Long Live Summons!

Chapter 643 [See, Meteor Ashes Passing]

When the dusty face of the gray head is glowing, it emerges after the smoke has dissipated.

His expression.

It's ridiculous.

That is a completely unbelievable suspicion... it refers to light teeth in heaven, although not the fastest war beast, but it is in the top ten and should be fine.

How can such a speed not reach the enemy's aurora? The most disturbing thing about Captain Yonghui was that before the aurora attack, he clearly saw that the woman had a careless energy condensation motion. But even so, it's faster than your fingers are bare, and that's beyond reason! Captain Yonghui raised his hand, index finger, pointed at the enemy, he didn't want to believe the scene he just saw, his finger would lose to the opponent in speed?

No, it must be the enemy playing tricks!

Do it again, and the truth will be revealed!

“Extreme light!” The fallen flower owner raised her hand at the same time as Yonghui, she didn't take the first step, it was completely synchronous, and within a tenth of a second, she did an action to concentrate the aurora, she couldn't have shot her finger in the teeth. However, the scene of perspiration appeared, and it took her time to concentrate her energy, and the polar light was emitted, which was faster than a disease finger.

Almost at the moment of Yonghui's finger light teeth, the aurora arrived.

Bring Captain Yonghui all the way out.

If the owner of Sunflower City had the power of the heavenly scale, or if her ‘aurora’ beast had the power of the heavenly scale, Yonghui would have been down. There was no chance of escape at all, no time to react, and Yonghui was positively hit as soon as he took the shot.

Yonghui beat people all his life, he abused them with speed.

It refers to light teeth, and even in heaven, there are no enemies.

The only thing that can defeat Yonghui is not victory over Sigma Light Tooth, but pure hierarchical suppression, pure power suppression, ignoring the power of Sigma Light Tooth, will directly defeat Sigma. Neither dreamed nor dreamed of coming to this all-powerful tower, which is said to have fallen to only one heavenly scale, leaving a woman in the fourth level of the hierarchy with no power to fight back.

Don't talk about outsiders like that. He can't believe it!

“Impossible, this is simply impossible!” The glorious spirit behind Captain Yonghui healed his trauma easily, and, as the peak of the fourth heavenly class, he could almost ignore the extreme light of the fallen city owner.

But the problem is that such a blow is unacceptable to him.

It feels like a Titan giant, leaving a dwarf running wild; it feels like a giant dragon, letting a little bug run wild.

Yonghui was angry and almost vomited blood.

He raised his hand and wanted to scold the Flower City owner for a few words. She didn't think he was going to do it again, and the third aurora erupted.

The tragic Captain Yonghui blew directly into the air and threw himself on the water.

Heavy crowns, white horses and black soil in the sky, they surrendered to the troika, scaring their chins to the ground, their eyes protruding like zombies. Was it really Yonghui who was abused like a chicken coop with dark hair? Was it really Captain Yonghui who just beat himself to nothing? The three looked at each other and all swallowed a sip of spit in horror.

Terrible, no, but this Yue Jia San Few perverts, no one around him is normal either.

This woman didn't show up on the battlefield there just now. If she comes out, I don't think she can hold the bones in her purse. It's not the bad luck of Yonghui, but the three of her own!

It is wise to surrender to the Yuejia Third Majority... they were still a little angry, but surrendered to one of the three heavenly classes, a little embarrassing, but now that they are so proud, they are long gone. God knows how many other perverted masters this Yuejia Third Major has with him. One day's punishment is enough headache, and now there is another unknown floral woman.

“Turns out, yes.” Captain Yonghui, look carefully now.

The woman's aurora beast is completely different from her finger's teeth.

Speed refers to the time limit, albeit fast, of the tooth during the attack, but within a second, that is, it takes time to fire, it is just too fast, and it has been accelerating, and ordinary enemies are simply not able to react.

However, there is no time limit for that aurora. It was just a thought away, from the woman's attack, to herself, no time, not even zero and a second, immediately. So disease means that light teeth are not as fast as that extreme light. The other point is to raise your hand to attack, Captain Yonghui finds that you must raise your hand to aim at the enemy.

There's nothing wrong with that, but compared to that woman's breathing, natural, heart-beating instincts.

but not at a level…

Perhaps the woman has practiced hundreds of millions of times in the normal course to achieve this without aiming, without raising her hand, directly from instinct. If you have the chance to go back to heaven, you must also carry out millions of painstaking exercises to turn your fingers into light teeth that you can apply without your fingers!

Yonghui regretted it. He regretted that he didn't understand the simple truth until today.

You can be sure that the teeth are stronger than the aurora.

But the master of extreme light, in terms of summoning and manipulation, is a thousand times better than the master of light teeth.

It's not a matter of light teeth, this battle is defeated by the master... If, in turn, that woman uses light teeth, Yonghui believes that she has been killed by seconds!

He thought about it here, and he was all sweaty.

“Howl! ”

The smoky unicorn suddenly struck in the smoke, spraying a long fire tongue towards the owner of the fallen flower city.

Originally, Yonghui thought that the owner of Sunflower City would blow away his war beast with extreme light, but the change in the war situation made him unbelievably stare.

A half fox and a half man little fox woman, flashing now in front of the owner of the flower city. She has clever arms, just like the little gold-eyed monster who just drained water to create a vortex that drowned a malignant spider, but with more cleverness and skill, she is perfect for both movement and strength.

The flame erupted by the smoking unicorn dragon, allowing her to take advantage of the space airflow and lead it into an arc. She accidentally snatched the heavenly land and spinning it backwards, bombarding the ground and reflecting it on the huge head of the smoking unicorn dragon.

The smoky unicorn dragon unbelievably stared a pair of dragon eyes.

It's as if you can't believe the flame you're spraying, how can you burn yourself?

It was provoked. A little fox without even one percent of her strength dared provoke herself?

A smoky unicorn burst of smoke, invisible to the body, ready to strike the enemy in the smoke. Yonghui on the surface of the water, seeing the enemy calm, can not cry in his heart. Without waiting for him to warn the One-Horned Dragon, he suddenly saw that beautiful little fox show a smile, as if he saw a big fool fooling around with a three-year-old who wouldn't be fooled.

The snow-white tail behind her little ass, shaking gently.

Hands are painted in the sky, like painters are painting.

Everyone smelled a fragrance.


The smoke that covers the sun, suddenly, begins to deform, turning into a black flower, as if those fresh fragrances were the flowers of black and black. The invisible unicorn smoke just now, instantly broke the invisibility, made a painful howl, appeared in the sky.

The smoke unicorn seems to hate the smoke that turns into black flowers, quickly moving away.

With anger, he fled back to his master.

Normal conditions did not return until the smoke came out again to shield the body and began to crumble in the sun.

Crown them, they understand that the cigarette unicorn is very powerful, but it is afraid of the sun, cannot lose the protection of the cigarette, if it loses protection, the skin will collapse. That's what the little fox woman used to get rid of this powerful smoky unicorn. The owner of Sunflower City won the battle against Captain Yonghui, whether he is the master or the beast of war.

All they lack is time.

For as long as they have enough time to practice, they will beat the heavenly ones, and they will stay!

“If that's all, you think you can beat me, it's wrong, it's wrong.” The pride of the heavenly one is restored to the face of the leader of Yonghui. Yes, he is the heavenly one of the fourth heavenly class. Even if the speed of the tooth is less than that of the aurora, and the dragon can't fight the little fox, that doesn't mean the other party can beat him. With the power of the other party to emit extreme light, even if there is no speeding healing of the Spirit of Glory, it is only the defense of the fourth level of the heavenly class, and she is not able to shake it.

“Ah, if you think you're a celestial rank, I can't hit you, and you're wrong, you're wrong!” Yueyang returns the original sentence.

Sunflower City owner can't fight Yonghui, doesn't mean he can't fight.

As soon as he finished, he had flashed behind Captain Yonghui.

The crown closes its eyes.

Young-hui has lost the shadowy figure of Yueyang.

However, Captain Yonghui would obviously not think so. He turned back to stare coldly at Yueyang and scornfully sneered: “Nice figure, but what use is that? Can you hit me? Your fire of Nirvana, your wheel of annihilation, use it against me! Can you do that? This water world is filled with forbidden martial law and stooge law, I just can't resist, and you can't touch me! With your strength, with your beast of war, you want to beat me to the top of the fourth heavenly class? I'm just sticking my face out, and you can't help it! ”

“Pfft! ”

Yueyang handed him two slaps.

Although not injured at all, this is not considered a mobile collision and has not been prevented by the prohibition of force.

Captain Yonghui was stunned at first, then angry.

He wanted to pay tribute to Yueyang Jijie's heavy fists and slap a few more. However, attacks with killing machines and energy prevented him from doing so and made him scream. Only if he disperses energy, eliminates intent to kill, and sweeps Yueyang's face with his hands at will will will it be possible to sweep... obviously Yueyang will not give him this chance.

“Bang!” Yueyang slapped again while his fist failed.

“…” The crown saw that Yonghui had humiliated Yueyang so much that it was both hateful and disgraceful in his heart. What I hate is that this Yonghui just beat himself three good or not, and now Yueyang gives him a slap in the ear. It's so good in my heart. The shame is that I came from heaven just like this guy, I was a teammate, and now Yueyang has a feeling of getting slapped in the face.

In short, the mood is particularly complex.

Captain Yonghui was furious, and the One-Horned Dragon immediately angered the master, opening his mouth and phasing wildly into Yueyang.

At a moment when it was about to bite Yueyang, one foot appeared, directly kicked the cigarette unicorn flying, kicked out 100 meters away, ‘Boom Lung' smashed into the water, let the cigarette unicorn not wolf. Heavy crown, white horse and black earth cover, don't look, they know who this is, the barbarian cow with the power of Titan and the heart of the earth.

“Drink!” As soon as Aban came out, Yueyang added a giant shadow to her. She burst into the chest of Captain Yonghui.

“Fuck off...” Captain Yonghui tried to reach hard, Xiao Wenli flashed, bound talent instantly settled his movements, Aban was rude, fisting like a meteor on the bosom of Captain Yonghui. Captain Yonghui is a strong man at the peak of the fourth heavenly class. Once he regains his freedom, he immediately lifts his guardian strength. He directly shook up Aban's heavy punch. He hummed at Yueyang with a little dullness and arrogance. "Is that all you want to punch me with? Huh? It's nothing! ”

The Spirit of Glory, suspended behind the leader of Yonghui, also immediately healed his internal wounds and restored them as they had been before.

With the defense of Eternal Glow, combined with the super powerful healing power of the Spirit of Glory.

Even if Aban waves a thousand punches, I'm afraid he can't do anything about it.

Yueyang laughed and asked Yonghui: “Really? ”

He added a giant shadow to Aban. Aban cooperated with Xiao Wenli's restraint talent and made a second heavy punch... This punch doubled the strength of the punch just now, and Captain Yonghui was a little overwhelmed. Fortunately, there is also the Spirit of Glory, which heals in a timely manner and restores his body to its original state.

When he saw Yueyang give Aban a giant shadow for the third time, he felt a little soft.

This kid can't hold on to himself any longer.

Heavy crown they have no face to look at anymore, Yonghui this guy is good strength, but compared to Yueyang this pervert Yuejia three less, that is still far from it. He's going to fight Yueyang? There's only one thing that turns out to be abuse!

“Drink!” With ten giant shadows in his hands, Aban was so scared that Yonghui almost peed his pants that he could not escape. Because wherever he fled, Yueyang was like a shadow, and one step earlier in the direction in which he was about to retreat, Captain Yonghui found himself fleeing for half a day, only less than half a meter, as long as his body moved more than half a meter, he would let this speed be stopped less than Yuejiasan, who was afraid of dying. He can't do it, but he can block himself with his body... Captain Yonghui never dreamed that there could be such a method of warfare under the restrictions of the law of forbidden weapons.

“Let's fight together!” Captain Yonghui grinned and, as long as his body was in contact with his body, he could unload most of his fists.

His idea was to let your boy enjoy that brute bull's heavy punch.

Yueyang only got punched in the body, not on the ground.

Yonghui's idea is wonderful.

In fact, however, it is not possible!

When Captain Yonghuixiang intentionally hit Yueyang with the body of a middle fist, he found that the Yuejia Sanxiao disappeared, so that if the movement did not exceed half a meter, he would let the other party stop himself, like a shell to fly out. Until then, he realized that he had fallen for it. The boy had deliberately stopped himself before, he wanted to use his strength. It was a trap, and he yelled: “Your boy is so cunning, ah...”

Yueyang made a far-sighted move with a hand increase and shouted exaggerated: "Look, there's meteor ash past! ”

The heavy crown, white horse and black earth of the game, all fainted and one fell into the water.

* * * * * * * * (To be continued, please visit www.qidian.com for more chapters, author support, authentic reading support!)