Long Live Summons!

Chapter 536 [Three Realms Compass]

One star after another is born, like the White Aries of the Horde.

Starry sky field, expanded a circle outwards.

The unspeakable vast star force, instantly generating infinite gravity, in the field of the trap of the flames, those ancient slaughterers about to explode in series, all of them out of the control of the field of the trap, under the effect of the gravitational force of the stars, suspended quietly, lighter than Yueyang, who stepped on the wheel of eternity, their huge bodies seem to be light as feathers.

Yueyang, with the eyes of the heavens and the eyes, can see the secret of the magical galaxy, the field of the sky, not the field of traps that extensively disperses the flames.

It's isolation.

The bodies of all ancient slaughterers are wrapped in a faint star power.

The trap field was triggered, although it was incredibly powerful, but after isolating the stars, the trap field, which could not be triggered, became a big chicken rib. Easily cracked after night against a serial explosion of flames.

Without an external trigger, the trap area of the pancreas simply wants to explode and can't explode, and the power is useless.

Trigger, is the biggest weakness in the trap field!

“Lots of food…” just let the body of the Warcraft and the field of traps explode a crushed golden crown stab queen, appeared again, the shadow just exploded, is not her true body at all. A giant stab flower grows on the ground, blooms, and blooms a beautiful and indescribable flower table. On that flower stand, the real Golden Crown Tattoo Queen is still pounding her debt. Her hands waved and countless tattoos swept through the sky, using the stars of the night to attack the traps of the sky, sweeping each other around the bodies of ancient slaughterers suspended in the sky.

Not enough time to swallow them all, and the giant stabbings wrapped thousands of them together, dragging the bodies of the ancient massacres by force.

Ancient Slaughter Beast King roared like thunder and was furious.

But to deter Yueyang, who owns the fire of Nirvana, the Beast King dared not go forward to intercept.

It sprays flames from afar and burns tattooed flowers. Countless tattoos melt and ash in the flames it sprays, but more tattoos grow and form a sea of flowers, hard in the Beast King's spray, forcibly dragging away all the bodies of ancient slaughterers.

Flaming eyes like ice.

Looked cold and didn't do anything to stop it.

Four ancient slaughtermen whose vision had not yet been fully restored resisted in the sea. Though they were wounded in the supreme light of destruction, they were not lethal and had super strength. Stab the Queen's Flower Sea with a golden crown and leave them with four impossible. With the dark help of the trap field, the four ancient slaughterers led the way, brutally breaking the entanglement of the stabbing flowers and fleeing to the flames one step at a time...

They, now the Golden Crown Stab Queen, have no way to keep them, even if they are severely injured.

Neither did Yueyang.

But there are also a few ancient slaughterer captains who are dying, Yueyang won't be polite.

They also struggle in the sea of flowers, Yueyang has a heart workout team, the Bloody Queen Red, the Barbarian Bull Shadow, the Dragon Girl Cherry and Little Vincent they come out successively.

The sky flames are completely indifferent to what war beasts Yueyang summons. They ignore the snow flawless with ancient books in their hands. They only look at Princess Ceci, who bears the sword of the Imperial Emperor.

He's looking at the Imperial Divine Sword, not Princess Ceci.

Apart from the supremacy and after the night, the flames do not concern anyone at all.

He who is strong at the peaks of Tian-Class III and Tian-Class II, such as Yellow Springs, Burning Skies and Meteors, also sees the flame as an ant, does not care.

“You who do not have enough points, you will ruthlessly wipe out the ancient laws.” The flames grinned and he glanced at the supreme. He knew that only a supreme score would be enough to escape the punishment of the law, and that the rest of us had no chance of survival. It was for this reason that the flames decided not to strike again, first in the realm of the stars, that he had no absolute certainty of defeating the mysterious primacy of humanity, and secondly that his greatest purpose in coming was to cause the Quartet to lose the elite who entered the heavens, not to be brave as a pimp.

“…” Yellow Springs, they don't look well.

Previously under death threat, they had no free time to think about points.

Now, as soon as the flames say, they all feel numb on the scalp. The supremacy of mankind killed half of the ancient slaughterers in seconds. Although it saved everyone's life, they were underscored and could not escape the annihilation of the law.

How's that?

Even the calmest yellow springs of all time can't help but breathe disorders, causing a shock wave in their hearts.

“Major Yue Jia, what's your plan?” When Huang Quan pressed down his fear, he instinctively felt a possibility to survive, namely to believe in Yueyang. This Yue family is definitely not going to stand idly by. He is definitely not such a person. If he does not want to die, then he will surely come up with a way to escape the punishment of the law, this time, in any case, trust him once.

“How? There is one, but it is not necessarily easy to use...” Yueyang classmates certainly won't sit around waiting to be killed. He saw Huang Quan's eyes for help. He was in a great mood and intentionally humbled.

“I, we, we believe you!” If you don't believe in Yueyang now, you're an idiot.

“You will never escape the punishment of the law, because I will return to heaven. There will be no more hunters coming. You will never get enough points. Slowly and desperately kill each other here!” When the flames waved, the Ancient Slaughter King of Beasts and the four Ancient Slaughter Commanders gathered beside him.

A glittering platinum cane was suddenly added to the flaming hand.

Return wand.

This is the only treasure in heaven, the Platinum Return Staff.

Though it has as many as ten, it is unique only to the heavenly realm, or to the central temple of the heavenly realm, and no other power can possess it.

Extremely bright white light rises and countless currents thrive in the field of traps. When the white light reaches its highest altitude, it explodes like fireworks, drawing six curves of white light down, and finally falls on the sky flames, the Ancient Slaughter Beast King, and the four Ancient Slaughter leaders.

Yellow Springs, Burning Skies, Meteors, they simply can't stop the powerful shock waves formed in the trap field of the flames, blowing them straight out a kilometer away.

The flames carried the ancient slaughterhouse beast kings, which instantly passed away and disappeared into the central square.

Return to Heaven.

The whole process is very strange because no one is punished by the law… It can be seen that the death arena is indeed manipulated by some people who must have exploited certain loopholes in the law, an ancient battlefield that has become a 'slaughterhouse' for those who have slaughtered the Quartet.

Had it not been for the presence of the supreme power, it would not have been necessary for the flames to temporarily abandon the Black Prison King and flee back to heaven.

But even with the supremacy and the strength of the night, it will not help.

Enemy, traps have long been laid.

Just wait for the fighters of the Quartet to fall into their ranks.

“This is really over!” After burning the sky to the ground, failing to keep the flames, and fleeing back to heaven, no hunters came, and everyone's points were insufficient, no matter what the end result, they would surely die.

“Now there is no other way, we should have worked together just now to leave the flames behind.” The Skeleton's gold sighed in secret and refused to intercept just after night. If the two mighty men attack together, the flames want to go? It's not that easy! He did not understand why the supremacy and the night did not intercept the flames, nor did it do them any good to let the tiger return to the mountains. Why did they let the flames go?

“Let's think of something else. It's useless to complain.” The metallic meteorite waved his hand, thinking that the supreme and the greatest power had been exhausted after night, that they would never have been able to defeat the flames, and if they hadn't shown their strength and scared away the flames all of a sudden, they would all have died under the trap of the flames.

“Third Major, look...” Huang Quan also looked at Yueyang with a hint of hope.

“If the flames want to escape, we can't stop them. Besides, I didn't mean to stop him!” Yueyang suddenly became a golden compass hundreds of times more glorious than the returning wand just now.

This is the 'Three Realms Compass’ that Queen Fabrizi lent Yueyang.

Special Artifact Class.

Conveying the Wand of Return directly from the Death Arena is also a good treasure to compare with the artifact of the Three Realms compass, it's like a child's thing. The celestial compass, as long as a target is set on a place or an object, not only representing the lower realm of the tower and the celestial realm, but even the legendary divine realm, can be freely transmitted. No obstacle in the world can prevent the fixed transmission of the three-realm compass except the ancient law, the divine space and the absolutely insoluble eternal seal, which is the kind of black hole seal known as the 'Silent Seal'.

The Trinity Compass is also the only artifact that can be successfully used without any need for the master to possess superpowers.

It is the ultimate in special artifacts.

Although this is Her Majesty's artifact, because she and Yueyang have a soul blood deed, designated by her will, Yueyang classmates can borrow this artifact temporarily.

At that time, Yueyang went in to seek the assistance of Her Majesty Queen Fawenli. After she learned the truth, she took out this three-realm compass and said to Yueyang something that shocked him: “The best way to crack the ancient arena that was manipulated is to kill the heavens. ”

Let the flames escape back, it is Yueyang to discuss early with the Supreme, after night.

Otherwise, supremacy will never let go.

Of course, if the supreme and the late night did not come, Yueyang classmate, even if he had a three-realm compass, he could only stare dry, because the flame is not something he can deal with, and the enemies of heaven are even less likely to provoke. After listening to Yueyang's plan, the Supreme Sovereign and the Night, they answered without falsely thinking. Killing into the heavens is a powerful move, even if it fails, it will be enough to shock the whole heaven tower... Not to mention, Yueyang still has a way to give Queen Fa Wenli the opportunity to return safely, even if there are forces not to arrest when killing into the heavens, Yueyang still has a way!

“Yellow Springs, Burning Sky, Meteor, you can stay, I don't ask, but our plan is to kill the heavens, the sky flames, he wants to escape, no way! I have left my mark on the Ancient Slaughter Beast King and it can be conveyed to him immediately. Whether you follow me and kill the flames or stay, decide for yourselves.” Yueyang extended an invitation to Huangquan and entered the innate weather into the three-realm compass.

Unlike the Wand of Return, in the light of the three-realm compass, a little spirit with a smile on its face, the Spirit of the Artifact, her figure, is about the size of a little elf with a big palm.

Divine Spirit, she has rainbow wings and beautiful fishtails.

Like, kind of like a shrinking Little Wen Li.

Slightly different.

Very cute.

The little hand of the appliance waved slightly, with Yueyang at the center, and all creatures within ten meters let her mark the golden ancient symbol with a jade hand.

Yellow Springs, burning the sky, they looked at each other and flew in. Of course, they had to participate in this "mad plan" to kill the heavens. Although killing the heavens later, facing an unknown number of enemies, it was an adventure for nine lifetimes, but it was no better than staying in the death arena.

If you stay here, you will die!

Let's not talk about Huangquan, even the distant and quiet old Nangong and the Pluto have rushed over, determined to participate in this counter-attack heavenly tour that may have gone unreturned!

To kill the heavenly realm, to repay the long-awaited martial artist's wishes.

Even if he dies in battle, he will die soon.

Yueyang shouted to the void before sending him out straight into the sky: "Black Jail King, you cowardly turtle egg, do you want to stay here and die? ”

“Punishment by law can't kill me, Major, you never know what a true traitor is!” When Yueyang disappeared, the Black Prison King appeared quietly, suspended in the sky. He slowly raised his hand, lifted the holy armor all over his body, put away the dark sword, and returned everything on him to the treasure world. There was only one person left, and finally muttered to himself: “A true traitor can betray himself… The ultimate betrayal is not only the loyalty of the servant, the tears of his loved ones, the covenant of the guardian of the beast of war and his teammates, but also his life… I do not need it in black prison! ”

The punishment of the law instantly turned into the destruction of the heavenly thunder bombing down, directly killing the king of black prison seconds into ash.

However, a white light flashed in nothingness.

Rise to earth.

The shadow of a Black Prison King, if hidden in the white light column, disappears...

* * * * * * * * (To be continued, please visit www.qidian.com for more chapters, author support, authentic reading support!)