Long Live Summons!

Chapter 1373 [God's Curse]

Mirror world.

Yueyang had approached the edge of his escape, wondering whether the Dead Sea guarded the supreme message or the light guarded the supreme sense of self. He gave up more than two hours of pursuit and summoned a ‘sun’.

The power of this Sun is already horrible, and in the world of mirrors, once it's refracted by a billion mirrors, the power rises a million times.

Light and heat, almost devouring Yueyang's body under the law of light.

There is nowhere left to run.

There's nowhere to drill.

Yueyang burned, turned into a fireman, and the pain was immense.

But that kind of failure, not all of it in the eyes of the dragons watching the outside world. Yueyang is indeed burning, and his body is melting, but this is just an illusion created by the twin masks. There is also a true Yueyang, daring to gleam through the world of mirrors with the sun, secretly transforming himself into a comet, hiding himself in the sun that lays down the heavens and the earth, with the intention of escaping from the light to guard the lockout of the supreme mind.

“…” The dragons dared not see the atmosphere through, and feared a slight change, which would shock the prime guardian of the light who would destroy the power of the 'Sun' with all his might.

The comet cleared the sky when Yueyang's head drilled out of the mirror world.

The 40,000-meter god, who died and oppressed his opponent, immediately discovered this sly deception, and he stared angrily at the giant eye, and the flame erupted in his eyes. Yueyang's 10,000-meter divine body and the Eternal Constellation immediately responded with all their might, suppressing the enemy with divine power and law, keeping it away from a single point.

However, the connected light guards the supremacy, at the same moment, then Yueyang's escape is discovered.

He's furious as thunder.

It gives rise to a sense of shame from an old cat's burning beard.

Under his own pursuit, at the time of full bombardment, the boy dared to deceive himself with his own identities and try to escape from his surroundings... He shouted his head up, all the space in the whole mirror world was shaken and swayed, hundreds of millions of mirror space shattered, without half a second, the light guarded the supreme eight meters of real body had appeared behind Yueyang, huge fists smashed, smashing into Yueyang.


“Fuck off!” Yueyang carried a heavy punch, and despite his teeth grinning and pain in his heart and lungs, he succeeded in spreading his shoulders up.

“Don't let it happen.” The Guardian of Light is supreme. At this moment, he is rushed and angry. The giant hand grabbed Yueyang's legs and pulled them down desperately. The dragons are scared to look. Almost, but they still fail. Nima, is that how fate tricks us?

Yueyang detected a right hand.

Crazyly grabbing at the outside space, like a drowner trying to grab a lifesaving straw, but nothing.

The light guarded the supremacy, but it was like a water ghost, desperately pulled down, and in the blink of an eye, pulled Yueyang down, so Yueyang revealed his shoulder, all at once left was a little hair nod on the top of his head.

If, no one else shows up.

Then Yueyang's escape will be doomed to failure, and this battle will surely be delayed until the Temple's supreme heavenly palace arrives.

But fate is so strange. Yueyang's escape failed, but it was not the end of life, but the beginning of another battle. One hand grabbed Yueyang's hair and took him, along with the light holding both legs to guard the supremacy, just like the fisherman Ti snorkeling rod tightly tightened the line, a breath lifted out of the mirror world.

This man.

The supremacy of not knowing when to return to the battlefield.

Her presence shocked all the enemies in the world of the balance, not even the bright guardian of the supremacy, but also an incredible look at the glorious throne behind her.

“The throne of the throne is truly in full swing. In the battlefield, all enemies, whether alive or dead, will be under my control.” The Supreme Constellation is now far more than a hundred times higher than before. The light wheel behind her is one more layer of divine light than others. There are thousands of changes in the constellation, transforming each other, mutually extinguishing each other. The subtleties and sources are endless.

“How did you achieve this?” Yueyang suddenly realized that this must not have been achieved by the supreme power alone. It must have been Sister Sword Spirit. Otherwise, she would not have come out so soon, let alone accomplished the throne of the Lord, who even saw it and feared for it.

This dominant throne is different from the divine power that previously could only absorb enemies killed in battle.

It really does possess superior power and laws.

Control the life of the entire battlefield.

As long as it is the supreme will, all lives that cannot be resisted will be judged and ruled by the supreme hand.

“Oh, my hair!” Yueyang was stunned for half a day and the pain reacted. He felt his scalp had almost been pulled off. He didn't dare to spill fire on the supreme, so the light guardian supreme blew his luck: “Nima, how old are you, how many people, still dying to pull my legs... my head, my hair! ”

Throughout the men's hearts and minds, the supreme one carries so much, although he comes out, he doesn't know how many hair to lose.

Light guardians are the best, but they can't care less about this messy thing.

He exploded the first time.

Rush for supremacy.

Prepare to kill the Supreme before resolving Yueyang.

Yueyang classmate on the other side of the Eternal Shrine as a destiny confrontation is not easy to kill. His small life needs to be solved by the Temple's supreme heavenly emperor. All that needs to be done now is to destroy the greatest help around him, such as this enlightenment in front of him and having the powerful enemy to dominate the Shrine.

“Ridiculous!” With one hand, the Supreme Guardian of Light caught the Supreme Fist, pulling his hand, pulling the enemy's body, and flying cleverly on the side.

Boom, boom...

The Supreme Guardian of the Light flew out in the unbelievable eyes of the Dead Sea Gods and plowed out a deep giant pit on the ground of the scaled world, up to 100,000 meters away, before barely stopping.

Yueyang classmates and dragons can see the chin falling off, and the battle power before and after this has changed too much too fast, right? Are you sure you're the best before?

"Do you think I'm still the one who needs the protection of a child? ”

Oh, did she say it was me?

Yueyang is very sad.

However, he also dared not refute it.

Your Highness is terrible!

Especially someone who has done something particularly bad in secret, even more so.

“What are you waiting for? Get rid of his mirror world!” The supreme turned her body and glanced at Yueyang. The old tiger-like Yueyang student suddenly shrunk into a kitten.

“Mirror world, let's break it.” Snowflake and Princess Ceci came out, and the Dead Sea Gods looked at the women strangely. They don't even have the throne, but they can't afford to lose their fighting power. Especially with a few leaders, the Teng Killer makes even the old people feel cold. Most frighteningly, they are all matched by a ‘miracle' similar to that of the Divine Throne.

This seal of God.

It is also distinguished from the seedy emblem.

It is the divine supremacy of the ultra-high super-powerful realm, temporarily lending them divine power in this form of divine seal, in accordance with their potential and their enlightenment.

If there is such a powerful divine supremacy to do this, the old men of the fallen gods of the Dead Sea do not doubt that possibility, but where is the divine supremacy of the Tower of Heaven? Where's O.R.? Most importantly, how is it possible for these women, all of whom match and share the same divine impression of their potential? This is simply not possible!

The old men of the Dead Sea Fallen Gods do not know that they have carried their destiny together.

Destiny has long bound them together with Yueyang.

Fits perfectly and fuses all the time.

That's normal.

As for the ‘seal of God', this miraculous and wonderful seal of God is not at all the emblem that Yue Yang had lent them before, and Yue Yang did not know or even knew that this form existed... The creator of these seals, Yue Yang can only suspect that, like the throne that dominates the supreme achievement, it was a super-sister who silently supported himself behind his back.

Yueyang asked herself, without the ability to achieve this seal of God, it is even more amazing and powerful than many of the thrones.

The only difference is that it's temporary creation.

Does not affect the future growth of the owner at all.

“Brother, let me help you!” Yue Bing, this little boy was the most willing to fight. She was really excited to hold her fist and help her brother with his arm.

“He's not awake yet, he's sleepy.” What I owe you is Pandora, the lazy cat.

“Let's go, Dodo. She won't make it! Idiot, this way!” Princess Ceci punched Baby in the head, and didn't know what she was doing with this adorable cunt who could only drag her legs out. Yueyang's lips were wide and open, and she didn't dissuade them in the end. The world of mirrors was very dangerous. Even Dodo couldn't get into it. Like Bao they went into the war. Is there really no problem?

Never mind, but don't worry about your baby's fighting power.

However, her luck value is very high, which is expected to be high enough to keep the enemy from looking up. Instead of worrying about her, don't worry about whether her enemy will cry and die more appropriately...

The Supreme Guardian of Light did not look this way at all. He felt that the main enemy was the Supreme Guardian and Yue Titan.

As for the other help, he's not worried at all.

As long as the Emperor arrives in time.

Victory must belong to one's own side. Letting Yue Titan play with the flowers will not change the ending.

The world of mirrors, because light guards the supreme at will, has changed since Snowflake and Princess Ceci led the way.

First of all, the ‘sun' is a little unbearable, because the moon above the Phantom Moon Goddess is rising, its glow is not as fierce as the 'sun’, but it is pure as the heart, clear as a diamond, the eternal Moon of Destiny can devour all the light, increase itself, it can emit thousands of luminous, auxiliary companions, this is not a district where a 'sun’ can be stopped.

The sun and moon share the two ends of the mirror world, forming the wonderful momentum of the sun and moon.

Gradually, the raging glow of the sun is absorbed by the moon.


The original horrible ‘sun’ tilted irreversibly to the west, gradually appeared to be in danger of falling. This change surprised the Supreme Guardian of the Light outside, but at this time, he had no time to think about summoning the Divine Beast, because the Supreme and Yueyang, approaching from left to right, tacitly attacked together, fisting like rain.

“When is this going to happen? It's too much trouble!” Pandora had poor patience and she was dissatisfied with the slow repression of the Phantom Moon Goddess.

Snap to the front.

She leaned up and screamed.

Extremely horrible light flashes in your eyes.

A divine spell that has never appeared in the world, was born at her will and swallowed up into the ‘sun' with claws and teeth.

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