Long Live Summons!

Chapter 978 [Heart of True Love]

Joker and Pearl Beauty go far.

Only the wind stops, waiting for the final arrival after death.

Beauty Pearl didn't kill the wind lord, and the clown didn't want to. Now, the blind can see that there is absolutely no stopping the wind, even when God comes, he cannot save his life. Rather than give the wind a bitter end, let him suffer a little more before he dies! Though I don't know what the beauty of Pearl thinks, the clown must think so.

Before leaving, Beauty Pearl shed a tear.

What the Lord of Stopwind did for her ended up with only one drop of tears that didn't know if it was true or false!

“Ha, what a fool...” The clown laughed abnormally and ridiculously. In that chilly laugh, his shadow drifted away like a bat.

Beauty Pearl didn't turn back.

She left the Lord of Stopwind without going back, as if she never knew this man on earth.

The wind stop lord tried to look behind her, like the most beloved treasure in his heart, even before dying, he couldn't help but look at it.

Until she and the clown disappeared, completely invisible, he retracted his gaze and sighed slightly, then slowly closed his eyes and waited quietly for death. Yueyang classmate, from somewhere, light smoke came, not a shock under his feet, behind him, there are also Aban, Red, Icka, Dodo and Dragon woman Cherry, even the distant, feathery pair of dragon sisters.

Yueyang has used almost all his power to fight the Sun King.

Aban, they saw Yueyang stopped walking because he stopped the wind, all consciously and naturally lined up to stand behind him.

Only Xiao Wenli, who had seen the wind lord, came forward with Yueyang and glanced at this dying multi-hearted lord with a little curiosity. Yueyang bowed down and looked into the eyes of the Lord of Stopwind and said sincerely: “I don't understand why you want to do this, but I respect your choice. If you have any last wishes, and I can do it, I don't mind helping out. ”

“Thanks, Titan boy, you're a real friend.” The wind stop lord shook his head so hard that a smile appeared on his face: "I have no regrets in my heart, so that I am satisfied with my death. ”

“Do you think she'd be satisfied with you?” Yue Yangqi asked.

“She betrayed me, but I don't blame her!” Stop the wind lord sighs: “Whatever she does, my heart loves her the same! ”

“You're such a fool, yes!” Princess Ceci, who had fallen from afar, hummed a little angrily: “That kind of bitch, you should whip her with a whip, the more you treat her, the more mistake you make! ”

“It is true in your eyes… but only I know that loving a person is totally irrelevant; loving a person is totally unrequited. Even though she betrayed me and did many things that no one else could see, my heart still loved her.” Stop the wind Lord almost let Yueyang not fall on the ground, brother, are you playing Aunt Jong-yao's braid show? You are one of the kingdoms in Tianhua. You should kill like a mahjong woman. How can you do this?

“Your love is totally unjustified and worthless.” Princess Ceci thinks this wind stop lord is a fool.

“Yes, yes, I admit… but that's what love is, love is for no reason, love is so blind.” Stop the wind lord laughed, the light shined back on his face, and his voice became clear and powerful: “I used to play with women every day, and beautiful women, in my heart, are also a play, and beautiful women, to me, if I can't play her role, it is worthless, less than killing cows and sheep to eat meat! Until one day, I met Pearlescent and suddenly I felt my heart hit by love, completely captured, without any chance of struggle! ”

“I didn't dare to admit at first that it was love and to face the beating of my heart, self-explaining that it was the effect of that quasi-artifact prayer bead on her forehead! I, even, wanted to kill her and restore myself to the wind that was so hard on women like cows and sheep. However, I was always invincible. When I saw her face, when I saw her eyes, I surrendered completely... I also knew that a beautiful woman like her could not have had a past, someone as powerful as me, and not necessarily her future. But what does that have to do with anything? I swear that even if I had her for only one day, even a second, I would fight for it... no matter who she is or where she comes from, I would try to make her laugh and make her happy every day if she wanted! I always thought there would be today, and I know how it ends... I don't regret it, I really don't! ”

“If I choose again, I choose true love! ”

“I know I can't keep her forever, but once I had it, I was satisfied. ”

“Previously, the heartbeater looked at women like toys to stop the wind, appeared prestigious and happy, but he was empty inside; now, this fool who made a woman lie on the ground to die without regret or even satisfaction, his heart, was full. ”

Yueyang and Princess Ceci felt unusually shocked after listening to Lord Cease Wind.

I can't believe this idiot stopped the wind.

I can't believe I know true love.

He, for the true love of his heart, could give up everything, including his own life.

In the eyes of many, it's an idiotic and ridiculous act, but if you look at it only from a love perspective, this guy is definitely a good husband.

Yueyang actually admired the wind stop lord, but he was still a little uncomfortable, trying to defeat this dying guy: “Sacrifice for love, this, if mutual, is better, but what about her? What is she doing? Isn't that a wish? Let me tell you something, Pearl, she doesn't love you! ”

Yueyang, that's a little hard to say.

Kind Yue Yu, fearful of the wind stop Lord will die, hurry forward and gently pull his brother's sleeve, indicating that he should not sprinkle salt on his wounds.

Stop the wind and the lord smiles: "I know, Pearl, she doesn't love me. I'm not stupid. I can feel her heart! But, Titan, love, who says love has to be mutual? Of course it would be best if we could have each other, but she doesn't love me, and I can love her, right? I love her, whether she loves me or not... I don't know why, maybe, this is what you Tientas say; maybe, I owe her in my last life, anyway, I know, my heart, always loved her deeply, no matter what she had done before, and now she, did... she, never said she loved me, so she wasn't lying to me, just to say that I really wanted to... she shed a tear before she left, I know, it was true! She doesn't love me, I'm not her choice, I'm not her ultimate goal, but she doesn't ignore my heart, she just doesn't give what you call ‘mutual love'. ”

“You idiot, a tear will change your life!” Yueyang hates iron and steel.

“You're right, but I don't think love should be what you say.” Princess Ceci still holds her own personal opinion.

“That's because you and Son Titan love each other so much that not all people in the world can love each other as you do, and there is someone else's heart that belongs to the other, as silently as I do. Perfect love is love, imperfect love, love, I envy you, but I can't ask Pearl to respond the same way you love Lord Titan..."

“Actually, you should tell her what you mean and tell her that you love her so much.” Yue Yu is a little sympathetic to the wind stop lord, he is so deeply in love with the beauty of Pearl, why not just say it?

“She wants to know, she'll know.” The wind stopped the lord from coughing, and his time in the world was coming to an end.

“This, is it?” Yue Yu shocked herself. Why not suppress her true heart? If people knew, it would be bad. For a moment, her heart was like a deer. Her acceleration was pounding. Her face spilled with enthusiasm. She fainted cheeks and hurried back behind Princess Ceci. She was deeply afraid that everyone would see her heart.

“You sure you don't want me to do something?” Yueyang asked one last time.

“No, I'm glad to have you as a friend to say goodbye... If I'm sorry, it's that I'm not good enough, not strong enough to meet the requirements of Pearlescent... If I could be half as good as you, maybe she'd fall in love with me instead of someone else!” The voice of the wind stop lord is gradually weakening: “Though she appears to be restrained, I can see that she often inadvertently peeks around you tomorrow hao, perhaps, the real couple is her and him. Lord Titan, if you really want to do something for me, I want to say, spare her life, let her live well, I have no happiness, let her...”

Stop the wind Lord's words, it's not over.

Already pissed off.

However, Yueyang had understood what he wanted to say in the end.

Even if she knew her lover, she loved not herself. This‘ fool ’general wind stop lord is still not jealous, but bless, hope that her heart loves and can live happily ever after...

Yue Yang hasn't spoken for a long time. His soul has touched the words of the Lord who stopped the wind.

What is true love?

In front of this idiot the wind stopped saying out.

True love is priceless, true love is not conditional, true love has no reason, true love... sacrificed for loved ones and blessed them!

Princess Ceci walked forward and gently grabbed Yueyang's big hand with her slender hand. Normally, she rarely reveals herself in front of everyone, but at this moment, she wants to tell him that he also has such a precious true love, even more perfect.

Because you and he are in love!

The body of the wind stop lord gradually ablated under the power of the law, he was like a blue wolf, because of the obsession of the will of life, his energy condensed into crystals, forming a rare ‘heart of true love’.

Yueyang picked up this heart of true love and took over the ‘heart of repentance' left by the Blue Wolf lord handed over by Aban. He sighed slightly: “Why do you have to choose to leave when you can live? Death is a relief, but it is also an extremely irresponsible manifestation. You are all dead, very handsome, causing trouble for Master Ben... really careless friends! ”

His words frightened Yue Yu and jumped. Fearing that the brother's heart would be touched, he could not be relieved. He hurried up and hugged him. He put his face on his back. He urged him urgently: “Xiao San, don't think nonsense, we will always be with you. At no time should you have any light thoughts! ”

Yueyang didn't expect Yue Yu to be so nervous, he wanted to joke.

Looking back, she found herself blushing.

I am so sorry that I embraced her and Princess Ceci with my arms, and even though I did not speak, I responded with a hug.

At one time, Red, Aban, Dodo and Dragon Daughter Cherry all flew over, opened their arms together and held them tight...

* * * * * * * * * (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote on recommendations, monthly tickets (qidian.com), and your support is my biggest motivation.)