Long Live Summons!

Chapter 23 [Night, Killer]

Ho | The milky woman raised her tearface and shook her head: “We can kill him, but we have no strength to bear the revenge of the forces behind him. Our sisters are not alone like me. Most of them have children and even parents. Once Iron Maniac dies, his family will surely avenge him, find out, we will all have to ride wooden donkeys, travel the streets to show the public, and then be swept away and die in pain. Our parents and children will also be killed... We dare not avenge ourselves, we can only expect a hero who is not afraid of power... Young Master, if you are not strong enough to fight against the Iron Family and against the retaliation of the Iron Family and the White Stone City Lord, then go quickly, I will go back to untie the rope, wait for Iron to wake up and continue to masturbate with him | Happy, won't let him doubt this! ”

“How long have you been hunting iron maniacs in revenge for the Guild of Killers?” Yueyang asked the last question.

“Three years, never interrupted!” Ho | The Milk Girl's eyes are firm: “Although we don't have the money, we won't give up revenge even if we cut back on our clothes! ”

Yueyang listened and nodded slightly.

As a lousy whore, she was ridden by thousands of people and trampled on with dignity, not forgetting revenge. All the money they earn is usually handed over to the manipulator behind them, and they can only hide a little money, but they can save up to fifteen gold every six months to persevere in the pursuit of their enemies. This will of vengeance has to be admired.

Yueyang doesn't care if Ironclad will be hunted down by the Ironclad after killing Ironclad.

Because he can drill an empty hole based on the knowledge transmitted by the Bronze Treasure.

First of all, if he was not remembered by the Iron Crazy with his Revenge Scroll, his name would not appear on the Revenge List of the Assassin's Guild. Even if accidentally recorded by the Revenge Scroll, the name appearing on the Revenge List is only the previously registered 'Titan’, not the real name.

If the Iron Family wants revenge for Iron Crazy, they want revenge for hunting Yueyang.

However, this is not possible.

Because the emptiness of Yueyang Diamond is that he didn't kill each other with his own hands, at best he was an accomplice.

On the list of revenge hunts, only iron madman tattoos appear at best. And the tattoo flower, Yueyang didn't even give it a name, then a strange anonymous person will appear on the list of revenge hunts. Even when Yueyang does not summon the tattoo in the bronze treasure book, then its red dots will not appear on the bloodshed map.

Exactly because there are free diamonds, Yueyang feels that don't talk about iron madness, people with a bigger background and more strength can also make flower fat...

Before he pushed the door in, he turned around and smiled softly at Ho | Nanny.

“Money doesn't have to be handed over to the Guild of Killers in the future, it's also white sex, because not every killer likes to earn money. You can come to me if you want, I'm a rich killer, whoever you kill, as long as you can afford it! ”

Luxury Behind | Milk Woman, excited by shoulder twitching.

Silent, but his face cried.

Less than ten minutes later, Yueyang came out.

He had a big leather bag in his hand and threw it under the feet of the ho | nipple woman: “Here's the bronze coin, I need you to do something, there's some gold and silver jewelry in the bag, you find a suitable black market merchant, you pawn it, replace it with gold coins, I'm useful... if the black merchant dares to distort the idea, then write it down, I'll kill him too, I won't tolerate anyone hitting my idea... do you have any other vengeance targets? Now, if you've finished pawning for me, I won't do anything for free, but I can think about letting you guys owe first, take your interest slowly! ”

Ho | The nursing woman trembled all over her body, even prostrating herself, and her voice stuttered a little: “There are two more, one called ‘Long Knife’ and one called 'Evil Fire’. We don't know the exact name, but it's also respectful to see Iron Crazy talking to them. Every once in a while, Evil Fire will come to White Rock City. If you count the dates, maybe in a few days! Long knife, we don't know, just know that this man's knife is quick, once sitting drinking, not moving, waving can kill more than a dozen people, usually, this man rarely comes to White Stone City, God is gone. However, there is a distinct feature of this knife, which is that the right hand of the knife is much larger than the left hand, and it is estimated that the right hand is at least twice the size of the left hand! ”

Yueyang smiled and turned around, leaving a slight windy voice: "Help me do my pawn, next time I see them, they will be dead! ”

When Ho | Nipples kowtow heavily, Shane.

Raise your tears again and find that the shadow in front of you has long passed away with the wind.

At dawn, Yueyang became the beloved third son of a beautiful woman from a murderer who did not blink. I wonder how she would feel if she knew that at midnight, her beloved Son went over the wall and swallowed the two alive with stab flowers.

If Yue Bing in black is still in this small courtyard and practicing summoning with Yue Yang, she will surely notice a little, Yue Yang summoned a different stab flower.

Now the saliva sarcophagus is still level one, but the grade has changed from ordinary to bronze.

The variety also changed to ‘blood-tongued saliva'.

Now the tattoos are two meters tall, the stems are as thick as human arms, the spikes are thick, the petals like the monster's big mouth become bigger, the teeth inside are sharper. The most different part is that it adds a long, bloody red tongue that drapes out of your mouth and stretches like a snake letter. The beautiful woman had not noticed the vision at all. She sat in the morning light with a little girl in her arms and looked with joy at the letter sent by her daughter.

“Sanjie, in this letter, Ice greets you too!” The beautiful woman feels that everything at home is changing in the right direction.

Turns out the silent daughter is closer to San-chul.

Usually, I would never greet Brother San. Now that I've mentioned it several times, there is also a hidden meaning to report my academic achievements to him, proving that this little Niko still hopes to have a strong brother!

“How was Ice's exam?” Yueyang harvested the blood tongue and salivated the sarcophagus. After he found that the sarcophagus had risen to the bronze grade, it was more than ten times stronger, but it had not been upgraded. This proved that the secret he held was correct. The path of alienation of the sarcophagus was very right. At least, the first step was successful! Continue the alienation, believe that the tattoos will be graded into silver and gold grades in turn, then re-order the alienation from gold grades to bronze grade tattoo demons in adult form... continue to alienate the evolution, from bronze, silver, gold and platinum to diamond grades, eventually three to bronze grade intelligent humanoid tattoo queen, and then all the way up to reach the legendary human beast grade 'Golden crown tattoo queen’!

The growth path of the Golden Crown Stab Queen will take three turns and the process will be very long.

However, the right first step has now been taken.

As long as the tattooed flower continues to devour the living as a flower fertilizer, it will grow faster, alienate, and leapfrog than the animal and poultry systems devour the Demon Crystal. In the future, it will become the Golden Crown Stab Queen of all biological nightmares on the battlefield.

Three thousand years ago, the Golden Crown Stab Queen, will no longer be a legend, but will truly become a fact!

“Ice exams are going well, and next year you'll be able to take advanced classes in fifth grade. She also enrolled you in second grade, because college rules do not allow you to enroll in third grade or above, so, Son, you can only go to second grade temporarily. Ice said in the letter that after a few months of reading it, if you do well, you can jump to third grade.” The little girl in the arms of the beautiful woman yelled and said she was going to school too. The beautiful woman saw that she could not stay in her arms. She had to let her go and let her slip into Yueyang's arms. When the beautiful woman saw the letter, she was slightly worried and sighed at Yueyang: “Icer said she was not coming home for three months. She was going to the Tower of Heaven for a trial...”

“Tower of Heaven? Trial?” Yueyang listened, and his eyebrows were also wrinkled.