Long Live Summons!

Chapter 496 [Dream Emerald]

That's it, during the day, Yueyang went to practice as a drunken cat sister, and while flirting with the beauty, hiding the oil constantly.

In the evening, focus on making fighter figures.

There is a record of the ghost talented Yue Gong's puppet, followed by the Black Prison King's three near-ancient fighter figures from 6,000 years ago as a reference, Yue Yang made rapid progress with full materials.

He has folded the three fighter figures obtained from the Black Prison King's Secret Base over and over again.

None of the three fighter figures are gender neutral, but all three fighter figures are feminine in shape, which may be more confusing, as few would suspect that a beautiful woman is an opportunity figure. Yueyang found that the three fighter figures were all the same inside, the same as the "colorful coat". The other two, named "Black" and "White" fighter figures, are only slightly different in height and shape, and if the simulated skin and body are completely cut, the composition is almost identical.

Compared to the ancient fighter figures in the golden coffin, the three fighter figures are only medium-level fighters.

Transformed warriors made by Yue Gong, because the conditions are limited, are inferior or medium.

Because of the passage of time, the disappearance of technology.

Secondary and superior combatant puppet techniques have all disappeared.

Ghostly Yueko conceived a life conscious and emotional fighter figure, which belongs to the finest, similar to the drawings in the gold coffin. There are a few points in the drawings that indicate that there is actually a superpolar fighter figure that emerged in the Tai Ancient Period, and that such fighter figures are free to transform between man and the fighter, to possess all the characteristics of man and the fighter, not only life, consciousness, reason and emotion, but also the soul.

This superb fighter figure is limited to legends and is equivalent to the existence of a super artifact.

And the fighter figure in the golden coffin and the foreman's conception almost coincide.

Once successfully created, it will undoubtedly be Holy Doll!

It could even turn into a human artifact!

As for the three near-ancient fighter figures in color, black and white, they are presumably platinum... If Yueyang can find a way to improve them and join the power of the script, it may also raise the platinum peak.

Of course, it is unlikely that their three fighter figures, who want to be promoted to the holy level of Angel of War with Life, will be able to do so.

Besides, if Yueyang had that ability, he could simply upgrade his upper string moon and ash demon blade to holy level, and at least increase the weapon's power.

The ash demon blade still has a future, after all, there is also the blood of Titan. If the "dragon crystal" and "melting heart" can be successfully fused, plus the gold box sealing the demon statue after death silver soul beads and white jade beetle sealing the demon after death dark beads, the five are fully combined, plus Yueyang's symbol, upgrade the sacred objects, it should be fine, but Yueyang's ambition now is to upgrade the artifact... the materials are almost there.

Divine blood, divine water, divine meteorite gold, Titan's heart, crystal body, fantasy jade and other treasures left behind a third will to complete Yue Gong's work, so Yueyang decided to temporarily upgrade the Ashes Demon Blade.

First, insufficient materials;

Second, the killing dagger is in the hand, it is currently sufficient;

Third, the Black Prison King has not yet been killed, and it is not too late to upgrade the Ashes Blade when he is ready for war.

“I said Xiao San, why don't you slow down, it's bad for your health to lose so much blood all at once.” Yue Yu is saddened by Yue Yang's insane behavior.

“Nothing." Yueyang cut his palms open with a killing dagger and spilled a lot of blood. His body's ability to heal itself was super fast, the wound healed almost at the visible speed of the naked eye. Even the large wound did not bleed for a while. Yueyang had to cut the blood vessels repeatedly, allowing the blood to flow out and melt the crystal column. Yue Yu's heart hurts like rain. There is no need to brew emotions, tears.

Yueyang fused the crystal columns into the various forms he wanted, and then fused with the crystal human body obtained from Crystal Canyon.

The purest and purest parts of the essence were extracted from the fire of Nirvana to shape the body of the 'Yueyang's third wish' fighter figure, even though it consumed all the crystals, borrowed a large amount of crystals from the treasure trove of the kingdom of Tianlo, and Yueyang extracted only about one large watermelon size crystal essence.

Being an adult is unlikely, but being a child's body is barely possible.

The best part of the essence is the body.

The second level of crystal essence makes the second form of the body of the crystal doll. Because, according to the ancient drawings of the Golden Coffin, these fighter figures come in three forms, one of daily life, one of practice learning, and one of armor.

The third form, which adds metals such as meteorite gold and covert silver, enables her to merge and arm herself into the form of an angel of war covered in armor.

Unfortunately Yueyang doesn't know how to convert crystal dolls into human bodies.

Otherwise, he would definitely try to be an 'angel of war' in the super artifact class of the Tai Ancient Era.

The divine blood has purified Yueyang with the fire of Nirvana. Yueyang even added his own blood, allowing the two to merge to form a new blood. Originally this was impossible, the divine blood would never blend with any blood, even if it was another divine blood, but Yueyang's bold attempt was inexplicably successful. A large drop of 'New Divine Blood' was born, which will be the source of the crystal doll's life; as for the crystal doll's blood, it is a blend of Yue Rain, the fallen flower owner, and the sick beauty. Although their blood is irreconcilable, Yue Yang has succeeded once again after the blending of Divine Water and New Divine Blood… but he finds that this is not enough, if the crystal doll is to be like a human child, more women's blood is needed.

Not only Yue Bing, Yinan and Drunken Cat Mistress, but even Frost and Little Panda Girl have drawn a little blood to make new blood.

Only Si Niang refused to let Yueyang study her blood.

This makes Yueyang confused and even more mysterious.

Yueyang has confirmed the list. It doesn't matter if the blood essence is not enough. There are Phoenix Beauty, Snow Flawless, and Princess Ceci behind them. They can't do it. They dare to ask about natural disasters, the night after, the supreme, maybe they will give a little blood.

And the blood of dragon ladies, cherry blossoms, willow leaves, summer clothes and elf slaves, who are no different from human women, is also a backup.

As for his own war beast, not to mention Snake Demon Lori Xiaowenli, Bloody Queen Red, Golden Crown Stab Queen Doe, Barbarian Bull Shadow Aban, all added at the end. Of course, this addition is not the most urgent, Yueyang's current difficulty is how to perfectly combine the divine meteorite with the heart of Titan. Meteorological gold can be said to be a must, it will be an artifact of growth and evolution with crystal dolls, and it will be linked to all kinds of weapon armor throughout the body, without which it will be equivalent to eating fruit all over the body, without a third armored form.

Not without Titan's heart, because it will provide the most powerful energy power.

Titan's heart is better than any dragon crystal, because Yueyang has not seen any dragon in the heavenly order. The heart of Titan, derived from the ancient Titan Usu, which still has a heavenly rank of disability, was refined by the heart of Yueyang Nirvana, preserving the most elegant ancient Titan energy, yet small in size, suitable for the powerful heart provided to the whole body kinetic energy of the Angel of War.

Combination of the two, Yueyang has not come up with the best way.

But according to the drawings, he knew that Titan's heart could be placed in the second form, while the Meteorite Gold was connected by the first form to the second and third forms.

How do you get the perfect combination?

How do you make sure you're 100% successful?

Yueyang is still thinking...

“Actually, there's one way to do it, is with fantastic emerald.” Fall Flower City owner, gave Yueyang an idea.

“It's too risky. I think this kid's dreams are all colored dreams. He's going to fail.” The Drunken Cat Sister strongly disagrees, she doesn't like it at all.

Dream Emerald: Dream Emerald and Wish Flower and known as the two 'Wish Treasures’ of Tongtian Tower, it has a very magical power to fulfill the wishes of the master in the dream, regardless of the size of the wish, will be strictly in accordance with the dream of the master, can embody the most authentic dream of the master. All desires are confined to their manifestation within the law, and when they are beyond all laws and cannot be fulfilled, fantasy emeralds will break apart and disappear forever.

Yueyang knew the effects of this treasure a few days ago and was afraid to use it.

It's arguably the best treasure in the world.

It can also be said that this is the worst treasure in the world… everything depends on the person who uses it, if a madman who wants to conquer the world or become a god dreams, it will be 100 percent broken into nothing. If an honest civilian uses it and wants to turn a stone into gold, it is estimated that 99 percent of this desire can be fulfilled… In ancient times of the Tower of Heaven, there was a warrior who could control dreams with a summoning beast, called the Summoner of Dreams, who was dedicated to fulfilling dreams, but this profession disappeared 8,000 years ago.

Had it not been for Drunken Cat Mistress to borrow an ancient book from Emperor Huasu's study, Yueyang would not have known about this profession.

What's in Yueyang's dream?

Is it all sex dreams?

Of course not!

Yueyang did not dare to use it, not for other reasons, but because he dreamed that he would enter Jianling's sister's space practice.

If this dream is faithfully reflected so that Yue Yue Yu, the owner of the fallen flower city, knows the secret of his own, then he is doomed, so he has been unable to dream of Emerald, is afraid that this thing is amazing, and leaks his own secrets.

“Unfortunately, Fourth Sister doesn't know exactly what you want or she can try it for you.” The Fourth Mistress sighed with a little regret.

“What?” Yueyang shocked.

Is Si Niang's profession the lost 8,000 years of dream-control summoner?

If she is not good at it, she will certainly not say that, if she is good at controlling dreams, even if she is not a summoner, she is also a strange person. Ordinary people cannot control their dreams. With the strength of the Fourth Sister, she can control dreams... This has to be suspicious.

Of course, Yueyang did not dare to speak up, and stayed for later observation.

“Try it yourself, Sancho, your willpower should be able to control dreams.” Si Niang stood up and seemed to teach Yueyang something, but finally she didn't say anything, waved her hand, held Xiao Frost and Niu Niu and left, as if she had said nothing, and returned to being a normal little mother. Yueyang would love to learn from her, but she can't ask for it, so you can try it anyway.

Smash this piece and buy another piece on the sixth floor of Tongtian Tower.

Yue Yu also supported Yue Yang: “Xiao San, try it, I think you will succeed! ”

* * * * * * * * *

Today's second best.

Tomorrow we have to make it up to the third place. Why is Xiafei making it up to the third place every day? Why doesn't the monthly ticket give you strength?

Summon the ticket for next week. If you don't have a monthly ticket, do you always have a ticket?

* * * * * * * * (To be continued, please visit www.qidian.com for more chapters, author support, authentic reading support!)