzi took a deep breath and lowered his voice: “I am not many people of the Divine Eagle clan. If I leave the site, I am afraid that they will be attacked by previous enemies. They will show me the Eagle Bone Eagle Wings and sacrifice Fabao. If we leave the site, it will inevitably be killed and then exterminated. So I hope that we, the Divine Eagle clan, can temporarily keep you here. Of course, in return, I will temporarily hand over my clan to you for use. When we rebuild the Divine Eagle clan, we will retrieve it. Would you look good? ”

“Leave it to me for now?” Su Yun's eyebrows picked. "If you give it to me, I won't give it to you. What does this mean? Do you think the Hawks will be able to stop you if I try to impose your Nine Gods? ”

Yangzi listened and opened his mouth, but had nothing to say.

“You god eagles are temporarily stationed here. I will instruct Durrow to help you build your own cultivated land. However, it is not worth my while to live here. If there is a war, we need to attack together! ”

“It's inevitable. ”

“Bring the Nine Divine Winds and Heavenly Pearls. I have been very helpful in recent days!” Su Yun said.

Youngzi hesitated for a while, and finally handed over the Jiuxin Feng Tianzhu to Su Yun. She no longer had the ability to protect the Jiu Shen Feng Tianzhu, but she believed that Su Yun only used it and would not have done so. Otherwise, when they arrived at the site, Su Yun could have taken it, but he did not do it, enough to see that he was not a person who liked to plunder other people's treasures.

Of course, all of this is a one-sided idea of Youngzi. In fact, Su Yun did not consider so much. He did not have such a strong demand for Jiu Shen Feng Tianzhu. Of course, if he wanted to use it, he would not be polite. At this juncture of crisis, he would not consider the feelings of the Divine Eagle Nation. If the site was destroyed, the Divine Eagle Nation would not be too good.

After grabbing the Nine Divine Winds Heavenly Pearl, Su Yun ran to find Jianzhu.

“When are you going to leave?” When Su Yun opened his mouth and was ready to go to the realm of the Dead Immortal, Jianzu did not look surprised.

“Let's go now.” Su Yun sank: “I won't stay. ”

“I'll do whatever you want! ”

“Needless to say, during this time, I hope that Master Ancestor will be able to sit here. I have asked His Majesty the Sword to also enter the site and sit for me. Although the Patriarch and all the demons are in the site, they are unable to come out because of their sensitive identities, and the Fire Demon cannot do anything, so I can only rely on the two of you. Without the strong ruins here, the people of Bangu Angels will come again, I am afraid they will not be able to resist.” Su Yun said.

When Jianzu heard the sound, he stretched out his hand and waved in the air. He watched his finger quickly outline a pattern in the air with sword power. Su Yun stared at the pattern and blinked his eyes for a moment.

“This is some preliminary knowledge of the terrain of the realm of the Dead Fairy. This location, and this, I have never been involved in hunting. This is also the heartland of the realm of the Dead Fairy. It is said to be the most dangerous. If conditions permit, you can find a cactus who knows the realm of the Dead Fairy to take you there, take a chance, do your best. If you cannot find the burial place of the Undead Sword God, give up. In any case, live above all else, live and hope!” Jianzu took it seriously.

Su Yun nodded and prayed to Jianzu.

“I have nothing to give you, you monk! Go," Sword Joe said.

“Here, please ask Master Ancestor. ”

Su Yun said so and turned around and left.

On this trip, he did not bring one person, he did not even notify Fox Chiang Mei, just to explain to Suluo. If Fox Chiang Mei knew, he would surely be worried, but Suluo could understand rationally. Su Yun asked Fox Chiang Mei to inform Fox Chiang Mei that he was closed for this period, could not meet, and could make Fox Chiang Mei feel comfortable.

With a delivery token from the location, accompanied by some Dan medicine, Su Yun went straight to the realm of the Dead Fairy.

With the help of the Nine Divine Feng Tianzhu, he hurried up the road nearly a hundred times faster. It would have taken 100 days to reach the realm of the Dead Immortal, but with the help of the Nine Divine Feng Tianzhu, the power of the wind was completely controlled, and the kung fu of the day reached the edge.

Be worthy of the Divine Eagle Clan's treasure.

After the fall of the Immortal Court, more and more people were active in the Immortal Realm, the Immortal Gate was also open, and a large influx of outsiders, among them powerful generations, came to visit the Immortal Realm treasure. In the past, the realm of the Dead Fairy was sealed off by the Immortal Court. A number of experts from the Immortal Court came here to find an opportunity. They spent more than a thousand years without much gain. However, it paved the way for those who followed. The outer realm of the Dead Fairy was filled with Dead Fairy Qi, and the master of the Fairy Court, most of the time, fought this Dead Fairy Qi, they intended to convert it into a gas harmless to the Immortal. At that time, if the immortal found treasure in the Dead Fairy realm, the Immortal Court could also drive straight in and seize treasure, but they had not fully developed the Dead Fairy realm, and the vast organization collapsed.

This has benefited many later people. There is no threat on the periphery of the Dead Immortal Area. The Dead Immortal Qi and the natural trap are all eliminated here, so there are many immortals active here.

Su Yun pulled on his hood and surveyed the perimeter.

This whole realm of the Dead Fairy is actually on a huge pumice, which is almost beyond a continent of extreme martial arts, and the thickness is even more terrible, difficult to see the bottom, and the outer realm of the Dead Fairy realm has a lot of huge rubble, but from the appearance of the rubble, there seems to have been a palace here.

Su Yun did not progress in the field of blind dying fairies. Instead, he looked around and found that many cultivation places had been set up, while many cactus stood outside the cultivation grounds.

Cultivate here? This is not a safe place, who will build a cultivation site here?

He was confused, but saw a cactus walk to a practice ground, hand over a space bag to the person at the door, and then walk in.

“What is this?” Su Yunfei solved it.

“It's paid to practice!” The people next door laughed, “You're new, aren't you? You don't understand the rules here? ”

“Your Excellency is also requested to teach. ”

“I dare not teach, let me tell you, since the immortal court was disintegrated by the Su Yun, the immortal world can say that it is completely free, but freedom is good, but it has advantages and disadvantages, the good people are free, the bad people are free, the order of the immortal world has become unruly, this chapter law is publicly adhered to, but there are too many greedy people, the field of Dead Immortals can be said to be a great treasure of the immortal world, There are countless immortals who come here every day to find treasure. Some die in it, some get lucky or come out. There are countless encounters in the realm of the Dead Immortal. Some people get some sense or what the ancestors left behind, they will leave in a hurry. They will spend money entering these training grounds to cultivate their awareness. People's understanding is only for a moment. If they don't get through in time, it can be wasted, but there is no spiritual immortality in the realm of the Dead Immortal. There is no basic It's impossible to cultivate, and there are cactus everywhere outside, killing machines is heavy, if people know you've got the benefits, they're afraid to apply poisonous hands, so most of them will choose to cultivate the benefits from the realm of the Dead Fairies in this cultivation ground. These cultivation grounds are guarded by powerful people of the Spiritual God level, no one dares to be rude, of course, these cultivation grounds are also expensive, one hour is 100 million cents, these guys can make a billion cents a day, enough for them to cultivate. ”

“A hundred million cents an hour?” Su Yun was surprised.

So expensive? Though 100 million is nothing to him, it's an astronomical number on a common cactus.

“A hundred million cents, though many, is nothing compared to the immense benefits of one's life. ”

The man smiled and left.

Su Yun thought for a while and still hasn't rushed in.

Since this is a treasure trove, the benefits of nature are enormous, and there are countless masters, it is not unusual for the Spirit God to be here.

He looked around and saw a man standing in front of a cultivation site not far away with a swollen muscle. The man was filling with spirits. The wine was particularly hot and all red, like lava, and the temperature was frightening, but the man was not afraid. The cow drank like a bowl of stomach, but his face was just red. If other cactus drank like this, he would have died from the burning down of five dirty bits.

Seeing Su Yun coming this way, the big man glanced and put down the wine bar.

“Do you want to practice? 100 million cents. ”

The big man shouted loudly.