Long Live Summons!

Chapter 780 [Endless Ladders, Tree of the World]

The fifth floor of the heavenly ladder, the bloody altar.

When Yueyang returned to the ladder, the scene of the day after the fierce war was preserved. It was full of sores and broken everywhere.

On the way, when they met the students in the death class, they were arranged here by Grandma Udo to collect meteorite fragments. When they saw Yueyang, they all looked very excited and shouted. For these ‘old classmates', in addition to encouraging them, Yueyang gave each of them a 'Wulingdan’, and even distributed dozens of heavenly class war animal eggs, one for each.

Most of the people in the death squad who are the same age as Yueyang have graduated, and many already have a unique strength.

Although not innate, many people are approaching, and even very individual geniuses are already quasi innate.

Now the rest, mostly children.

“Wow, Brother Yueyang is the best!” Princess Babe, who often plays with Yue Frost, cheers and jumps.

“Are you a heavenly warrior? Gold? Great, Keiming will definitely cultivate well!” There is also a much bigger Princess Enlightenment than Bebe, who also worships Yueyang very much.

“Well, Brother Yueyang has important things to do, we can't disturb him.” Originally the long-haired MM in the death class is now staying at school, as Aunt Udo's current assistant teacher, with a group of children to train, with her leading the team, the children in the death class are all raised quickly, better than when Hawkeye Man Xiahou Weijie was a mentor. The current Eagle Eye Man, who took the Death Squad graduates and carefully selected elites, formed a youth army with extremely demanding training in the Tower of Heaven, with the goal of catching up with the first steps of the fat men and Ye Khung.

Of course, catching up is impossible, at least to cultivate a large number of elites for the Longteng continent.

In the death class, Yue Jia Xiao Yuefeng was also present.

After letting Yueyang teach him a lesson, he is now a fan of unlimited brother worship.

Yueyang saw the courtesy and reached out to gently touch his little head to show praise. Just this casual move made him blush with excitement.

“Everyone has to work hard, they will be stronger than my brother in the future, when he is free, I will go to class for you.” Yueyang encouraged the children before waving goodbye to the reluctant ones. After waiting at the bloody altar, Yueyang rubbed his forehead: “Tired, dealing with these little ghosts is more tiring than a great war! ”

“Who made you pretend to be a good brother!” Princess Ceci is disgusting, but she actually likes Yueyang.

“No, not pretend.” Yue Bing quickly gave his brother a proper name.

“Just kidding!” Ignacio.

When you see the Supreme and the Bloody Altar after night, hurry up and salute.

The red mother, who lived in the pedestal passage of the statue, also heard it and paid homage to everyone.

As they entered the gates of the ladder, Yueyang, Snow Flawless and Princess Ceci saluted Yuechu, whose body had been completely crushed but whose soul still guarded the gates of the ladder. Yue Qiu deserves respect, both as an elder and as a guardian.

With the acquiescence of Yue Qiu's soul, Yue Yang entered the gate of the ladder.

The world in here is the real ladder.

Yueyang thought a lot before.

But it wasn't until after entering the world of the ladder that I saw what was in front of me that I realized that everything I had thought before was wrong. A real world of ladders, turns out to be a tree!

Yueyang can't imagine this in any way!

Although Yueyang has seen countless supermassive warbeasts, it also possesses a supermassive ancient island whale. But let alone any war beast in the world, the architecture, the islands and even the mountains seen by Yueyang Ping, there is nothing bigger than this ladder tree. To be precise, this tree is the entire world of ladders.

With Yueyang's eyes, you can't see the top of it.

And you can't see the edge of it.

Countless high mountains, hills and lakes, just above this world tree, can be seen massive waterfalls, dripping from the sky above the mountains.

If you can't see some huge unimaginable roots, and countless branch leaves, showing that this is a world tree suspended in the sky, then Yueyang wouldn't dare judge that this is a tree.

Far away, can't see it all.

Flying closer, more alarmed by its enormity… beneath the world tree of the ladder, there is a vast space, beyond this unimaginable space, the truth can be seen with Yueyang's eyes, it is a nothingness, a black hole space that devours everything. Above the trees of the world, in the mountainous mountains, there are countless passages of heavenly ladders that seem to be carved out by hand. These huge, unspeakable steps of 10,000 meters in each stone class and 10 meters in each step are perfect for Titan giants to walk on.

If these stone steps are created by life, they must be gods.

There is no one else but God who can pioneer such a vast project here!

Now Yueyang finally understands why this place is called the ladder, turns out to be really... he leans up to the sky and finds infinite sky, even where the stars shine, the world tree has always grown... climbing this unknown size of the world tree is no different than climbing the ladder!

“The ladder is said to have a hundred million steps.” After the night, Yueyang felt stunned, level 100 million? Oh, my God. What are you doing building a staircase that high?

“There is a legal prohibition here, and every time you climb a distance up, you feel a multiplication of the pressure, and every hundred steps is a small level. Tongtian Tower standards, all below the birth level, can only be practiced below level 100 on the first level, it is unlikely that you want to cross the level 100 stone step! The heavenly scale that meets the standards of the heavenly realm, climbing up to 10,000 steps, can't go any further! It will be better to meet the standards of our Tower of Heaven, and it is estimated that we can climb 50,000 steps.” Take a look at Yueyang, take a look at Snow Flawless and Princess Ceci, turn around slowly: “I'll wait for you in the 100,000 step, don't make me wait too long! ”

“Here, you can fly elsewhere, but flying on the stone steps is not allowed and you have to walk up the stone steps step by step.” Still disappeared after night, but she carefully reminded Yueyang,

Premium and after night, accompanied by steps on the ladder.

They float easily.

As Yueyang prepared to take the first step to the bottom of the stone, the flame suddenly jumped out: “I'll try it first! ”

However, when she jumped to the stone steps, she was surprised: “This feeling...”

Her surprise sparked everyone's curiosity, stepped on it and shouted. Yueyang's last step found a superior divine force pressing down, seemingly pressing his entire body to the ground. That kind of pressure is not a pressure on the person, but a great restriction on movement. If a person stood on the stone steps without moving, nothing happened, but with a little movement, great physical effort was required, and any action taken was extremely tiring.

“Geez, I can't make it to two levels?” Big Lori the Giant came out to try it out, and she was surprised to find herself unable to make it past the second stone step, going straight to the third.

“I feel very tired too!” Having the heart of the earth and the power of Titan, she was surprised to find herself jumping to the second stone step in the first stage and feeling ‘tired’ for the first time, as long as she stepped on the ground and was never tired. No wonder below birth, can only practice below the hundredth step of the heavenly ladder, with the strength below birth, to climb to the hundredth step, I am afraid to be able to climb the tortoise speed.

“Do not raise any power, do not summon war beasts, go up together in the most normal state!” Princess Ceci is acutely aware that this is the best place to practice.

“The effect is expected to be even better if the weight is slightly overloaded!” Snow turned the Book of Truth flawlessly and found that one of the ten practices presented was true.

Weight-bearing training, which is practically everyday.

Like Flames and Drunken Cat Sisters, they are relatively more.

Feng Xian beauty and the owner of Sunflower City, less.

Upon listening to the snow flawless advice to increase the weight, everyone turns into their own equipment in the storage ring. These weight-bearing equipment are hand-refined when Yueyang is usually bored and weigh differently depending on each person. Inan and Yue Bing, Yue Yue Yue were relatively lighter, and the heavy equipment hit the heaviest of them with heavy armor, Princess Ceci, Sister Drunken Cat, and Flame.

Aban must have been involved in climbing the ladder, but also secretly helped Yue Yang to watch Yue Bing, so as not to put this little Niko in any danger.

Red Nature also came out to participate in this kind of trial. Even Dodo no longer sleeps, she participated in it with enthusiasm. She took it as a hike in the suburbs and jumped forward with ease, and for a while she was gone... only two war-beast tragedies, the Fire Ghost and the Death Mantis, were good at flying and not good at walking.

Cherry Dragon Girl has not recovered from chaos despite herself.

Climb gently with nods and feet.

With her strength, even if the walking posture is not very correct, a little drunk, but tens of thousands of steps should have no problems, after all, she is the dragon girl who inherited the divine power!

The god of war samurai and feathers, held hands and chased Dodo.

Seems to be competing with Dodo.

Icka, however, came out to accompany Cherry Blossom. Since the last war with Cherry Blossom, her relationship with Cherry Blossom Dragon Girl has become the best!

“Are you coming too?” Yueyang found Xiao Wenli out, strange. The usual trials, unless fought, Xiao Wenli rarely came out to participate, why today? And this ladder, it's the hardest trial, unusual! Little Wenli smiled brightly at Yue Yang, her body flashed and suddenly became a little white man.

Elongated legs, a slender grip of waist limbs, and a pink butt.

It's just like humans!

Looking at the original six small hands, now they become two small hands, except for the little face hardly changed, now Little Wenli, if you change into the clothes of a human child, no one can recognize her as a snake demon Little Lori.

As soon as Princess Ceci saw it, she shouted, “Little Vincent, can you turn into a human? It's perfect. It's evolving so well! ”

Yue Yu was most attentive, quickly put clothes on Little Wen Li of Red Fruit.

“Probably conquering the city in heaven..." Snow flawless said, everyone suddenly realized. Little Wenli is a god beast, she is not incapable of being human, she just did not achieve perfection, she is unwilling to change the original snake demon body. It was not until the conquest city gained its previous energy and memory heritage and reached perfection that it showed Yueyang.

“Mmm!” Xiao Wenli nodded and shook her head.

She could have perfected people a long time ago, but she was consuming a lot of energy, unnecessary, and she wouldn't turn into a human form.

Later, in the conquest of the city, acquired energy and memory heritage, all aspects go further, even perfecting people do not need to consume additional energy to maintain the human form, now the human being is like the real human, so it will be decided, to use the human form to experience with Yueyang!

Yue Yang ecstatic, holding Xiao Wenli up, threw her to the sky, cheered: “Good baby, great! Keep trying, you know? ”

Xiao Wenli gave Yueyang a sweet smile and nodded seriously: “Oh no! ”

* * * * * * * * (To be continued, please visit www.qidian.com for more chapters, author support, authentic reading support!)