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< 141 Consecutive Miracles >

After a quiet but noisy evening, the morning when everything woke up came and I wanted to eat so badly. The fourth miracle will happen in about 10 hours.

- Police work has been paralyzed by the largest number of criminals since the founding country. A week ago, the Bishop telepathically said, "Those who are guilty should be punished for their sins. ’Cause of that. More than 200,000 people have turned themselves in to this country so far.

... I didn't mean for this to happen. I have to be careful what I say from now on.

- The government is known to be reviewing the death penalty for a lesser degree of crime in response to this. Most of these embroiderers are known to be misdemeanors, so they're also saying, well, you know, maybe you should start by watching Vitel.

What are you looking at, some kind of vitel? It's just hard for them to take care of everything, so they must be annoyed.

- In other news, a Vitellist miracle is expected to take place around 11pm tonight, and citizens from all over the country are out on the streets praying for a group. There are about half a million people out there praying right now across the country, and we expect to reach a million by the end of the night when the miracle is about to take place.

This is also one of the side effects of growing exponentially. There were about 20 small places in Seoul, so people who wanted to pray as a group could use them, but this time the congregation was too large to handle them all, so they gathered on the streets like that and started praying as a group.

It's a good thing.How to get stronger when you combine your powers. If we get together and pray, the congregation will have a deeper bond. And your faith in Vitel will be deeper.

You're doing great. Come out more and pray with me. Of course, don't crash. Praying together is good, but the image deteriorates when you crash. Images are one of the things I care about most. Vitellism doesn't have to be tainted.

- 1 Church Contribution Point awarded.

Provider: Forever

Period: Prayer

- 1 Church Contribution Point awarded.

Provider: Sunwoo

Period: Prayer

- 1 Church Contribution Point awarded.

Provider: Constitution

Period: Prayer

Even though it is only 1 point, I am experiencing how great the proverbial 'dust and molten metal' is.



Chieftain: Hansung

Followers: 11,940,117

Church Contribution Points: 676,482,990


I still have about 10 hours left, and I've already collected all the points I need. I can't believe I just scored one point and surpassed 600 million.

1,940,000 more believers already. Talking about Vitel all day on the news about miracles is going to happen, and the speed at which the congregation grew. I wonder if all Koreans will become Vitalists.

At any given moment, an enormous number of prayers were being heard, but I was remembering and recognizing everything. One of Vitel's greatest miracles is what I can do.

- Priest, I wish you a long and healthy life.

Hey, mister. She's 15 years old now. I'm 14 years old, but it's not raining forever. I think you're tired of hearing your voice, so please take care of yourself.

- Help Priest get good grades in the Concourse.

- I saw that Priest Yuna almost got kidnapped this time. Please scold those who do bad things and make sure that Priest Yuna doesn't get hurt again.

- My little priest. I'm here to protect you no matter what. Give me the strength to protect you.

There are so many prayers about Juna. It's because of the broadcast. But I was on the air... and that was four days before Yuna.

It turned out that the first day I was on the air, I ate a lot of insults with prayer. That day, there was an awful lot of insults and parodies to mock at Vitale. At the beginning of that day, a lot of my followers insulted Vitale and ridiculed me with their first prayer.

And I immediately apologized. You can feel your physical strength getting stronger right after praying. After experiencing it, you'll be terrified of the idea that Vitel could be a real god. I don't know what to do if he gets punished.

Although there were some prayers that were not insulting, they were not for me. Most of them included me in their prayers, but most of the prayers that Jonah mentioned were for him.

Why, why? Why don't you want to protect me? I don't want to be protected, but it's too different, so I actually care a little bit.

Of course I look tough. That's 'cause you don't have to protect me... shit. Khh. Sad. Is it because he's ugly? No, I'm not ugly at all! Average! Yeah. It's because Yuna is a little girl. He's such a cute little girl, and he just wants to protect her.

- You're so pretty. Please let me have a girlfriend like Yuna. It's better if you let me date her.

Who the fuck is this? I think I'm done with my 20-year-old voice. How dare you go after my daughter, Yuna, or my daughter, Yuna! Let's take a closer look.

After focusing a little, a brief information about the person who prayed comes into my mind.

Male, 22, generally in good health. You son of a bitch! How dare you go after our 15-year-old Juna! Where is he? Where does he live? Oh, you're in the city ahead. I'll tell him to come back later if he comes back.


- Vitel's ear (stage 3): I can hear thoughts. I can hear the prayer of the congregation. You can find a brief information and location of the worshiper who is currently praying, such as gender, age, etc. Current Phase 3.


This time, the 'Vitel's Ear’ became Phase 3, adding the ability to know brief information about the praying man. I thought it was a useless ability, but you gave it to me to use.

By the way, Vitel, if you'd have done it a little earlier, you could've caught those damn kids and punished them. Too bad. If you see someone insulting me again later, you have to go and ask them why they insulted me.

Kim Jin-seo brought his brother early in the morning. He didn't look too good. He was healthy enough to walk around for a while after the last time he came to Vitel and couldn't get up in a wheelchair.

I gave her my blessing. Of course, the miracle of healing did not occur. But I got up and walked around in a wheelchair as my body was getting healthier. It didn't seem very energetic, but it looked like a normal person.

Kim Jin-seo was so grateful. "Life Transfers" brought him back to life, but it didn't seem to work very well. It was a little energized, but it was almost gone. Again, "life transition" is excellent for treating trauma, but it has no effect on disease at all.

- I hope my mother's cancer gets better this time.

- Vitel, please save my husband, who is miraculously a vegetable.

- I don't want to die. Vitel, why do I have leukemia? Please, heal me miraculously today.

- My friend has diabetes...

There are a lot of things like this in prayer. Tales of healing... thousands of sad stories. Every time I hear them, I wish I had the strength to heal myself, not once or twice.

But to be honest, it is a problem even if you have healing power. I am one. How many people can I treat a day? Unlike just praying and finishing meetings, it's going to take a while to heal. A hundred? That's when I'm dedicated to treatment all day long. Of course you won't, and if you treat them with something else, it will be hard for 10 people a day.

Not even that much.

I don't know if there are 100 people with abilities similar to the ones that fixed Juna. Wait, um... I'm just saying. Maybe this will work.

There are 1,000 people I can bless right now. Some of them might come out with "exploiting hands" or "looking inside eyes."

And if more followers continue to increase the number of people who can bless, and those who have awakened their abilities to help heal... maybe we can build a priesthood to heal incurable diseases.

When you bless the future, you'll have to ask and record what you're capable of. I didn't ask what Kim Jin-seo and his brother were capable of, but I'll ask him later.

And pray hard to Vitel. Let blessed people gain various abilities that will help them in their lives, not in battle. Combat skills are honestly unnecessary.

I have five guardians.

We have only called three yet, but we can call two more at any time. If we see the three skills we have already summoned, there will be nothing like it in the world for five guardians.

We'll call the other two later. With things calm and psychologically stable. Scared O'Connell of looking so dirty and weird. It's hard to be sober right now, but I think it'll be really hard if I add two more weirdos.

“Let's go. ”

“You've had enough rest. ”

“I'd like to rest more, to be honest, but there's a lot of people here to see me, and I can't just sit back and relax. ”

I'm busy. I'm pretty busy, too. To meet the coming congregation, to be virtuous and to pray. A week ago, there was hope that it would be over in a few days, but now there is no hope. I was much faster than I met him.

But I'm happy. I have an hour for lunch. Kim Jin-seo and others are busy working, so they are also running to lunch and eating. Everywhere I go, superiors suffer less.

When I met people, it quickly became evening.

I used to meet the congregation late at night, but not today. I have something special to do today.

In one hour, Vitel's miracle will be done. Prepare yourself.

The most I've heard about the congregation today is, "What kind of miracle will happen today?" It was. God knows. "’I said.

It's a bit much for miracle predictions, actually. Oh, my God. When will the miracle happen? 'and there's no miracle that's happening. It's a miracle it happened when you didn't expect it at all.

I returned to Juna's house, which I now share, and waited for her. I returned to my resting place and prayed for a miracle, without even the believers walking around outside.

Last Sputt. I hear the congregation praying at an incredible rate. It seems almost all the congregation pray at the same time.

50 minutes... 40 minutes... 30 minutes... 20 minutes... 10 minutes... 5 minutes... 1 minute... 30 seconds...



Chieftain: Hansung

Followers: 14,385,441

Church Contribution Points: 1,091,834,687


There are enough points.

- Use the skill 'Miracles - Lucky Kids’.

Church contribution points 719,272,050 deducted

- My children, I will help you do what you want.

The miracle has begun.

* * *

Three days after Gräkkar and Ben Jacques signed on,

“I feel the power... from him! ”

The ‘undead’ shouted as if there was a flood.

The ‘undead’ who had recovered to the right hemisphere, his body slowly recovered, quickly bloodshed, muscles formed, and the new flesh rose.

Left arm recovered in 10 seconds, right leg recovered in 30 seconds, and left leg recovered in 50 seconds.

His whole body was restored to the undead.

He rises from his seat.

< 141 Consecutive Miracle > End

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