Living in this World with Cut & Paste

Episode 37: Digging Out at the Weapons Store


He greets well inside the weapons store and walks in.

My uncle noticed right away and interrupted the work and talked to me.

"Ooh, Mine's boy! You're doing great today!

He calls out to me laughing at Nico. [M]

You can always talk to me in person, so I feel safe.

Even before this ”steel dagger + 12” is such a great weapon to have... I really appreciate it.

But I'm just a little nervous about not getting mad because I broke a good weapon because of it.

"So, what's up today? You take care of your weapon?

As I kept saying a little to my uncle's question, did my uncle wonder again, "What's up? I've heard."

"... Uncle, I'm sorry. Because of this, this is an amazing dagger I received before, but it broke..."

When I say that, my uncle gives me a quixotic look for a moment, and immediately breaks up with me and starts laughing.

"Oh, I see, so that's what you've been trying to say? You don't have to worry about that.

I sold it to the kid, so whatever the kid does, it doesn't make him angry, does it?

But if that thing breaks......, what the hell did you fight?

Ho, apparently he's not mad.

But you're the one who fought... Can you believe me if I talk to you about Oak King?

I'm telling you the truth because I don't want to lie to my uncle who's taking care of me, but I'm a little worried.

"… Oak King……"

"........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Boy, please do it again."

"Oak King..."

Now my uncle won't listen back either, he's silent.

He seems to have been thinking about something for a while, but he exhales and asks me.

"I don't expect the kid to lie... but he also claps too much on the boulder.

Do you have anything to prove? If it's true, I'll give you the right weapon. "

Prove it..., only demon stone, but now you understand?

Dare I, let me show you.

I put the Oak King demon stone out of the storage bag on the counter.

"This is all I have..."

My uncle stares at the demon stone I put with his eyes round.

"... hey, what a big demon stone... I can't tell if it's Oak King,

I can't believe you have such a big demon stone. That would be disaster-class...

I'm sorry, I'm sorry. "

I look at my deeply sighed uncle, and I put a demon stone in the storage bag.

For a moment, my uncle thought about it and went behind the store.

... I wonder if it tasted bad.

Wait about five minutes. My uncle brought a small box.

"This is the best dagger we've got."

That's what my uncle said. He took a dagger off the box he had and put it in front of me.

Name: Lightning Edge

Attack: + 50

Class: Super

Attribute: Thunder

Special Attack: Demon Race

Features: Critical

Wow, you got a magic attribute, huh?

Something awesome, but isn't this very expensive??

"He's a dagger that the Guardian of the Dungeon said he had a magic attribute that he dropped"

"Were you told?

"I got this in the dungeon. He was wearing thunder when he was using it...

But since the death of Soytz, no matter who had it, this dagger has never worn lightning.

So now there's no one who believes in the value of a magic dagger. "

Funny, my appraisal does seem to make no mistake that it's a magic dagger because it does have thunder as an attribute...

"... Actually, it was our guest who brought this dagger from the dungeon.

That's why Non has seen this dagger wrapped in thunder.

I'm pretty sure this is a magic dagger, but he thinks there are some conditions for using it as a magic dagger.

That said, it's just a dagger that performs just a little better as it stands.

Why don't you use him?

Yeah, no problem.

Appraisal results say it's a magic dagger.

But I'm just curious about the conditions my uncle says to activate...

"Uncle, I'd like to have that. How much is it?

"Right, if you think of it as a magic dagger, I'd say five white gold coins...

The effect as a magic dagger, as we just talked about, is now unknown. How about 80 gold coins?

Ann!? Is a magic dagger good for this price!?

"Uncle, is that a good price? Like I said before, I'm not gonna lose it?

"Ha ha, I've told you before, don't worry about adults for the sake of your kids.

I won't mind because I'll do it well so I don't lose money.

So, you're buying? You're not buying it?

"I'll buy it! And is there a knuckle guard for fighting or something like that you said?

"Hmm? Boy, can you fight too?

With that said, I walk back to the store again.

To wait again, for about three minutes, my uncle brought me a martial weapon called Cestas.

"This should replace the knuckle guard. It's a few hits, so it's not a big deal."

Name: Ironcestas +6

Attack: +6

Class: Intermediate

Special attack: None

Characteristics: none

Yeah, sure, it's not that high-performance, but I dare you, that's enough.

"Uncle, I'll have this too! How much is it!

"Eighty gold coins and ten silver coins will do."

It's painful in a favorably sweet way... but I was thankful to pay to go home.

Thanks uncle!


After Mine left, the weapons store was closed even though it wasn't even night yet.

My husband is in the store drinking and talking to himself.

"... hey, Dyne, your boy's done fine.

I don't know if it's true... but he said he defeated Oak King. Can you believe that?

I've defeated the Disaster Class, I guess I've been blessed with such a good skill like you.

The dagger you gave to me for wanting to leave Mine money when you guys died......

I sold that to your son Mine today... Of course, I sold it for a broken price, don't worry.

Your son will succeed you. I can't be happier. "

Tears were overflowing from my whining husband's eyes.