Long Live Summons!

Chapter 1382 [Landslides, Duel Begins!

Light Mountain.

Kaiten frowned, and he stood down and looked up at this huge, unimaginable mountain of light.

His expression looked very heavy, as if he had never seen such a majestic mountain, but the truth was otherwise. Determined to flatten Ming Mountain and sweep the entire heavenly realm of him, the main reason for this expression was that he found all the temples of Ming Mountain gone.


Disappear blank.

On this mountain of light, all the temples, no matter their size, no matter what faction they belong to, are now all invisible, leaving only the blanks on the original building floor. The bright steps that had to be worshipped before entering, the Gate of Light, also existed. The weirdest thing is that all the guardian gods, angels, samurai of light, etc. in there were supposed to be under the slaughter of Heavenly Demons, but they instantly disappeared with the Temple, under the eyes of Heavenly Demons, disappeared without knowing where they were.

There are only many stunned and fearful servants left on the Mount of Light. After losing their bullying, their spirits collapsed, some screaming loudly and others running around.

“In the end, what happened here?” The dignity of the Kaiten demon is very elusive.

It took a long time for his heart to shine.

Does it have anything to do with the Temple Supreme Emperor... is that guy messing around? But what's in it for you?

Kaiten's dignity was unclear. He was about to turn around and leave for a while. Though he had the heart to trample the Light Mountain to conquer the heavenly realm, this strange thing happened, and he decided to wait and see, not to rush to war.

Just as his feet were lifted, he had not yet been able to take a step, tearing space-time apart and sending a horrific earthquake behind him that was unfortunate enough to move his soul.

Look back.

Heavenly Demon's eyes reveal a fearful colour.

Because he sees an impossible scene going on.

The Mountain of Light, where nothing could shake the world, even God could not help but sigh for it, actually collapsed... Kaiten's eyes at this moment dare not believe, but the facts are in front of him. The sound of terror, as if there was a broken pillar of the Optimus Mountain, the whole world was trembling, the Optimus Mountain continued to crumble, dense as a spider web crack, the smallest crack was also more than 10,000 meters, the biggest ones, I'm afraid hundreds of thousands of meters wide. On the Golden Top of the Great Light Mountain, only gods were eligible to enter the Holy Land.

That peak, over a million meters high, directly stopped the waist from breaking.

Its collapse led to the collapse of the whole Mountain of Light.

The Heavenly Demon opened his mouth.

He felt his voice dry and couldn't even say a word.

In the hundreds of millions of hot melt eruptions, the Divine Peak of the Golden Top of the Shintoi fell, plunged straight into the ground, and the whole sky became dark because of its fall, for a time, the heavenly dome of the falling divine light, hidden signs of the extinction of light from all demons.

“Ha-ha-ha!” Heavenly Demon finally came back to God, and he looked up to heaven and laughed: “Really? Holy and supreme Emperor, has he given up even the Mount of Light for victory and for the attainment of his goal? What a determination. What a determination! Temple High King, are you taking your temple to the higher world? Ha-ha-ha, that's naive! Without the support behind Mount Light, without the constant supply of light and divine power, without the old people, without abandoning everything from the past to greet you in a new way, do you really think you can succeed? Heavenly King, clever as you, can't stand this deadly temptation at last, as I was, determined to move forward and go irreversibly on this doomed and irreversible path? ”

“You're very powerful and very smart, and yes, you are a super perfect genius, and I'm glad you are. I'm also a genius, but I may be a little better than you, at least I'm half awake in this area. ”

“Good luck, Emperor! ”

“As a senior, I'd like to say I'm glad to see all this happening. ”

“Now my heart is much more comfortable, at least I am no longer alone, no longer alone! ”

“Yes, I will never tell you the truth about failure, I will keep this secret, and then I will watch it cold, watching the geniuses emerge again and again, watching them work hard, exhaust the means, and finally move on one way or the other, ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah! Yeah, yeah, I'm going to make this heavenly world so much more exciting! ”

In a big and fast mood, he laughed and almost splashed his tears.

His hand gently opened a Chio Gate.

Then laugh.

Step aside.


When his body disappeared, the sky, the golden roof of the immense divine platform like wisdom, which was once considered a tangible statue of worship, all worship belonged to the Supreme Supreme Spirit of the Guardian of Light, and plunged down.

Insert heavily into the earth.

Shockwave, more terrifying than the self-destruct of millions of gods, instantly destroys everything on earth.

In the plain world, the Temple Supreme Emperor is confronting Yueyang. He did not hear the near crazy laughter of the Kaiten Demon.

His face was so calm, so firm, so free of any fluctuations in his eyes, totally beyond the ruthlessness of hatred and killing, without anger or grief, without contempt or neglect, but only with a crushing suffocation in total possession of the upper wind. Originally, the strength far exceeded the heavenly emperor. At this moment, he inherited all the power of the Supreme Guardian of Light. Let alone him. Even Yueyang across the street did not feel that he could win this fateful confrontation. If I could bet, Yueyang wouldn't bet on me even if I had a copper plate.

The problem is that there is no second option for crossing men right now.

Not without a fight.

The future of the divine and supreme destiny confrontation compelled him to take his scalp and stand opposite the temple's supreme heavenly throne.

At this moment, Yueyang feels himself standing at the mouth of a volcano about to erupt. Perhaps the next second, he will burn to ashes. Perhaps the next second, he will be washed out of outer space by the forces of terror...

“Summon the Imperial Armor!” There is no fluctuation in Heavenly King's mood, his heart is like a black hole, and whatever he throws into it will be devoured.

Even if his strength could crush the enemy, he still summoned his strongest defenses.

A Four Divine Armor originated from the Six Artifacts of the Heavenly Tower. At this moment, the Emperor has been refined to become his‘ Imperial Armor '.

Of course, this summons of the Four Divine Armours is just the beginning, and there are many artifacts called out in the back. Some, Yue Yang has read it in ancient history books, but some, don't say, have not even heard of it.

Armor, Helmets, Wings, Rings...

And S.H.I.E.L.D.

Originally a man who had many artifacts and made people feel inferior, he now looks at the temple opposite the Supreme Temple of Heaven and is ashamed of himself.

Nima, this is the real homeland! He is the real rich and tall handsome with wood... like Yueyang, the Emperor summoned an angel trident and plugged it into his side. Yueyang dares to say that the power of this thing can definitely break his Nirvana armor, otherwise the Temple's Supreme Light Mountain Lord will not show up in a stinking way.

“Why must it be me? ”

Yueyang sighed more than ever.

He is a man who has no ambition to live by. He has a sister beside him. Don't be too happy on small days. He doesn't ask for anything else at all. As for saving the three tribes of Tongtianta Renaissance, just leave it to others. How can you find an unwilling minor like me? There is far from the death of the two emperors, including Queen Fabrizi and Her Majesty, and nearby the Prison King and the Supreme. I really can't find anyone, it's the East who likes to be behind the shady people, anyway, he's certainly willing to shoulder the burden of saving all the people between water and fire, how can you find yourself a person who doesn't want to make a head bird?

You haven't asked me if I agree!

Just woke up.

I don't think I've brushed my teeth yet.

All of a sudden, you say you're going to fight for your destiny and you're going to lose, Nima. This is a dead man's beat! I'm not playing anymore, okay?

“Why don't you stop fighting and you win? Is everyone angry about the money?” Yueyang proposed very silently: "As long as you in heaven withdraw from the Tower of Heaven, then everything before you will be even. Be your divine supreme, and we will live our lives. ”

“The divine and supreme Wade will be founded on endless sacrifices and fierce competition, and we in heaven are dying for victory and sacrifice, and if you can repay this, I will allow you to surrender.” The meaning of temple supremacy is even more obvious, but if you can resurrect the Supreme Guardian of Light, resurrect all those who died in battle, and repay all the sacrifices of this battle, then this is a matter to be discussed.

“The Light Guardian is the Supreme. He was killed by you, okay?” Yueyang feels that Uncle Tian Yu is very unreasonable.

“I'm going to kill you, even if I pay you back.” This is the attitude of the Emperor.

“Then there's no talking, is there?” Yueyang was very annoyed.

“The fate confrontation, from the beginning, has been endless.” Temple Supreme Heaven Face is calm: “Yue Titan, whatever you say, can't shake my heart, you have no second choice but to fight. ”

“You guys, you're so bullied. What did I do to you? I'm a teenager, so many of you old bastards get together and beat me up. What do I owe you? This is unwise. You can only kill people. I have to put my head on it. Is that what you did?” Yueyang felt very unfair.

“I've been practicing for ten years, and you've been practicing for more than a decade, and you're standing opposite me. Can I also feel unjust?” Heavenly Question.

“That's what you forced me to do. I never thought about it.” Yueyang was furious when he heard it.

“So this is fate's arrangement.” The Emperor affirmed.

“Then come on!” Yueyang is also very happy when he is forced to walk, he has a little way to go, he may be lazy, but he is really forced to retreat to an irretrievable despair, then he will not fantasize about the mercy of the enemy, but fight to death. The fire of Nirvana rose again with his will: "Heavenly King, do you think you must have eaten me? I also learned about destruction, creation and eternity, maybe beating you, but do you want to kill me? Try it, I will tell you that tens of thousands of years of hard repair is also scum, the Dinobot boss has been struggling for millions of years in an endless world, some time is simply pointless! ”

“Hey, you need to be brave and don't use my stuff as a shield!” Once the dragon didn't hear well, good deeds wouldn't go out the door, embarrassment spread a thousand miles, and now his image is over.

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That's a lot more, then try the code word later.

Nothing. If you have time, just keep waiting!

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