Lord of All Realms

Chapter 631: Exquisite Blood Use!

It comes from a drop of his fine blood that drips into the skeletal blood demon's heart.

The skeletal blood demon's heart, like a sponge, instantly absorbs that drop of sperm blood.


An astonishing momentum burst out of the skeletal blood demon, and Nitin felt very clearly that at this moment, deep inside the skeleton of the blood demon, rolling blood suddenly converged towards his heart.

Nie Tian was terrified and couldn't help but use the power of a broken star to investigate carefully.

He was surprised to see that deep in the heart of the skeletal blood demon, thick as rivers, a strip of blood came together.

Blood strips, rolling into the heart of blood demons, blood rivers constantly condense, lots of bright spots, raw triggers to conclude.

The crystalline light point, gradually converging, in that heart seems to twist into a crystalline ray.

However, the crystalline light, though inextricable, is rather illusory and blurred.

And just keep ringing, the wonder in the heart of the Blood Demon stops.

“Bloodline crystal chain! ”

But Nietian was shocked, and almost immediately he understood what was happening in the heart of the skeletal blood demon.

After the death of the skeletal blood demon, his heart, though intact, could be a blood crystal chain in the heart, long gone.

Blood-crystalline chains, branded with blood talents and secrets, are the most elegant parts of a powerful race.

He was able to constantly awaken his bloodline talent, relying on the blue blood gas in his heart.

And what makes up blue blood gas is a blood crystal chain, only the blood crystal chain exists, can breed bleeding talent, can use all kinds of blood secrets!

According to the silent speculation of his master, the powerful interracial, heart is as vital as the ethnic Dantian Linghai.

Heterogeneous people with extremely high blood ranks, legend has it that even if they die, if the heart stays complete, as the strength grows, slowly accumulates flesh and blood energy, there is a resurrection, even a resurrection day!

There is even a statement that blood reaches the tenth order of interracial grandeur, with just one drop of fine blood, you can regroup blood, coagulate muscle veins, build bone skeletons, resurrect, and climb to the top again step by step!

The skeletal demon in front of you, the blood order before you die, is only eight.

He could not be regarded as an exotic majesty. He could not rely on a drop of sperm blood to die and be reborn.

But his heart, still intact, was just a strand of blood that had originally been branded in his heart, and had long been smashed to pieces and exploded without a trace.

Originating from his heart, branded with the world's most mysterious and magical sperm of blood, dropped into the bone blood demon heart, actually provoked the bone blood demon, causing him to disappear blood crystal chain, a reenactment!

“A drop of fine blood! Obviously not enough! ”

After a long time of silence, Nie Tian finally understood why the Skeletal Blood Demon saw his blood, so eager and greedy.

His blood, can regroup blood chains for skeletal demons!

Once the blood crystal chain is coagulated again, the skeletal blood demon, even if it is just a flesh puppet, can still use the blood talent and secrets of the skeletal family through the blood crystal chain!

Previously, when Skeletal Blood Demons fought, they used only skeletal blood demons with powerful, unbreakable bones.

There are also blood sects, forcibly remitted into skeletal blood demons, several secrets like blood purification.

The skeletal family really relies on powerful, blood-borne talents and secrets. The skeletal blood-borne demons explode because of the blood crystal chain, and seem to have only a little breath, and cannot call out the horrible blood-borne talents and secrets.

Without the use of blood talents and secrets, the strength of the skeletal blood demon is checked and checked.

“I, need your strength! If you can use the blood talents and secrets of the Skeleton Clan, you can truly make it work. It belongs to you! ”

Just hesitate for a few seconds, he will hide in his heart, temporarily not knowing how to use the remaining drop of sperm blood and pull it out.

A drop, branded with the wonderful blood of life, drips down.

Skeletal blood demon's heart, absorb the remaining nine drops of sperm blood, after absorbing them, previously stopped strange movement, open again!

Many blurred illusions, crystalline light points, as the sperm blood motivates, converge in the skeletal blood demon skeleton rolling blood long river, twisted together again.

Ni Tian's attention, momentarily, was placed in the heart of the Blood Demon.

He saw a thin chain of blood crystals that quickly condensed into crystalline light, prompted by the condensation of his sperm blood and the blood demon's own blood gas.

In a short time, at the heart of the blooddemon, many thin, hairy chains of blood crystal emerge.

This process should take a while, and Nitin suddenly feels tired after losing ten drops of sperm blood.

Nie Tian took a step and came to the remains of the Seventh Gray Rock Nation. He immediately used his life to extract it. From the Gray Rock Nation, he began to extract the remaining flesh and blood essence.

Soon, there was tens of times as much flesh and blood, and he brought it out alive.

Those thick and long flesh sperms, flowing within his vascular muscular veins, seemed to be constantly branded into the vascular rear of the life vein, eventually flowing to the heart, and then bred through the warm nourishment of the blue blood gas, as if they were quenched and condensed into a new drop of spermblood.

The skeletal blood demon, by virtue of his sperm blood, regroups the blood crystal chain, and he is the corpse of the Grey Rock people, consuming ten drops of sperm blood, one drop, slowly condensed.

A long time later, he regrouped ten drops of fine blood, and the remains of the Seventh Gray Rock tribe still retained much flesh and blood.

He probed again and found a change in the blood demon's heart, stopping again.

A thin, hairy chain of blood crystals, only a third, becomes crystal clear and condensed into substance.

And most of the blood crystal chains, illusory, the crystal light that makes up the blood crystal chains, seem to go out at any moment, even though they flash.

“Shit, it's not enough! ”

Nietian scolded, bit his teeth, just coagulated ten drops of sperm blood, and blended into the heart of the blooddemon again.

Indeed, his ten drops of sperm blood, once integrated into the heart of the blooddemon, left two-thirds of the blood crystal chain, like a lit star, flashed suddenly, breeding infinite changes.

A star-like blood crystal, gleaming with small stones, from crystal light to… real crystal!

Skeletal Blood Demon, continues to recast the missing blood crystal chain with his ten drops of sperm blood.

Nie Tian is helpless, knowing that even these ten drops of fine blood should not be enough to complete the astonishing changes in the heart of the skeletal blood demon.

He had to continuously extract more flesh and blood from the remains of the Seven Gray Rocks, constantly condense new blood, and help the skeletal blood demons to recreate all the missing blood crystal chains, completely and completely.

Time goes by.

After two more rounds, Nietian condensed the sperm blood and injected 20 new drops of sperm blood into the blood demon's heart.

He himself, no longer ignored the creeps of the blood demon's heart, or pulled away the residual flesh and blood of the Grey Rock tribe, and refined the ten drops of blood he had to keep.

After a long time, he opened his eyes again.

At that time, he noticed that the remains of the Seventh Gray Rock people, with little flesh and blood, were left.

A new ten drops of fine blood, crystalline as blood diamonds, appeared again in his heart.

He frowned slightly, borrowing the power of a broken star, and went back to serve the bone-blooded demon.

This time, he finally discovered that a thin, hairy chain of blood crystals that emerged from the heart of the blooddemon condensed into essence without a slight vague illusion.

A strange fluctuation that causes everything in the heavens and the earth to fall into silence, as if it were spontaneously dissipated from the skeletal blood demon.

“The blood crystal chain re-hearts, this skeletal demon, when fighting again, should be able to use blood talent and skeletal clan secrets, right? ”

“To what extent did his strength increase after he received so much interracial blood? ”

“Can he, now, fight the powerful men of the late spiritual realm? ”

A series of thoughts passed in Nietian's mind, he thought thoughtfully, not sure in his heart.

Skeletal blood demon, after all, is just a flesh puppet, he only has the remainder of the soul, all the memories, experiences, the most secret things of the soul, permanently lost.

His soul, which currently has only the purest fighting instinct left, is unable to communicate directly with Nietian.

The same is true, he just implicitly felt that the skeletal blood demon must now become more powerful, but how powerful it is, it also needs the skeletal blood demon and powerful opponent to fight to determine.

However, after consuming a lot of fine blood and helping the demon to recreate the blood chain, he felt that his connection to the skeletal demon seemed to have become more intense.

For the time being, it was unclear what such a close continuum represented.

He suddenly remembered another thing...

“The heart of the skeletal blood demon can be reconnected to the bleeding crystal chain after receiving a sperm blood injection. Similar, I have one more thing, and I have a heart as well. ”

“The blood nucleus of the flaming dragon armor, said to be the blood nucleus, is also actually a atrophied heart. ”

“If there is no accident, the blood nucleus is the heart of a flaming dragon! ”

“Skeletal Blood Demon, able to restore the blood crystal chain through my sperm blood as it was in the beginning. The dragon atrophied countless times the heart, and if it also received a sperm blood injection, would a similar change have occurred? ”

He has always known that when he fought through the Fire Dragon Armor, he was able to infuse himself with the power of the Fire Dragon Armor in only two ways.

One is the flame power of the flame vor whirlpool, the other is his own flesh and blood energy.

There are also only two kinds of power, which can slightly enhance the fiery dragon armor. When he carried the fiery dragon armor with him, he can also feel that the fiery dragon armor is always secretly absorbed, derived from his flesh and blood refinement.

Fine blood, is the crystal of his blood, and every drop of blood contains a great deal of flesh and blood.

Not only that, but his sperm blood also has the true meaning of life, the ability to turn rotten into magic, the reunification of the blood demon's blood crystal chain is a confirmation.

“My blood, if there is no accident, should be powerful fire dragon armor! ”

He muttered and decided to give up temporarily, otherwise he did not know how long it would take.

“Let's go, I consume a lot of precious blood to help you regroup the blood crystal chain, and it's time to test if all I've done for you is worth it. ”

Mumbling, he stepped into the transmission formation and immediately launched it to the Dong family land.
