Link the Orc

41 Unexpected Results

“My head hurts. ”

Until now, I've only followed other brothers. That's why I didn't know it was such a headache to lead the herd.

The problem that troubles me so much is‘ Choice. ’

I didn't have to choose before. All I had to do was follow the other commander. Hunt if you want, fight if you want, and go if you want. So I didn't have to think about it, I just had to act, but now it's different.

I have to choose the movements of the other brothers. There are no more brothers to choose from. I have to make all the choices. The other brothers...

“This is delicious! ”

“There's a human armor over there. If you take that to your father-in-law's brother, he'll give you good equipment. ”

“Let's fight!”

“Yes! Let's fight! ”

I'm doing exactly what I used to do. If you think about what you want to do then, do it right. I want to get into that gap, but I'm so annoyed that I haven't thought about it because I haven't made a 'choice' yet.

Puck! Puck!

Seeing the brothers punching and beating each other with their fists and feet, he looks happy. If it had been a while ago, I would have snuck in there and fought with you. I want to stop the brothers because I can't.

It makes a little sense that Woodlock, the son of Woodlock and the great warrior who actually ran things, had come to stop me from fighting the brothers.

Maybe Woodlock was just too jealous and miserable to see me fight with hundreds of brothers every day to stop him. Woodlock now understands his brother's heart. The difference is that I let him fight broadly, but Woodlock wouldn't let him fight narrowly.

Next time I meet you, I'll advise Woodlock to keep his mind open as an honorable Orc Warrior.

Anyway, what I'm struggling with right now is, where do I go next? It was a choice. I can't stay here forever.

For us Orcs to survive, we must be rich in prey. You need dense forests to be rich in prey. The forest is where life is born. All the animals that become food for our Orcs are also made by the forest. Therefore, most of the neighborhoods are located near the forest, except in special circumstances.

But man's land is strange. There are few forests that are reporters of life, and most of them are only full of strange grasslands that come up to their knees. I've heard that the strange grass is the food of Humans. I feel like I can't use my strength to eat such strange plants.

For this reason, we Orcs cannot settle on human soil. Invasion of human land is only when war, human cadavers, equipment, etc. are needed. At the end of the battle, when you run out of food, you return with the corpse, or the equipment you gave your father-in-law's brother.

The problem is we have nowhere to go. That's why I'm doing what I think. I think... my head really hurts. Starving would be more enjoyable.

At first, let's go to Woodlock. 'I thought. The only appendage I know that can accommodate a group of almost 500 is the appendage of MGEN and Woodlock, and Woodlock is good at it, so he won't be too bad about joining other brothers.

But I hated it. Once at the forefront of the group, I became stubborn. The stubbornness of this place cannot be taken from anyone. The satisfaction that I feel when all brothers are watching my back during the raid, the exhilaration that pierces my whole body when I monopolize the most powerful enemy of the battlefield.

I was addicted to them. Woodlock is stronger than I am this time thanks to his blessing. I want to be on the battlefield with that kind of power... but I don't want anyone to take the lead anymore.

"I want to create my own neighborhood! ’

I wanted to have a place for the first time since I was born. I didn't understand the chieftains who used to hang around, but now I understand it very well.

Of course, it's not easy to set up camp right now. I don't have a sister or father-in-law. This time, let's just bring the females and the father-in-law brothers who were supposed to follow us out of town.

At that time, I was so full of thoughts about going to war that I sent the forces that were of no help to the battle back to the district of MGwen. Of course I don't regret it. The honorable Orc Warrior does not regret his choice.

Eventually, I decided to set up my own place yesterday. After making that choice, I thought I didn't have to think anymore, but another problem came up that made me think of me.

‘Where to settle down. ’

That's the problem. 500 brothers and I know the forest pretty well. I've been wandering around for three years. I know a few hunt-rich forests. But the problem is that it's too deep inside. Food is not what matters to warriors. It doesn't matter if we run out of food. Enemies, can they ever fight equally? That is the most important condition for Appendix placement.

For him, other parts continue to move to the battlefield. This part of MG, which was formerly part of Kamsni, also moved to its current position to fight the Dwarves. Woodlock's territory is also a good place to fight Humans.

So I need to find a place where I can fight with 500 brothers and sisters, but I don't know where. There are too many Dwarves in the Smith Mountains to go there with just 500 brothers and sisters. And the humans... conquered and annihilated this time.

We need to find a new enemy. And I don't know anything. So I'm not finished thinking.


It hurts. I don't want to think.





I shouted in frustration. After screaming, the frustration disappeared a little. I hate it.I have such a headache.

“Why, but Gräkkar. ”

“Is there a problem? ”

The brothers came to me when I suddenly shouted. When I saw them, I suddenly thought,

Why am I thinking of myself? ’

It's unfair. If I choose a good place and find a good enemy, I'm not the only one who's good, but my brothers too. Why should I think only of myself?

“Brothers, stop what you're doing and ‘think’ of a place where we've had enough fighting and enough forest to live. ”

Everyone listens to me and comes here. Some went to the brothers who could not hear me. I should have done this a long time ago. I wonder why I thought of it alone.

I... yeah. Let's keep an eye on him. I've been thinking about it a lot for days.

* * *

“The North. Brothers?”

“Yes, Gräkkar. ”

A brother who was afraid to ask me to think came out and told me that there was a pretty good place.

“I heard it's Lizardman land to the north. ”

“That's also true. But it's further north. Nearer to the north, there are dozens of colonies, and there is war everywhere in the human land and Orc lands. ”

Just listen to this brother. The northern region is the best land for war wherever it goes. But it's a little weird.

“Why did your brother come all the way here? ”

I would never leave that place. If there's a battle going on everywhere, it must be where Caroc blessed us.

“I've heard Kamini scream. ”

I see. You nod.

It could be Kamini's cry. Since Kamsni is located a little north from here, the brothers in the far north probably heard the 'rally cry'. If we listen to it, we can escape even if it is a blessed land for a while. The battle with Kamsni was the best.

“And I saw my brother on this battlefield. There are no brothers to the north who have grown up as young as brothers. The brother must be watching over Caroc. I felt like I could stand out to Caroc with my brother. ”

“I'm not young. Old enough to be a warrior. ”

“You're a warrior. But he's young. He's under 10, isn't he? ”

“...... ”

I need more scars on my face. I don't know how I knew right away I wasn't 10 yet.

“Isn't it hard to fight because there are so many humans? ”

“No. There are very few major battles there. Most of the battles I've fought have fewer than 1,000 warriors and fewer than 3,000 human capital. ”

Excellent. I've decided. I should have done this earlier. I'm going to keep telling the other brothers to think.

“We're moving! Focus on the food, we don't know how far to go!" Brother.Please ask for a guide. ”

“Got it, brother. ”

Brothers bear the corpses of humans and livestock indiscriminately.

* * *



Caroc's Field of View (Tier 1)

Vitel's Ear (Tier 1)

Wonder Power

Exploiting Hand

Glory of the Monarch

View Skill List

Cult Skill

Power Status Plate

Weight of Promise


What the hell? I'm sure Caroc gave it to me from time to time, but I'm not sure what it is.

Something has been added to the bottom. Nothing has changed so far. What was added?


Cult Skill

Weight of Promise: The user uses 100 Combat Contribution Points to "Promise" the target. Users can determine the ‘due date’ and the 'penalty’ to be broken, and use extra battle contribution points depending on the length of the 'due date’ and the ‘penalty' type. "Promise" is a verbal requirement for the other party's consent, and it is not a requirement to speak about "deadlines" and "penalties."


Something else came up... but I don't know what it is. Just in case, I asked the brothers if they knew what it was because they drew similar pictures, but no one knew them. I wonder.

There were other changes.


Graccar's Horde

Leader: Graccar

Group Members: 512

Combat Contribution Points: 1,482


Clearly something else was added below as well. Some things are slightly deformed. Caroc couldn't have given it to me without thinking.

“I don't know. I'm sure Caroc will tell you. ”

I've been thinking. My head hurts again. I have to stop.

* * *

“How long do we have? Brother.”

“As I said before, we still have a few more days to go. Stop asking.”

The guiding brother replied with a slightly annoyed voice. I understand. I ask too many questions. But I can't stand it. I can't believe there's such a land. I'm excited.

Why did I wander around for three years and not hear of such land? It must be because the brothers who went to the land didn't come out there. They're all staying there, so they won't be known out there.

Bad brothers. If there is such a good place, it should be made known outside so that many brothers can come.

I wouldn't tell the brothers out there if I were you. I don't want to go out there.

Shhh. Shhh.


One of the brothers yells. I saw what happened, and there was a bolt in my shoulder. Humans.

Shh-shh-shh-shh-shh-shh profits!

Bubble Bubble Bubble Bubble!

In succession, bolts and arrows hit the space and flew at us. Each of the brothers held up their weapons and food.

Please. Please.

I bounced off a few bolts that flew to me.


A Human raid. The brothers who led us here were right. This is a good land.

“Rrrrgh! I'm the lead! ”

You fly to where the bolts and arrows fly.