Link the Orc

< 199 Leaders vs Leaders >

“Can you get it out? ”

- Do you want to do it yourself? It's up to us to...

“If you're not going to do it, there's no reason to be here. ”

I don't need to be here if I'm going to let the Guardians fight. I'm in Korea and only the Guardians can send me here. Fighting for yourself. That's why I came here, fearing death.

The day when the true invasion of the xenogens began. I knew how strong I was when I fought directly in Brazil. I was pretty strong. But I felt inadequate.

Judging coldly, the Guardians' strength is comparable to that of Gräkkar. In other words, you can think of five of them by my side. It is a tremendous force for an individual to have. But what if we expanded our reach to the rest of the planet? Not enough.

Humans on Earth are weak. I am the only one who can defeat the chieftain race in 1: 1, even though there are billions of people who have been placed in Vitellism and have received the "majesty of my monarchy" effect and thousands of people who have been blessed by me.

Only six, including the Guardians. There are only six strong chieftains on this earth.

If the opponent raises the level of the enemy to the rank of Gräkkar, the opponent will be left with only five Guardians.

Too few.

The five species that invaded our planet have so far been the strongest among the two or three fingers of the entire Graccar race. Even if only one of the tribes crosses the ranks of Gräkkar, the Guardians cannot protect the others.

What about the rest of the chieftains and chieftains?

The paladins have become quite strong recently. He also built paladin-specific guns that are more eye-catching than the guns on the market, and he completed some strategies and tactics with the xenophiles.

However, if all the paladins and the five Grand Chiefs fight, I am confident that the five Grand Chiefs will win. They're that strong.

Ah. Of course, I know there's very little chance that five Graccar xenografts will come forward at a time. But what if it does? Are you just gonna die? I don't know if it's going to happen, but we still have to have a plan.

So the paladin needed another strong man to help him fight the opponent. At least a man of the Gräkkar rank. And I saw that possibility with me in the battle of Brazil.

I was pretty strong that day, but I never made it to the Guardians of Graccarna. But as I fought that day, I felt awkward in my battle. Obviously, I fought using all of my skills, but I felt that I was lacking. I felt like I would fight better if there was something missing.

I thought about it, and I finally realized what it lacked.

My hands were empty.

- Here you go.

The black circle on the floor shows what I left with Kaila. I grabbed the handle of it. Heavy hardness. The moment I grab it, I feel like I'm full of empty hands. Just catching it made me feel better.


It was a maze. No. There's only one Mirok and one Gräkkar has. An axe resembling a Mirok. The world's greatest weapon made by Earth's finest experts.

“Mirock Two. ”

- It's a little...

He said it was strange to ask why he gave me a name around him, but it means something to me. As a Graccar, I felt all of my feelings for him, and I felt a great loss when he died, even though it may be less than Graccar.

Not even love, just intimacy? But I felt like my best friend was dead.


There's that weird noise again. It's a habit. Sometimes I feel like I've become a Graccar when I hold an axe. Of course, Orc nostrils are completely different. That snoring is a sound that no human being can imitate.

“Then help me. ”

- Don't overdo it.

“Yes, don't worry. I will never die. ”

They come back to life when they're dead.

- Here we go.

Kyla holds up her staff, memorizing something. Her energy spreads out, and you see her clinging to the four species. There was also something happening in the bodies of the four xenogens that stood against the energy.

A senseless rebellion. Kaila's energy was much stronger than theirs. Kaila's energy consumes the heterogeneous energy against her and penetrates the heterogeneous body. At that moment, the movement of the xenogens was a little difficult to recognize, but it became dull. It was one of Kyla's specialties, her ability to curse.

Given the feeling of spitting language and the form of flying energy, it seems to be the ability of 'corruption’ that has been shown before. Decreases the opponent's physical ability and causes minor damage to internal organs. It may be a great skill, but this alone is not enough to compare it to the other Guardians.

But what if there are more than 10 similar abilities?

- $% & * @ & ($# ^ % ^ *

With Vitel's ability, Kayla speaks an unknown language that I can't understand, and subsequently exerts a different ability. In an instant, all kinds of cursing abilities struck the heretics.

Now I'm too slow to see. Not only has he become dull, but he has a bad complexion and a frowny face. There's going to be a lot of shocks all over your body, so of course you're going to feel some pain.

It was originally Kyla's technique to use a corpse to kill time after cursing it. Of course, you fight enemies with similar skills.

And I have similar abilities.


The screams of the woman coming out of my mouth resounded throughout the world. The four dissidents rushing towards me, as well as the dissidents who fought the other guardians, stopped.

- Scream of Grief: Everyone who is hostile to the caster will hear the scream. Can be cast when nearby objects that cause pain or negative emotions. All kinds of abilities, such as physical and mental, fall by 10% for those who heard the scream, and it is difficult to concentrate because of the screaming in their heads.

Gräkkar never uses it because it weakens the opponent. But I don't care about that. The weaker the target, the better. If this scream is heard by everyone, I might consider not using it, but it's only heard by my enemies. It doesn't matter.

Lizardman, Katish, Elf, Dwarf. It's spreading widely to prevent me from escaping and pushing this way for a half-moon. I don't want to run away at all. Who should we attack first? Actually, that's obvious. It's already been decided.


If you want to exterminate a party in the original game, you can attack Hiller and his supporters first. We don't have to attack tankers that go into heels for nothing.


You lower yourself and make fun of your feet, running toward the elves. I can't run like Graccar and fly to the enemy all at once. That's what you do when you're confident you won't die even if you get hit. I'm pretty tough, but I don't think a missile hit like Gräkkar will kill me. We have to be as vigilant as possible.

Of course, the heretics won't let me approach the Elves.


The shock waves of the Lizardman fly in with a bang. But weak. When Gräkkar first and last used 'Scream of Grief’, it was Lizardman. The Scream of Grief weakened the Lizardman beyond its effect.

Likewise for the Lizardman in front of me. It still fires a powerful and rapid shock wave, but it is significantly weaker than the shock wave that was fired earlier.

You swing Mirror Two, wrapped in purple light, to the location of the Lizardman.


The shock wave hit Mirock Two shatters and scatters to all directions. Fast and powerful, but has already experienced it hundreds of times. Once you become accustomed to it, you can intercept it lightly because you know that it is created over Lizardman's head and is flying in a straight line at all times.

If the enemy had been with Lizardman, he wouldn't have been afraid before he got here.

“Servant of the Evil Gods! ”

The dwarf in front of me shouts with his axe. Idiot. You've never been told not to trust unless you've been there yourself. You've never met Vitel before. You don't know if he's good or bad.

I've met him in person. He was very kind, very beautiful, very compassionate. And poor thing.

Don't talk back to him like that!



The Dwarves and I wielded axes with all our might toward each other.



The axe and axe clash, and the dwarf bounces back.

I may be weaker than Graccar, but I don't lose to power anywhere. Adilido's got the strength to give me the slip. The curse of me and Kaila is not something you can stop.

Unfortunately, the bounced dwarf stands on his feet as he falls, making sure that the impact is not too great. Yeah. There's no way I'm going to fall into one of these.

Again, the shock wave of the Lizardman flew in and took it out.


You feel Katniss' movements on the right, and you quickly turn around.

Bubble Bubble Bubble Bubble Bubble Bubble!

Katish, who was flying towards me, bounces off the ground with dozens of rounds of black energy. That's why you shouldn't jump so high unless you're as ignorant as Graccar. It's an easy target to predict movement.

That black energy mass is what Kyla sometimes calls a "low level direct attack ability." You say you're losing your direct attack ability and you can't use it properly, but you do have that feeling. Katniss with dozens of authentic shots bounced off her head for about four or five meters, and then she got distracted for a while. It's a great ability to make a great chieftain like that, but considering his position as a Guardian, he's a little weak.

The impact is high, but the actual damage is not high. I thought I'd keep running and attack Katniss.

- You can go to the person who targeted you.

You hear Kyla's voice and run toward the elf without worrying. I can feel multiple leads behind me, and it looks like Kayla pulled out another body and backed it up.

Quantum! Quantum! Kwa-tung!

The shock waves quickly and strongly intensified the degree to which the Lizardman adapted to 'The Scream of Grief’. I feel like I should just hold still if I drive them all away. I run around running nonstop.

The accuracy of whether or not I had fully regained my senses, so I could barely move forward.


A green film appeared all around me. Are you trying to lock me up? I can't just stand by and lock you up. If we delay any longer, the Lizardmen will be struck by a blasting shock wave and the Dwarves coming after us.

Immediately discharged electricity.

Support positions.

However, electricity has the ability to paralyze life, but the power itself is weak, making the green film slightly pale, but not pierced.

I swung the Mirock Two right away.

Pinch machine Gigg.

You hear a disturbing sound, as if scratching the chalkboard with your fingernails. The green barrier is solid. It survives the Mirror Two I wielded with power. However, the purple light that was covering Miroque 2, 'exploiting hand’, began to suck out the green film's energy.

The green film fades rapidly.


It breaks free. Movement stops for about 0.1 seconds. It's not long now, but it's a great time to fight more than just a great chieftain.

He hurriedly protruded to the broken green membrane, but soon after that, he was again blocked by the green membrane. I woke up again without delay.

Shredding. Shredding. Shredding. Shredding. Shredding. Shredding.

There was a continuous green film that interfered with my path, and I quickly broke the green film with Mirror Two. Amazing. The pace of the green film was really fast. Even with me and Kayla's curse on me. You could have been in trouble if you just ran like Graccar.

I slowed down for about two seconds. You feel that you need to deal with the dwarf that was chasing you. As you focus on that, you notice that the dwarf and a few other tactics are moving dizzily. Looks like Kayla sent a corpse to stop a dwarf.

Now all we have to do is pay attention to the Lizardmen and Elves.

I ran back to the Elves. The green film kept blocking my face. I just wielded the Mirlock Two in advance of the green film anyway.

Shredding. Shredding.

The green membranes that appear in the middle of the Mirror Two swing break. This speeds up the movement. But it's clear that there are constraints on movement.


You've been hit a few times by the shock wave of the Lizardman. I continued to move and nothing hit me, but I was pretty shocked when I missed. If I were Gräkkar, I'd just hit him with my body.

You move more slowly and cautiously than you just did, paying more attention to the Lizardman. It's a little slow, but it's steadily approaching the elf. The elf makes a large circle and dodges to the location of the Lizardman.

That's smart.

If I had just run back, I would have been caught and killed a lot sooner. I'm not running at full speed yet. The user runs at about 80% speed, making the target careless. in order to run at full speed at the last moment and narrow down the streets in an instant.

But if I'm going to hide behind Lizardman like that, I'm going to have to get close. The shock wave of the Lizardman is a natural story, but the closer the distance, the harder it is to avoid it. I used to beat him with my body when I approached him to kill Graccar, who avoided him from afar.

What should I do? I can pierce it lightly if I can use "The Angry One's Cry," but I'm not bipolar like Graccar, so there's no way I can make 100% of the emotions that are currently accumulating around 30%.


I was thinking about breaking the endless shock wave and the green barrier in front of me and not being able to sharpen it, but nothing came to mind. The elf and Lizardman even step back a little. If you go after it, you may catch it and kill it someday, but it will be dangerous, frustrating and annoying.

Gräkkar will stop thinking he has a headache and just run ahead... but I'm not Gräkkar. You turn without hesitation and run toward the dwarf fighting Kaila's corpse.

< 199 Leader vs Leader > End

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