Long Live Summons!

Chapter 204 [Crossers, Kill No Matter!

Yueyang and Yue Bing and others went to Miss Fengjia's maiden room to meet Fourth Uncle.

Uncle Si remained asleep, lying quietly on the vine chair, beside him were two letterheads, which were given to Si Niang and Yueyang. The appearance of this fourth uncle is younger than Yueyang imagined. He looks handsome. He has a beard with eight words on his lips like Lu Xiaofeng's. He wears a white square scarf and a blue robe. He is covered in a gown. If it wasn't for his weak breath, he would have thought he was on lunch break.

His skin, slightly pale with excessive metabolic overflow.

Hidden, it also exudes a kind of death that healthy people do not have. Yueyang reached out and sensed it, and found it to be more serious than he thought.

Mandarin and ‘bone eating fern' don't necessarily stop the disease from getting worse. If you want to save Uncle Four, there seems to be only one way to get him back, which is to kill the righteous owner of Mandarin as soon as possible, and then dig up Naidan, the mother of all poisons, on that guy...

Miss Feng Jia is a young lady, dressed in vegetarian clothes, looks good, but her eyes are also red and swollen due to crying.

Seeing Yue Bing, holding her gently, tears and swallows.

Instead of telling the truth about the poisoning, she softly comforted her, saying that she would definitely cure Uncle Yue Bing. Princess Ceci and Yue Yu can hear Miss Feng's voice sad, Yue Bing little girl is still young and hopes for her father to heal, there is no doubt that what Miss Feng said is just a nod. Miss Feng Jia held her and wiped tears a few times, again indicating Yueyang to come over. What made Yueyang strange was that she didn't mention the Fourth Uncle again. Instead, she asked about Yueyang's usual kinds of things. Words suggested that Yueyang should shoulder a home in the future, and fight for Qi for the Fourth Room.

Yueyang doesn't need to reach for a pulse, but can also sense that this Miss Fengjia, too, has been poisoned by a hundred zombies.

It's just that she already knows, has some precautions, so the poisoning is minor.

“It's all right, come visit your Fourth Uncle sometime later. He was talking about you earlier. Now that he's tired, I won't wake him up.” Miss Feng Jia handed the letter to Yueyang, hiding the message of entrustment. Yueyang received the letter and looked at her tummy. Miss Feng Jia waved her hands slightly: "Don't worry, baby, everything is fine! ”

After listening to her, Yueyang felt that after giving birth, the young Miss Feng could die in love.

This may also be why she left the botulinum poisoning...

Now, Miss Feng Jia can dispel the suspicion. She should not be the one who set up the setup to frame Fourth Uncle, but she is also counted.

After Yueyang first left her room, while the three daughters were still talking to Miss Feng Jia, she read the letter left for herself by the Fourth Uncle. There are two fonts in the letter. It is written by the Fourth Uncle Yueling. He was very pleased to learn that Yueyang was fighting. He also refused to let Yueyang pursue the matter. He said, 'You must take ownership, take care of your family, take care of your Fourth Sister and your two sisters, take care of them first, do not be reckless in revenge, or else you will be raped and add trouble. The enemy is huge, even in the summer, the power of a country is difficult to rival. The last way is to jump out of the enemy layout and save the life of a family’. It also tells Yue Yang two secrets. First, Yue Qiu left a 'gift’ for his son somewhere on the fifth floor of Tong Tian Tower, stating that his son should be useful when entering the sixth floor of Tong Tian Tower. Second, the mysterious mother of the cup man said that in the ruins of the gods, there was a 'special passage’ that she had cracked but could not enter, hoping for his son to go in and find out the truth...

After the letter, it was written by Miss Feng Jia.

Miss Feng Jia said that she didn't have much time, and was afraid that only 100 zombie poison would be dispersed. She would take Fourth Uncle to a graveyard and wait for the end.

As for the foetus in the abdomen, if it is born to a man, it is sent back to Yue's house to continue the blood vein of the fourth chamber.

In the case of a woman, the family is kept in custody.

She hopes that Yueyang will read in the future for the Fourth Uncle, take extra care of her brother or sister, the words are sincere, let Yueyang see it, I think Miss Feng Jia is also a good mother, at least she decides to martyr, and think of her children...

“I never doubted that you would be a good brother. If you could take your sisters and sisters back to Yue's castle, you would know your heart... In the future, I hope you take extra care of each other, brothers help each other, sisters depend on each other!” Miss Feng Jia concludes this sentence with the implicit intention of entrusting the future baby to Yueyang.

Looks like her death has been decided.

Yueyang hasn't spoken for a long time. Can't you really fix it?

Did you just watch Uncle Four and Miss Feng die quietly? Is there any other way to think about it?

There is time, and if we cannot do all we can now, can we not think of a way to restore the innate power after three months? Yue Yang's heart is a little uncomfortable, so the enemy's drug trick made him difficult to defeat? There's got to be a way, it's chronic poison, not poisonous poison that kills instantly, there's still a few months to go... there's still a glimmer of hope if we can find that manipulator!

Haven't you ever killed two congenitally strong men, the Murderers and the Decapitators?

At the very least, do your best not give up easily.

Out in the outer hall, Feng family owner patted Yueyang's shoulder, did not speak, but escorted Yueyang, Princess Ceci, Yue Yu Yu and Yue Bing away.

Returning to Yuejia Castle, Yuejia Collection was found chaotic as a hurricane crossing.

It was only after questioning that the blood family had arrived, the momentum would hit the roadblocking house and smashed a number of shops, claiming that Yue Yu family would hand over Yu Yu and their fornicator. However, the blood family was somewhat concerned and did not kill Yue Jia Castle.

Yue's house will be very depressing, because it is not Yue Tian, Yue Flame, Yue Hail or the perverted Three Shadows of Yue Yang, but the best and most obedient and gentlest rain.

They definitely don't believe Yue Yu will have an adulterer because Miss Er has been with Princess Ceci.

Besides, everyone saw Yue Yue and Princess Ceci come back together, only Miss Qi Yue Bing and the perverted Sanshao Yueyang, there is no adulterer! They categorically opposed the evil behavior of the blood family, which stigmatized Miss Er's reputation, and the blood family and Yue's family. The idiots also knew that these people were upset and must have deliberately sought excuses to play tricks on the door.

Blood family led the ‘weed extermination’ bloodbath of the Seventh King, but the homes of both sides will have a great battle.

Yue family suffered a small loss and Yue family set was smashed.

When the gentleman and the old man of Yuehai arrive, the blood family will leave the land.

“What exactly happened?” The elderly Yuehai found Yueyang and asked about the breakdown of the Yuehai family collection.

“I don't know. I'm taking Second Sister and Ice to see Uncle Fourth, and the princess is with me!” Yueyang said she was a good kid who didn't fight and didn't know what happened.

“Grandpa, it's my fault!” Yue Yu did not lie like Yue Yang, she knelt down and said the whole process honestly.

Fearing that she would be punished by the old man Yuehai, Princess Ceci repeated the words of Qianqiu.

You don't have to worry anymore, your face changes.

He realized that it was not easy for the blood family to provoke the Yue family. He was sure that there were enough forces behind him to support them, and even without Yue Yu, they would find other excuses. Yue Yu, this unexpected provocation, is just a catalyst!

Old Yuehai looked at Yueyang and suddenly asked, “What do you think, Xiaosan? ”

Yueyang is a typical violent man.

Everyone else is bullying me, so can you say, of course I can't even recognize him?

Yueyang slightly coughed: “Everyone knows that I am a pacifist, kind heart, at least do a good thing in a month. For example, help my wife cross the street or something. I also have a lot of people in my stomach. People usually beat me in the left face, so I stretch my right face out and let him beat me...”

People sweat, if you are a pacifist, there will be no militants in Longteng mainland.

Princess Ceci glanced at Yueyang.

She nodded softly at the old man Yuehai: "If the blood family wants to fight, we fight! ”

Don't worry, you're sweating again. Forget it, you can't say ‘we’ yet. You little girl is not Yue's family yet!

“Your Majesty, why don't you notarize the two of us!” Yuehai's reluctance to drag the king into the water with no worries, and the blood family dared to provoke Yuehai's family, made it clear that he had no worries behind his back to support him. This must not involve the royal family of the Great Summer, otherwise the situation on the entire Longteng continent will be in disarray. He realized that the Yue family was now at the edge of a cliff, and accidentally the whole family would fall into the abyss.

“Brother Hai, you don't have to say more about this, it's all good and it's all bad!” Don't worry, smile lightly.

The chief executive asked to see you outside, and you panicked.

It appears that the blood family has taken new action.

Old Yuehai shook his hand and told the big manager not to say anything. He turned his face to Yueyang: “Xiaosan, take your sisters away first, nothing happened to your younger generations. ”

Yueyang nodded: “Of course you are the head of the family, of course I will listen to you. ”

He stood up and walked out. Yue Yu and Yue Bing took a look. No, the kid turned? How dare you?

Only Princess Ceci pulled her legs to catch up and yelled, “Hey, don't mess around!” Her words are not over. Yue Yang, who walked out the door of the study, has disappeared. Old Yue Hai and Jun smiled with no worries. Although they all knew that the boy would not obey, they did not expect him to react like this...

Down the hill, more bloodline masters will come with their homes.

They have crossed the Yuejia Collection and are on their way to Yuejia Castle on the mountain.

Yue's family will have to retreat because of the strength of the other party. The two elders looked at each other's blood slaughter up to the seventh level of the intermediate-class king, reluctant but only the signifier would step back and wait for backup.

The Seventh Hopper, not the two of them can fight.

Blood slaughter never hit.

Being a Class 7 Champion, just momentum can completely overwhelm the other family.

At a time when his heart was proud, a shadow suddenly swept down the mountain, and the purple flame swept into the sky, like a meteor fire, giving him a glimpse.

Yue family master, finally appeared... the purple flame twisted in the air into dragon shape, spinning, as blood slaughtered up, ready to intercept, people suddenly disappeared, when it flashed again, had come to the blood family home to cut off the head, purple flame storm...

Blood splash!

At least twenty blood families will be slaughtered on the spot by the blade of purple flame.

On the ground, in addition to the bodies separated from the bodies, there is a long line.

Yueyang, standing on this bloodstained line, with a blade of ashes in his hand, groaned ruthlessly: "Whoever crosses the border, whoever it is, will kill! ”

* * * * * * * * *

I can't make it today. I'm sorry!

Xiafei will make up for all the outstanding manuscripts and apologize to everyone!

* * * * * * * * (To be continued, please visit www.qidian.com for more chapters, author support, authentic reading support!)