Long Live Summons!

Chapter 1039 [Crisis, Silent Attack]

Less than half a day later, the secret portal to the Temple of the Heavenly Demon has been found by the five leaders.

It's a portal buried beneath the ruins.

Without the guidance of the Silver-eyed Great Sage, the challengers would never have found it, let alone dug it out, even if it took ten times longer.

“After entering the door, there may be danger that countless ancient warcraft may be ambushed inside, and I suggest sending an elite team to investigate the situation before making a decision.” The handsome swordsman made his suggestion to the Great Leader Nintengo.

“I agree.” The red-haired Hauge agrees.

“…” The Blue Devil said nothing and, although he disagreed, he did not object.

“What do you think?” Nintendo, the most important thing in the heart of the great leader, is the opinions of the great sage Silver Eyes.

Silver-eyed sages don't talk, they're just tiny stools. Seeing him nod his head and agree, Nintendo waved and ordered one of his most elite teams to set off and enter the ancient secret door.

Half an hour later, this powerful team returned.

In reporting to the five leaders, reference was made to the second secret door.

Inside, there is more and deeper space, even a very strange maze and a secondary portal. Fortunately, someone on the team is extremely good at probe tracking, cracking that maze tunnel, or else we won't be able to accomplish our mission. Now the problem is obviously in front of everyone. If you go in, besides the maze giving you a headache, there is a second transmission door, possibly even a third... If you stay in the ruins of the underground city, after the five leaders leave, what if the ancient warcraft make a huge backlash and nobody can fight you?

In this regard, the five leaders have approached nearly 100 large and small battalion owners and key cadres in their ranks to discuss the issue of the retention of the large forces.

Those who are cautious are willing to stay, while those who are more aggressive want to go in.

Opinions are divided into two sides.

There are also optimists who strongly support the remaining conservatives and those who fully support the search for treasure in the country.

Such meetings, such as Yueyang's Road Crazy Newbie, are naturally ineligible to attend, and in his team, the One-Eyed Man ‘Ben' is eligible to participate in the negotiations.

Unlike the four adventurous subordinates of Minotaur North and Weird Man, Cyclops is a typical conservative. He made the same decision as more than thirty campers, leading the team outside, and if there is truly an ancient warcraft rebellion, consider entering the portal and guarding it according to the maze tunnel. If there is no Ancient Warcraft backlash, then the team that stays outside will continue to search for Ancient Treasures in the ruins of the underground city… In fact, in less than two days, there have been a number of challengers who have found a small amount of ancient relics of small value.

Don't be too adventurous, you can earn something. Why not have fun?

If all enter, whether or not there is danger, the question of how the benefits are shared will immediately emerge, and the ancient treasures are too numerous and limited to be shared by all. Those who support the challenge left by conservatives do not want to see a day when interests kill each other, so they would rather give up some of the potentially huge gains.

“How dare I follow a cowardly chief like you.” The fat man was very dissatisfied with his wealth because he wanted to get into the treasure hunt, but because the five chiefs assigned their less combatant logisticians to stay behind, complaining about his stomach won't change the fact that he stayed behind.

“I wish I could live.” Yueyang said it doesn't matter, in fact he feels the same danger whether he stays or enters.

Of course, this premonition cannot be said.

One, it's unbelievable.

Second, after saying this, I believe that it won't take long for the Great Sage of Silver Eyes to find him.

Yueyang will never come out of this situation. For the time being, he doesn't want to expose his strength, so he has to figure out what the situation is. Getting into the Temple of Heaven is certain, but definitely not right now.

Knowing it was a trap, he broke in. It wasn't bravery, it was foolishness!

Stay outside, life is good.

Yue Yang stayed for two days, and from time to time challengers found some ancient relics in the ruins, which may not be valuable, but this harvest has given hope to the remaining challengers. There must be more ancient treasures buried beneath this rubble, just to see how to find them. Greed, like a fat, short man, became more and more worried. He felt that the harvest in the secret door must have been greater, and staying outside was a waste of time.

Had it not been for his weakness and awe of the labyrinth passage, he would have snuck in, nowhere else to sit.

“Aren't you gonna dig something?” Big One-Eyed Man ‘Ben' is strange for Yueyang, who is leisurely eating chicken legs. Don't newcomers like to dig treasures? Why are you sitting here still? In the past few days, I haven't seen him hunt for treasure at all. He eats or sleeps all day. Lazy people haven't seen him, but lazy newcomers like Dongfeng, I haven't really seen him.

“It's all garbage, not interested.” Yueyang threw the remaining chicken bones in his hand.

“Maybe there's something good... Forget it!” The one-eyed man gave up his persuasion, eating, drinking and sitting still every day. Although it may seem a little too eye-catching, it's better than wandering around and causing trouble. Especially since the danger here has not been eliminated, in case you mess with the ancient warcraft, it's over.

Road madmen like Yueyang, the one-eyed man thought it best not to move, otherwise, he lost track of how to find him.

The day after the five chiefs left the battalion, just as the ruins of downtown were ready for dinner.

All of a sudden, distant darkness, all the passageways, was echoing.

The colour of the whole smell changed.

Are the ancient warcraft really coming back?

The Cyclops and the remaining camp owners led a small number of elite men who were waiting to stay in front of the makeshift camp, while ordering newcomers like Fatty Shorty and Yueyang to rush to the portal, once the situation was bad, they had to go inside and join the main forces of the five chiefs. As for scattering the escape, this was vetoed by all in the earliest discussions, because in this underground passage, the mightier men, alone, are no match for the tidal bugs and monsters, not to mention the mighty ancient warcraft!

“Steady, steady.” The One-Eyed Man shouted out loud, and the Left Elite beside him summoned war beasts to resist the impact.

“Boom boom...”

Strangely, however.

Those bug tides and monsters didn't jump as hard as usual. Except for a few departures, they rushed all the way to the One-Eyed Man. The vast majority of bugs and monsters, except for the bugs in front of them, didn't even look this way. As if there was something terrible, chasing them behind their backs, more bugs and monsters than the tide, mountains running wild across the ruins of the underground city and running to places they thought were safe.

By now, the blind can see no good.

These bug tides and monsters were already scary enough, but they were expelled by stronger forces… who was behind them? Are the remaining challengers in the Angel Alliance, or are there others?

Hundreds more ancient warcraft fled to their wounds without waiting for the remaining challengers to react.

The fiercest of them, the Cyclops, did not look at them, but fled far away at the fastest pace of their lives. A few ancient warcraft fleeing slightly slowly suddenly screamed, falling to the ground and rolling vaguely.

“Bone Dragon! ”

I don't know who, wake up.

Yueyang, mixed in the crowd, saw hundreds of bone dragons ranging from heavenly class III to heavenly class V, coming out of ancient passages.

As one of the main battle beasts of the Dark Camp, Bone Dragon is naturally familiar with every challenger in the Devil's Valley world. It's just, how did these horrible war animals belonging to the Dark Camp get to the ruins of this underground city in the Dark Sky Nest? You know, the ruins of this underground city are within the boundaries of the Angel Union, and it's thousands of kilometres from the nearest Dark Camp site.

If we don't know, will the enemy send hundreds of skull dragons to siege the remaining men?

In other words, if the enemy knows the information.

So, how does the enemy know what's going on here?

Did the five chiefs leak the news of cleaning up the ancient tunnels? What's worse, how did the enemy know that the five chiefs were not with the men who were left behind at this time? If the five leaders are around, don't say hundreds of skull dragons, and hundreds more, you can kill them as well... Now the enemy dares to use hundreds of bone dragons as a front line to prove that the enemy knows their situation.

“The Phantom King, the Skull King, the Golden Skeleton, and the Skull King, the Blood Shaver, for Christ's sake, the Great Leader of the Dark Camp is here! ”

Remaining challengers have seen the emergence of nearly 10,000 challengers from the Dark Camp and are already desperate in their hearts.

But when they saw that there were several dark chiefs behind them who were equal to Nintendo, all five of their chiefs could not help but scream, morale and will were close to collapse... It was a battle that could not be fought at all, without fighting, it was doomed to failure.

Eight big leaders of darkness, any one of them, can sweep all the remaining ones.

Don't say that the eight Dark Leaders, the elite ones under their seats, can send hundreds or crush the remaining challengers. After all, the most elite challengers have been taken away by the five leaders, leaving fewer than a hundred elites voluntarily, so how can they compete with the enemies of the Dark Camp? Compared to nearly 10,000 enemies, compared to thousands of enemies, compared to eight big leaders of darkness, now the volunteer Angel League challenger, so weak as the little mantis in the front of the car, the next second, the enemy will easily crush into slag...

“Go, go one is one! Do not summon the main warcraft, do not allow the enemy to earn points, if captured by the enemy, end their lives as much as possible. Remember, don't let the enemy die!” The One-Eyed Man made a shocking yell, the first to be able to ignite a fighting spirit to stop the enemy.

“Poor little bug, do you think you can scare people if you talk louder? I'm telling you, Nintendo doesn't dare be arrogant in front of this king! ”

There is a huge shadow of the entity that cannot be seen at all, hovering in front of enemy lines.

This shadow is super powerful.

Yueyang estimated that this guy is as powerful as Nintendo. If it wasn't for the attributes, it wouldn't be easy to take this guy... According to the information obtained these days, Yueyang could tell that this powerful shadow is the ‘phantom' of the old ghost king of the dark camp. If Ji Sunny hadn't broken in and overrun him, this guy would be the strongest man in the Devil's Valley world for thousands of years.

Standing around the ghost king's 'phantom’, there is also the skeleton king's 'golden skeleton’ and the skinner's 'blood shave’.

These two are also Super Bulls of the Supreme Eight.

Their strength is slightly lower than that of the Phantom King or even Nintendo, but Yueyang estimates that they are at least the top five players in the Valley and cannot be underestimated.

A little later, there are five Dark Leaders with strength ranging from Supreme 5 to Supreme 6.

Because Yueyang has insufficient intelligence and does not know the names of these people, they can only observe each other's ability characteristics in the blind eye.

“Will your men kill all these bastards?” A dark knight riding a bone dragon asked the Phantom King politely.

“No, deport them, just keep hunting the backward, I want to see what they look like. Ha, that idiot from Nintendo thinks he can call it the Male Devil's Valley for a few days. That's a joke! The king will tell him the truth, Devil Valley, even if Ji goes away every day, it will not be his turn! What ancient secret treasure, idiot, Nintendo is the kind of idiot who sells people and helps people with money, there is no cure...” The Phantom King has not told us, and everyone already knows that this operation is a conspiracy, the Dark Hive is a man-eater tiger mouth, the enemy has set traps and waited for Nintendo to jump.

Now listen to him, people smoke a cold breath.

It seems that it is not only the dark camp that sets traps, it seems that there is also a terrible mole hiding in the ranks.

Think about it. Without a mole, no one should go out with the Ghost King of the Dark Camp. How could the enemy come to the door with such precision?

Ye Yang's idea now is that the trap is certain, and the traitor is certain, and all of this is imagined... The only thing that doesn't make sense is, what role does the Kaiten Lord play in this battle?

If the Emperor of Heaven and Demon were still sealed in the Temple of Heaven and Demon, Yueyang would not think so if he knew nothing about everything outside. Without secret information about the Lord of Heaven and Demons, and without his guidance, Nintendo would not have dared lead the team into the Dark Sky Hive. Likewise, the same is true of the Phantom King fiction on the side of the Dark Camp, and it is certain that intelligence will be provided in order for the great leader of this Dark Camp to lead an unscrupulous assault for thousands of miles. What good would such a fight do to the Kaiten pride hidden behind it?

Has the true body of the Heavenly Demon not lifted its seal and can only act separately?

Or does he need the flesh and soul of these challengers to sacrifice and completely release the seal?

Of course, there is also the possibility that Kaiten is completely free, just out of boredom or twisted mindset, before leaving the Valley, intentionally make this blood fight to satisfy his taste...

If the first two, Yueyang is not too worried.

If the latter is the case, Yueyang feels he should be careful. Never let the Lord of Heaven count himself in.

Crisis, silent attack.

For the first time, Yueyang Shengping felt that he had no bottom in his heart. He opened the heavenly demon. How powerful would this old man, who sealed it for tens of thousands of years, be?

* * * * * * * * * (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote on recommendations, monthly tickets (qidian.com), and your support is my biggest motivation.)