Log Horizon
◆ 4.07
"Goal confirmed," Disappointment catastrophe "! Single Pattern!!
Toya, who screamed sharply, ran straight through the great hall. Without even going around the huge circular table in the center, it protrudes to slip (nab) the ground and slides through its surface. I don't have good manners about earthfoot on my desk, but I only want you to give me a break this time.
In the hall of the conference there is a black demon about twice the height of Towya. "Classic Disaster of Disappointment Eleinus". Not as much as the lower body scissors, for the enlarged upper body, the swollen arms on the ground, but as uncomfortable as a giant.
At the sixty-fifth level, there are no offerings around.
It falls under the category of cases called "stand-alone patterns" in which everyone was pre-lectured by Minori.
When Toya went in between the machetes to fly one foot feeling lighter than usual, he slashed them thoroughly into the Tang Bamboo Crack. The Helmet Split is the largest of the Samurai attack stunts in power. In regular six-party (party) fights, it's more of a choice of where to use it because it's too powerful and Hate, but in large-scale fights (Reid), the story is different.
From now on, Towya must serve as Prima Defender, the first of these 24 (Full Raid) defensemen.
You have to earn more hostility (Hate) than Akatsuki and more than anyone else than Lundelhaus, who is much more aggressive than usual, to attract the attacks of the unknown and powerful enemies all together. If you don't, the attack will flow to your people and the front will collapse.
Feeling rather comfortable with that strong pressure, Towya slammed her moves into continuing to stand.
Don't hesitate.
At this opening time, we have to make a lot of money and stabilize Hate.
"" Floating Steps "!
When Toya screamed, Rugged blue (Razrite) 's magical light stretched out and the appearance was grossly distorted. With such an unusual movement that it is difficult to catch up with his eyes, Towya slips into the left side of the "Dictionary Disaster".
He jumps up a giant arm like a gorilla coming after him overhead with a machete, but he's not immune to damage. It is inevitable that Minori's Damage Blocking Spell and his thigh's Reaction Activation Recovery (reactive) slip between the arm and the tower, which is also about the torso of the tower. Both are stunts that respond to enemy attacks to reduce or heal damage. The green brightness that comes after us is Litka's "Pulse Recovery".
Toya's A-Team has three Recovery Positions (Healers): the Divine Officer (Minori), the Therapeutic Cleric (also), and the Forest Curse (Litka).
With the help of three types of special healing (class heels) of a different nature, you can withstand the dreaded attacks of the Massive Combat (Reid) class.... should be.
Toya checks her own status so that she doesn't interrupt the rhythm of the attack.
With an attack like the one you just scratched, your hit points are down by 10%. He's recovering twitching with the effects of Pulse Recovery, but without support, it wasn't surprising that just the earlier attack would have lost half of his hit points.
It's a tough one.
Ridiculously strong.
Toya is much better at defense now than usual.
If it's the usual hunt, it's because my buddies are now awarding me a dozen defensive support spells that I can only get from two people: the Divine Officer (Minori) and the Forest Curse (Serara). It's a lot better than usual, even the movement's pretty and the five senses.
Still, Toya felt paralyzed to take so much damage.
It's a massive fight (Reid).
I've been pulled off by Nyantai, and I took part in the fortress of Sibuya's calling, so it's not like it's my first experience. But thus standing up as a front-line first defensive at Minori's behest brought a completely different excitement to Towya than that under the supervision of the elderly.
By analogy, that's an official football game.
Besides, it's the same game we play on a fine field above the Best Four.
Toya fights politely, forcing her to hold on to the tension that makes her unable to understand why she's going to lose her hands and feet nerves and move to pieces.
A small rush is important.
The opponent waves up his arm.
Step forward on your right leg.
Sink your center of gravity and weigh in.
So flashing, at the end of the attack, "Wood Spirit Return".
The Samurai Challenge.
But he is not such an enemy frightened by the sword trident of Toya. He'll slap his fist as much as he wants, in a move he doesn't even care about.
Toya hits the attack from the shoulder to the body.
It is not necessarily possible that there will be no "accident" if I get it on my head, on the side of a knife, etc. Toya's skill is impossible to avoid completely. So hit the thick part of armor from yourself. That way, the Restorative Position will do something about the rest.
See, I didn't die.
Toya, who could confirm it, gazes for the next offense.
Breathing is important too.
You'll be out of strength in a game like this in no time. Much faster to get tired than usual.
Breathe. If you don't breathe properly, you won't be able to move right away.
It made sense for Towya to open and jump to the left side of the "Classic Disaster".
Minori didn't give me directions, but I learned them from "LaGranda Du" and a lot of hunting experience. Battle Master, it is also an imitation of direct succession.
With a black giant, Toya is the most troublesome enemy, and his anger is clearly attacking him. For this reason, the position moves more than it did at the start of the battle, and the entrance to the Great Hall faces sideways to expose its flanks.
It was about pointing an indefensible side at the Ranged Attack Regiment of the "Wizards" (Lundelhouse) who were lined up near the entrance, and in fact, the heavy rains of ice and flames had rarely hit the "Classic Disaster".
The Akatsukis (Assassins) have also shimmered their blades and repeatedly attacked them from behind.
Towya led the Reid boss to a position where it was possible.
If my direct line had watched this opening, it would have rated me full score, it was an excellent stand up.
But there is no such easy battle as sharpening and ending in one piece.
Towya, who was at the closest distance, sensed it first. "Eleinus the Classic Disaster of Disappointment" crawled on all fours like a beast, shaking his whole body for strength.
Toya set up a machete and took a defensive stance.
Something is coming.
But I don't know what's coming.
Lack of information specific to the first major battle (Reid). Still, I'm guessing Toya was still alive. Because the explosion of light spread in front of me and I managed to stand on two legs even after an inexperienced shock.
"Whoa, whoa!!
Towya roared and followed the "Classic Disaster".
Nothing, I didn't set it up because I had a chance to win something. I was set up with a big move, so I just made a reflexive attack without even thinking about it if I would get licked.
But some of my buddies must have regained their minds with that roar.
"The Forest Curse (Dolphin) has the Overall Pulse Recovery (Gaia Beat)! Use your own Pot to remove the Debuff."
"Minori, 'Uncombatable' (Down) IV!
"The Resurrection Spell (Lisa Collection)!! Cast by the Therapeutic Cleric (Cleric) as a priority. Team A focuses on First Defense (Towya), with your back behind you."
"It was flame damage! Everybody, take the red label Resistant Water Potion! You don't have to hurry, he's not here yet! Don't disturb the rhythm!
Towya doesn't turn around.
We have Eleinus in front of us. You can't show such a gap. So I don't know what's going on with the whole Massive Combat (Reid) force. But you'll be fine because Minori's voice is ringing.
I made that decision abusively.
Minori's skipping directions, so I'm fine.
There's not much Toya can do.
Attack carefully again, raise Hate, and observe the opponent. That crouching attack, that one will come again. If I come again, I'll see through, and I'll stand up for you. Coming, raises a warning cry. That's how Toya decided to immerse herself in the attack in front of her.
This one slashes twice and gets hit in return.
"Classic Disaster" jumps a large combat (Reid) unit that is sometimes close to spinning with its hands wide open. That's also devastating. The First Defender (Towya) is generously defended by three types of healing spells in a wide variety of defensive spells, but the White Soldier Attacker (Attacker) of other teams is not that hard.
Time flickers.
That's what I heard the boss of a massive battle (Reid) is, but it's a tremendous endurance. Even with this many attacks by twenty-four players, the Hit Points of the "Classic Disaster" have not been reduced by half as much as 10%.
We can still do it together now, but I have no idea if we can win. So Towya kicked the victory and defeat out of his brain, too.
Not so, but Towya came to one conclusion with a thought that became simple. That was a flash, an idea, an indeterminate certainty, so it couldn't be clearly linguistic, but if you dare say so, "These guys aren't bad guys" intuition.
Towya didn't hate Eleinus in front of her.
Of course, they're enemies and I'll take them down. That doesn't change.
But that's not true when it comes to hatred, and there's no disgust. Instead, he felt a strange sympathy, as if he were a good enemy together for this pressing moment of outline.
Mainion Coast.
Choushi Defense Battle.
And the City of Saphir.
Compared to the will to invade that I had felt in the battle I had experienced in the past, the current giant seemed much better. Especially compared to the despair of a herd of "Steel Tail Dragons" (Wyvern) that filled the sky and the resentment of the "Hope Township" (Odusseia) that followed, it was even felt preferable.
It may be a very difficult and very mean exam incarnation, but it is not the object of hatred. Toya, not Minori, was sniffing what Shiloe called "fairness in the world" with only that acute sensibility at this time.
That's why Towya wanted to win.
I dreamed that if I won, I might be able to get ahead of the vague understanding I just felt. Toya put the thought on honestly and unleashed the "one-sided decision".
Battle begins in sixty-four seconds.
The battle has only just been opened.
◆ 4.08
It was fifty bells I was in a hurry to say it was very bad than I thought.
Team C is organized with a backguard magic attack as its main axis, tasked with knocking in high-powered attacks from the rear of the position.
There are only three Magic Attack positions in this Massive Combat (Reid) unit. Besides, one of them, Ashlyn, is the lowest in level 58 and members and is in charge of surrounding coverage in Team A, so you can't expect an attack. Ashlyn is a Granting Artist (Enchanter), and the Granting Artist (Enchanter) is rated by Shiloe as "such a bad offensive position that if you raise your hand to recruit an offensive position, you will be pissed off from around you". In other words, there are difficulties in including them in the numbers from the beginning.
And the other two are Lundelhouse and Nagi from "The Wizard" (Sorcerer) together. "Sorcerer" (Sorcerer) is only the epitome of the Magic Attack position, and its Magic Attack Power is the strongest of the twelve. Team C with the whole of those two could be described as a special unit responsible for the magic attacks of the entire large combat (Reid) force.
One of them, Nagi, was rendered incapable of combat by an earlier widespread flame attack.
What's more, the team's "Forest Curse" (Druid) and tate sides also fell at the same time.
In battle it can be recovered by resuscitation spells, so there are casualties, and that doesn't mean immediate destruction. Fortunately, there is no shortage of resuscitation spells due to the large number of recovery positions in this large-scale combat (Reid) unit (team).
Apart from the direct disadvantage that incapacity for combat "does not allow any action during incapacity for combat and reduces the number of combat participants", there are a variety of negative effects. Even if resuscitated, it loses experience, reduces the durability of your gear, etc. One of the most influential elements in large-scale combat (Reid) is the loss of MP.
Even if you recover from a state of incapacity for combat, only about half of your previous MPs can be recovered.
MP (Mana Point) is difficult to recover from as many hit points as it is relatively easy to replenish with healing spells. When it comes to the means that can be recovered during combat, it is said that there is only the support spell of the Granting Artist (Enchanter) or the support song of the Bard (Bird).
It's the Nocturne of Meditation.
It is a prized stunt with top priority and enhancement for my partner (Rudy) who usually uses the MP out of the bottom, and its rank is "Okja". What to hide, this is also the most expensive of the fifty bell stunts.
But where it is, it's not like the lost MP will recover. This is to a lessen the burden of fighting while reducing it.
I don't mean to be demeaning, that's it. I also get the word "very grateful" from Lundelhouse, and I think it's a fact powerful stunt - a miracle that can instantly recover an MP that is incapable of combat and lost, never.
"MP drops, the effect of being incapacitated!
Fifty bells screamed.
I can't solve it myself, and I don't think I can solve it for anyone if I say that, but I thought I had to scream anyway.
I don't know how to report it during a massive battle (Reid), so it kind of made me scream. I am ashamed to be a performer (artist) that my voice trembles.
"Mr. tate, step back and call back the grant spell (buff), Nagi. Concentrate on the single spell of the cold air attribute!
Minori's cry answers.
That's all I could do, it was an instruction, but that seems fine.
Fifty bells relieve and speak to the companions around them.
"Did you hear that? You don't have to rush it, so get back on your feet. Nagi, get down to range critical. You can use my shadow, as a shield!
Nagi starts a series of attacks with a Frost Spear spell when he hides in the shadows following his honesty. Because all stunts have a "Reuse Regulation Time" (recast time), when only one type of stunt is fired in a row, the wait time occurs, and thus the damage output is greatly reduced.
But Nagi dared to choose it. MP doesn't feel comfortable sending a wide variety of spells in early. Nagi is desperately looking for a combination of auxiliary spells that consume less while taking the "MP Recovery Medicine (Ah Potion)" that only works as well as sparrow tears.
"Drag me gee to death! Resurrection!!"
"Why are you poking around in such a light outfit? Mmm!?
Other non-combatants seem to be experiencing resuscitation.
The resuscitation itself, perhaps, will be in time.
Fifty Bells cast a "shifting tact" on Ashlyn after he had been troubled. This special stunt, which reduces the "Reuse Regulation Time" (recast time), fumbles the target MP consumption if it is used in a detour. It's like Lundelhaus who would fool or shoot an attack spell if a quick streak were possible.
But if the other person is Ashlyn, that's less dangerous. And the MP recovery spell - I don't remember the fifty bells by name, but I think they'll probably use it.
"I crawled on all fours! Coming, Overall Attack"
I can't make it.
To Toya's scream, Fifty Bells thought so reflexively.
I haven't gotten back on my feet yet.
Some people remain damaged.
Even though there is no total annihilation, if we get that whole attack now, there could be another casualty. Maybe we should really change the backup song to "Rainbow Arabesque". Because that will increase your resistance to damage from flame attributes. But in that case, you will give up the "Nocturne of Meditation". I can't do that.
Before this fight started, Minori asked me to maintain and support the MP. The white flame range attack, regrettably, can only be left to someone. The center of gravity goes forward with the feeling of not wanting to make a victim and the feeling of not having to play its part.
And the wish of the fifty bells seemed to have indeed been conveyed.
"Litka will do it for you!! Come out. Come out, Uroco snail! Now it's time for a big gathering!
The sister of the "Ponko Sisters" jumped to the front line, with her bags in her hands and shook up, waved it down as she wished. It's a canvas bag with a shoulder that always looked important. It flickered with centrifugal force, like a waterfall - not a metaphor, spitting out bright white shards with authentic waterfall-like momentum.
Sparkling, white-assed urchin.
Making a noise like heavy rain to make a mountain in no time it grew louder as it swelled as it remained white shiny and turned into a giant lizard rising with two legs offering splendid limbs.
"It's not a snake, is it?
The unintentionally murmuring fifty bell voice is blocked by Litka's proud voice.
"Go, man! Lizard King Ooh! It's a spill!!
"I say lizard myself!!
Lizard stormed into the (Classic Disaster) with a heavy-duty move when he raised his wild cow-like scream. I don't know what kind of animal it is anymore.
Even if it's huge, it's not as big as looking up.
He's about three meters tall and almost mutually reinforcing with the Classic Disaster. Lizard the Great ran up his back in a mild motion, with a structure similar to sumo wrestling, hugging the hips of the "Classic Disaster" disappointingly.
Momo, mo.
I don't know what you're talking about, but (maybe it doesn't make sense) a few seconds after the roaring tension, Fifty Bells noticed.
"Crawl on all fours!"
"What's the matter, Miss Fifty Bells? Conto's just those sisters are on time enough..."
"No, Rudy, that" classic disaster ", if you can't stay low, you can't get fire out of the corner Yikes!!
"This is your chance, White Soldier Attack is assaulted from behind the Classic Disaster!
A moment of blankness came to the cry of the fifty bells, but Minori, aware of the matter as soon as possible, gave instructions. Attack formations with hand-held weapons such as Holy Night and Shinobu flock together.
"Damage now! I can't recover from Mr. Lizard. Get as much cover as you can!
The giant lizard king seems to have a faint effect on the Minori's healing spell. More and more hit point gauges are diminishing. That's not impossible either. That lizard has big figures, but it's supposed to be a squire (minion) rank. Regardless of its combat ability, about half of Toya. My body is large enough to inhibit the movement of Eleinus. That's all. But now, that's all I appreciate very much.
"It's okay! The Lizard King is absolutely invincible with the power of a urchin!
From the bag where he threw it and made a shining hill in the corner of the hall, Litka at some point carries the urchin by accident, sticking it on the back of the giant lizard king. That's apparently the dedicated means to recover lizard hit points.
When did the knee-length sized "walking mushrooms" and "myconids" spring up and come out form a row and start carrying urchins in the bucket relay. For some reason, Wolf is mixed up too.
"Those with suspicious hit points fall back and recover, magic attack jobs are an efficiency priority with MP warmth!
The rebooted fifty bells screamed.
It's a valuable opportunity.
Although it now appears to be dominant, the hit point of the "Disappointment Catastrophe" has not diminished by a third. The rebuild priority should be right.
Fifty Bells remembered the only large-scale battle he had ever experienced (Reid). It was an offensive battle in Shibuya. In that fierce battle, Summoning Catastrophe changed its appearance twice. The "Classic Disaster of Disappointment Eleinus" is much lower than that, but it can't fall without doing anything like this. Fifty bells were convinced of it.
"" Are you a subject of reverence?
Suddenly the "scripture disaster" uttered the word.
It was possible because it was a doll, but the fifty bells missed the origin of the word for a moment because they had only ever seen the beastly movement.
"" Are you a subject of reverence?
That sound more like a chord than a reverb or a delay.
Before thinking about meaning, Eleinus puts up his arms big enough to hold the two fists together to create an impromptu hammer.
"Huh! Barriers to the Patronage Law"
"Protect me!!
Radeep, who was watching the war beside the fiftieth bell, did not hesitate to throw the greatest barrier spell on the C-team. A translucent wall rises on the fifty bells and the onions.
It was Team D that Minori threw the same spell. The attacking position, which has no "Divine Officer" (Kanagi) and is now closest to Eleinus, was certainly protected by it.
"Classic Disaster of Disappointment" slammed down his swung fist and swung it like a whirlwind. Not as flaming but widespread! Large-scale combat (Reid) buddies are jumped like rubber bows on a pitch-black brass arm.
"" You are not subject to reverence... "
Eleinus continued his words, still suffering a painful blow, but turning his face to a huge white lizard who had stepped on because of his weight.
I don't have eyes and noses for Disappointment.
Its face is creepy, like it was covered in black vinyl.
But the fifty bells felt a clear gaze.
I felt Eleinus staring at each and every one of us.
Eleinus, gathered in his loose purple phosphorescence, stabbed his fist at the lizard king. Like an earlier antagonism lies, fists penetrate the center of the lizard king's chest.
"" Do you have an object of reverence?
A new question was thrown into the ears of the fifty bells, who were tensioning their whole bodies in preparation for an attack from the atmospheric alteration of the "Classic Disaster".
The giant that rises the phosphorescence of all sorts and purples asks that silence is unacceptable with a unique overlapping trembling voice.
"" You have an object of reverence!?
Its loud voice repainted the surroundings once and for all into pitch-black darkness as it glowed the geometry in Eleinus' chest.
With the twist of consternation and self-loss spreading, The Disaster of Disappointment finally began to purge its true fangs.
Battle begins in one hundred and ninety-seven seconds.
The battle received a mid battle.
◆ 4.09
- Do you have an object of reverence?
What comes to mind when you hear that question?
Will the vast majority have subjects that they respect and worship?
Minori, who raised such a question, shook herself in the wake of something like a silent, uncompressed gust. Something that is not a shock wave passes through the body and parts of the mind smash into small pieces.
I lift my fingertips looking for the troublesome facial expression that floated on my pretend, but the rainbow color that floated from Minori fades away unexpectedly.
Struck by a strange sense of loss, Minori looked at the palm of his offered hand, looked at his chest and discovered Shizuku glowing there.
Without even knowing the meaning of the tears shed, Toya's cry struck out Minori chasing it with her gaze.
"Defensive posture! Look forward!!!
Minori desperately put herself together with that voice. Toya's cry is special. To protect that only, to never let go of his hand again, Minori lacks only that workout. It's not just that he said he needed it to survive in such a strange different world, he's his only sister and brother.
But that's just Minori's thought. Some of my companions listen to the screams of Towya with a blurry, painful look. Something is strange. We're under unidentified attack.
Minori laid a scepter.
Chase icons in confusion.
Why did you distract me during the battle?
There was some kind of attack. Other than that, it's not funny. But I don't see anything unusual in this room with its surroundings sinking into shadow color. At least it doesn't seem to be enemy reinforcements.
Toya mellowed back, spilling a groan that forced her to breathe out.
The bright blue expression taught Minori that the enemy's blow was not just an ordinary blow. A fragment of the barrier peels off like a scatter of flowers. Minori's sense of crisis didn't know where to stay, even as he quickly updated his spell to protect Toya.
My people are down.
Ten or so people are on their knees, or falling asleep, just looking all the way through the large conference room stuck in the blue darkness like a veil.
At the same time as the blow that Towya is now taking, a large-scale combat (Reid) crew member at close range, Members, must have also taken the attack.
That's almost half the members. It's a good situation when it comes to destruction.
"Mr. Litka. Pulse recovery, again!
Encouraging Litka, who was even weeping thinly, Minori gave instructions for recovery. Continue to restore the reaction. If Towya falls, the formation itself will collapse.
But such prayer was vain, and his black arm walked, and he caught Toya again.
Worried cheers are vain, and Towya rolls like no other. Obviously there's something wrong with the movement. The current attack can also be carried out with the regular Toya "Dagger of the Jungle Clouds". You should return at least about the Samurai Challenge.
"To my master...? What, this...?
"" You have an object of reverence!?
"" You have an object of reverence!?
I see it.
It was a purple ray from the crest on the chest of the Disappointment Book. extremely early. It would be almost impossible to avoid that. That ray, thinner than your fingers, flashes as it sweeps away the perimeter.
The fan of light pierced about the height of the chest is fortunately much smaller in number than earlier. Because many of our people within that range are lying on the ground. So the attack just ran over their heads.
I can't avoid it.
That's why Minori was staring.
It was all perceived that the ray stroked his chest like a roundabout, and that it did not physically cause any damage.
"Mr. Siloe."
And I understood.
It wasn't the barriers or anything like that that smashed around Towya earlier. It was a shard of crystal with no thickness. The laminate of time stored in my heart seemed to peel and crumble and dissolve.
Memories of the siloe leak from the minnows, shine, and rise.
"I understood and understood the object of your reverence."
"I understood and understood your object of reverence."
I told Minori in an audio that was somewhat hyperbolic. Across the battlefield, Minori and the pitch-black giant stare at each other.
"Forgive me. Your object of reverence will not appear. This is the land of your faults."
"That's not true...... Huh!
"Forgive me. Your object of reverence will not appear. This is your land of seclusion."
"What's that?"
It was Towya who was shorter than Minori.
A beastly motion leaps to the "Classical Disaster", but the motion has no definition. There is no collaboration. Surrounded by fallen and lying companions pointing at injured eyes.
I can't do that.
Minori thought so. It does not arrive with Toya's savage courage. It's a massive fight (Reid). Even if the First Defender progresses snuggly, he cannot succeed without the support of his troops.
Minori unleashed the spell, raising her voice as if she were going to get out of somewhere herself. Accelerate chanting speed (cast time) with The Secret of a Thousand Methods. The first choice is "Mirror of Stone Coagulation". A massive spell in the defense system that increases all damage mitigation. From there, remain passionate.
A gradient flying around Minori occurs and continues to increase, becoming a small meteor of light to the enemy.
Repeat "Magic Curse" with Spell Projection that increases Speed.
He swung his scepter and, mindfully, inspired himself.
Sounds like a crying voice leaks.
I got that purple light again.
My heart trembles at the pain of something warm and gentle being stripped off.
- I walked along a tree-lined road in the Western Box Willow (Poplar) with Siloe.
- I asked a question with a serious face and took a note.
- I was excited to purchase the item full of bags.
- I drank the onion soup from the stall for two.
Shiny and brilliant, my date with Siloe gets denied.
"Forgive me. The object of your veneration has already fallen. Lost its power, lay low on the ground and not rot."
It's a lie.
Siloes don't tear that easily.
He listens to daily reports that it would have been nice to have a kind look on his face.
"Forgive me. The object of your veneration has already fallen. There is no help for you. There will be no morning in this land."
It's a lie.
Siloe is strong, and smart.
He's the strongest person Minori knows.
Instead of anyone helping me, during the night of Harmeln, who didn't even know I existed, I was just the one who delivered The Tale of Thoughts, saying, "I'm moving to help you."
"Forgive me. The object of your reverence is to lose power and fall before me. You shall be wrapped in a book far from all things and twilight."
Lights and sounds keep away from the surroundings.
It looked as far away as odd as I could see with a distorted lens of Toya repeating her desperate sword trident. It makes my mind twitch and suffer from the discomfort that my body doesn't belong to me.
Even though it is such a practiced move, the support spells to the fifty bells and Lundell House that we have usually spent together also bring, unsuccessfully fail and finally succeed awkwardly.
A frozen renunciation where I want help but the scream reaches nowhere twitches and makes my hands and feet cold.
The fading shards around Minori were like cherry blossoms in April.
Wait in the wind and dance hard, dissolving in the air.
Minori wants to cry like a child because every piece of it is an irreplaceable treasure.
"Forgive me. The object of your reverence is to lose power and fall before me. You have been abandoned."
At last, at the tip of his fingertips, which he threw out the attack and stretched out, a shard showing a siloe scratching his cheek with a slightly troubled look disappeared with a pale light.
"Your object of reverence has lost its heroic rank."
It's a lie.
That's a lie.
Siloe is a Minori admirer.
Minori glances at Minori with her gaze as she nearly crumbles her chest with a cry that doesn't make her voice sound like a voice, ready not to let go even if she just clings to it.
Were you satisfied with the results of the war?
The "Classic Disaster", which stumbled on a battlefield where no one could move satisfactorily, took a step towards Minori as he jumped the tower under a swing of his arm.
Minori couldn't move. I can't leave like my gaze was stopped from sewing.
If he did not die with Siloe insulted, his heart hardened like a stone, and his body seemed to follow faithfully. Others' hands and feet as cold and solidified as that don't even move for an attack.
"Dr. Siloe, never...!" The Divine Down Ritual. "
The impending "Classic Disaster" looked far more gigantic.
It's a rising wall of death.
Minori, who was about to be swallowed by that shadow, raised a voice of resistance.
I meant to scream, but the voice was a faint grunt.
"" Low ""
That's why you're so badly blocked by Eleinus' blow.
He is attacked without doing anything and falls down unnecessarily.
But some of them couldn't help it.
A sharp silver light pouring from the ceiling divides the world of shadows equally (d).
Despite its small size, the shadow that broke in with the sickness of the sound coming late bounced off the giant Eleinus and stood in front of Minori.
"My lord hasn't been such a hero since the beginning."
The irritating, but still ringing voice like a bell tone was akatsuki. The girl with the small sword said to the "Classic Disaster". Whether the majority of the members fall or lose the majority of their health, it is fitting to call a warrior of war to look unyielding.
Akatsuki stared at the Unstoppable Disaster with an invincible expression.
Battle begins in three hundred forty-one seconds.
The battle finally enters its end.