Long Live Summons!

Chapter 168 [Ancient Wisdom, Summoning Characters]

“You…” screamed the imposter who became the owner of Flower City: “You're so mean! ”

“I'm flattered!” Yueyang threw his demonic heart aside at random. The gray wolf sniffed it up and sniffed it. He had always been greedy about it, but had no lower mouth.

“Die with me!” The fake roared in disguise.

“Come on in, she's gonna blow herself up!” The owner of Sunflower City found something wrong, hurry up and greet Yueyang back. Ye Yang waved his hand, showing no obstacle, and he kept looking down at the fake woman. The appearance of the woman faded gradually, a black-light flashed, the beauty of the fallen flower city disappeared, replaced by an ugly woman with wrinkles, very old, loose skin, cuffed eyes, large neck like lump, but dry chest, two sacks of stuff twisted over the obvious chest of dry Barba ribs, obviously extraordinarily disgusting.

Her tummy had risen like a drum and swelled quickly like a ball, revealing strange black spots.

Both thighs dried up quickly, turning into dry wood bones.

The Grey Wolf was scared to run away, but he could not escape the dark and gray space.

It watched Yueyang go into the shield of the fallen flower owner, he did not dare to hide alone, strangely hid behind Yueyang, two brains lying on the ground, a pair of foreclaws seemed to protect the eyes, but the left head, but not the right head, it made it extremely distressed.

As the fake woman screamed to blow herself up with Yueyang, Yueyang kicked the gray wolf into the shield of the fallen flower owner and then flashed herself in.

Behind you, there was a loud bang.

Splashes of dirty meat from the sky.

The shield was splattered on the spots, but the shield bounced out, dropping them all on the ground.

The grey and dark space fields disappeared seamlessly, and the heavens and the earth were restored to their original form, except for the flesh and blood of the earth, as if nothing had happened. Yueyang looked around for a moment, her eyebrows slightly wrinkled.

“What?” asked the owner with some concern. “What's wrong? ”

“There are no demon-level guys to chase...” Yueyang's tone seemed a little unfortunate and slightly sighed.

“You idiot, hahahahahahaha!” As soon as he heard it, the owner laughed loudly, laughing unclearly, and banging a pink punch in Yueyang's chest: “Let me tell you something, silly boy, no one will come after the plan fails, they will not come. Imagine, if they had absolute certainty about killing us, why do they have to do it? Besides, it's hard to say if this slave was sent by the Temple of Heaven. The Temple of Heaven is arrogant and crazy enough, but they are definitely not a bunch of idiots...”

“You think this deforming monster wasn't sent by the Temple of Heaven?” Yueyang had guessed this in his earlier observation, but did not expect the owners of the fallen flowers to see it.

“This kind of monster is commonly called a 'demon slave’, not very powerful, up to a level of about five human masters, but very insane, to give up everything and even one's own life for the sake of faith. Demon slaves are corrupt martial arts men, a monster cultivated by a high-powered man using some kind of magic from the abyss. Men and women, especially loyal, fearless, can die for their masters at any time. And one more thing, they're good at camouflaging, and subtle deformations like this, though rare, are not abundant. This kind of demonic slave is not only found in the Temple of Heaven, it is found in many countries on the Longteng mainland.” Fallen City owner's face becomes serious: “They usually do not reveal their identity, and their abilities are also limited in number, such as the slave just now, who is estimated to have used the deformation capacity more than ten times, has lost a lot of energy, runs out of oil, and is not far from death, so she will choose to explode herself wildly, with the intention of doing so at the same time as us. ”

“How do you suppose she wasn't sent by the Temple of Heaven?” Yueyang nodded and asked.

“Don't test me!” The owner of the fallen flower city gave Yueyang a glance, she knew that the boy could actually tell, just wondering how he knew, couldn't help but give him another pink fist: “Even this can't tell, what other people are the owners of the city! If she was really a Temple of Heaven person, she wouldn't even mention the word Temple of Heaven. Since she said it, it would most likely be to blame the Temple of Heaven. Especially after the plan fails, if she is from the Temple of Heaven, she should marry someone else! ”

“Who would blame the Temple of Heaven?” Yueyang can think of that level, but he can't guess who would do it.

“Hard to say, it is presumably…” Yueyang was shocked when Yueyang wrote two words in Yueyang's palm with a slight hesitation.

Yueyang's mouth moved without asking why.

Just silent nodding.

Looking at the expression of his reflection, he asked him curiously: "How did you idiot guess? ”

Yueyang also grabbed her little hand and seemed to want to write on her palm, but the owner of Sunflower City was afraid of itching and insisted. Yueyang's writing is fake, and it's true that she wants Latin American hand oil. Yueyang couldn't help but let go once Yueyang classmates grabbed it. After the owner of Yueyang noticed the boy's mind, he couldn't get away with it.

In order to distract the owner of the fallen flower city, Yueyang quickly spoke of his observation: “I have seen the same sign on the body of Kuroyu Takeshi and Phosphorus Demon Hidden, which seems to be the mark of the Temple of Heaven. ”

“Yes, that's the Heavenly Devil's Print, one on every fallen warrior.” He did succeed in distracting the owner of the fallen flower city.

“I didn't see the same Tendemon print on that imposter slave, and I was a little suspicious that she wasn't from the Temple. Also, the people of the Temple of Heaven, whether Blackfeather or Phosphorus, or any other corrupt warrior, have no demonic heart. This is the demonic heart of the demonic general in the abyss... But even stranger, the Grey Wolf loved the demonic heart, and now it ignores it. Obviously, the demonic heart is even fake, and there is no real power and energy of the demonic heart, so the Grey Wolf doesn't eat it at all. Thirdly, it is the ruler of the demon who has two hearts. The last time the demon ruler Marion had two hearts, he had good strength, but the fake one who also has two hearts is a scum... the demon heart in her body is just an illusion, which makes people think it's powerful, it's actually garbage! So, I don't think she's from the Temple of Heaven. Besides, if the Temple of Heaven's people were to ambush us, it would be more appropriate to choose here than to send it somewhere else...” Yueyang grabbed the small hand of the fallen flower owner and said the speculation in his heart.

“The place I wrote to you earlier, cultivating the slaves was no longer a day or two, and I don't see why they did it, but I'm sure that's not a good thing. Whether the Temple of Heaven is watching us or the people in that place are watching us, we must be careful! Okay, danger is over, please let go of my hand. ”

The owner of Sunflower City waved, but Yueyang couldn't let it go.

Instead, use your long arm and bring her back.

Back her up again.

She also began to blame him for this irrational move, and stood still with his legs, refused to let her back, but let his wolf claw wrap his legs, felt that he was very fatal and indecent, if he tangled with him, people would see him without mercy, hurry to relax and lie on his back.

Pink punch gently punched him in the head, indicating anger, to punish him, but the power couldn't even kill the mosquito.

"Failure to pass," said the captain of the SS. ”

Yueyang's thief laughed: "Deduct your salary, I'm not going to take it anyway, hahahaha! ”

The owner of the fallen flower city felt his hot wolf hand seemed to be about to break again. He hurried back and hit his hand. “Hey, just get out of control once is enough. Are you going to do something blatantly bad? ”

“Got it. Next time I do something sneaky and sneaky!” Yueyang's answer made the owner of Sunflower City laugh all the time.

This kid, he's got a slippery oil cavity, he can't help it.

The Grey Wolf looked at the master immersed in happiness, and his body was close to the three-tailed snowfox of the Flower City owner, ready to please.

It's learning from the master!

Who knows how tall the eyes of the three-tailed snowfox's choosing friend are, it ignores the gray wolf at all, proudly lifts its soft tail, takes elegant little steps, heels behind the master, and does not glance at the gray wolf at the corner. This look is too gray for the wolf's direct drool, the wolf's eyes glow, and the chick must be so arrogant! The Grey Wolf hurriedly followed, side-by-side with the Snow Fox sister, using the most proficient foreign language to chat with the beautiful woman: "Ahhhh, ahhh, ahhh, ahhh! ”

“...” The three-tailed snowfox sister twisted her head, indicating that she didn't understand the foreign language, don't waste your breath.

“Meow!” The Grey Wolf used a newly learned foreign language.

“...” The three-tailed snowfox sister listened, still indifferent. The foreign language offense of the gray wolf failed. The snowfox sister is a fox, not a cat and dog. It's only if she understands the cat and dog language.

“Don't make a scene, don't interfere with me hitting on girls!” Yueyang discovered that her romantic world of two had been ruined by the raging bark of the Grey Wolf, and was furious.

The Grey Wolf looked at the owner's anger and was scared to act like a good boy.

After seeing this funny look, even the three-tailed Snowfox sister seemed to be laughing.

Two days later, at the foot of the mountain in the ‘cloud-topped pool' of the desperate abyss.

Because of the inconvenience of climbing high cliffs, Yueyang left the Grey Wolf and the Three Tails of Snow Fox at the foot of the mountain. He was instructed to keep the Three Tails of Snow Fox safe and climbed the rocks of the mountain windy cliffs by himself and the owner of the Sunflower City. The Bloody Queen can fly thousands of meters above the cliff, but she can't take Flower City Owner or Yueyang to the top of the cliff. The cliffs here have intangible pressures, for the reason that even the fallen flower owners do not understand, to climb to the top of the cliff, the bloody queen, who could easily fly 10,000 meters, must also stop flying 500 meters below the peak of 3,000 meters, she also needs her hands and feet and to climb up with the ground, instead of flying straight up.

If she leaves this cloud-topped pool, her ability to fly is immediately restored to normal.

It's as if there's a space space here, an invisible restraint.

The owner of Sunflower City is tired, Yueyang simply tied her to her back with a suspender strap. Anyway, she is very light and not too hard for Yueyang. He climbed to an altitude of about 2,000 and found the Bloody Queen waiting on a small platform, pointing to a cliff in the fog of clouds, screaming constantly.

Yueyang quickly climbed onto the small platform, looked up and found some huge text on the top of his head.

But I don't know anyone.

“This is the summoning script… this should be the forbidden formation of ancient summoning scripts, which are found everywhere in the ruins of the gods.” The owner of Sunflower City wiped a hot sweat out of Yueyang, softening his voice: “Take a break, I'll write down these summons to see if I can crack it in the future! ”

“Can a whole space be banned just by some text?” Yueyang finds the power of summoning, even terrifying, and is not limited to animals and plants, these warcraft, even the light spiritual soul of space, all contained in the summons, even the writing and the formation law… Now the ordinary martial artists of the Dragon Teng mainland hold only the fur of summoning.

“These are said to have been left behind by human fighters of ancient times. The ancients were so powerful, we were just looking for their footprints!” The owner of the fallen flower city nodded with certainty: “This is also the wisdom and wisdom that the ancients left us, unfortunately none of us can inherit! ”

Yueyang was about to say something, suddenly he felt his mind shaking, something seemed to break out.

In the eyes of the fallen owner, she saw an incredible miracle.

A miracle is in front of her, born...

* * * * * * * * *

Summon Month Ticket!

Great story coming up again, how supportive!

* * * * * * * * (To be continued, please visit www.qidian.com for more chapters, author support, authentic reading support!)