Link the Orc

< 92 Olympic Tropics >

It was also the restaurant where Kim Jin-seo called me. A place that is less expensive than the restaurant where I went to broker a deal with the Salvation Master before, but more expensive than where I went to broker a deal with Ko Eun Sung afterwards. This must be it, too. As expected, this is a Korean restaurant. I think Yerdan does a lot of Korean restaurant business.

As soon as Kim Jin-seo came out and greeted him with a tea kettle and two people who were sitting at the table with only a few glasses, not ready to eat yet.

“Well, now that you've got so many busy people, let's just get on with the deal and eat. Hansung, eat and go. I'm ashamed to say this is our restaurant, but it tastes really good. If you don't feel comfortable eating with us, we'll set you up with a secretary. ”

That's fine.I 'll just have a free meal here with Blind Kite. I said yes.

“Then let's get on with the contract. I hope that's okay.”

Kim Jin-seo asked the two contracting parties. They don't look fine at all. You don't seem too happy about being sturdy.

“Chief, do you really need to do this? Even without this contract, we will do our best to build this. Isn't that right, Doc? ”

“Of course, it's a business that Yerdon runs with all his might. Who would dare to ignore it? And, oh my…”

The man who speaks looks up and down at me.

“Hmmm. No, but it'll be the same. ”

I tried very hard. Literally, I can't do that because I ignore Kim Jin-seo, and that's why I'm so confused. The thoughts inside are different.

‘Yerdan's been going crazy lately because he's fallen in love with the cult. Spending money on all this weird shit. I'd rather spend money on this. ’

“You probably don't know. Don't worry about it. Han Sang-ssi's abilities have already been proven. Han Sang-nim is busy, so I will proceed as quickly as possible. As I said, if you don't do this, there's no contract. Are you sure?”

“Yes. I understand.”


If A doesn't do this, he won't sign the contract. You have to say yes.

“Yes, Mr. Han. Please do as I said before. ”

“Yes, I'll ask you both. Will you promise to continue to do your best without moral harm and to supervise the workers as best you can, as per your agreement with Kim Jin-seo? ”

No contract has been entered into at this time. These are representatives of the construction of the temple. Kim Jin-seo had already signed a contract with them, but he was worried that they would not do their best to build the temple because of the lack of work done around the world.

Fair enough. Every time I see a glitch on the news from the highest building in the country that I've spent a few trillion times building, I can't help but worry.

Bad raw materials can be used, and the workers can work roughly. If a defect is found, it can be hidden and handed over, or the contract itself and the construction can be left to the subcontractor.

Thanks to Kim Jin-seo, I found a new way to use 'Weight of Promise’. They say that contracts can be protected by sunlight, that holes can be obvious and moral harm. If you use the weight of the promise to prevent that, you don't have to broker the contract of the note.

“I promise.”

“I promise.”

Both of them said they promised not to say anything else about how it was already going.

- Use the skill 'Weight of Promise’.

Church contribution points deducted 100.

Decide on a "due date" and a "penalty".

“What would you do with two years' expiration date and penalties? Chief.”

I heard everything else, but I didn't hear about the penalty.

“Hmm... I trust these two. I don't think there's any strong penalty for encouraging others to go on a diet... What do you think? Both of you.”

“Anything's fine. ”

“So am I. ”

“You say you're okay with any penalty. Mr. Han, if it's not such a strong penalty, what's the penalty for keeping a promise? ”

“It doesn't matter. Imagine that the simplest penalty is abdominal and headache, and the two years of abdominal and headache that breaks your belly and your head will never stop. No one's going to make it. Not to mention more penalty. ”

So far, I've used the weight of promise for many, but not a single person has ever met the weight of promise. I don't think they're different.

“Then I'll give you abdominal pain. ”

I think I have a harmful personality. The last time I punished him, he looked like he was going to kill him. Today just ended with abdominal pain. At least I thought I was gonna order a full-blown paralysis.

“Yes. Two years for expiration and a penalty for abdominal pain. Do you agree? ”

Of course, it is a culinary activity, but there is no need for agreement between the two. For the second year, "severe abdominal pain" was imposed as a penalty. Kim Jin-seo asked me to do it with abdominal pain, but I can't finish building Vitel's temple with abdominal pain.

- Specify ‘Due’ 2 years, 'Punishment’ strong abdominal pain with the skill 'Weight of Promise’ restriction.

Additional Church contribution points 127 will be deducted.

127 was deducted two consecutive times. In total, 254. Previously, it was a contribution point, but now it's small enough to be replenished at the moment of use.

“I agree."

“Agreed... ugh... ugh...”

One man groans and grabs the boat. That guy's got some bad ideas.

“Hmmm... Your stomach seems to be hurting. Are you okay? ”

“Th-that's okay. Suddenly I'm out of breath. ”

I'm sitting here. I can't breathe. You were thinking of doing something weird that wasn't part of the deal. I was going to ask him to fix my mind, but he didn't just stand up because Kim Jin-seo was sitting quietly with strange eyes. You have an idea.

“Well, now that the contract is over, let's eat. I've already told you, we'll be ready to go. ”

“Th-that headquarters. I have an appointment, so I'd like to go first. ”

Grind and say it. That's very patient. I've never been there, but I've seen the person next to him hurt a lot.

“I told you in advance that I wanted to have a friendly meal with you two, but did you make another appointment? ”

“Oh, that's... that's... Just because my friend's father died suddenly... I think I should go help him because he's a good friend. ”

You're selling your friend's father. But what are you going to do? Are you going to the hospital? Anyway, he's trying to get out of here and do something about it. But hopeless. This skill is mine by using Vitel's power. How dare you think you can escape from that state with a man-made action.

“Ah. I wish you the best of luck. But that's great. If that's the case, we'll have time to eat. Go ahead and eat it.I 'll help your friend if you have a strong stomach. ”

“No. I have to go help...”

“I trust you'll eat and go. ”

Kim Jin-seo halves his opponent and speaks in a strong tone. Then the opponent says nothing. That's the power of the pack.

“I'll get the car ready. Don't worry, we'll get you home as soon as we're done. ”

“Oh, yeah. Th-that would be fine. I was sorry I couldn't eat here, but that's great. ”

He's reluctant to say yes. It may be because of the pain, but he speaks well once in a while. But how long will it last? Was that the longest man standing for an hour? I don't remember.

“How did you...”

“I'll eat in the other room with my assistant. ”

“Yes. I'll get it ready for you. We'll send your honorarium right away. ”

“Oh, about that gratuity. Can I ask you a favor in exchange for an honorarium? ”

“Please? What kind of things? ”

“A moment of your time...”

“Yes. Let's go outside. ”

I took Kim Jin-seo outside. And I got right to the point.

“Did you hear from Mr. Jung that I'm going to give the brokerage pass to the auction? ”

“Yes. So I looked it up, and there was no auction going on, so I contacted you directly. ”

“That's a bit of a problem. I contacted several auction houses to try out for the auction, but they were rejected everywhere. ”


I looked hard and contacted all of them, but I didn't say that I would put my brokerage pass on the auction anywhere. Some responded emotionally, thinking it was a joke.

“Then I'm asking you...”

“Yes. I was wondering if you might have a connection to the auction house. If so, I'd like you to connect me. ”

“If that's what it takes...”

- I have to go. I'll call you later!

Suddenly, it was noisy over there, and Kim Jin-seo stopped. It's his voice. The man who began to feel abdominal pain because of the weight of his promise. Maybe Kim Jin-seo got stuck trying to get out of the way of disappearing.

“Stupid man. Do you really think I wouldn't notice? Isn't it funny how a fool thinks he's so smart? I've already told my secretary. never let them go until after the meal. ”

“You can let me go. because I'm not going to stop doing anything unless I fix my mind. ”

“Haha. It's not because I'm afraid of him releasing hypnosis. Because Han Sang-ssi's hypnosis has already been proven by dozens of businessmen. What did they do to unhypnotize you? I've heard that some people have called the same hypnotist, and some have called the shaman to do good. Some people went to the hospital and had a workup. But eventually, they failed to resolve it, and they fulfilled the contract. ”

I didn't know I cared after the Weight of Promise, but I must have tried a lot to solve this.

“I don't think he can do what they can't. I just want to watch you suffer. ”

I thought you were more harmful than that. It's still gentle and scary.

“I built a temple like that for God, and I asked him to do my best, but he was reluctant... If I had been any closer to him, I would have punished him." ”

So eager. This guy heard Vitel's voice. That makes sense. It's natural to be a fanatic most of the time, and even if you're not a fanatic, you're bound to reach a similar location. If you feel that greatness and you don't feel it, you're not human.

“Oh, do you know Mr. Han Sang-nim? If you don't know, let's just say a prayer to Vitel. And you can feel his greatness. ”

“Haha. Yes. ”

You preached to me.

“I'm going to stop here because he doesn't like preaching strong, but I want to force everyone to pray to him. Then you will know his greatness. ”

“I see.”

“Han Sang-ssi, try it. All you have to do is call on Vitel and pray. And I'll look into the auction. Korea's largest auction for Korean art is called Korea Auction, and there are many other products in addition to the art. I have a little line there. He's a good customer.”

Chaebeests love art. Tax evasion, property nicking, that kind of thing.


“It will be unconditional. Mr. Han's brokerage pass is eligible for the auction. ”

- Oh, I see. I won't call you later! Don't stop me!

“You're getting louder and louder. I've got to get out of here before the riots start. ”

“Yes, well done. ”

Kim Jin-seo quickly walked to the place where the commotion broke out. I followed slowly. The man who shouted that there was no Kim Jin-seo, when Kim Jin-seo appeared, he was dragged to his room without saying anything. Strong against classic weaknesses and weak against strong ones.

A staff member approached me and escorted the alliance to another room to see if Kim Jin-seo had spoken. The food came in after waiting a while. It tasted so good. I should come here more often.

- Aah! Help me. Chief, I made a mistake! My stomach hurts so much!

Half eaten? You hear a scream-like sound. I didn't... lift my spirits after all. If I had changed my mind, I wouldn't have to beg for that life right away. He's amazing, too.

After that, I heard a few sounds, but I ignored them and came out after I finished eating.

The next day, I was contacted by Kim Jin-seo who decided to put the brokerage pass on the auction at Korea Auction. Thankfully, I took care of all the details, so I just need to send my pass to the auction house.

I would have thought about designing a pass if I thought it would be treated like this. I'll make it quick and send it.

* * *

“They're all negative? This is ridiculous! ”

The U.S. Olympic delegation commander cried out after seeing the results of the drug tests obtained by South Korean athletes before the official announcement. Of course, most people thought they were going to be drug-positive and lose gold medals, but they came up negative.

“Does this make sense? Sport is not something you can improve in a short period of time! It's a miracle something like that happens in one sport. Absolutely not.”

Sport is like technology. Performance is achieved only when there is sufficient investment and infrastructure. That's why the United States, which has invested a lot of money and built a foundation, can be at the top of the world.

There can't be any sudden progress. Occasionally, one genius appears. There are those who transcend human limits everywhere in the world. But that's one or two in each country.

There can be no sudden succession of dozens of events in one country.

“That's why I've asked for additional workup. ”

“You can't just have a workup. Korea is not stupid either. I'm sure it won't take you long to see how well you've done. A drug that doesn't require a workup, or any other action. Electrotherapy or hypnosis or something. ”

The foreman wrapped his head. I also heard that people who are already high up seem to be interested. I confidently told them that I would be disqualified as a result of Korea's injustice soon. But the voice, I thought I couldn't stand it.

“Call intelligence. Ask them to sweep Korea from the ground up. No matter how well you hide it, if they sweep through it, something will come out. ”

< 92 Olympic Tropical Storm > End

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