Long Live Summons!

Chapter 21 [Please Don't Like Me Anyway]

“Boring!” The bright-eyed thief opened Yueyang's big hand, stood up and turned his head and left.

“How can it be boring? Men and women love each other, love each other, romantically wrangle mian, this is the most meaningful thing in the world!” Yueyang hurriedly chased out, while * the bright-eyed thief, laughing out loud: “Brother, don't be embarrassed, if you don't know how to do it in the room, I can teach you! Though I don't have a lot of experience, we can study it together slowly... something to say, don't move the dagger! ”

The bright-eyed thief heard the fire and stopped.

With one hand flashing, the cold dagger flashed.

Yueyang looked at the dagger around his neck and quickly raised his hands, indicating surrender.

“Fuck off, I'm not the same person you are!” The bright-eyed thief endured the urge not to kill the boy and coldly squeezed out a sentence between the cracks of his little white teeth.

“No way? You don't like women?” Yueyang's expression is exaggerated: “Are you the legendary man? ”

“What is a man?” The bright-eyed thief doesn't understand.

“In this world, divided into ‘attack’ and ‘guard’, the attack is responsible for cultivating and sowing, and the work is exhausting and laborious; guarding the difference is responsible for enjoying the groaning, and the work is comfortable... Oops, don't fight!” Yueyang didn't finish his speech, and the bandits in the eyes had punched him in the face.

“I warn you, if you see me in the future, get away from me, or I'll kill you!” The bright-eyed thief was angry, but Yueyang admitted that the guy looked pretty angry too.

There are some people in the world who look great, whether they laugh or laugh.

I can't bear to like it when people see it.

On the contrary, some people are different. Whether laughing or angry, they look very disgusting and show off. In addition to vomiting or vomiting, there is an urge to hit the wall to commit suicide after a long time. Yueyang classmates feel that this bright-eyed thief belongs to the previous small look, and it belongs to the more people like it. When he saw the bright-eyed thief angry, he was not afraid, but smiled more: “Don't worry, I will hide far away. Because I'm afraid you're gonna like me! ”

The bright-eyed thief tried to kick Yueyang's foot and left. As soon as he heard this, he immediately felt like the kid in front of him was crazy.

“What did you say? Would I like you?” The bright-eyed thief couldn't believe his ears.

“Of course, handsome men like me, both beautiful women and beautiful men, are very popular. However, please note that although I am the Jade Wolf King who loves people, blossoms, cars, three mountains and five mountains, no one knows, no one knows, beats invincible hands all over the world, a pear blossom on the sea tongue, but I only like beautiful women and have no feelings for beautiful men at all, so please don't like me casually!” Yueyang raised his face in complacency, his nose facing the sky, and he forgot his shape with pride.

“...” The bright-eyed thief almost fell to the ground.

Nor have narcissistic people seen it, but such narcissistic people are the first to see it.

The walls of White Rock City are a thin piece of paper to compare to this kid's face. The bright-eyed bandit estimates that even if all the narcissistic maniacs of the world are brought together, rubbed into one person, and compared to the kid in front of them, it is believed that his narcissism level is not yet one-tenth!

The bright-eyed thief is glad that he is not a narcissist, otherwise in front of this kid, there is a good chance that he will wield a dagger to kill himself...

God knows how such a pervert was born.

Yes, besides perverts, no adjective can accurately describe this hippie smiley, narcissistic guy in front of you!

“Though there have been many beautiful men who have expressed their love to me, my heart belongs only to beautiful women and is forever!” Yueyang held his fist very definitely.

“Rest assured, a toad as good as you, I will not like you, and forever!” The bright-eyed thief secretly mocked Yueyang, a toad wanting to eat Swan's flesh, wondering about the sky.

“Then I'm relieved, brother. I've been worried about this. Now that you don't like men, like me, you like beautiful women, whoo, now I finally let go of my big stone! Since you don't like men and you like beautiful women, that's a good idea. We have a common language. We all have a common hobby. Come on, let's go get some girls! As a versatile student, I have always wanted to write a book on the Ponyo Book to guide the many lost teenagers in the world, and now I lack a partner.” Yueyang clapped her chest, exaggerating that her heart hung for half a day had finally returned to her position, and she warmly embraced the shoulders of the bright-eyed thief, suddenly finding her like-minded comrade.

“I said, if you are so versatile, finish the pageant yourself, I have something to do, I will not accompany you!” The bright-eyed thief grinned and laughed in disdain at the guy who called himself a learned man. He wondered what else he had besides lust in his head?

“Looks like you're skeptical of my true talent, brother. You're totally misunderstanding. When you understand one in 10,000 of my vast knowledge, you're sure you'll be fascinated by my talent. Before that, I was just worried that you'd fall in love with me regardless of the man's physical condition and have a super friendship with me, which is why I couldn't hide it, you know? Dude, do you think I'm a normal person? No, I'm a genius!” Yueyang almost didn't write the words genius on his forehead.

“Are you a genius? Born stupid, huh? ”

The bright-eyed thief has never seen such an arrogant narcissist in his life, thanks to his daring to call himself a genius!

If geniuses are like him, then humans are about to perish!

“If you swear you won't fall for me, I'll show you my hands... there's no way I can keep you from knowing what I'm good at, let me tell you, don't talk about ordinary people, it's poetry fairy Li Bai, he often copies my poems too! Do you know why Li Bai was called Shi Xian? He used to copy my poems. He used to copy my poems, too. Otherwise, they wouldn't be called 'Lee Doo's article in," you don't know, it's all because of me. They have today, you know? ”Yueyang classmates solemnly affirmed that the expression is very serious, can see the burglar in the eyes, can the boy still write poetry?

“Shi Xian Li Bai? Who is he?” The bright-eyed thief found that he had never heard of the poem Xian Li Bai.

“Kid, you have to study hard. Every day you go up, you don't even know who Li Bai Shi Xian is. This can't be!” Yueyang's old anger patted the shoulders of the bright-eyed thieves in the autumn, and gave you a look of your 'little strength, the boss is sad'.

“What's so great about this poem Xian Li Bai, why should I know him?” The bright-eyed thief snorted, disdainfully, but was actually a little heartless.

“Didn't you even hear him copy my silent night thoughts? It's a classic. You can't, can you?” Yueyang's expression was like finding an illiterate monster.

“Jing Night Think? Never heard of it. What kind of poem?” The memories of the efforts of the bright-eyed bandits, I can't find any memories of this poem.