Long Live Summons!

Chapter 152 [Fight, Valiant Partner!

Yueyang guessed correctly, in front of Ant Cave, there was also a massacre.

Countless mercenaries, swinging knives in the midst of a mixed war, massacres, self-preservation, and war beasts biting each other. Everybody's crazy. They want to kill the enemy in front of them and live on their own. Yet more people were killed by others, devastated, broken hands, limbs, full of human heads, the bodies of war beasts stretching across the mountains, all with disgusting bloody smells.

Among the people killed, the screams rang from time to time, and the bodies fell in blood stains one after the other.

War beasts roar, swords cross, killing sounds all over the mountains.

“You're all crazy. The golden ants' eggs aren't even on us. You're all crazy!” Some mercenaries are very innocently caught up in the fighting.

In the face of the mad killings, they had to pick up their weapons and kill themselves.

Yue Bing, Ye Kung and Hai Fatty, they are the same.

A few hours ago.

Five people were resting outside the ant hole, quietly waiting for Yueyang to come out, and after a while, suddenly the mercenaries in the hole rioted, first the mercenaries were scolding each other, then they didn't know who it was, a crazy news erupted, it was said that there were three mercenaries carrying packages with golden ant eggs... So, all the mercenaries with packages were targeted by greedy mercenaries, and the mixed war erupted, the war spread to every mercenary, no one could be spared. Yue Bing and Ye Sky began to retreat onto a tall mountain rock, reluctant to participate in the death fight of these mercenaries, but less than ten minutes later, they were discovered by the people below, and many evil, disgraceful mercenaries rushed up.

They've killed Red Eye. Kill when you see someone.

To create more chaos, some mercenaries who had no intention of provoking chaos also yelled at Yue Bing: “The golden ant egg is on that little girl! ”

So the mad mercenaries, they all rushed to kill each other, and the beasts of war climbed everywhere.

It is no longer possible to escape the fighting.

Yue Bing and Ye Sky originally wanted to send back to Hope Town, but only after a display of the transmission reel did they discover that the transmission reel had failed.

There is space interference in the concentration camps and in the town of Hope, destinations cannot be transmitted… Sky, hundreds of mercenaries riding flying warbeasts, black pressurized landings.

Obviously, it is hoped that mercenaries in the town will start to sniff out.

Now I'm afraid it's no longer safe to send it back!

I didn't think this would happen before. Yue Bing and Ye Sky's transmission reels on them are all recorded in Hope Town or the concentration camp. Only Yue Yang's body is equipped with a transmission reel that directly transmits them back to Shanghai... Besides, Yue Bing is not willing to leave his brother now. The brother who went deep into Ant Cave did not come out one day, and she will not leave here one day.

Anyway, she has to wait for her brother to come out.

“Don't force me to kill!” Yue Bing's little girl was kind enough to begin by summoning only two century-old tree guards to deter the enemy, beating up those mercenaries who climbed up and didn't do anything heavy. But gradually, the powerful leader of the mercenary discovered that the little girl was amazing, very tricky, and more convinced that her backpack contained golden ant eggs, so the mercenary attack, driven by wrong judgment and greed, was even crazier.

On the ground, in the sky.

Innumerable attacks, rain dots are usually fired.

Arrows, stones, poison sand, smoke, fire, ice cream, lightning, and so on.

There are mercenary shootings with strong bows, crossbow sightings, stone-throwing by barbarians, insidious sand and smoke, fire, frost and electric shocks by war beasts... Bronze Lv5 Centennial Tree Guard is hit like a rain spot, all scaled. But they fought so hard that they were guarded in front of Yue Bing's little girl that no one could step over the minefield.

Yue Bing could no longer show mercy. She controlled thorns, thorns and wraps, and the attacking warcraft system was killed.

Within thirty minutes, there were dozens of greedy mercenaries and nearly hundreds of warcraft, which caused the Centennial Tree Guard to strike down the mountain rock and die... The mercenary's man-made nautical tactics have no effect on the summoners of two Bronze Lv5 warcraft with shields like Yue Ice.

But they retreated a little and waited until Yue Bing's shield time was over before rushing up again.

The fat man summoned the shield for 10 minutes.

Yue Bing would very much like his brother to come back at this time, with his brother present, then the mercenary will definitely know the difficulty to retreat, however, at this time Yueyang is still underground looking for volcanic hot spring lake.

The shield disappeared quickly and the sea fat man's shield reached its limit and disappeared.

Driven by temptation and profit, the mercenaries climbed up countless times, murdered and vowed to capture Yue Bing.

In the sky, there are also flying warcraft in the circle, opportunistic attacks, some mercenaries riding warcraft, insidiously shooting down with crossbows... In order to protect spirits and spirits severely overflowed Yue Ice, Ye Sky erupted, he first summoned the reinforced Kingston Monkey, then summoned the Unicorn Fairy of Hercules to protect Yue Ice with defense almost invincible...

After passing Yueyang's finger point, Ye Sky increased his power several times the skill ‘Golden Monkey Stick Technique' and, with the reinforcement of the Warlike Monkey of the Vajra Demon Monkey, hit all the mercenaries climbing up.

An hour later, Leaf emptied out and seriously stunned.

The Li brothers were weaker in strength. Although they also gained Yueyang's points of reference and made no small progress, they played a limited role in group warfare.

After all, their war beasts are too weak to hold much weight to their bodies.

After losing the cover of the Unicorn Immortal of Hercules, the Li brothers persisted for 15 minutes in the mercenary's naval tactics, and were then poured out by the mercenary like the tide, beating down the mountain rock, even though Yue Bing was urgently rescued, he was severely wounded and bled to death. Young Yue Bing saw this scene. She was stubborn. Instead of being intimidated, she burst away.

Yue Bing summoned the treasure book again. For the second time, he summoned the Centennial Tree Guard to sweep wildly, knocking all mercenaries and beasts down the rock.

A mountain wall collapsed because of multiple heavy and spike raids by Centennial Tree Guards.

After the collapse, a dark, deep, bottomless cliff emerged behind it.

There are mercenaries in front and the walls in the back.

Yue Bing is in despair.

The mercenaries found this, even more insane and noisy, to attack hard.

With physical overdrafts, mental exhaustion and the triple blow of reality's desperate state, Yue Ice's young mind cannot bear this despair.

Ten minutes after biting his teeth, Yue Bing fell.

Before collapsing, she screamed ‘Brother...'

Shout, the mountain array echoes.

At this time Yueyang, fighting with Zijinhou blood on the volcano, had no idea that her sister was in desperation, waiting for her rescue.

Fortunately, before Yue Bing sent out to find Yue Yang's Grey Wolf finally came back.

It had already fought tens of thousands of red fire ants in the ant cave, didn't even find a few layers of ant cave, didn't find the owner, eventually failed to return... In the face of the only team left to stand by the fat man of the sea, the Grey Wolf completely erupted, the blackflame of hell on its body exploded, and it rose, like the coming of the demon king, like a windswept cloud, will climb hundreds of war beasts and hundreds of mercenaries slaughtered empty...

An hour later, it fell under its fangs, no less than 300 men and 500 war beasts.

When it returns to the square rock, guarding it in front of Yue Ice, there is already nowhere to be hurt, the blood flowing through the body, dripping on the square rock like a rain spot.

Silver Grade 4, it killed not many Lv5 warbeasts, even Lv6 warbeasts, mercenaries from Hope Town and powerful fighters hidden in the crowd, exhausted all means, hypnosis, deeds, seduction, ice sealing and thunder… did not succeed in stopping it, eventually letting the Grey Wolf slaughter beneath the square rock. Back to Yue Bing, the battle power of the Grey Wolf has been overrun to the limit, it did not lose to any war beast, but the source of the siege of the war beast, overwhelmed it in quantity, the Grey Wolf lost to quantity!

Despite the fact that for the last time it killed the warcraft on the square rock and again defended its head in front of Yue Bing, it had reached its limit and could barely stand up!

“That double-headed dog is fucked. Let's go! ”


“Whoever gets a golden ant egg will be rewarded with a thousand gold. ”

“Kill them and avenge the brothers. Whoever rushes to the rocks first, I'll give him the chick. Go! ”

The mercenaries coming up like ants in front of them, the gray wolf roared angrily: "Ow! ”

Just as the Grey Wolf struggled to get up for the last fight, suddenly a fat hand sat on its head: "What's the rush, man is not dead yet, when is it your dog's turn to be faithful? Take a good look, and I'll be Major Hai! If I can't make it, jump behind Yue Bing's back again, don't let her fall into the mercenary's hands! And Ye Kung, you have to help them free, only the men who stood and died, not the men who were captured on their knees!” The fat man tore his shirt off and screamed in a twisted way: "Don't you idiots just want the golden ant egg? I told you to have enough! ”

He threw himself and Ye Kung's parcel all under the rock, leading the mercenaries to fight and kill for a while.

Flying flesh and blood, countless people died under the sword.

In chaos, the package was torn to pieces.

No golden ant eggs were found inside except clothes and dry grain...

The mercenary leaders suspected that the golden ant eggs were hidden by the fat man. More mercenaries hated Yue Bing, Ye Kong, the Li brothers and the Grey Wolf. Too many people were killed. They almost killed all their brothers. They were already insane and had to destroy the team anyway. The mercenary leaders, of course, are willing to kill to the end. They feel that no one can survive except themselves. Only the living can get the golden ants eggs, so no one can survive except themselves!

Motivation, motivation, commands, rewards, promises, etc. are spoken out in their mouths to allow mercenaries to take down the rocks that remain intact for hours.

The aim is for these ashes to die and for their own final benefit.

“Go! ”

Mercenaries climbed up fatally, and they killed red eyes long ago.

Instead of summoning the treasure book, Nai Fatty took out a black crystal stone and chanted a long summons.

The darkness swept over the earth like the night.

“Ow, ow, ow!” A frightening roar struck like a thunder in the darkness.

The valley is also roaring.

In the center of the black light, an ugly, vomiting, horrifying monster appeared before the mercenaries. Huge heads and shoulders, huge bodies, legs like tree bars and steely arms, black claws, longer than daggers. On that ugly, weird face, with sharp fangs and long punctured lips.

What a monster nobody's ever seen.

However, this horrible monster will vomit, and there will be a mutant voice in the blood basin: "Have you ever seen a handsome man? You all deserve to die, all of you! ”

“Man or monster? ”

“Looks like Beamon, but I've never heard of anyone who could be Beamon! This doesn't seem like a fortified war animal. What the hell is this? ”

“Kill it! ”

The mercenaries panicked, and despite the large number of them and the constant arrival of flying warbeasts in the sky aboard the mercenaries of Hope Town, the panic continued to spread rapidly among the crowd.

The monster, considered by the mercenaries to be Beamon, lifted his claws and jumped out of the high rock, just one claw, sweeping out the bull head of the third level buffalo king.

Countless flying axes, boulders on it.

Terrible than Monster Monster only hurts, screaming in awkwardness, even crazier, waving his claws towards the densest part of the crowd, launching a bloody massacre...

Two hours later.

After killing hundreds of war beasts and hundreds of mercenaries, that horrible beast finally fell in the rain. As dozens of mercenaries were about to surround themselves and cut off their heads, suddenly this ugly Beaumont monster sat up and vomited again: “Master Ben won't play with you anymore, Master Ben is tired, go back and rest!” It was surrounded by mercenaries, clashing left and right, killing a bloody mouth, trying to climb back to the square rock… the arrows were raining and nailed to the back of the Beaumont monster.

Among them, the shooting of giant arrows killed and injured more than monstrous, are powerful fighters hiding among the crowd.

The Beaumont monster is like a hedgehog with arrows all over his back.

It is exhausted and can no longer climb mountain rocks.

Finally, it struggled to stick its paws deep into the rock and hung them upside down, hanging from a cliff five metres below Yue Ice's body, motionless.

Whether a mercenary shoots with an arrow or stones, his body shakes slightly and no longer reacts.

The Beaumont monster may have bled out, may have died long ago!

The gray wolf stood up and howled sadly.

“Ahhh... ahhh...” It sounded amazing, causing the mountain formation to echo.

“Golden Ant Egg, this belongs to us! Brothers, go, grab the golden ant egg. Whoever climbs that square rock the fastest, I'll reward you 100 gold. Whoever finds the golden ant egg the first time, I'll reward you 1,000!” Almost all mercenary commanders offer the same reward.

So the chaos broke out again.

Ant-like mercenary, climbing up a square rock.

Many fell in mid-air because they were fighting each other or because of cold arrows...

A small number of those who climbed also failed to search for golden ants' eggs before attacking the nearest mercenary.

The Grey Wolf ignored the mercenaries who climbed up and killed each other. It dragged the Ye Kong and Li brothers to Yue Ice and dragged them out. It cried sadly, and the blood tears rolled over the rock. A wolf head dragged Yue Ice on his back, and a wolf head rushed to Ye Kong's throat.

Before the mistress leaps into the abyss, she wants to take care of herself with her companions before they are captured.

Just as the wolf's teeth opened, ready to bite the throat of the leaves empty, in a distant canyon, a purple meteor emerged, tearing through the long sky and shooting furiously...

* * * * * * * * *

Xiafei is very grateful for your full support, words and heartfelt emotion.

Thank you!

Never thought that one day, Xiafei would receive such an honor. These are all given to Xiafei. These will be important memories in Xiafei's life, one that will never be forgotten... Xiafei will treasure all this, treasure your support, thank you!

Wolves, you're all the cutest! Long live!

* * * * * * * * (To be continued, please visit www.qidian.com for more chapters, author support, authentic reading support!)