Long Live Summons!

Chapter 321 [Puppet Palace, Three Great Treasures]

Everyone wonders what treasures will be in the Puppet Palace.

However, this is the secret of Yue Jia, the snowflake and Princess Ceci, the fallen flower owner, who pressed their curiosity and waited quietly for Yueyang to return in the treasure book world.

Yue Yu and Yue Bing also left voluntarily.

Especially Yue Bing Xiao, she clearly wanted to go, but she knew that staying with her brother would be a burden. Without her, it would be easier for her to move. The previous agreement with the old tortoise to break into the Imperial Temple was getting closer and closer. Neither Princess Ceci nor the owner of Sunflower City had yet been promoted. Yue Bing could not bear the whole plan of putting his brother on hold. Yue Yang did not persuade them to leave their ideas voluntarily. Indeed, it would be much more convenient for them to explore alone than to bring Yue Bing, which means that they would be more bored halfway.

Now there is a treasure book world, snow flawless, they can come out at any time, it's already too convenient to fight alone compared to a previous person,

According to the transmission scroll given by the elderly Yuehai, Yueyang transmits to the mysterious puppet palace.

When the transmission was complete, Yueyang found that this was a dark place where he could not reach five fingers.

If you were someone else, you'd be blind.

But it's not a problem for Yueyang, who has night vision.

Yueyang summoned five rows of golden rats to lead them forward. Although the organ trap and the puppet palace road map, Yueyang already knows 89 out of 10, except for the most secret inner part of the palace. However, Yueyang gave the exploration work to the five golden rats, and he also wanted to explore whether there were any missing babies on the way down.

The Puppet Palace is built underground, sort of like an ancient tunnel, with huge tunnels.

However, the tunnels here are not artificial, but rather use natural caves to masterfully hide the palace.

Because of the road map forward, Yueyang smoothly walked past various labyrinthine forks, bypassing various organ traps, walking for nearly an hour, and finally came to a giant door sealing the Puppet Palace.

The door is made of metal, up to ten meters wide and about five meters wide.

The portrait of the Taotie Monster is cast on the door, which is also one of the guardians of the Puppet Palace portal.

Without a key, touch the door at will, then the monster's head will erupt into flames, and poisonous arrows will be fired into the doorway that will seal the throat, killing the intruder.

If the invading enemy has a puppet warcraft, then the magic of the monster's eyes and the skyline symbols of the door trim, such as' out of control ',‘ backphage ’,‘ destruction ’, etc. will make the smart man unable to eat and walk in his pockets. When Yueyang saw these, he didn't have to lament the design of the ghost talented Yuekong. This guy is truly a unique ghost. He is so awesome. I didn't think he could use the heavenly realm symbols to counteract puppet warcraft... The ghost talented Yuekong seems to be definitely not only good at dwarf symbols and puppet warcraft. In the combination of these sky realm symbol arrays, the ghost talented Yuekong is at least a master of the symbols of the heavenly realm.

The heavenly realm character Wen Yueyang also knows a lot, but like Yue Gong to make use of this combination, Yue Yang really didn't think about it. It can be said that this special combination greatly inspired Yueyang, and suddenly broadened Yueyang's thinking.

Yueyang did not have any other advantages, but always studied the director of others.

Anti-puppet puppet literature array, Yueyang deeply recorded in the heart.

I'm sure this will come in handy in the future.

The wonderful ‘anti-puppet character map', this harvest, just from the entrance of the puppet palace, just the gate, has brought great surprise to Yueyang, what else will await him there?

Yueyang couldn't wait to see it.

He took out the 'key' symbolic crystal and gently placed it in the recess of the monster's forehead.

Crystals seamlessly combine with the monster's forehead dimpled coat of heaven, gently making a 'click’ sound, and then it becomes as if it were natural.

As Yueyang enters an innate atmosphere, the entire Synopsis crystal immediately shines, softening and covering the surrounding area. The flow of energy from the Synopsis Crystal triggered the precision mechanism inside the skull of the Monster Statue. The mechanical monster's eyes suddenly flashed a gloomy green light, and the sound of the mechanical movement of the array came out of the gate.

It's almost unheard, listens carefully, and senses a subtle and dense sound.

Yueyang reached out and sensed the change in the door with real air, and he found that if the machine-head's instrument detected a fake key, it would not be the green light but the red light of death.

It's a raging energy almost like dragonbreath.

With devastation!

Once ejected, believe the target will be miserable!

There was a real key open, silent, and the giant door slowly pulled up and shrunk into the top of the hole.

This metal door, one metre thick and hollow at every distance, is the location of all sorts of precision mechanical shafts that connect the ground. Yueyang saw the mechanical shaft on the ground with no trace of stitching. It was more high-tech than the high-tech ones in the previous movie, so he couldn't help but praise it. He felt that it was not difficult to create a metal gate, and it was difficult to be sensitive to it. Machinery is not a living thing, no more precise instrument, no more human brain, much less can it be altered, the ghost Yuekong designed this metal giant door, hundreds of years later, can be so sensitive, so effective, Yueyang really want to not admire this ghost can not.

He estimated that in a few hundred years, the door would work as usual, and that alone would show the strength of the haunted worker.

Enter the Puppet Palace.

After a long passage, suddenly a broken high cliff was reached.

High cliffs, no bottom. The only channel is not underneath, and every hundred meters there is a suspension pedal made of special magic magnets, which is the 'aerial bridge’, and the innate strong entering must step under the footprints of the magic magnet in turn.

Magnetic tests must be passed and it is certain that the gates of the inner palace will only open slowly… If you force a war beast to fly by and wait for an intruder, it will be an endless institution. Yueyang easily stepped on the stone surface of the magic magnet. Every time he stepped on it, the magic magnet surface flashed bright light, indicating that the test was confirmed, and the new owner of the puppet palace could continue to move forward.

Over the Magneto pumice, another metal door has been opened in front.

Inside, it's a long corridor construction.

Light-energy crystals that illuminate the passage for centuries.

In this gentle light, two rows of mechanical warcraft extend backwards from low to high order, in order.

There are ordinary first- and second-degree Ironhide monsters in the front, then stone puppets, rock giants, then bronze wolves in the back, as well as silver leopards, war tigers, battle eagles, Lin Langlang, no mechanical warcraft seen by Yueyang will be missing here.

Two kilometres forward, sea, land and air animal warcraft gradually decreased, and more puppet warcraft of human form or human form increased.

Likewise, they are ranked by rank, from low to high.

Rock figures, iron skinners, knife slaughterers, sawtooth double-wheelers, iron claw followers should have everything, and even some human mechanical fighters have never been seen by Yueyang. Going to the back, there is also a collection room separated by a doll over the gold grade, distributed in these collection rooms, forgive Yueyang classmates who are used to the big scene, also can see the dizziness turn... Golden 5th grade land guard, Golden 6th grade land warfare will, Golden 7th grade land warrior, Golden 8th grade land warrior, you can almost see Yueyang classmates drool.

If these puppet warbeasts didn't have core energy and couldn't move, Yueyang would really like to move back a few times.

Are these the masterpieces of the ghost genius Yueko?

No, no, no!

Yueyang feels these, only the ghost Yuekong showed the fur.

It can be seen that these puppets, to a greater or lesser extent, have some kind of defect, which of course can only be seen by Yueyang, who has the wisdom of the heavens and the eyes.

In the eyes of ordinary warriors, these puppet warbeasts are absolutely perfect... Yueyang suddenly has a feeling in his heart, why this arrangement? Could this be the growth process of a ghost talent worker?

In the early days, he made war animals that were still relatively low-grade and rough in terms of hand, design, composition, etc.

With the manufacturing process, it is clear that the progress of Ghost Talent Industry is obvious that some of the initial shortcomings and problems disappeared, whether handmade, designed or composed, there has been a sudden and dramatic improvement, and this improvement is divided into several layers. In animal puppet warcraft to humanoid puppet warcraft, there is a leap; then in humanoid puppet warcraft to humanoid puppet warcraft, there is a second leap... from bronze, to silver, to gold, out of three grades, there are also different waves of increase, finally, the ghost talented Yueko actually made the land warlord up to the eighth grade of gold.

Is Yue Gong's progress just here?

No, no, no!

Yueyang walked to the Golden Eighth Grade Land War Emperor and found that its manual of use was filled with Yue Gong's reviews, almost all of which were faults.

For example, the driving distribution of core energy, such as the use of tactics that cannot meet the requirements, such as the failure of the warlord of the land to adapt to the battles of various terrain, the difficulty of exercising normal combat forces in many special areas, etc., can be seen in Yueyang's eyes.

The human puppet capable of producing the Golden Grade 8 is already quite cattle fork, but the ghost talent Yueko is seriously dissatisfied.

It follows that he is an absolute perfectionist.

“I came up with a solution to adapt to multiple terrain, which is deformation. The puppet can only use designed tactics in battle, which is far from enough. It must also be deformed, regrouped, morphed into an animal, adapted to combat in special areas such as sea, land, air, desert, glacier, volcano, etc., and it needs more sophisticated instruments and more powerful drivers! I may have fallen into the wrong place, but I think it's perfectly feasible to borrow the idea of celestial symbols as drivers, which is an innovation for humans, but for life in outer space, perhaps this has become obsolete, old fashioned or commonplace. If you give me another 50 years, no, 10 years, I'm sure I can improve these, but I don't have time!” The ghost talented Yueko stayed on the record book of the puppet palace, recording such research.

The more Yueyang looked at it, the more he was shocked, and he completely shocked Yuekong's ‘crazy’ ideas.

Ghostly Yueko wrote at the end: “Puppet research fascinates me, and the more I study it, the closer I find myself to the core of Puppet Ao Yi... In the remaining last year, I decide to research what needs to be solved most, and if I succeed, I can leave three great treasures for future generations. Beyond the closure of the outer temple, I hope that the descendants of Yue's family will be able to come here as distinguished sons, enter the inner temple and receive my research results... If, if I do not complete, I am dead, then please continue to complete my research on my basis...”

Three great treasures?

Three other treasures in the inner hall?

Yueyang saw this place and couldn't help but make a big move. What would these three treasures be?

* * * * * * * * *

There should be another chapter later, huh.

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* * * * * * * * (To be continued, please visit www.qidian.com for more chapters, author support, authentic reading support!)