Link the Orc

< 216 Vitel vs Orc >

Fights, fights, conflicts, wars... is there a world without violence?

I can hear it sometimes. ‘Man is an animal of violence. Only humans and human-like primates engage in violence except for hunting to survive. ’

There was a time when I felt that way for a while. However, the scope of 'to live’ changed little by little. ‘To live’ was wider than I thought in school.

As soon as I lost the money to buy food tomorrow, my "to live" expanded, being bullied by my military leader for no reason, and once again by aligning with my boss.

I killed contractors who were trying to kill me for a living. I watched people become Vitel's ‘true' followers in order to survive. I stole another god's follower to live. I killed a species that invaded Earth to survive.

My ‘to live’ continued to expand. And now,

“We have the perfect surveillance system for Gaius Farrow. ”

“Well done.”

It was so wide that it was hard to know the end.

- Vitel loves freedom. Then, why is there an unjust existence, such as a bishop, a priest, and a paladin? That's because they're dividing us from Vitel!

Gaius Farrow's sermons to his followers were vividly reproduced here, tens of thousands of kilometers away. You will know when you hear it. Gaius Farrow is one of the forces against me.

I'm not saying it wrong. "One of the Force" is right. Dozens of them, no. Hundreds of them.

Among the books I read in the past, there was a book about the ‘80-20 Law’. In the book, there are 20% of the opposition to any perfect force. Thinning out 20% of the Dissidents would create a new 20% of the Dissidents.

It's not a perfect 8: 2 ratio, but I think you're right.

The extermination of the alien race that invaded Earth was almost over. Then the enemy had to shrink to be normal, but it was only increasing. An enemy inside.

Actually, I don't understand. I didn't do anything wrong. I preach the word of Vitel to the world as it is, and give the believers the benefit of "the majesty of the monarchy," and most of what they receive from them are returned as it is.

And yet, such opposition arose. I provoked people by saying they knew what he was thinking. I would understand if I was just sick of having power, but when I heard my prayers, more than half of them truly thought so.

I don't understand why you would even think that. At first, I tried to convince them, but soon I realized they were impossible. They didn't believe me, and most of them didn't even think to listen.

Those who blindly ignore so much evidence and rely on their imagination to create...

Don't you hear my weekly sermons? Why do I listen to ordinary people who have never met or been blessed with Vitel? There are blessed priests from all over the world who are certified by the Church, and anyone can meet them.

It's like ignoring a doctor with a full credential and believing in more private therapy. There are so many of them.

- The Phantom is the Devil incarnate. He's quarantining him and blocking his connection to his children. I am the incarnation of Vitel, and I have a mission to rescue him from the Devil's hand.

- He's blindfolded Vitel. When he's gone, we'll be able to communicate directly with Vitel...

- Vitel promised us eternal life. That's the limit.

- Vitel gave us more power, and Han won it all in the middle. You can tell by the absurd power he shows you. It used to be a force that had to be passed on fairly to all of us. I have come to this power by communicating with Vitel through obstacles...

From a complete layman to a superpowered person awakened by Vitel's grace, there were many who opposed me. But that's good enough. They just need to stop watching. They don't act.

There are people who take action to disagree with me. I'd ignore it if I could just protest in front of the church where the priests were sent.

- Our temple for the true Vitale Church is blessed by Vitel. Those who lose their lives in this temple go to the promised land, to the land of 100 strong slaves, a fountain that never dries, and a land where every day grain grows...

- Priest is the Devil's Hand. They are taking away Vitel's blessings from us. We must kill priests to weaken our power.

- In a week's time, the world will know our faith in Vitale. Our martyrdom will forever be recorded as the beginning of punishment for the heathen stature...

Those supermolecules are the problem. Those who actually get into action and cause harm to the world. Most of them did not accept Vitale purely, but were corrupted in conjunction with their native or religious beliefs.

If they had accepted it purely, they wouldn't have said anything like 100 slaves since it's the martyrdom temple. What kind of slave does he want? If the afterlife is so perfect, what slavery is there? Do you need sex slavery? What do you want with a sex slave?

The more I know about the world, the more I can't understand it.

“Aian is ready to be subdued. ”

Aian was the most dangerous of the violent molecules, who called themselves the "gift of God" and had already committed real terrorism once. That means they pissed me off.

When I was angry, I told him to prepare Aian for punishment, and he said, "Prepare to subdue him," which means he was ready to root out everything.

“Not one of you should leave until you've begun. ”

“No one belonging to the child will ever get out of our hands. ”

Bensen replied with confidence.

I thought about it for a moment, but I didn't think about it for long. If we don't do this, their damage will get bigger. The innocent children of Vitel will be hurt. I had to protect them as a bishop.

“Get started."


Bensen gives the orders to the agents, and the paladins throughout the world are ordered to begin the operation at the same time. And then...

“Primary objective completed! ”

In just one minute, a report was made that the primary objective was achieved. Subsequently, I heard the voices of the agents' Completion of secondary objectives’ and 'Completion of tertiary objectives’. The operation was completed in five minutes. The opposing Pokémon is an ordinary person. They cannot be the opponent of a Blessed and trained paladin.

“Subjugation is complete. Killed 179 targets, zero damage to our side. We will proceed with the evacuation. ”


Assassination, what we did was not just capture and send a terrorist suspect to prison, but assassination. My "to live" range has been extended so far that I can give light thought and instruction in the assassination of over 100 people.

It's for the best.

If we arrest them and send them to prison, they will not only reflect and fix their thoughts, but will become even more complete enemies and come out into the world. They'll accept others in prison as comrades.

Before that, I had to root it out. If you devour your heart from the start and uproot it... then the cancer cells will no longer grow and disappear.

It's for the world. A world for Vitel, a world for his children.

“Well done. Please continue with the subjugation of other terrorist groups to keep his children from being harmed. ”

“Yes, I will be thorough. ”

It's not for me. I'm not "trying to live." For the world, for the world. The world is‘ meant to live. '

* * *

Since when, I don't know who or why, but the continent has been called Kindea to all races. Before being able to communicate by God, the words used to refer to the continent were the same as the words used to refer to the continent, even though the language varied by race or region.

“If we win this war, we might as well rename the continent ‘Vitellia.’" As Vitel's land, we'll have a fresh start. ”

- We will win. All factions will renounce the false gods, the true gods, and the continent will be called Vitelia.

- Vitellia... that's a good name. His name is full of grace. The continent finally gets its true name.

Adrio and Ben Zakhan have already changed the name of the continent to Vitellia. They were convinced of victory. You defeated six of the Seven. Now that there is only one faction left, it is not strange to think so.

Nevertheless, Abenego thought differently. I was not convinced of winning. Only one Orc remains, but it appears to be stronger than the other six.

‘Yes... this is the way to the end. ’

In 1,000 years of life, Abenego has never walked the easy path. It was a long stretch of thorns, and the thorns were made of steel, and he was always barefoot.

The soles of the feet were always bloody, there was no rest without pain, success was brief, and failure was forever. Frustration and helplessness have always trampled on him.

It was not awkward to encounter such an insurmountable enemy.

I thought it would be difficult to deal with Gräkkar and the Orcs he led, but it was the easiest situation in his life and the easiest path. In the past, his path had always been blocked by a huge wall that could neither be crossed nor pierced.

Compared to that, you see hope that Graccar and Orcs are difficult, but can overcome.

- My heart is full of joy when I think of a world to be cleansed.

Adrio mentions a ‘cleansed world’. It was a simple "cleansed world." A world where all the gods are gone and Vitellman is everywhere.

The last thousand years of Avengo were not just a move to kill all life with vengeance. It was part of a plan to make them change God once they were destroyed, as they had been.

Once every human being in the world believed in Vitale Bay. But what about now? All but Avengo believe in Molan.

Avengo and the Five Guardians planned to cleanse the world as they had been cleansed. on a much larger scale than what they've been through.

We will completely annihilate all factions and push them as far as we can. And we will save only those of them who forsake their faith in the original god and accept the Vitel. And eventually, every species creates a world that believes in vitels.

That's what Avengo has been carrying for the last 1,000 years. And I was on the final path to achieving that goal. Not only was the path filled with despair that I had walked in the past, but the path through which I saw my goals.

“Haha. Not bad for the last time. ”

- Vitel's world is not far away.

- We will prevail.

Last time. This was really the last time. Whether we win this war or lose it, Abenego plans to return to the dirt.


Avengo trembles slightly. The pain has grown more intense and more difficult to endure in 1,000 years, but I think the end is near.

- Are you all right?

Iola, who is always watching Avenue, notices his little changes and asks with a worried look.

"That hurts. It hurts so much that I want to give up right now. ’

“It's okay. I can't believe it. ”

I said something different than I thought. I saw the last one, but I couldn't show any weakness. You just have to hold on a little longer. ‘Hang in there and give Vitel one last gift and rest.’. Having lost his motive for not being able to leave the Vitel alone, Abenego was struggling with that one thought.

One last gift for that.

"Vitel, I will come to you with a great gift. ’

< 216 Vitale vs Orc > End

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