Lonely Attack on the Different World

The 822nd part turn was a flash, but when I flew, I didn't keep it until I landed.

Day 152 Morning Elf Forest Labyrinth 55F

A good number of poisonous moths blow out of the nest and cover the sky of the hierarchy with gloom. And the desolate poisonous scaly powder, the deactivation "Resist" was made, depletes the MP, and if you continue to be exposed to poison, one day you will be poisoned, whether or not you are resistant to the equipment. And the gear also depends on the LV, so if you can't use it with magic manipulation, you'll be poisoned one day with probability theory. Convenient for you in such trouble, portable indiscriminate demon.

"Monster of Fear." Kyonsie, my daughter, "shoot. Yeah, yeah!

"Who's Hichaho ♥?!? This talisman is in the way!

A bursting warhead of annihilation - a troublesome infinite gush - threatens to devastate with infinite indiscriminate fire: the indiscriminate demon, the monster, Kyonsie, my daughter. I'm afraid of this when talent and weapons meet, if I were an enemy, I wouldn't be in a spill. Yeah, we're all donning on our side!

When you exit the nest, you are shot, worn at the same time as you gush, and before you gush, you are turned into a needle from nest to nest and annihilated. The arrow of the arrow bullet is strong but wasted, the arrow of the live bullet is paid for and the arrow of the demon bullet disappears as much as the water of the demon stone. Besides, when you get hit, your bills wear out, too, Cospa. The worst armor is the look and array of chests. Petta...... Target supplement (locked)!!

"No, I don't have a hobby of being targeted by Monster Bill Daughter (Petan), and if you're a beauty sniper (Sniper), you're a troublesome, but glossy, long-range sniper. Because you're an old high school boy... all the bow squads are in Pepper Daughter Squad, and yaaahhhhhhhh!

If you were on guard against sniping by demon bullets, you'd be no kiddo raccoon's ejection from a barista! Yeah, this raccoon comes after herself in homing, so you don't have to eject it, do you? Does that hurt? Like?

Even 56F, the elf army is pushed with force by "Stone Wolf Lv56," which collapses at speed, but where it pushes the demon back with Lerolero's old man's ad hoc, variable, self-inflicted cook II disease, Ita, where the danger is covered by a dangerous person with a random demon, and the critical situation reached the 57th tier with a gangster daughter raiding with the Gisi Gisians out of the gang. Yeah, it's ok to just snap out of a gang because you whine about something, huh?

But I am overwhelmed by the flying electric shock of a 57F "Thunder Bat Lv57". The motion is disrupted by electric shock and the battle is antagonized by being forced to endure without deactivation. Yeah, the antagonism is fine, but I wanted to see the rumored turtle armor tie one way or another...... gehun gehun! If I look back, they'll kill me! You feel the sound of a pressing killer caged whip behind your back and a jito and an octopus with nothing but intent to kill!!

"Hey, I didn't say anything, and the requests are taken care of in my heart, and the memories are always permanently preserved in my heart and in Mr. Wisdom, but I haven't seen them, have I? You want to see it?

"(Jittoooooooo!)... Well, the Elf Army has 70% left and 50% to fight on the 60th level... it's too dangerous for boulders from the 60th level."

The sixty tiers of the Great Labyrinth are a good enough battle on the border to be glorified as heroes. But this is a wear and tear battle that only desperately resists with a worn out body, because the Great Labyrinth demons are strong and frivolous.

"Elder, don't die! Elves. Get up! But that's good till you're on the verge of doing your best, until then, help me!

"" "." "Our sword is for the Air King!

Bear with spirit, fight with will, stand up even when pushed and blown up in the middle layer of the Great Labyrinth, and stand up with your sword protruding against the demons. Time was brutal, and if the Elf Virgin and Dawn Mi, and this Elf Army... if that time had overlapped, they would have defeated the Great Labyrinth. At the very least, the worst tragedy could have been avoided had any of them been together.

One after the other, he is healed, and brought out of the door to earth. Everyone weeps in remorse, and is angry at his incompetence to leave with his still fighting comrades. If this wasn't the Great Labyrinth... at least if it was the Middle Labyrinth, the grief could have been fulfilled. But the Great Labyrinth (here) is no good, this is not pure evil that can be transcended by temper or anything.

Yes, if you're honest with malice, you'll be brushed, the demons are honest, but the labyrinth is the bad guy, right?

"Chairman of the Commission...... is it good? We're all worn out, aren't we?

"The Elves will crush them! That's what the Elves are for, no handouts!

He said it was strictly forbidden, but he gave you that face? Well, if it's cash, I'll get my hands on it. You want it?

Send only instructions as you watch the battle, regrettably, as if we fought together... and still keep warm. Maintain full magic and strength to step deeper and deeper into the lower layers.

Send the Labyrinth Emperors to the lower level without shredding them. It is not suitable for enduring warfare because it is strong, its too strong power cannot continue to be unleashed in full, it cannot stand with a body with low LV. That's why I'm willing to keep the Labyrinth Emperors warm and entrust them with the path to the bottom.

Finally, I have come to the point where I can worry about the labyrinth emperors, I have seen the limits of the labyrinth emperors. That magic and strength are not infinite. Yeah, but the limit is inn only, and I've never seen anything tired in the labyrinth?

"No cover, either?" "That's right, wouldn't it be nice to have about the amount of natural recovery at a level that doesn't exhaust you?" "Not if you can't! Your MP will not recover, but your health will run out if your HP is recovered."

The labyrinth favors the attacker. Because demons with the same weaknesses split up one layer at a time, so it's easy to fight, so things go well...... die hard. It's just the worst trap in your favor.

"Unloading the injured. Hurry, the treatment is with mushrooms!

"" "" "Roger that!" ""

The elves dropped 59 tiers, diminishing in number and getting dirty and hurt, as they became Zutaboro. But half-destructed, the number of soldiers is already too low.

"I want to adjust, so can I have a 60 tier hierarchy owner? In your spare time, Mr. Slime's got a round neck, and he's got a bead on him, too, huh?

"" "" It's good... but it's a bead all the time, right? Because my neck isn't round anymore! Or where is your neck!! "" "

(Poyo poyo!?)

Stuffed in shrinkage in one breath and jumping up on empty walks, instant stuffing. But if you're the Hierarchist of the Great Labyrinth, multiple giant petals will open, firing shotgun seeds in a range attack, which will also react to that shortness. Reversal - you lose sight of me in the manoeuvres of the moment, you grab an immediate sign, but that moment... it's hopelessly slow, isn't it?


Dinner. Silver beauty shadows carve slaughter to make it easy to eat, and sword lines fall rough to an affordable size. A slashing line scattered like that flower storm slashes and engraves the Lord's sunflower on the 60 tier.

Yeah, a twist is edible, right? I don't know about sprinkling seeds to make seeds (shijutsu) edible or oily (yuri), but "Shotgun Soleil LV60" with eight petals stretched long from the main unit is French, but the English name is Sunflower. Well, it's Himuri, Himuri in the underground labyrinth for some reason, even though sunflowers (sunflowers) are for sale towards the sun, which is also denoted around the day.

"If we had the numbers, we could destroy the army or something with a multidirectional barrage attack, right? I mean, even the eight petals excuse that the body is one... Sunflower looks like one big flower, and that's actually the head flower sequence where a large number of flowers come together to form the shape of one flower? So even one of them is full of hierarchical owners, right?

"" "" Hey, what-- that's important!? ""

It's important. Not the headache sequence, but this demon? If you feed this species to Mr. Rafflesia, you might gain shotgun capability. Shotgun Rafflesia can attack the face of a barrage simulated on a tree in the woods. That will be a dense forest full of claymores from anti-personnel mines, whose defenses go well with Elf's sniper main guerrilla battle over immeasurable.

And the ladies breathe in the slaughter of a series of slightly serious, fast and beautiful heavenly playful attacks that instantly "shaved" their eyelids. Worried about the Armor Committee chairmen to the extent you saw them in training? The limits of the demon snatching people while cheating on each other in the deep labyrinth? They're about 17 x 100 years old for good instead of 100 years, right? No, about age, no comment, no moreboko? Yeah, there's a strong killing spirit from three directions!?

However, Mr. Rafflesia's magic vegetable absorption, transformed into a holy tree, is slowly becoming unreachable. I could stand it because it's the artificial human descendants elves who can live in the magic vegetables... but I can't keep up with the rise in LV, so the limit is close. Whether it was personal or genetic, resistance varied greatly depending on the elf, and ironically the most resistant Elder spellmasters all died without entering the labyrinth. And unexpectedly...

"But what's a maid of honor, a real Elf Princess, a daughter, so strong?

"She said that she had been training when she protected Eve and T. as maids, even though she was a real princess... you saw it all the time with those eyes, those stiff hands. Your hands hardened by training, not LV?

The LV was low but the posture and physical fitness were good, and the scratch power was high! It turned out to raise the LV and get weapons and equipment commensurate with the effort. Yeah, this is a technique I acquired with training that isn't LV or status. That's a style close to the chairmen of the armored committee...... a unique difference between those who have raised the LV and become stronger and those who have raised the LV because they are strong.

"Because I'm the king's daughter. Hey, I'm a similarly parent daughter and desperate. Both the elves and the royal family of the elves failed... but I've always meant it, I've always been desperate. But if you drop the Great Labyrinth, it's a charade, isn't it?

Akemi tells you, it must be your buddy's crisp daughter who taught you that sword.

"I worked so hard until I got so much money... so there's no need for handouts. But I have to drop the labyrinth. It's a disgrace to the maiden! I'll make it all a charade!

"" "" "Of course -!

Outreach Maybe that's what the Virgin looks like, maybe that living creature leads to the Virgin. With that desperation, he travels to the lowest level, battling through the labyrinth and holding the strongest power... to be imprisoned in the darkness.

It's like a trap trying to make the strongest demon king, luring him stronger and possessing him. Yeah, I don't seem to like why? Again, I guess it's because I'm too good for the Demon King or something, and the Dark Guy inside seems to know.

Well, maybe I only like "Just" pretty girls, but that sounds like a good way to talk!? I'll kill you, though?