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13 Skill - Vitel's Ear

Twenty-one... twenty-two... twenty-three...

“Wow, that's amazing. A one-handed pushup. I see you've been working out. ”

“Haha. Yes. A little bit.”

I was amazed when the caregiver saw me doing a one-handed pushup.

No, I never did. After work, I didn't have enough time to play the game, but there was no exercise. This is more like a confirmation than a workout.

My body has been so strange lately. I used to help him move three things in the parking lot, feel refreshed when I woke up in the morning, and the gear change and handling went smoothly. I just thought I was in a good mood, but this time I realized I wasn't in a good mood by fighting tough guys.

I used to swoop and swoop at my fist, which I had never fought in my life without exercising. Then I realized something dramatic had changed in my body.

Watch how you're pushing with one hand. Twenty-eight, twenty-nine... I don't get tired of doing the hard stuff with one hand. Not long ago, I only did 30 pushups on both my hands.

I can think of only one reason why this happened. Gräkkar.

The power of Gräkkar has been given to me. Not all of them. Some of them.

In my dreams, I become the perfect Grikkar myself. That's why we know almost precisely the power of Gräkkar. Is my strength about a tenth of the strength of Gräkkar, which I have exercised in many ways since morning?

Is it a process of transferring power? Or is this how it ends?

I wish I had more strength... but I have no complaints if I stop here. I think the power I already have is beyond human limits. How do you know that? I just passed 40 one-handed pushups. Don't you think humans need to be exhausted? Now I'm not tired at all. The arm is not bothered at all except with a slight tingling. I think I can do 100 or 500 of these.


You get up. I'm just checking to see how much power I have. Looks like we've made a rough call. We should stop.


I can't believe you got Gräkkar's physique. I thought I could only get the power of the skill "Caroc's Sight" given to a god who is simply caroc or something.

“Fantastic. So catch a puddle. According to the article, you subdued three armed men. You're really great.I think you can fight without driving. ”

“Ah-ha-ha-ha. ”

The caregiver gives me the newspaper he was holding. A reporter came by about an hour after the substrate hanger went off yesterday. And I interviewed him for about an hour, and he ended up in the newspaper.

“Look, I was surprised when I saw Han Sang-ssi come out of the newspaper. ”

I handed out the newspaper that the caregiver was holding and placed my knight where he was. It looks pretty big. Although not a top knight, it occupies about a fifth of the space on the first page. The caregiver handed over the newspaper and showed me the page where the work was focused. How the caregiver connected me to this case, and it has my picture on it.

The article wasn't all about me. The whole topic was' Escaping Youth Crimes Getting Worse, 'and only one of them was my interview.

“Aren't you on TV? ”

“Aigoo, that's not it. ”

The caregiver talked about the newspaper and interviews and asked me things. I didn't have anything to hide, so I answered. He didn't answer or gave a rough answer about it, except that he was drunk and insensitive.

I had some tests done around 10: 00 and consulted my doctor after lunch. I've heard that there are no major injuries and a good recovery. I asked him when he could be discharged, and I heard he had a head injury, so we should look a few more days and decide.

Tsk. I'm so bored I want to go home. If I had asked you to kill a luxury watch at home, instead of being stuck in a room yesterday and today, I might have raised it by five points. Oh, by the way, I've been getting higher watches ever since I dreamed of seeing a Graccar... Are you getting better at playing games?

“Are you still working today? ”

“Yes, I've seen the progress to this day, and if I don't like it, I'm going to extend it, but the doctor says I like it, so I'm out of here. ”

‘Too bad. I want to do more because Pei is strong and comfortable. ’

I heard the caregiver's heart. All I did yesterday was feed you in the hospital room and guide you along the way when you went to get tested.

“Too bad.”

“Me, too. It was an honor to be able to take care of a civic hero. ”

“What a civic hero... haha. You've worked hard for a few days, but go home early today and get some rest. ”

“Aye, you can do that. It's all paid for. I'll be there on time. ”

Tell me the truth, mister. You want to stay for dinner? They always make me eat expensive stuff. However, I repeatedly suggested that I wanted to go home, so I went home.

You're all alone now. It seems more comfortable to be alone with a stranger like a caregiver.

* * *

‘I want to dance. ’

Hmm? I suddenly thought of someone. I'm pretty sure I'm the one in trouble here. I scoured the room just in case, but there was no one there.

‘I want to dance. I want to go back to the Academy and dance with my friends. ’

I heard it more clearly. What's going on? The mind of the neighbor? It can't be. I haven't been able to hear you since I got here.

Why did this happen to me? I just want to dance. I want to dance. ’

It was loud and intense. It was stronger than anything I'd ever heard before.

I was curious who the owner of the intense heart felt for the first time, and I left the room to find the source of the sound.

The sound of an intense heart being heard, ignoring the streets. Finding the source was not difficult. The sound of the heart can be roughly understood from where it comes from, as if it were actually screaming from the inside.

The end point was the cancer ward, and the source of intense heart was now a 15-year-old girl.

Why does such a young child make such an intense sound of heart?

I was curious.

So I was hanging around. I sat in the break room, reading a book I bought because I was bored, and I listened to the voices of people. I was bored for a few days and learned that the hospital break room contains a lot of important information. It is because the patient's guardian and the person who came to the illness are used as a place to talk about things that the patient should not hear.

I waited there, and in the evening, the guardian who looked like the mother of the child and the guest spoke in the break room to find out the situation of the child. What I learned was simple but cruel. I can simply put it this way about him.

‘The ballet girl who had cancer in her knees and was diagnosed with having to cut off her feet. ’

Poor thing.

Cancer is basically a human cell. Therefore, the older and weaker it is, the longer it can endure, and the younger and healthier it gets, the faster it gets.

The cancer in the child's knee had already spread to an inoperable extent when found and was spreading rapidly. If we let it go like this, it would definitely metastasize into our bodies, so we decided to cut off the bottom of our thighs before it went any further.

Since the cancer had been discovered within a month until the doctor decided he needed to cut off his leg, it's no wonder he felt this intense emotion. It was more sad that the child's soul color was bright. The light of the soul means you lived well enough.

I walked in front of the room again and saw the child slipping through the open doorway. He was 15 years old, but the little one seemed to fit better. I can't believe a kid like that is already in despair over a broken dream... The world isn't fair. Goddamn it.


I sighed deeply. Too bad. I want to cure cancer if I can and let my child dance as much as he wants. But I can't.

He has the power to see the soul, to hear the heart of a human being, and to surpass that of a human, but has no ability to heal that child. I don't need all these abilities. I'll give you a healing ability. I'm a priest.I thought priests were supposed to have healing powers.

I'd make a lot of money if I had healing skills. If I fix one or two rich people, I'll get a few million.

Well, that's hopeless. I wish I could win the lottery, but it's not the same thing. It's been a long night. I need to get back to my room. I need to talk to the doctor and get out of here. I'm sorry I feel like I'm turning my back on him, but I feel sad every time I hear his strong heart.

- Vitel, who was watching you, raised his hand.

Impressive "exploiting hands," "looking inside eyes."

Hmm?! What is this?

Suddenly, I stopped walking back to the room.