Link the Orc

< 166 Vanishing Boundary >

“The slave auction is one of the main sources of income for IS. They kidnap women from heathens and foreigners, and if they think they're beautiful, they sell them to foreigners for a high price, and if they think they're less commercially viable, they sell them to an ISIS official inside. ”

“Crazy people.”

These guys are crazy. Slave auction in this era. But the amazing thing is that slavery is happening more frequently around the world than just in IS.

It is said to be happening in remote areas such as North America, Europe, Asia and beyond. In retrospect, slavery in my country was once a problem.

The main purchasing line for the IS slave auction is white and Asians don't fall behind... even though slavery has officially disappeared since 1888, it still hasn't disappeared. Humans really like to repress other people's freedom.

This is definitely a problem. Vitel, who loves and encourages freedom, is not going to like it.

“Slaves... we must rid the world of them. ”

“I'll get ready right away. ”

“Hmm? Ah. Go ahead."

I spoke to myself without even knowing it, and I thought Bensen had given me an order and said I'd do it right away. Don't stop me. I'll just tell him to do it. It's really a matter of getting rid of it. We can't allow freedom to be repressed as a Vitellist who always emphasizes freedom.

Bensen called headquarters on a satellite phone and ordered us to gather information about slavery. Faster, Bensen.

A moment later, Bensen showed me a USB drive.

“Here's some footage from IS of their customers. It is called the content that was just released. ”

I've never seen it. Hot intel from an informant here.

If it wasn't for that, Katniss wouldn't have known she was in IS. Bensen's information network is widespread throughout the world, but IS is far from easy to reach. It's almost impossible for an intelligence operative to infiltrate.

You would have figured it out eventually, but you couldn't have figured it out in two days. You found it because ISI advertised you would attract customers.

“I'll play.”


It was a video

- The West is selling us out to terrorists. But it's wrong. We are the guardians of the brothers against the plunderers of the Western world. I will prove it from now on.

The video began with the description of someone with the AK rifle.

“I'm Schiban Alhir. He is one of the Warriors representing IS. ”

- The demons of the Western world have entered the sacred land and slaughtered it. There's a village far away.

The camera zooms the village away from the window. The sun was setting, but there was still some light so I could see it even if I was far away.

- A village invaded by demons from the West. One of the brothers who lived there barely escaped the massacre and informed us that we are here to liberate and avenge the village.

The camera shot Schiban again.

- They say they're demons. From now on, we will execute the devil in the name of God. Look who the real terrorist organization is. And decide whether to follow the word of God and fight the demons.

“It was originally a preemptive video. ”

He turns around and heads back to the village, followed by about 100 men. I saw some people with rocket launchers.

Katniss must be the Devil of the Western World who massacred her. They looked like white guys. The massacre wasn't the chief of IS, it was a real massacre. The world I know is not a sweet enough place to save lives without killing another species.

Katish would have needed a place to stay and would have raided and taken over the earliest sighted human village, as he had done in the other world. In the other world, it's okay.

But not this way.

- Tata, Tata, Tata!

- Whoo-hoo!

It's a monster!

Shoot everything you got!

- Peek-a-boo. Boom!

The word "chaos" fits perfectly with the situation in the video.

IS wants to approach cautiously and launch rockets first, but they're not human. Approximately 100 meters, IS was hit backwards.

Screams come from everywhere, and the war begins.

The video was shaken by a sudden battle, but was generally taking good pictures of the situation. Thanks to this, I can see Katniss fighting.

You fight like an animal.

I run on all fours with my hands and feet, and then I run in and bite it off. However, the arm falls off and the flesh is torn off, even though it's like an attack that just passes by.

But it wasn't just IS. No matter how fast it is, it can't be faster than a bullet. If you fire dozens of shots, you'll get one or two. Katniss is quite visible from the gunshot wound.

Of course, it was a moving Katishi that was hit once or twice, but the situation changes when dozens of shots are stuck. Katniss is seen from everywhere, shot down.

Did he lose like that? If there are that many, we can't outrun 100 ISs with AK rifles in a waterway that looks less than 20.

I was going to think,

- Bang, bang! Bang, bang!

You hear a gunshot from the village where Katniss was. A single, familiar sound. A Dwarf's hand cannon.

You're a Dwarf.You 're invisible in the video, but you must have brought a Dwarf with you... Or maybe you just got a handcannon from a Dwarf.

The change wasn't just a dwarf's handcannon. A green translucent membrane forms in front of Katniss during a violent war with IS and the bullet begins to bounce off.

Not Dwarves, Lizardmen, Orcs, or Humans. In the many wars I have seen in Gräkkar, the Lizardmen were colorless, the Orcs were red, the Humans were blue, and the Dwarves had no special abilities. I've never seen green.

Katish's power? But if Katish's power, why didn't you use it in the first place? Another species?

My curiosity was quickly solved. The cameras started filming the town, and there were Dwarves out of town... elves? Elves. I know there are Elves in that world. There's no Elf like them.

We're clear. Katniss isn't the only one here. The factions came together.

Seeing you join us so late, did you think Katniss would be enough to underestimate the Humans?

- Gruuuhhh!

A loud shout echoes out as the person holding the camera misses the camera.

A chieftain? At least it looks like a chieftain. Are you a Qatish warrior or another? I'm not used to shouting at you. I was curious and wanted the person who took the video to lift up the camera again to get it right, but the video ended there.

“There are three species that have been identified. ”

“..... Do they really exist? ”

Bensen asks in a sinking voice. He looks quite surprised. Not just Bensen. All the paladins who watched the video together had similar expressions. You'd be surprised. There's only one species on Earth.

They are divided into hundreds and thousands of different races, but all of them are human beings. They're completely different from the factions.People who've never seen them before are surprised.

“They are worshippers of other gods from other worlds. They must be Katishi, Dwarves, and Elves, respectively. ”

I haven't told you the details yet. I think it's time I told you.

* * *

Vitel, etc., explained that God's story is minimal and just a scout sent before the invasion of Earth from another world.

“Enemies... I see. I thought it was probably a rescue mission. ”

Rescue mission, maybe. They are in danger of being sold as slaves to the evil IS. ‘He who is caught by evil is good.’ bias must have worked. But truth is a greater evil that is caught up in evil. The evil that has come to destroy us.

“Is there no place we can be together? Perhaps we have a kind and peaceful race of humans who can cooperate. ”

“Nothing. Everyone coming over there is the enemy. ”

That's for sure. Vitellism is a ruined world. They come here to exterminate the Vitale Church, and every last one of them is an enemy. Orcs... They may or may not be particularly hostile to us, but they're crazy about fighting all the other factions they see, so they can't be on our side.

“I see. I see. So from now on, I'm going to make an enemy of everyone who crosses over. ”

“Yes, do that. Oh, and there are people in the other world. And those humans are definitely our enemies. because the purpose of going into our world is to destroy us, Vitellism. ”

“I... dare to remember... the Vitel Church. And I'll give it to the agents. ”


I warned you in case the humans stumbled on us. They're not the same people. Those who are mad at God are one and the same.

“But given the circumstances, I think I lost the IS. How did I become the product of the slave auction? ”

“This is what the IS has released. I just released this video and added that I was going to put the monsters in the auction. So we took satellite imagery of where the battle took place. ”

It couldn't have been easy to find out where the battle took place just by watching the footage. I'm telling you, he's good.

Bensen turns off the video and floats the picture.

“This is the village I just saw in the video. ”

“Looks like you've been bombed. ”

There was definitely a battle outside the town. But the satellite imagery shows the town as being bombed. There was a second war.

“It looks like they bombed it, just like the Pope said. Perhaps he recovered the footage and analyzed the enemy. It appears to have gone into a full-scale ranged attack. I would have made an attack here or here during the day. ”

Bensen points out a slightly elevated hill topography and a fairly steep, but steep slope.

With a terrain like that, it would have been easier to deal with Katniss, Dwarves, and Elves falling from ranged attack abilities. Even with a Dwarf handcannon, it's an old-fashioned weapon in our world that could have been used 300 or 400 years ago.

But a chieftain might be able to break through there.

I remember when Gräkkar was chief. And I came to the conclusion.

Orcs are always possible. Orcs won't get a bullet in them. It is the same for ordinary chieftains other than Graccar. You won't be able to penetrate your skin unless you shoot it in the mouth or eyes right in front of you. I heard Katish is weaker than an Orc, but I'm still close to him. A rifle cannot stop a chieftain.

But now that I see IS doing the slave auction, IS won.

Should I hit the rocket launcher in the face? Or was it mortar fire? Maybe Katniss is weaker in strength than I thought. Maybe even a chieftain will get shot.

I have so many questions.

“I don't know who survived the enslavement, but we must take it. ”

“Just in case, two of our people are participating in this auction. ”

“Well done.”

Auction... Vitellists have a lot of money. It is one way to buy money by participating in an auction. But this is the last resort. I wouldn't have come if I was going to buy it in the first place. Participating in the auction is the last way.

“Verifying your location comes first. ”

All you have to do is know where it is. I'll go myself.

< 166 Fading Boundary > End

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