Link the Orc

< 214 Vitel vs Orc >

The best thing about being chief is that you can feel the position of the brothers fighting in the world. When brothers die in battle, their feelings disappear, so we can see that there are most brothers gathered together and that there are strong where their brothers die quickly. It's a really good advantage.

And secondly, the good thing is,


“It's the Grand Chief!”

“The red brother Caroc has shown us! ”

“Our great chief with red skin! ”

“Our chief is here! ”

Everyone knows me and welcomes me. Thanks to you, even if I take the strongest, the brothers won't rebel much.

Fights are happening everywhere these days. Lizardmen, Dwarves, Elves, Katishes, Trolls and Parphems. I fought with every tribe every day. I participate in 5-15 battles every day thanks to you.

It's frustrating that I don't have the strength to make me nervous, but it's quite pleasant to participate in the brothers' battles every day and lead them to victory.

* * *

Iola was not as powerful as Adrio or Ben Zakhan. I've been a Guardian for a long time, and I've been training again and again to become somewhat strong, but that power is only a few dozen chieftains per tribe.

Nevertheless, Iola has contributed as much to Adrian or Ben Zakhan in the 1,000 years of Abenego's struggle. Through scouting using Banshee traits, not strong guardians.

Abenego returned to human soil and resurrected another 10 million dead bodies, and remained in the land of Iola while attempting to resurrect Adrio and Ben Zakhan. I saw the battle between the Alliance of Tribes and Orcs that I thought were one with transparency at a distance, and then I watched the war between the Alliance of Tribes and Orcs from all over.

‘The factions and Orcs are each other's enemies.’ It was high-end information she never would have gotten if she had gone back with Avenue.

Iola, of course, was delighted with Avenue. But other than that, I was able to get information that confused her.

- The Orcs have become stronger. What happened while I was asleep?

I had no choice but to conclude that the Orcs themselves had become stronger, who had watched over the Confederacy and the Orcs' war.

It was a difficult conclusion. The Orcs she had lived for, or even existed for, 1,000 years were of no progress. But she watched for a week, and from the furthest warriors to the chieftains and chiefs, all the Orcs were stronger than ever.

150 years before she fell asleep, Orcs had similar combat power as Lizardman, Katishi, and Dwarves. That's why we didn't know who would win if a similar number of troops hit us in small battles, and there were often more advantageous factions who knew strategy than Orcs who only knew how to fight in large battles.

But the last battle she saw was different. The Orcs overwhelmed us all. Orcs were victorious in similar numbers, and Orcs were victorious if the numbers didn't at least differ greatly. Orcs won small battles and large battles.

The way Orcs fight hasn't changed either. I just ran in and fought like old times. I just got stronger and won.

I don't know what else to do.

She spoke to Abenego. Of course, there was no answer. Abenego sees what she sees, he can hear what she says, but she can't feel anything in Abenego.

She quickly returns to Abenego.

- In my humble eyes, it seems like an opportunity to make the world yours.

The enemy is divided into two arms and is engaged in a fierce war. It wasn't a battle of appetite before, it was a real war with everything. For Iola, it seemed like the perfect opportunity to do something light and light for 1,000 years.

“A good opportunity is right. But there are some strange things. ”

Nevertheless, Abenego hesitated.

“Thanks to you, I can see a lot. And I saw something so strange. ”

- Orc strength...

“There was something even weirder. Dwarves, Elves, Lizardmen, Katish, Trolls, and Parphems. Aren't they too easy to beat? ”

- Isn't that because you've spent so much energy fighting us and your Orcs have become stronger?

“Just like that? Never underestimate an enemy. Iola. They've been devastating us for a thousand years. There should be at least twice the amount of power that has been shown so far. ”

Avengo was expecting exactly what the League was capable of. But I didn't even know that the power went to another world and all died there.

“The power of all races remains almost the same. Otherwise, a faction would have already perished. Like our Vitellist church, which was too strong. ”

Vitellism has become a target for all because it was strong with the other factions. The Alliance is not united because we have a good relationship. If they are stronger or weaker, they are united to eliminate them with less damage.

“Dwarves, Elves, Lizardmen, Katish, Trolls, and Parphems. Six factions.Imagine the Humans we destroyed were six times more powerful. Will they collapse as easily as they do now? ”

- That's... weird.

We know exactly what power Humans had because they totally destroyed Humans. It was strong. I would have lost if it had been the old Avengo and the Guardians.

Six such powerful forces are united. The power in the last fight was too weak to think that was their strength.

“I'm hiding something. But I don't know what that is. ”

I also briefly thought that the Alliance and the Orcs were pretending to fight and trying to lure themselves, but the damage they did was too great. If you think the Alliance is up to something, other than Orcs, it would have been much better to devote all your strength in the last battle.

“Toryn, that wicked creature, seems to be doing something else, but I don't know. ”

Avengo thinks Toryn's up to something. I fought with Toryn many times in the past. Toryn never does anything meaningless. I had no choice but to think that I was still preparing something.

“I can't be fooled this time. So let's wait. At least Orcs don't know how to scheme. Fight and one of you is dead. Then you won't be late even if you leave. ”

Eventually, Abenego decided to trust the Orcs. The Orcs he knows are seriously at war with the Tribe.

So either Toryn's got something, or he's just tilting. At the end of the war, there will only be one of the two factions or Orcs.

And it's been two months.

“I can't wait any longer. ”

Toryn looks at the leaders of each faction and says, The Union's reign has returned to Toryn. He didn't take it from him. He handed it over himself. Laknor was trying to take the lead because he thought there was room in the League. But the real crisis came, and Toryn's ability was recognised by Locknord, so he was given back control.

Toryn, who began leading the League again proactively, demonstrated his ability to recognize even rival Locknor.

I cleaned up the confusing command system and reduced the damage by making the battle with Orcs from all over the Middle East to unite with those close to me. After a hard time, you sent scouts to oversee the human lands towards Avengo and try to talk to them to stop the war with the Orcs.

And, of course, the conversation with the Orcs failed. The words of the Alliance to gather together to defeat the Vitelians were incomprehensible to Orcs.

Why join forces with enemies in front of you to attack other enemies far away? All you have to do is fight the enemy in front of you and fight the one far away.

Of course, Toryn expected that. I've never spoken to an Orc in his life. So he tried to talk to the Orcs, but he moved to persuade them of the only thing that could stop them.

It's Carroc. Of course, the whole tribe prayed to their god because they couldn't speak to him directly. Ask Caroc to give orders to the Orcs to join forces with the Alliance, just like 1,000 years ago.

But I waited and waited, but no god answered me. I would have waited a little longer to believe in their gods, but I couldn't now. The gods haven't responded to them in about a year or so.

Just in case, I tried to hope, but there was no answer either. It seemed as if the gods had abandoned them or something had happened. So it was time for them not to rely on God anymore, but to do their own work.

Toryn also anticipated this situation, so he had already taken action.

“We need to hit the Gräkkar. ”

Within two months, not only the Orcs, but the League didn't recognize the name of the Graccar. That's what Gräkkar was doing. He wanders relentlessly through the battlefield, and where he appears, victory for the Orcs and defeat for the Faction.

Toryn thought that the Orcs were moving like one because of the birth of an unprecedented Great Hero named Gräkkar.

‘Progress by heroes disappears the moment a hero dies. ’

It was Toryn's idea, and it was the truth that I realized through a long life. All you have to do is kill him. If you stop killing, the Orcs will go back to the way they were before. Then you don't have to worry about all the Orcs, just the Orcs living nearby.

Toryn has gathered the warriors for him. Most of the warriors were killed in the invasion of other worlds, the battle with Avengo, and the battle with Orcs, so many were lost, but only one million were captured in the winter, bringing together young warriors.

This was truly the last force of the League. If we lose this battle, the Alliance is truly over.

"Dear Fianon, we ask that you perform a miracle before we do so. ’

Toryn prayed to Fian again before giving the final instructions. Now was the time for God's miracles. But there was no answer either.

“Prepare all the warriors. Call Gräkkar.”

A million warriors led by Toryn attack a nearby Orc colony. Even after a million attacks, not a single one of them escapes. Without stopping, Toryn finds out and heads to the next stop.

When I burned three paragraphs like that,

- Kuuuhhhhhhhhh!

In front of Toryn and the Million Warriors, Gräkkar appears. Gräkkar lunges alone at one million warriors, revealing the Orcs one by one in the direction he appeared momentarily.

That's how the last battle between the Alliance and the Orcs began.

And I looked at him from afar.

- Here we go.

And through the eyes of Iola,

“Yes. Here we go. ”

Abenego was also watching.

< 214 Vitale vs Orc > End

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