Long Live Summons!

Chapter 710: The Treasure of the Stinger

Yueyang's attitude towards prisoners is quite good.

Although he acquiesced in the brutal beating of the blossoms and the flying locusts, without exception, to the disembarkation of Mavi, at least not a concentration camp had been built to skin him.

The blossoms and flying locusts that were beaten to the head of the pig were merely biting their teeth and humiliating their lives. They think they have a great future, they don't want to die here for nothing, it's bullshit to resist, nothing else, just one Flame Commander can kill them both in full seconds, let alone the young man who can make the Flame Commander obey... when the other wears that special shape of twin mask, the spots and flying locusts immediately understand who they are planted in.

A masked man who can beat the old devil, the most mysterious of the three great gates of the West, the Dragon Teng and the Heavenly Devil. Lost in his hand, the spots and the locusts had nothing to say.

As for the captain of the Buffalo who became a rock, you don't have to guess, he must have let the boy do the math.

“When I eat meat, I don't mind people drinking soup.” Yueyang warned two pig-headed freckles and flying locusts: "The Buffalo Bandits continue to be led by you. I don't care what you do, but you must leave the emerald collar. All the members of the Buffalo faction, you can pick it out. I'm still useful. Finally, let me just say once, remember who gave you this bowl of rice, and don't play tricks in secret, otherwise you have two choices: one is to get fat and the other is dog food. ”

“…” the spots and flying locusts looked at the gray wolf and hit a chill in the dark and nodded quickly.

“Ho, ho, ho! ”

Golden torso lion and fiery lion king, two fierce battles to white heat.

A pair of two lions of equal strength could not have been separated, and the body of the golden torso was more defensive and smarter.

The Flaming Lion wins at a slightly higher level, and as a king, the momentum and pressure multiply, most importantly, it has previously captured Golden Tortoise lions and is more confident in battle.

Had it not been for the Buffalo Commander to turn into a 'rock' and the Flaming Lion King lost his strong support, it would have been really difficult for the Golden Tortoise Lion to defeat such a powerful enemy for a while. As Thunderbeast fainted, Golden Belt Minotaur Warrior defeated north, and Golden Eyed Demon Bull King coma and flying locust, flower spots surrendered, Flaming Lion's confidence gradually collapsed, morale greatly diminished, several times trying to escape, but Golden Tortoise Lion dying to haunt it.

Two lions, battling with blood, indissoluble.

One hour later, two hours later, they have not yet decided to win.

Yueyang was not in the mood to wait for the war to end, went back to the Treasure World to rest, and left a boring grey wolf to oversee.

By the end of Yueyang's rest, the Golden Tortoise Lion had triumphed, bathed in blood and stood proudly on the enemy's body, roaring in the air.

Locusts and blossoms have also officially taken over the Buffalo Thieves and have tied up more than a hundred communes, former subordinates and SS units belonging to the Dead Buffalo outside the Lion King Valley awaiting Yueyang's trial.

“Actually, I brought you here to do something very simple.” Yueyang classmate ignored: “The Buffalo leader, who was besieged last night by the Black Wind, Bai Song, Pong Man, Jin Feng and Wei Lao Demon, died unfortunately, and now his soul is known to turn into a 'rock’. And I'm sure some of you who are most familiar with him will know that he has this ability to escape. As his good friend, I decided to stand up irreversibly, avenge him, and wage war against the unjust Lord of Black Wind and his allies. ”

“Cough.” The locust almost didn't let the saliva choke.

“I don't know what adults are looking for in order to help small people.” Beef root this asshole stood up, nodded his head and asked with respect.

“The Buffalo Commander has difficulty determining when to wake up from the rocks, and even if he does, he will not be able to return to his original state at once. During this period of his dormancy, the affairs of the regiment will be presided over by the two scales of locusts and blossoms. You are the elderly of the regiment and the most trusted hands and feet of the commander. Of course, the two deputy commanders of the regiment, the locusts and the blossoms, will not harm you. In view of your outstanding contribution to the regiment in the future, the two commanders decided to divide the wealth of one tenth of the regiment among you equally. After obtaining your possessions, you are willing to continue to contribute to the regiment. Of course, it is better if you want to go back to being a comfortable rich man, to feed yourself and nobody will stop you.” Yueyang said the policy is very enlightened, so long as you know how to stand a team, you can do it.

“Black Wind City owner and leader have been friends for many years. This time, the leader leads us to support Black Wind City owner. How can he be ungrateful and how can he lead people to siege the leader! It's easy for you to kill us and try to trick us into telling us the secret location of the captain's possessions.” There was a super loyal Buffalo man, a Buffalo SS captain, shouting out loud.

“I don't want to explain!” Yueyang shook his head.

“Howl!” The gray wolf pounded.

“Even if I die, I won't tell you the secret treasure..." The guy thought the Grey Wolf was going to eat him and shouted in fear.

The gray wolf waved his claws, smashed the chain on his body and released the guy.

Yueyang waved at him: “Go away. If you don't believe me, you can ask the Lord of Black Wind, or ask him in secret. By then, you will know what the truth is. ”

The guy's a little dizzy. Are you sure you want to let him go?

You're kidding.

So easy?

In fact, it wasn't just him. Everyone let the Grey Wolf smash the chains of the black iron tie, and no one could believe the result.

No one dares to step away, afraid Yueyang will regret it, and kill him.

Only that boldest SS captain, superficially heroic, the first to step out of the line and look at the faces of the locusts and the blossoms, felt they didn't have any killing machines, the dares were strong, flew up and swept away like lightning. Seeing him disappear for a long time, the rest of us, no one dared to follow until Yueyang said: "You all disperse, I will kill you, you don't have to wait at all now, you can do it at any time. Believe it or not, the truth is the truth. You don't know me. I am the best friend of the buffalo, and the black wind of the buffalo allies you know is the enemy that besieges him. ”

Yueyang, flying locusts and blossoms were not stopped at all, and these people were in a hurry like starfire.

One by one, in all directions south-east and north-west, fled quickly.

Several also turned back to see if there were enemies behind them.

However, Yueyang did not react.

The people who left safely went out of the valley and ran hundreds of kilometers away before they took a deep breath... turns out they really let themselves go!

Strange. How could he be so kind and let himself go? Is he really a good friend of the captain, and the black wind is the killer of the captain? If he is not a friend, knowing that the soul of the captain is dormant in the rock, once the rock is punched, he can leave the captain completely in the dead, why leave the hidden danger behind? Besides, more than a hundred people have already taken it all. He wants to kill it. He doesn't need to blow ashes. How can he let everyone go?

Everybody's gone.

Doesn't it reveal his secrets?

If you're not afraid to divulge a secret, then he could be real!

After escaping hundreds of kilometres, almost all spontaneously gathered in a small village, long ago agreed, to discuss major events.

Dead loyalists headed by the first departing SS captain decided not to go to the treasure secret, lest the other party follow them remotely, first to quietly go to Black Wind City to investigate the truth, if it is true, then everyone dig up the treasure and convert it to another place, absolutely no outsiders can get it.

Whether the other party is a good friend of the leader or not, he cannot speak of the treasure, let alone obtain it.

In the unlikely event that the Commander is unable to recover, these people voted to spend eight tenths of their treasure money on rewards for the owners of the Black Wind City and the murderers, and two tenths of a dozen on the cost of their activities.

They argued, they argued, and it took a long time to determine.

Meanwhile, Yueyang, led by the roots of the beef, has already gone to the treasure site of the Buffalo Commander.

Beef root is a smart and good looking ass, he wanted to be sincere before, but when he saw Yueyang's divine color, he nodded in secret and pressed not to say. He left with the public first, but soon he returned and gave Yueyang his true treasure location under the stare of flying locusts and blossoms.

“As long as I know the Commander's treasure plot, because I did all the engineering and property sorting for the entire treasure plot. Only a few of the best treasures are in the hands of the captain, and a lot of other treasures, under my arrangement, are in that place. Because I was a natural roadster when I was a kid, I had no sense of direction at all, so the leader was very relieved of me, and he used to mask me every time, to bring me into a secret cave with a conveyor scroll, and when I did all sorts of finishing work, he brought me out again, the terrain outside was completely unknown, he also thought I didn't know, and he gathered his heart to say that fake treasure land again, to show his sincerity to his brothers and sisters, but only I knew that the real collection site was somewhere else.” The beef root thus reports to Yueyang.

“How do you know the secret cache of bison?” Yueyang knows that this root must have some kind of special ability, but he's still a little curious. Captain Buffalo is an absolutely cautious man, and it is, of course, extremely difficult for Buffalo Root to hide from him and become the only one who knows.

“I have no special abilities, but because of greed and fear of death, I am good at observing the colors of others. I found that every time I went to a place, the leader always looked at me secretly and seemed to want to see something in my face. More than once, so I started to wonder, gradually becoming a guess, is the real treasure site, right there? Later, about 10 years later, when the vigilance of the leader declined, I secretly devoured a bottle of 'Tears of the Migrant Turtle', temporarily borrowing the sensibility of the migratory tortoise to determine the treasure place that had been organizing property, in fact, under my most unexpected eyes.” The roots are very honest.

“Where the hell is it?” Locusts and blossoms rush to ask.

“Just beneath the streets between Black Wind City's main city and the black market, treasure land, less than 100 meters from the tunnels of the main city, less than 50 meters from the underground auction yard with the black market.” The locusts and the blossoms are completely silly, "the cow said.

What a surprise, the most secret treasure trove of the Buffalo Commander is the edge of the black market auction in Black Wind City.

Indeed, the most dangerous places are the safest.

If Blackwind City owners knew that they had been walking around the treasure of a buffalo for years without knowing it, they would believe that the expression would be very ‘beautiful’.

Yueyang suddenly asked Bull Root: “If you tell me your secret, I won't kill you? ”

Beef Root answered respectfully: "How can a grown man like you, with a big heart, not tolerate my little ants? I'm not worried about my life! Of course, if I were to change to another owner like a buffalo or a black wind, I'd have a way to save my life. Why didn't the Buffalo Commander use me to organize his belongings and then kill him? The reason is simple, because I'm a stingy! ”

Flower Badger asked, "The stingy? ”

Beef root nodded: "Yes, I am a natural stingy, I have more money and I can't afford to spend any money. Of course, that's not the point. The buffalo values my stingy because he has a treasure, called the 'stingy treasure'. No one can take all that belongs after putting it in the treasure of the stingy, unless it is a stingy like me! ”

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This chapter, make up for yesterday's update!

Yesterday, the thunderstorm not only burned the Internet's 'cat’, but also drowned the road outside. There was a lot of water in the Golden Mountains. It was a big shock film from 2011. Fortunately, it got better today, while everyone was catching fish on the road, they went out and changed a 'cat’...

* * * * * * * * (To be continued, please visit www.qidian.com for more chapters, author support, authentic reading support!)