Longing for the home village system

Chapter 115 Sister Na's Request

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Sister Na knows that Chen Qing is very good at writing songs, and the first songs written in Longing are very popular. Her own man would occasionally sing a song written by Chen Qing at home.

When the relationship between the two was not exposed, she thought about asking Teacher He to help introduce him, and asked Chen Qing to write a good song for him, but she also knew that writing a song, especially a good song, is not so easy to come out. , And during that time because of the child's affairs, Brother Jie didn't want to come back, so this is temporarily hanging up.

As a result, I didn’t expect that songwriting would be so simple for Chen Qing. A good song would only take one night. Could it be that his inspiration could explode all the time?

Teacher He may not know that the situation is slightly exaggerated, but the second brother of the fiancée must know the strength of her own man, and she understands that the second disciple will not tell such lies.

Originally, she was thinking about inviting a song after she got acquainted with her a little after drinking. Now she feels that the time is right. It's not like losing some face for her man's smooth comeback. Besides, the man who is the second brother can be regarded as her "sibling" family.

"Brother Xiao Chen is like this. Before I was pregnant and gave birth to my son, my brother Jie has always been with me at home, but now I want to come back but there is no good song. Can you help me write a song for my brother Jie? The price is good to discuss. "

My brother clearly settled the accounts. At this point, Sister Na saw transparent and interesting, although she was very stingy at other times, but this is the intellectual property of others, and it is not enough if a friend is invited to escape.

What's more, Chen Qing has to make money to support his family now with his second brother. You can't ask your second brother to be in a dilemma because of his own affairs. This is the basis of life.

Chen Qing did not respond to Sister Na's invitation at the first time, but hesitated slightly with his head down. He had to go back and check Zhang Jie's published song library, and then find a suitable one for him.

However, Chen Qing’s hesitation seemed to others to be a tactful rejection. Sister Na sighed slightly and just wanted to resolve the embarrassment, the teacher He next to her spoke first, "Xiao Chen can help write a song if you can! The last two years of talent show Fresh meat is updated too fast, it is really difficult to come back without a good song."

This is an era in which the appearance is both justice. The niche who debuted in the past two years cannot be said to have no singing skills, but their real strength and status are completely inconsistent. In addition, their company operations and publicity have made some young fans brainless to follow suit.

The most helpless are those musicians. The older generations of talented people are already old and don’t have much energy and inspiration to write songs. Even if they write a song, they have already been booked. They are not in the next generation of capable singers. On hand.

As for the younger generation of musicians, Teacher He can only describe the difference between good and bad. He can't say whether it is good or not, but it is rare and pitiful, and he basically sings after writing.

I think Chen Qing is really rare, and Mr. He feels that Chen Qing's talent is not weaker than those of old artists, and his achievements will inevitably be higher than those of those artists.

"Teacher He, I didn't refuse! I'll go back to listen to the song first! Sister Na, you also ask what kind of song you need, I see if I can write it." Chen Qing raised his head and smiled in response.

"Really? Great, thank you." Sister Na immediately rejoiced when she saw this, and raised her glass to respect Chen Qing. "Thank you, I will ask Brother Jie later, I will recognize you as a younger sibling. ."

Seeing that Sister Na finished a glass of wine with great enthusiasm, Chen Qing could only drink it all at once, and he did not deny the identity of'younger sister'.

Everyone was happy for the meal, and finally Chen Qing and Zhao Xiaogu got in Teacher He's car and returned to the hotel.

"My wife, do you want to wash it together!" Chen Qing at the bathroom door issued a sincere invitation with the clothes Zhao Xiaogu handed over.

"No, I'm not as good as you like it! Go and wash it!"

How can Zhao Xiaogu fail to see the man's thoughts, if he enters the bathroom and there are no bones left by him, he finally recovers and will have to record tomorrow.

Chen Qing smiled and didn't force her. This woman is too innocent. Did she really think she would be fine if she didn't bathe with him?How could he let her go after experiencing the love of men and women.

After a simple wash, Chen Qing changed into pajamas and turned on the phone to check Zhang Jie's songs. He found that many of the songs he sang did not appear in the previous life, and he confirmed that these songs did not appear in this world.

"Jingle Bell!"

"Hello! Hello, who?" Chen Qing also answered the call from a stranger.

"Hello, my landlord, I'm Sister Na's husband Zhang Jie." Zhang Jie also introduced straightforwardly when he came up.

"Oh! Hello, Brother Jie, I'm about to call you! I didn't expect you to call first. I can try to write down the song, but I can't guarantee that you will be satisfied."

Zhang Jie naturally knew this, so he responded politely to Chen Qing's words. Then the two talked over the phone and quickly confirmed the style and meaning of the song.

Still young!The selected song also has a strong sense of rhythm, and the song's intention is also positive. Maybe it is to combine the current domestic situation!

According to his description, Chen Qing basically chose the song. Of course, he would not give it to him right away, so he would wait for a few days, so as not to make him feel that it is easy to write a song and he can no longer create such an image.

"Who is Brother Xiao Chen?"

After washing and changing clothes, Zhao Xiaogu walked out of the bathroom, a little curious to see the man hang up.

"Your elder brother's husband, talk about songs."

Chen Qing said, but stared at Zhao Xiaogu. Originally, the frosted glass figure of this woman in a bath was enough to attract crimes. I didn't expect this woman to come out in a sexy lace pajamas. Isn't this a disguised courtship? .

Zhao Xiaogu also saw the fiery eyes in the man's eyes, and she didn't know why she changed such a set of pajamas horribly. At this moment, she felt that the man wanted to eat herself.

"Brother Xiao Chen, don't mess around, this is in the hotel, uh uh uh..."

The two of them had been on the big hotel bed for a long time. In the end, both of them were contented to fall asleep. As for the song, Chen Qing has already left his mind. Anyway, there are too many songs, so writing on site is not a problem.

Early the next morning, Zhao Xiaogu tried to open his eyes, and shyly slapped the man's arm. It was this man who did not prepare anything last night.

"Husband, please write quickly! This time we are in the name of husband and wife. We must not lose face in front of the audience. Let's sing together when we write songs!"

Since this man is responsible for the damage, this man is responsible. Anyway, his own man is very good in this aspect. Although the time is a bit rushed, it is still too late.