Log Horizon
Serara's hiding potential was a simple dwelling with numerous insulations in Suskino, about 2 LDK of which was built inside an abandoned building in Suskino.
This world, where the civilization of the Old Ages has been lost by the collapse of the world, and where its ruins and cloudy giant buildings remain everywhere. Of course we know to Serara, the player, that it is apparently inspired by Japan in the real world. Suskino was part of the city of Sapporo in real life, and this player town remained in its shadow.
Numerous miscellaneous buildings exist in Suskino, which was a pleasure street on Earth. The city of Skino in this other world, which inherits the design of the world of "Elder Tail", was mostly renovated into a fortification-style building reinforced by boneless blue steel.
Flavors such as the retro mechanical empire, flavored somewhere, are the design motifs of this Hokkaido - the Esso Empire, if you call it this way.
The abandoned building, so fortified with steel and screws and huge bolts and nuts, withstands snow and wind well, but does not prevent winter cold. So the people of Suskino build another house inside a fortified, miscellaneous building, with insulation. This one is made with an emphasis on warmth and habitability.
From the number of inhabitants per area, it is still inefficient and cannot be executed in Japan in the real world, but it is possible in the game world called "Elder Tail", which is the same here in the other world.
Serara lurks in one of those insulations as a safe house. My helpful cohabitant borrowed it from me.
She's been cleaning the room for two days.
It's not like cleaning is a hobby, let alone messy or dirty rooms, but there's nothing else to do. In this world where there is no TV or Web, it is very difficult to squash your spare time.
And Serara was a housekeeper. This suboccupation involves cleaning in the zone and managing accessories. Management of various consumables and supplies. Gives me the stunts I need for maintenance.
(... I wonder how I got such a minor and useless suboccupation)
Serara can't rest her cleaning hands while sighing not knowing how many times it will be.
In Elder Tail, the main occupation is not interchangeable to choose from when creating characters, but the suboccupation is relatively easy to exchange once the experience of the suboccupation is ready to return to zero.
Serara's main occupation is the Forest Curse (Druid), which is one of her recovery jobs.
Selara herself started the game hoping that a whole bunch of merchants could be done in this complex, deep game.
There are numerous players who enjoy merchant play. There is a unique pleasure in interacting with other players and saving money, and that's one of the playstyles of Elder Tail.
Most of all, if you want to play merchant, it is a classic to make [trader] or [accountant] a suboccupation. Because these suboccupations have the skills to give bonuses on commercial transactions or to allow a slight discount in dealings with non-player characters.
In addition, the suboccupation of the production system would be a solid option. Merchant play by creating various items was one of the major styles in Elder Tail.
But if Serara stopped by the introductory site she was looking at when she started the game, she said that Traders and Accountants needed a certain talent and could not get it without doing the quest. There was also information that suboccupations in the production system could not be successfully nurtured without certain assets to obtain materials.
Then you can give it some of the main "Forest Curse" and save some money before you can afford it and then re-elect the suboccupation. Regardless of whether you are purchasing an item or somewhere else, there is no level of property and main occupation to interfere with…, and for the time being, the result of choosing the one that seems easiest to fill the gap between sub-occupations is the [housekeeper].
In other words, what Serara is a "housekeeper" was an erasure legal consequence, occasionally a close coincidence.
(Ugh. If this is the case, I should have put on a production job even if I couldn't give it to you for the time being. "Fine Engineer" or "Seamstress".
Serara wipes the table off, even though she thinks about it.
The interior of a simple home made of insulation is country style.
Not "wind," to be exact, but clean wood, with beautiful wood flooring floors, wood-filled ceilings, round wood-made walls.
The Esso Empire is a treasure trove of natural resources and is set to have some of the best iron mines and forestry resources in Japan's server-managed area.
Flooring floors, deep candy wooden tables, and the specialties of the "Ezzo Empire" are cloudy pieces that, if polished carefully, will only sparkle beautifully.
A plain woman with shingled hair inside a log house-style simple residence... which means Serara moves around fine. Nell's shirt for easy movement, denim trousers. Hair in one piece. The face without makeup is not a beauty of the world, but it is clean and young lady style to look at.
(So, you're too free to stick around and give it a level...)
Serara sighs and opens the menu. After today, the experience of the [housekeeper] came in again. The level and experience of the sub-occupations exist completely independently of the main occupations, and this one has a much simpler structure. Increases by 1 level for every 10 EXP saved. The level cap is probably 90 or 100.
The "housekeeper" level was 42 yesterday, but it's already 44 today. It's a pace that rises three levels at a time these days, as it does every day, and it's phenomenal. As it is, I may complete "Housekeeper" while lurking in Suskino.
(I hope you don't mind the skill kanst in your pulling life. That doesn't cut anything at all.)
If the sun were running a house full of cleaning and laundry, that would be a level increase. But this isn't a housekeeper, it's not a housewife? And Serara herself doesn't think so. As a girl of my age, that's not a bad sounding word, but the lightness stands first.
(Holy shit! Oh, my God! My cat's husband picked me up, and I was a maiden to fix the house. Hello!
Serara, who lights up and starts polishing dishes at best.
It doesn't bother others as a way to kill time, and it's an objective sight for peace.
Serara's suboccupation continues to grow at an incredible rate, but not all suboccupations do.
For example, "blacksmith" is difficult to cultivate and involves a great deal of labor to make it level 90. In the "Elder Tail" era, the pain was so much so that it was said, "That's the only job Mazo does."
Generally speaking, sub-occupations of the production system gain experience by producing the items targeted by that occupation.
For example, if you are a "cook", you increase the level by making food items, and if you are a "woodworker", you create wooden instruments, weapons, bows, etc. And it's based on the structure of remembering a new "recipe" as the level rises, thereby increasing the repertoire of producible items.
However, making a production item requires a raw material item that serves as its raw material.
The types of items that are made of materials naturally vary according to the type of production job, but in any case, when making items, it becomes essential to have an itinerary of collecting the material items yourself or buying them in the market, etc.
You can't just make simple items to increase the level, and you won't gain experience unless you continue to create the items that you deserve for your current suboccupational level. And naturally, higher levels and more raw materials are needed to make high levels of items.
In the case of the Forger, if you want to make an item with a level of 80, you will need blue ball ore, high purity flame stone, fairy silver or purple garden steel. These are all mine-based resources that are calculated in the zones where powerful enemies appear.
Even if these raw materials are made in alignment with one piece of armor, they will need a significant amount, and if you don't make that armor in 100 units, the level won't increase.
That was the reason why it was said that "the" blacksmith "is a mazo profession".
When you go there, it is easy for the [housekeeper] to raise the level as long as you don't need raw materials. Of course, it takes a lot of work.
"Mr. Serara, you're back."
Open the door and one strange man returns.
Because this zone is independent and borrowed at the moon pole, it cannot be broken in except by subscribers. As Serara thought, it was the "cat tribe" of one of the skinny bodies that came in.
A medieval musketeer appearing in a picture book wrapped around a relaxed body in a green corduroy jacket. For long, thin hands and feet, give an extra smooth look. What's changing is its head, which is quite a calm, Rin Nice Middle, but with a beard on its cheeks and cat ears over its head.
His madam is too much.
Of the eight species players can choose from in "Elder Tail", it is a sub-race "Cat Nation" with Cat Nation characteristics.
"Welcome back, Mrs. Nacchan"
Serara bows her head slightly.
"How was the city?
Nyata laughs vaguely with her neck covered a bit. Eyes that have been narrowed and threaded at any given time are like cats in the sun and give them peace of mind, but the fine expression is hard for Serara to understand.
"It's the same. Not good, not bad."
Serara's expression clouds the words. Chan Tai says, "Not bad," but if it hasn't gotten better, I guess it remains bad. Susquino's security is on the way to deterioration. Because of its small population, it does not function as a purifier. The city of Susquino today is a land of weak and forceful eating.
A large part of the cause is one guild called Brigandia. This guild, which has not had a reputation since "Elder Tail" was a game, was built by a bunch of notorious players who had been banished from the city of Akiba and Minami.
This group, which had played fairly forcefully with a profit priority, quickly became almost a real bandit group after the Catastrophe.
PK and others are everyday tea meals, and in some cases I don't get tired of just half of the items I get in PK, and I wind up with a lot of hardware from other players due to threats and sticky behavior.
Their evil behavior extended to all players or even non-player characters.
Generally, non-player characters, in various ways, have no reason to undergo that type of act from the player. For example, a guard to defend a no-combat zone has a high fighting ability and level, which easily repels him even when attacked by a regular player.
Also, non-player characters in the field zone, travellers and suburban peasants, residents who give hints of adventure, etc. also have low combat and no self-defense skills, but on the contrary do not have player-like property.
Also, if you're a regular player, you shouldn't have thought of attacking a non-player character in order for some of them to give you a hint of the quest.
But they didn't mean to say that, and they also acted in such a way as to render meaningless even the lack of property of non-player characters - they started commercializing themselves, i.e. "slave traders".
Even in Elder Tail, players were able to hire non-player characters. There are many uses for it, but the most common is the management of dwellings. There was a constant demand for people to clean and manage their homes in Elder Tail.
Also, non-player characters with certain special skills should not be brought into combat, but may also be useful in guild activities, etc. Hiring these non-player characters was not a rare story.
One of the reasons Serara's suboccupation (housekeeper) is minor is that it is a job that can be replaced by a non-player character.
For example, if you hire a "made-to-measure" non-player character, you'll have about 800 gold coins a month to keep it clean at any time until a small mansion. It is also convincing that fewer players try to give you a "housekeeper".
Naturally, [Elder Tail] is just an online RPG that did well wherever it went. A small number of exceptional non-player characters, such as "Made", "Collector", or "Assistant", can help players with special abilities, but otherwise the abilities of very common non-player characters are limited.
It's the shape that uses the same model as the player, but the ability to communicate is only a little AI, only to give me information on the set keyword or to the extent that I can have a selective conversation. I mean, it wasn't supposed to be "worth attacking".
But the Catastrophe has destroyed all sorts of common sense.
The game became a reality, and everyday a nightmare.
Since the Catastrophe, only the number of stars has undergone major changes, but the changes in non-player characters have been eye-catching. Now they are real beings with flesh and blood in this world.
Neither conversational nor behavioral skills are nearly as pale as players.
Unless, of course, it was set, combat and professional abilities are significantly inferior to those of the players, but unless confirmed on the menu screen, it was often not known if the opponent was a player or a non-player character just because he was in conversation.
Some points are that the number of non-player characters has exploded. Perhaps that stems from the fact that during the game years, non-player characters did not require sleep or rest. Now it seems that non-player characters also need sleep, rest, and meals. To that end, Serara felt the impression that the number of people as replacement personnel had been added to the world.
that the nonplayer character approached man unlimited. And that the number has increased. When these two points were hung like ripe bait in front of a spicy guild like Brigantia, what would become "human trafficking as entertainment" was born into the world.
Of course, there can't be a huge market in this skino with only two thousand inhabitants. It was a playfully ugly resemblance of economic activity, not an action in search of profit.
Non-player character hunting - poor quality makes even that a waste of time.
And as with all foolishness it escalated, abuse and exploitation of non-player characters were also directed at Serara, a real female player.
When she remembers that, Serara can see her blood pulling away from herself. A dim vale descends in front of you, causing your temperature to drop.
I think the man in front of me would have been terrible if he hadn't helped me.
"Well, well. Mr. Serara. Don't think about it that way. If I thought of that, I'd be old in no time."
Nyata says so, waving her palms flickering in front of Serara's eyes.
"When you say that, don't think deeply, you should eat even fruit.... Yes, please."
He gives the apple to Serara, who nodded small.
From its red fruit comes a sweet and slight aroma, and Serara is relieved.
"We're beautiful again today. Serara will be a good daughter-in-law."
"Don't do that. Huh. Yes."
Hit the chair from the dining kitchen table, and Nyata, who sat there, relaxes and leaks that sentiment. In the words, Serara feels her body temperature rise, which was falling.
Nita herself calls herself an "old man".
It would be far older than Serara, indeed, because of the feeling of her voice. Serara thinks it's not weird if it's more than double what she's been in high school for two years.
That's why I don't feel "old" at all like the person says. "That's because of the graphics in the gaming world," she returned once she said to herself, "but Serara doesn't think so at all.
(Mrs Nyan, I'm sure that's it... Middle-aged. You're smart, you look good, you're an adult. Shh. refreshing. Shh.)
Nyata feels like a dependable adult male. I have a strange peace of mind that even though I have nothing at all absurd about it, if I stay with you, you can protect me. Dark hair mixed with a silver room, very nice like a fancy cat, and good looking thin body.
(Mrs. Nyan is so smart, I look fat when I'm with her. That's the only trouble.... Hey Puppy, I...)
Objectively, Serara just says she's in a feminine shape, but she also seems to feel like such a jerk when she looks at you too.
When it comes to the Nyantai, it is an image that is made up of pencils, even if it is not the case all over the body parts.
"How about a welcome?
Nyata asks as she organizes the baggage she bought on the dining table. It is a common topic these days, both Serara and Nyata know, that the three rescue units requested by Serara's guild, the March Alliance, are coming from the city of Akiba to this Suskino.
That speed was great, and so impressed was Nyata, a veteran player who ran away from the villains in Brigandia covering Serara. I can't get in direct contact with them, but with several daily contacts from the Alliance Master of the Three Moons, Marielle, Serara is grasping an approximate position.
"Yes, almost. He said he'd be here by noon tomorrow."
Serara reports.
If the rescue troops arrive, they will return to the city of Akiba. You can't be in a city like this at all times.
But what does Tai do? Serara still couldn't hear it.
You just saved me with good intentions. Serara doesn't know how far I want you to go. The truth is, I feel like I owe you so much that I can't give it back, but every time I say it, they laugh, "It's my duty and joy to help the elderly."
(I'm glad you said that... I knew that was childish...)
"Then it's a little more patience. Trapped in such a small house, I think Mr. Serara is slightly cramped, but let's try harder. It's okay, it'll help."
To Nyantai's smile, Serara lost her chance to ask again.
And the day and night pass again.
The Shiloe and the others had built a reconnaissance camp just enough to reach the city of Susquino as planned.
The city of Susquino is a city zone, present in the field zone "The Empire of Esso". The "Empire of Esso" is a region that hits Sapporo in the old world, but is now set as a field zone.
It is an area where many non-player characters live as a fortified city, including agricultural areas.
When Shiloe finds an unseen collapsed house in the suburbs with caution, she settles there and checks the entrance and exit of the skino zone.
"So far, there's nowhere to be alarmed. My Lord."
"But it's still a nasty vibe. I'm not vibrant."
The siloe nodded at the two words, writing briefly the structure of the skino on the paper removed from the nostalgia.
"The city of Susquino is centered around Main Street.... like this. Downtown passes through the east side. The central square is to the east, here. We..." Siloe writes arrows. "- Breaking in from the west."
"Isn't it a bad idea to meet outside the city?
"That's a bad idea. Chimiko."
"Really? Eh, direct line."
As always, Chimiko, embarrass the two people who call each other porn, and Shiloe explains it.
"Our city is Akiba. Because Akiba is the last city I stopped by. … so when we are wiped out, the body will be transported to the city of Akiba and resurrected there just after a certain amount of time.
But the rescued Serara isn't. If he dies, he will come back to this skino.
I mean, even if we make the rendezvous safely, in the unlikely event that it's all gone, we'll be Akiba, Mr. Serara, off the hook with Skino and start over. I want to avoid that. "
"Right. Yeah."
Akatsuki nodding honestly. It's a proud expression of whether you know the direct line.
"Next, confirmation of the formation. First of all, Akatsuki… has been using" Hidden Art "and" Silent Move "since the beginning. Follow me with signs."
"No salutations allowed"
"Ugh. Okay. - Direct line, me, and the signs Akatsuki broke into the city from the gate as usual. Aim for an abandoned building at the rendezvous point. Akatsuki found somewhere nearby to hide and monitor the entire building. Call me if you have any trouble."
The brunette snorts with a serious look.
"The direct line will form near the entrance to the building. Good place to see both the street and the inside if you can. Stand by for outside and inside trouble at that location. I'll go straight inside the building and rendezvous with Serara. I'll get him out of here and get him back to his direct line."
"Whoa. Um, what? What about a third party who's willing to cooperate?
"I'm not sure yet. Personally, I'm going to get out of Suskino once for now. Whether you want to go with me to Akiba or not."
Siloe continues her words as she contemplates.
"It's not unlikely that Serara is a friend of the guild that said it was the cause of Susquino's insecurity."
Friend registration can be done without obtaining permission from the player in front of you, on the back of its functional name. And once you register, are they online or not? And even find out if he's in the same zone.
"If so, it is possible that you will be known to be in the same city of Susquino at the time you exit the rented room you have been hiding in. It is not unlikely that the chaser will hang. You should leave Suskino before that happens. If you leave two zones, you won't be tracked..."
This neighborhood was an operation that Siloe had been thinking about during her journey, and she was able to explain it smoothly. It's just in case you put together a fairly thoughtful formation, and it's unlikely that trouble will actually happen, Siroe thinks.
But that depends on how obsessive or disgusting Suskino's problem player organization is. Unlike the monster hunt, if you destroy them all, you can go back to the city and do it again.
(- Any number of worst things happen. Though I guess this is what they say is over-thinking or introverted)
If it's hard to get over, there's nothing wrong with that. Straight ahead and Akatsuki nod loudly at the siloe thinking so.
"Farewell to Suskino as early as an hour later."
"I support your master's operation"
In addition to that, the three head to the city of Susquino to meet with fine call signs and emergency meetings.
The city gate was designed like a castle gate reinforced with blue steel.
Once done, the cornered iron clasp sticks in eight directions and has an intimidating appearance.
The "Ezzo Empire" was a young nation opened by the human conquering emperor Al-Lardil, and was set as a belligerent nation with excellent force within the administrative area of the Japanese server. As a result, weapons are flying everywhere in the city, and colorful flags have become somewhere military.
(I knew Akiba had a different vibe. I've been in the game age before, but this way I'm out of step because of the impression...)
Every one of the city's decorations, smells, fine details, etc. that didn't bother me as a background during the game was fresh for Siloe. That seems to be the same thing with the direct line, looking around intriguingly with a thick cloak made of wool wrapped around it.
Long street to downtown.
There were numerous non-player characters walking there, but none of their faces were hectic and lacked precision. Many of the players you see are also not energetic, and many have the same look you thought of.
"I knew it was a bad vibe. I don't want to live here."
Siroe replies in the same way to a direct line that lurked his voice to avoid being heard by the surrounding area. I feel like hitting something and improving it, but I don't have the specific means or the strength to do so right now.
Shiloe looks back a few times worried, but there's no sign of Akatsuki at all. I don't know where he is up there. I know you're probably following me, but I'm also anxious if there's no sign so brilliantly so far.
While doing so, I saw one abandoned building with a broken sign called "- Laoke BOX" snapped on it. It's a landmark building I checked at a meeting with Marielle. Shiloe waves her hand small and sends a hand sign, entering the direct line and its building.
The concrete with cracks everywhere is reinforced with steel and in better condition than similar buildings in Akiba. At least it looks like the strength of the concrete remains.
The direct line breaks immediately to the right when entering the building entrance and confirms the guard room. Aware somewhere of hearing a small noise inside, Siloe proceeded to the back and went up the stairs to the second floor.
Ask Marielle to read in and get a reply saying "I'll be there in a minute". So far, as planned, Shiloe is just a little relieved. Six minutes have passed since entering the city zone of Susquino. It's going well.
"Oh, uh"
A girl in leather armor with a soft curve characteristic of a recovery job speaks to the siloe, who looked back sparingly enough to the two sets of footsteps approaching. Ponytail bound in the back. She was a pretty cheek-line and clean looking girl.
"It's Serara from the" Three Moons Alliance. "Thank you for this time."
"That's not the squad leader. Awesome!!
I'm sorry for the girl who just lowered her head, but Siloe accidentally puts the penetration in with her biggest voice.
"Ooh, ooh. Isn't it siloed if you think of someone? I thought it was a reasonable and decisive rescue line."
A long shadow that stood to protect Serara's back.
It was the "squad leader" at the "Prodigal Tea Party" and the "Swordsman of the Cat's Ear" (Swashbuckler), known as "The Cat's Hidden".
Nyantai was also a player with some unique air who was also a "prodigal tea party". He had a soft personality, calm at all times, with a pale atmosphere.
Can we call it a cat-like atmosphere with a sunshine? Anyway, he was a valuable common sense man at the Tea Party of the Prodigal, which has many festival lovers and many runaway players if one step is wrong.
Nyata, in person, was an "old man" and had adult calm without falsehood in his words. In the Elder Tail, where voice chat was introduced, it is never possible to deduce age from the voice.
The age of Nantu, who insisted on being an old man, never seemed to say fifty from his voice. Say, in your forties. sinister thirties. Such speculation would be reasonable.
Of course network games are a young culture.
Players in their thirties are not uncommon, but when they are in their forties, they are much less. He may have consciously named himself an "old man" around there, but his perceptions around the Shiloes were different.
In this case, the term "adult" has nothing to do with the actual age.
Nyata was recognized as an adult around her because of her personality and life experience.
That was not an "adult" as a disgusting title for the "illegible man of the air who comes in the way of our own play" that the kids have for adults, but rather as another "counselor who watches over us whenever we can swing".
Nyata did not hesitate to consult with her troubled companions or troubled members. There was no reason to lend an excessive hand, but listening to that calm voice, even the problem that I was worried could not be helped, when I felt that I could hang in there, was also respected by my younger companions.
In part, it was in everyone's favor to be nicknamed "squad leader" or "hiding."
The Tea Party of the Prodigal was not a guild, it was just a gathering.
There were many guild unaffiliated, but of course there were various guild affiliates. But in general, large, disciplined guilds don't like subscribers having deep interactions with outsiders.
It is not indiscriminate discrimination (sometimes discrimination, of course), but fear of spills of human resources within the Alliance. For example, if a senior player in the guild is as good as coaching a new or other guild young person outside the guild, it would be natural to want him to coach a young person in the same guild. Because the guild is also a mutual aid organization to compensate for what is missing from it.
From this point of view, guild subscribers such as those attending the "Prodigal Tea Party" can cloud that it was inevitable that there were many members of small and medium-sized guilds.
Nyata belonged to the guild Cat Manma.
That said, Shiloe has never seen anything other than a "cat man" member. Small and medium was also a silly zero guild.
When Shiloe asked about it, Chan Tai said, "I like the edge but the house is aging. That's what it looks like." he laughed.
It's that thick, but then whether it was the opinion number of the "Prodigal Tea Party" or the powerful one, it's not. Rather, Chan Tai thinks Shiroe was as afraid of influencing her overall direction.
Nyata also liked the many festivals that arose at the Tea Party of the Prodigal, although it was a quiet attitude and a way of enjoying it? Didn't you want to mix it up with the "young man" at his place and enjoy it?... Siloe thought so.
"Ah. Uh, excuse me. Mr. Sellara, I'm Siloe. I know you from this safe house."
"Yes, yes, Mr. Serara. This kid is a very smart, very good kid, so to speak. He's a young man with sights. If he had come, this operation would have been a success."
"The cat's tail like the one I put on is alive, squad leader."
Siloe has a mean grin.
It was his pleasure from the time of the Tea Party that made fun of this tail of the Nyantai.
"What are you talking about? Siloe, this is the official end of our cat humans. Must be a hell of a language for that."
Serara is black-and-white with her eyes at the reward of the cheerful nyantha and siloe. Still, as I managed to regain my mind, "Do you two know each other?" I succeeded in asking.
"I don't know you. I used to ask Shiloe for fleas."
"I don't remember doing that."
If it was flea removal, I'd want to, but I can't even say that Serara can only snort silently at the two words.
"The fact that Shiloe Chi is here... what about the other two?
"I'm a direct heir and a daughter named Akatsuki. My arms are good. 90 in Assassin. Collaborative training is 160 credits in about three weeks"
"Is the direct heir coming too? And are you a new companion?... good thing. It's that time of year, too."
Nyata, who always narrows her eyes like she smiled, slightly deepens that grin and looks at the siloe.
"Chief Nyantai... What about" Manama the Cat "?
"I couldn't stand the wind and snow and the mother house collapsed. My son may want to leave the land of Susquino and go to Akiba."
"It is...... Oh, come on."
The language of the nyan tai that drifts more transparency than loneliness. There is a soft sound similar to the sound of a bell in the ear of a siloe who tried to re-question its meaning.
"There is a group approaching the building. The pattern is pretty bad. Probably Weapon Position 3, Recovery Position 2, headed by the" militant "(Monk). Supposedly it's party-organizing. Approaching with wide and semi-surrounded streets, minimum two minutes to contact '
To Akatsuki's narrative, which was succinct and got the gist, Shiloe's head recalls the city map of Suskino he drew earlier.
"We've discovered a group coming this way. A six-man party headed by" militants ". What do you think?"
"It's probably Demiquas, the leader of Brigantia, a ninety-level militant with the same level of companionship.... the mastermind of this case. I mean, the enemy."
Nyata used the word "enemy" clearly.
The game also determines Siroe's readiness to say words he has never used against other players without hesitation.
"Is there a back door in this building? We'll break through if we have to."