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< 200 Mecca Recovery >

Go away.

I put a Mirror Two in Lizardman's head, which was immobilized by 'paralyzing lightning'. The Mirror of Graccar split his head in two, but it seemed more fitting that my Mirror Two shattered it than I did the cleavage.

“Huff. Huff. ”

It's hard. I can barely breathe. I can't imagine how long it's been since I've fought with all my strength by moving my body like this. Oh, you don't? I don't think I've ever fought like that with my body, even though I fight with all my strength in Grikkaro.

The faction was more powerful than I thought. Especially a dwarf who was a little shallow.

I was really scared.

After quickly killing the dwarves and Katniss, you and Kaila try to catch Lizardman and Elf Fair. The dwarf suddenly wraps himself in a red flame and moves on with his physical ability to process it. I almost died as soon as I went there to kill him.

I don't think I'll be pushed into a 1: 1 battle, but Lizardman and the Elves continue to bother me, leaving Kayla's body behind as a shield. And then we switched targets and rushed to catch Katniss first... and Katniss was no match for us.

Even if I weakened it with 'Scream of Grief’, it was all chieftains, but I was too shallow. They're never easy to see. You put the dwarves, Lizardmen, and Elves at considerable risk for chasing me while they did not take care of Katniss. I felt like I was going to die.

If I hadn't acted out lightning, using 'exploiting hands’ as the maximum output, I would have been lying on the ground as a corpse.

Fortunately, O'Connell appeared at the moment of his death and put a knife through the elf's heart. Thanks to the absence of an Elf that restricts movement, he was able to relax, ignore the Lizardman, and barely defeat the Dwarves and Katniss, and put a Mirror Two in Lizardman's head.

This hurts. You are bleeding from your body as if you were slaughtered at the slaughterhouse. I have never been hurt this much by my body, even though I have many enemies like this. This much is recovered by the ‘exploiting hand’ while fighting. Might have been dangerous without the exploiting hand.

I'm having a lot of firsts today.

I'd like to lay down and rest as soon as possible, but I can't because the battle is not over yet. Luckily, the wound is healing slowly. It's not enough compared to Gräkkar, but I'm pretty good at renewing myself.

You take your time, turning your gaze toward the fight.

The last time I saw them, the Guardians fought in separate positions, but now they are united and engaged in a war except for Hirah. O'Hanel, who fought the three heretics, came to my aid and left it all to the other Guardians. Now we're back in the fight.

That's... a strange world. For a moment there, I was a fool to think I would be a Guardian or a Graccar. It's not enough.

- I thought you were stronger, but... great. Spiritmaster.

Kyla, standing beside me, was amazed at Vinjets. I see. Is the Guardian fighting well enough? Now Vinyetts has entered the heart of a great soul. The spirit of the giant who put Vinyetts into the body was fighting fiercely, but the image of Vinyetts inside was not too peaceful as if it were watching hundreds of meters away.

Not only was the spirit that Vinjetz dealt with, but there were two more, not just the monster that he first brought out, but the soul that only had the body without the neck and spear. Despite all the difficulties, Vinjets was able to handle the three species on his own.

- One of the men who fights the Vinyets is an apostle. One apostle and two bishops. There are tens of thousands of souls in the city. Even the weak are weakened by the support of the Apostle... They are invisible to the original Vinyetts. You've gotten stronger since you came into this world. A lot of it.

I've heard that before. Since you came from a world lacking souls to a world full of souls, Vinjets will become really strong. Looks like they've confirmed his identity now.

Well, it's a good thing my protector's getting stronger.

- I have to try.

Is this a rival effect? Good. It's good that Kaila's getting stronger.

O'Hanel fights beside Adil, revealing himself without hiding his body any longer. I heard an ambush is a specialty, but it's also massive in melee combat. I'm not saying he's not completely defeated by Adil. I've never seen Adil fight for real... so much.

I feel like I'm seeing a Graccar with a huge double-handed sword and a tower shield in both hands, waving it around freely like it's some sort of well-organized combat skill. Strong, fast and accurate. If I fight Aditya... Scary.

There's nothing to worry about over there. It's still tight, but I can see how many of the heretics are already unconscious, lying on the ground, and the survivors look exhausted. The Guardians, on the other hand, seem more powerful than ever. Seems to have brought quite a victory.

I turned my eyes to the other side. Hira, a guardian who is not where the battle is taking place, is fighting the Warbison who appears to be the leader.

“Hirah's pushed. ”

- The opponent is strong. He is an apostle at a distance.

I've seen Hira fight with him several times in case of an accident, but I've never seen him struggle. Hera has always won in a overwhelming fashion, but she lost after pulling out all her weapons.

Whenever Hira wielded his sword, dozens of sand blades arose and attacked the Wearwyson.

- Whoo-hoo!

Wearwyson cries once, and they don't go near it and scatter. And every time I dig through the ground, I fly so fast that I can't keep up with the snow that I attack, and Hira is in a hurry to avoid.

This attack is particularly scary when the user pushes his shoulders forward. Sand stood up and blocked the front of the Warweisson, but lightly penetrated the tens of meters thick sand wall and attacked Hera behind it.

“What do you think? Can Hira handle it? ”

- I don't know, Hira hasn't figured out how powerful she is because she's here for the first time.

I see.

It's a problem. If someone says they're going to lose if they see it, Hira will accept it somewhat, but I don't know if they're going to...

I can't.

“I'll help O'Hanel and Adil. ”

- Yes, sir.

There are a lot of enemies there, so there's a reason to interfere.

The situation was favorable, but it leaned toward us as me and Kaila joined forces. Even in the midst of disadvantages like the apostles and chieftains, they did not reverse the power difference.

There were about 3,000 of them running out of the city because they could no longer see their chiefs being pushed.

Slower than I thought. I thought that if you saw your chiefs being pushed in the first place, you'd pop out right after half of them are dead. This will make the battle easier.

More than a great chieftain, you leave it to the Guardians to run towards thousands of foreign factions alone. In fact, it's not my area of expertise to fight against strong men of similar skill. There are many things I have that are less efficient against the strong.

Whereas many weaker people than me are the most efficient. I am confident that I will not be jealous of Gräkkar or the other Guardians against many weaklings. Maybe I fight better. It's good to deal with many of your abilities.

For example, "paralyzing lightning."

In case you were wondering, I cursed the ‘scream of mourning’ and flashed lightning out of my hands. The lightning flashed across dozens of heretics. Unlike the ones who evaded them well, they were struck unavoidably, and unlike the ones who resisted to some degree, they were struck down and immobilized.

Dozens of attacks came upon me immediately. Even though all the heretics around me have fallen, there are quite a few heretics who make ranged attacks. You dive between the factions, avoiding the attack. A melee attack continues, but my lightning flashes first before their attack touches my body.

The tribe is struck down by lightning. Some of the chieftains seem to have survived, but only for a short time. Although they held out for a while, they fell paralyzed, unable to move like the rest of the great chieftains.

And Mirror Two with Exploiting Hands. Whenever I swing, I absorb more health than I used to swing. My ‘exploiting hand’ is at least 10 times more efficient than Graccar. Thanks to this, the "paralyzing lightning bolt" was replenished, and my physical strength was consumed, and I released the lightning that paralyzed me constantly.

I know... I've been thinking about this ever since I fought in Brazil, but my abilities are optimized for the weak. I faced thousands of troops at the time and overcame them lightly without any crisis. In fact, even if the three Guardians fought together, they could not win so easily.

You're strong against the weakness.It feels a little awkward, but what can I do about it?

I blocked the troops that came out to help the strong, so more factions ran out of the city. Fifteen thousand? It's not accurate, but it's definitely over the bay. It's okay. A lot of them will take a long time, but we can win.

I'm strong against weaklings.

... think this through and never speak out of your mouth. This image that's been piling up is totally ruined.

However, if you fight alone, there may be dangerous situations. There are quite a few ranged attackers among the heterosexuals. And most of them are elite, so the attack is quite sharp. But the souls and corpses who will help me are coming out of the city, chasing after the Strangers. If we fight alongside them, the risk will converge to zero.


Immediately, I felt something fly nearby, and a group of estramorwn from the city suddenly started collapsing. And then the sound that comes from afar.


The distance makes it sound like an echo, but it's definitely a gunshot.

I saw the paladin's appearance when I heard the sound.

I'm glad to hear it... but I'm even more annoyed. I told you not to come, and you came. The battle is already in full swing and the strongmen who need to go where the paladins are are are are are dead or immobilized, so it's perfect timing... but it bothers me that they haven't listened to me.

Despite the open sniper attacks, the heretics are falling silently, but perhaps if the paladins had been here an hour or two earlier, the paladins would have invaded the paladins by a force greater than the chief or by a special force of chiefs. If so, the paladins would be devastated.

I'll have to punish you later.

However, even the paladins are strong against the weak because they resemble the Pope. The paladin is almost invincible to a gunman. When you meet an opponent who doesn't have a gun, it's a blunder. Thanks to this, the heterosexuals who were rushing towards me collapsed near the half-waters before they reached their innards.

The heretics surrounding me have been shot down by one or two. I thought about fighting all night, but the battle will be over sooner than I thought.

In just two hours, the guardians led the paladins into the city to wipe out all the remaining xenogens. There will be no great danger as the souls and corpses have already taken over the city.

And he put Adil into the fight between Hera and Wearwyson, which has been going on ever since. I was too scared to fight him myself. It's a little...

I didn't really like the fact that both Adil and Hirana had to fight together, but I didn't express it out of my mouth.

Wearwyson survived against Hira and Adil for a long time, but no matter how strong they were, they could not defeat two guardians.

In the end, the weatherbison collapsed.


Then I was able to sigh for relief. There's no peace of mind until the battle with the Hexenophiles is over. You don't know how strong you'll be by gaining abilities in the middle. I know better because I've won a few times because I gained power before Grikkar died.

Especially when you get abilities like the Angry Cry, you won't just get stronger by that WearWeison, but the heretics in the city will get stronger, so you can't be too careless.

Now that the wearwyson is finally dead, the heads of all the chieftains and above are dead, we can rest assured.

* * *

- Vitellism alone succeeded in taking back Mecca!

In the center of a reclaimed Mecca, video of a dramatic announcement was uploaded to the Internet, and this astonishing fact quickly spread all over the world.

< 200 Mecca Recovery > End

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