Link the Orc

29 points

As always, I stood up at the speed of light. It's easy.It's so easy to sit up. If you're a man, shouldn't you be doing about 100 in a minute?

‘It's really easy to exercise. You're strong.I hope you're feeling well, too. Are you trying to get sex to work? I want to find out. Aren't you going to tell me? ’


I stopped raising naturally and pretended to get up and go to another exercise device, throwing my eyes to the place where I heard the sound of my heart.

“Let's go for a run. ”

And then I skipped the gymnastics. We need to get out of here.

‘Ah. I thought you were coming to talk to me. What's wrong with your clothes? You have to wear dirty clothes tomorrow. ’

No, that's not it. Don't do it. You just, um... you know... yeah. It's not just my style. I don't think it's anyone else's style. Anyway, not me.

Let's run. A quick walk along a small lake. It's good to be able to focus on running without thinking about anything while running. And I like the way the wind feels when you run fast.

One, two, three... eleven, twelve.

It is not boring to run while counting the people who pass by like this. I'm in good shape today. Running faster than yesterday and stronger than yesterday. Maybe it's because Gräkkar got bigger with Caroc's blessing. He must have been stronger. I must have been stronger, too.

I also got another skill. It was clearly called 'the majesty of the monarchy.' I don't know what it does. It seems like it's an auto-activated passive skill, not a skill I'm activating, but it's probably a skill that helps the pack. I mean, don't you think "monarch" is in the skill name?

It has nothing to do with me. No, no, no, no. I shake my head away from my thoughts. Let's run. Focus on running.

47, 48, 49...

I focused on running, counting the number of bystanders again. I don't think it's a good idea to focus on running.

So I ran for about half an hour. When I run that much, I feel good because my body is warm and sweaty. ‘I worked hard! Is it fulfilling? I don't know if exercising is gonna work.

I returned home and showered lightly. Your belly's still filling.Why don't you just give it some strength and muscle? I want to work out in naked city. You must be full. I didn't even try. You're only good at talking about what you get.

You know, when people try to make a difference, life is a little rough.


I thought about it again. It happens a lot these days. That's why it's better to run. I don't think of it like this when I'm running.

It's all because of Gräkkar... No, it's all because of me.

Has it been a month since you started seeing Graccar? It may not be a month yet, but it will be. After all, Gräkkar's observation of that time was remarkable. He was the elite among the elite who rose to the rank of a great warrior after three years of independence.

Whether you enjoy work (combat), are always a best player (first to charge), are always entertaining (combat preparations), and are always striving for self-improvement (improving). He also has a five-year-old ambition to be the best of his kind. And last but not least, it's popular with women.

I was jealous of the last one, but I was also really jealous of the ones in front of it. Have I ever had a heart like that in my entire life?

I got my driver's license as soon as I graduated from high school saying a man should have one. Then I went to the military, I was a driver, and then I got a job at a courier company. Working there, I got to know Quick and followed him for a quick service. After that, I was hired by a small carrier to drive a frozen car and became a high commercial driver through the Account Director who luckily saw me a few months ago.

I just lived as it flowed. With a sincere, okay personality, I did my best at the time, but I never acted to see the future.

What am I going to do in 10 years?

If he hadn't been fired, he'd still be a high-powered chauffeur. Being treated no differently than now, and when the High Commissioner retires and doesn't need a driver... that's it. I need to find another job.

Of course, before I saw Graccar, I knew it was meant to be. But I didn't care. It's worth a living.

Despite their disregard, their salaries are no less than a decent job. I don't want to get married or have expensive hobbies. I still live doing what I want to do, but I can't spend one million won on the moon. The rest of the money is piled up pretty well in the account. I'm saving up to buy an apartment, so I'd love to see you stacking money in a bank account...

If I do a quick service in 10 years, I will earn less if I drive a frozen car again, but I will not be bothered to eat. So I didn't really care, but... let's stop thinking about it. I was thinking about it again.

Oh, this sucks. I wouldn't be bothered to see a self-made entrepreneur like Bill Gates. I don't understand why I'm thinking of this when I look at an ignorant Orc.

Aye. Shake it off! Let's not think about anything. I live without worry.

... something familiar... I think Gräkkar used to do this.




I don't want to be enhanced by Gräkkar. I don't want to act like him. Damn it.

* * *

“Comrade General. Your nephew? ”

- Yes, I am.

The answer from beyond the phone was short. Secretary Moss. No matter how much I tell you, can't you just give me a longer explanation? Still, it's better than ever. I used to get a call from the secretary downstairs, not from her assistant.

“So you're saying I got fired from your driver and drove your nephew's car? ”

- This is gonna be bad. You're not getting fired. Moving on from job to job. I'll explain it to you, so listen carefully and don't go anywhere else. Especially for journalists.

“Oh. Yes...”

It sounds like you're doing something amazing. Of course you're just giving me an explanation.

- Your nephew, Mr. Young-Ae, is being promoted to the executive position this time. That's why you'll be executive, and your nephew will be executive.

I see. The executive is higher than the executive. I didn't know. Infinity, by the way... Am I really living in the modern world? Heard the word "infancy." Isn't that a medieval word?

- The Executive Director said he would just go to work because he hated it, but he had to go to work if he didn't want to make sure he was happy this time.

“I see.”

Forced promotion. I want to suffer as much as I want to. I'd love to be forced to raise my salary, forced to rent it.

- That's why your nephew, the executive, is supported by a company car and a secretary, who recommended you as the driver of that vehicle. You're good at driving and you're strong. Your nephew was young and pretty, so he was worried that something bad might happen to him. You know, those weirdos who curse with their covers when they drive a nice car. She was worried they might look down on her and say she's a girl.

That's right. The Go-Go Managing Director, or Go-Go, car I ride around in is truly a luxury. If anyone does not know the car well, it is' expensive car. ’It's natural that the word comes out. So people who hate rich people often curse.

“I see. Then Goo's car...”

- That will continue with the article you retrieved this time. I think you like him.

I don't know if you recommended me as a favourite nephew because you really think I'm okay, or if the new driver pushed me away because he's too good a driver.

- Be thankful. I'm getting a special salary thanks to you.

Oh, salary!


You hear a slight grumbling voice. I can't help it. How can I not be humiliated in front of money?

-10%, so... what are you, like, 400?

“About 300... ”

- Can you live with that? The rent's about 150. You're gonna live at 150 a month?

You live in a palace? 150 bucks a month. I studied to get a job as an assistant. Looks like some punitive second year talking. Your secretary's salary is about KRW 10 million? Isn't this the guy who was born with the aphrodisiac? I was your son just moments later! I've been thinking about being deputized and maybe... nothing. I will.

- Well, I don't care how you live, 300 will increase. It won't be long, but I'm happy with that. It's not a promotion, it's just a raise, so it's harder than that.

“Yes, I understand. ”

300,000 won is a huge increase. It's a lot less than 50,000 won. If you think you're paying 50,000 won, it's super. Yeah, who cares who drives the car? I don't have anything to do with that executive. I don't want to get fired.

“When do I start? ”

- Starting next Monday. I'll be out of work for a week.

It doesn't matter. I took a month off, but I'm a little sore because I have nothing to do.

- I'll get you a phone number. Call her right away and say hello.

“I wonder what happened to your nephew's name...”

-Go Eun-suh, there's nothing for you to call. All you have to do is call me Goku.

“Oh, yeah."

What a nice thing to say... to make someone say the same thing pretty. This human is a man who owes a debt of gratitude in a word. This Human is right because he has never called his name before.

- Call me as soon as you hang up. I won't stand by if you don't check and call.

“Yes, I understand. ”

That's disgusting. What if he wouldn't have let go 10 years ago, five years ago, when he heard this, he would have crashed right in. Han, you're so angry that you died. You're a person. You're a person.

“010 345....”

I called right away.


Cut his throat.


I heard the voice of a young woman. She sounds like she's in her mid-20s... Is she this young? I can't believe you're managing at this age. The Second Reign of Punishment. As always, I spoke in a voice that was strong, but not loud.

“Hello, I am Han, who will be driving Go-Seol's car starting next Monday. ”

- Ah, the secretary recommended...

You don't call me uncle. You call me executive. Is the construction division thorough?

“Yes! That's right. Do your best in the future...”

- Okay. I'll text you the address. Come now. Do you have a minute?

I haven't stopped talking to you. It's gonna be a little rough. And you should have asked me before you asked me if I had time. You rotten thing.

“Yes. I'll be right there. ”

However, the answer was positive whether to insult him or not. How can I refuse my boss's first order? It's gonna be huge.

In fact... I wouldn't deny a 300th command if it wasn't the first one.

* * *

I came right away and took a cab.

“Is this the right place? ”

I checked the address printed on the text and the address printed on the gate, and this was the right place. I called right away.

- Are you here?

“Yes, in front of the house. ”

- Come on in.

And hang up the phone. You want me to go over the wall? You either have to open the door or you don't.


The door opens while complaining. I went inside. I saw a garden that looked like it would fit into about five of my houses. Ouch. I feel burdened. Don't you live with him?

Bang, bang! Bang, bang!

The dog tied to the garden barks like a madman, but ignores it and goes straight inside. You knock on the door and the door opens momentarily.

“Come in.”

A familiar voice, that woman. The woman I spoke to. I looked like I was in my early 20s to see if I heard my voice correctly. Oh, but it's so pretty. Does the family gene work? I don't think so. I don't look that good. You married a pretty girl. She must have been genetically challenged by her mother. I'm sure you will.

“Who's here? ”

An old woman came out. The woman is your wife when you see her walking around looking slow and wearing expensive clothes. It's beautiful. It looks like 50, but it's still pretty. That's why I have such a beautiful daughter...

“Yes, ma'am. ”

Ma'am, is the daughter of a charlatan your wife?

“He'll be driving your car from next week. ”

“Really? Please take good care of our silver. ”

“Ah, yes! I will do my best to assist you. ”

What the hell? Wasn't she the bill? Then I heard another woman's voice coming from the stairs on the second floor.

“Who's here? ”

“Yes, sir. I have a driver driving your car from next week. ”

“Oh, yeah? ”

If you call him Great-Grandfather, he'll pay the bills. I turned my head and looked at her. There... there was just an ordinary chubby woman in her early 30s.