Long Live Summons!

Chapter 1031 [Awareness, The Truth About Life]

Sword now, White Frost.

With the invisible sword of the innate shattered body that purifies everything, the entire Huangsha Fortress becomes a world free of dirt.

The distorted women, the evil dogs who ate men, all perished in this sword, and the struggling men who worked in silence like mutes and did not know how to resist, and the tormented children, their bodies were also liberated, their purified souls, their hearts consciously saluted Yueyang and Willow Leaf, and then followed the power of the law to empty and disappear.

They did not know how long they had suffered in this world of yellow sand until Yueyang and Willow Leaf appeared before their bodies and souls were truly liberated.

Free soul.

Leaving the power of the law out of the world of yellow sand.

And the distorted wicked women and dogs, when their bodies purify the sword into powder, have not been freed. Instead, they confine the law forces of the world of Huangsha and stay here forever and never be freed.

Those evil souls were trapped in the gravel by law, and the land surrounding the original Yellow Sand Fortress was stained with black paint.

If we use the eyes of heaven, we can see the sorrow of their souls in the gravel.

They and all the pain they caused in their lifetime.

Ultimately, there will be a day of eternal repayment in this world of yellow sand, if those men and children do not leave and take the same revenge on them. But now, after the purification of Yueyang White Frost Hua Sword, the souls of men and children have all been liberated, and the power of the law has been taken away from the world of Huangsha... these women, their souls will bear sins forever in the confinement space of Huangsha Fortress, waiting for the chance of repayment that will never come, while enduring all the pain created before.

The power of the law is fair here.

How much pain anyone inflicts on others throughout their lives, how much pain they have to endure, and how much they can never be relieved if they cannot be repaid.

“Let's go!” Yueyang turned around and nodded to Liu Ye's sister: “We don't know what happened before, but now, this is probably the best result. It's also a test, I think, we've all passed, come on, let's move on to the next level! ”

“Mmm!” Willow leaves felt she had reaped a lot in this test, both anger and mercy, first anger and then forgiveness.

After a short test, she felt much more mature.

She wondered whether outside the world of Huangsha, anywhere else, a person who did bad things to hurt others would have the same sins and the same laws and powers to sanction them. But she has understood that many things in the world are, in fact, what Yueyang calls causality, and there are causes that have consequences. If everyone is good, then the whole local culture will be better. If everyone is enemies, the mind twisted for profit, and the pain will be imposed on others, it is certainly unimaginable. Even if there is no power to sanction, there will be resistance and war...

The original Tower of Heaven has always been like this, weak and strong, with strength as its respect.

As a result, fighting continues every month and day of the year.

Until Yueyang grew up, breaking the situation. The Tower of Tongtian was first changed from the Longteng mainland, respected by the original absolute force, the interests first, gradually shifted to the basis of the current ethics, the common development of nations and nations, rise together, this is absolutely a return of humanity.

Although Yueyang, the Yuejia Sanxiao, did not set out to do it, nor did he strictly require it, his performance was a best example.

Because of him, many people are invisible, and these people are expanding to include more people.

The virtuous cycle has led to the current flourishing of the Longteng continent.

With Longteng mainland as a base point, Tongtian Tower is gradually entering a virtuous circle, and ethnic groups everywhere have achieved optimal growth and development. This is a completely different year from the previous years of marching against each other… If you compare the current Tong Tian Tower with the heavenly realm, Willow Leaf feels that you can see how bad things are in the heavenly realm at a glance. The vastest land, the richest resources, the best living conditions, the best ethnic bloodlines, and the incomparable advantages of all kinds of towers are empty, but the heavenly realm keeps the rising towers closer together.

Willow leaves can be sure that it won't take too long for the Tower to catch up with the heavens and even exceed them.

It's all there.

Not because the martial artists of the Tower of Heaven were awakened, but because Yueyang appeared.

He, by way of example, has brought about a whole new change, guiding the warriors of Tongtian Tower to a true path of growth… And the warriors of the heavens, completely lost in power and power, the smoke of the beams, the killing place, imposing infinite suffering on others for their own benefit, ultimately, bringing Tongtian Tower, which has just awakened for many years, closer and closer together, for no reason.

“Thank you!” Liu Ye suddenly felt that he should really represent the warrior of Tianta. Thank Yueyang. Without him, Tianta did not know how many more years to sink.

“Ah, what are you talking about?” Yueyang listened, inexplicably.

“It's okay, let's go!” Liu Ye Tian smiled, but did not explain, she knew that Yueyang did not intend to ask everyone to make a change, he was totally unintentional, because he set a good example for Si Niang, Yue Yu, Yue Bing, Yue Frost, Yue Jia, Big Summer, Tianluo and all those around him to follow the change and expand the influence… She did not say it, did not praise him, but made a determination in her heart: in the future, I will be with you to set a good example, influence more people, let them all join in this virtuous circle.

I didn't mean to do it.

But I will definitely do it, and I will never leave you alone!

Liu Ye Shengping took the initiative to hold Yueyang's hand for the first time. He lowered his head with shame and his little hand trembled slightly, but firmly held his big hand and never let go.

Over the next three days, Yueyang and Willow Leaf traveled through more than a dozen different space and unit worlds, each giving them different perceptions.

For example, there is a world of miniature units, where Yueyang and Willow Ye enter, as if they were giant spiritual gods.

It's incredible.

The earth looks like a small sand tray.

And on that little sand tray, there are many countries that live countless lives, races that are smaller than ants in Yueyang and Willow Leaf's eyes, attacking each other, battling each other. For the sake of monetary power, the superiors of each country waved millions, the two armies opposed each other, killing each other on the front line, killing blood all over the river and the bodies all over the place. However, in the eyes of Yueyang and Willow Leaf, the behavior of these ants is such ignorance that, even with monetary power, the very short and extremely fragile lives of those ants will rapidly die and die ill, unable to sustain the destiny of power change and the joy of long-lasting enjoyment… Yueyang and Willow Leaf look down at these small and incredible lives, in the course of a few words, these ants will be born, say a few more words, they will have grown, killed, seized money for power, in less than half a minute, these ants struggled to seize before enjoying the old death, a new generation of war, and the cycle begins.

No one knows the secrets of the heavens and the earth, and no one knows that Yueyang and Willow are looking down upon them to death.

Nobody knows the truth about life.

No one knows the meaning of life.

Generations after generations, for instant pleasure and momentary power, to go and kill each other...

They have lived in a world of ignorance, in cycles, without anyone, thinking differently, or making any different changes! The ants, who thought that money and power were everything in life, did not know that they had been born in the sigh of Yueyang and Willow Leaf, died in the sigh, and only a minute before and after, they had completed their entire life course.

“I think, in the eyes of the ancient gods, we are exactly the same as these ants.” Willow shook her head softly and sighed: “We also have no eternal life, and compared to the gods, or those ancient giant gods, our lives are like ants, dying in the morning and evening. In their sighs, we humans were born, and in a few words, we grew up completely, rejuvenated, vibrant, but between the fingers, the years prompted old, our human bodies withered in old diseases, and finally, like fallen leaves, completely faded away. Countless predecessors of the Tower of Heaven have created many glorious and glorious and amazing, yet they have all passed away, just as we have been born and grown and inevitably passed away in the future… the only thing that remains unchanged is the Tower of Heaven, which has witnessed the trajectory of life of every generation, and only it has survived! If we can't think about the meaning of life and the truth about life, then we're really no different from these ants! ”

“Improving practice is looking for the truth about life!” Yueyang reached down and gently caressed the soft hair on the top of Willow Leaf's head, comforting him: “Why should we learn? Because learning gives people wisdom and wisdom, it enlightens them and allows them to think about the meaning of life and the truth of heaven. Why are we practicing and upgrading? I am not satisfied with the status quo and want to move towards a higher level of life and realm… I believe that if we work hard and continue to practice in this direction, one day we will find the meaning and truth of our lives! ”

“Really?” Willow listened to Yueyang and had a sense of flattery.

“Man is man, because man possesses wisdom, can reflect on his own shortcomings, can learn to grow, can cultivate and improve ways to find the mystery and truth of the higher world, which is also why other races envy us!” Yueyang sighed with a touch: “On the contrary, if you do not use wisdom, learn to improve, do not pursue the truth, sink into the enjoyment of the world, it is the greatest sorrow, which is that ordinary people do not want to give greedy self-enclosure, those who do not want to change bones through painstaking cultivation, are really the same as these foolish ants. But the biggest difference between us and these ants is that we humans have many pioneers, historians and enlightened teachers, who may not understand and pursue the truth about life in a generation, but perhaps in the next generation, they will be able to understand and improve and embark on a whole new growth path. It will not sink forever, and this is our greatest human advantage and our greatest hope! ”

“I, too, will try!” Willow knows that Yueyang will definitely go higher in life, and he has been working in that direction, not only him, but also Snow Flawless, Princess Ceci, Falling Flowers, Yinan, Yue Bing, they are all the same.

After watching the ant, she felt she could not drag his hind legs.

She didn't want to be left alone, sadly left in a low-level world, and died of old sickness in Yueyang's sigh.

She's going to stay with him forever, walk into a world where there's no sickness or death, search for a better world at a higher level, and live there together forever, forever...

* * * * * * * * * (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote on recommendations, monthly tickets (qidian.com), and your support is my biggest motivation.)