Lord of the Skill

Skill Lord 166 Coins

Battle of the Hao Canal

3 hours before opening.

“Hostiles! Approximately 6,000 troops!! ”

“ ……!!! ”

Reports have come from the watchtower at the castle.

Katan, the chief of the sewers of the Hao tube, looks forward with a serious look at the skyscraper built in the middle of the wall.

“Eventually……. ”

Seeing the heatless forces herded on either side of the divided canal's hills, he thought.

‘Hmph, those little guys. Due to the recruitment of troops from Tatur, there are currently 3,000 defenders in the Hao tube. As long as we have canals and gates, we can prevent even four times as many.


He draws his sword from his waist.

“The outsiders.... The Hao Guan, which has maintained its reputation for centuries, has only attempted to attack with such force. ”


As you swing your sword as hard as you can, an intense noise erupts from the wall.

Katan grips his teeth.

“I can ignore the sewers. Show them what the iron gate is!! ”

Standing on the wall, the soldiers cheer as they look at his shining sword.



“Lord, the barracks are complete. ”

Aaron Bernstein looks down at the Hao tube on the hill.


“Obviously the Hao tube hasn't lost heart after seeing this troop. ”

Before the battle, the cheerful castle seemed to be able to understand the atmosphere without having to look.

“Of course. They are well trained soldiers. The Hao tube, which is the front of the canal, has never been penetrated since Tatur was founded. ”

Heatless reminded me of a previous life.

Of the seven northern kingdoms, Tatur, the longest-standing empire, was at the center of the four powers at that time: Lee River, Qingwi, Zheng Reynolds and Anton Iliya.

The brotherhood, though it looked like a lightning bolt, actually had to be under the protection of four powers.

If I did wrong, I could have been destroyed by three unions. Everyone was aiming for it, but it was Tatur that made it impossible for anyone to move.

‘That is why I must first tattoo my power before it grows. ’

How much blood was shed to get the Middle Member is because he knew better than anyone.

“Then why don't you build a wall of dirt in the main barracks? Increased troops, but there is a risk of being caught with a structure like this. ”

“I don't need it. ”

The sewer is right in front of you, the gateway you need to pass to take over the tattoo.

“Our defenses have already been replenished, and our movements will reach the north as well as the south. Even though the five southern families are fending off Anton Iliya, the combat strength of skilled outsiders and indigenous people is fundamentally severe. ”

Aaron smiles bitterly at the words of fever.

His brother Benquist Bernstein's Dragon Sword is a powerful sword that can be compared to a skill, but he knows how much training he has to do before he learns it.

“We have a full full day at the most. ”

“Bo, if it's a full moon.... ”

It seems impossible to walk from Trammel to Tatur on foot.

“As I said, there are fundamental differences between outsiders and indigenous people. Even though you've strengthened your body through training, you don't have much time. After passing through the sewers, the 3,000 soldiers you brought will be stationed here to repel Reynolds' movements. ”

“Ah……. ”

Taking over the Middle Circle is a change of pace.

Aaron could only see why the walls were not built in the words of the feeble.

“Take down the sewers at once. ”


At that moment.

Choi Hyuk-soo, who was next to the heatless, laid out the map.

And then lift up the little debt and hold on! I folded up along with the sound of it, pointing to one place on the map.

“Kushan Sajid's ship awaits here. You won't see it in the sewers yet. ”

Fifteen ships built at 42 Nodes.

Along with Kushan, whose Shipbuilding skills are unlikely to be seen in the Seven Thrones, the ships were made together by the tankers of the Burnstein and Lanyon families.

“A speedboat should be able to reach the sewers quickly. There's oil on the front of the deck, and then five more ships in the middle. ”


Choi Hyuk-soo pointed at the sewer tube on the map, moving along the debt.

“The problem is breaking down the gates of the sewers in the canals. We'll cover as many ships as we can with the Fog Gene, but we won't be able to penetrate their defenses. Even if my sister's magic burns a ship filled with gasoline…… it may be one of five that detonates properly. ”


“As expected……. It's probably on the left with a pulley that opens the gate. If the sheave is loose and the lock is opened, even a single blast will easily break the gates. ”

Hyuk-soo slightly raised his mouth and kicked his tongue.

“The problem is timing. ”

“Don't worry. I'll take care of that. ”


Aaron Bernstein, who was listening quietly, had no choice but to stick his tongue to the plan of the two unstoppable.

“How……. Did you know that the device at the gate is on the left side of the castle? ”

However, unlike him, Hyuk-soo raised his mouth as expected.

“It's not just to build a barracks that we've divided our base with the vanguard on Trammel. Rather, a similar number of troops could have been at risk from a clash with the enemy before the base arrived. ”

“Then…? ”


Choi Hyuk-soo lightly shook his wrist on the map.

At that moment.

Planar pictures of the map were generated like holograms.

“Magic Map…?! ”

Aaron was astonished by the sight.

But what surprised him even more was that two eyes appeared on the hills where he stood.

“If it was really for combat, we'd set up camp a little closer. But it's not a battle we want. ”

3,000 troops encamped on each hill.

As soon as Hao Guan heard the report, he asked Tatur for help.

Thanks to that, just once.

To accept the reinforcements, the gate of the Hao tube, called the Imperial Gateway, was opened.

“What really got the enemy's attention was actually for this. ”

It was then.


When he opened his feverish eyes, he repeatedly said his iris had grown smaller and larger, and suddenly his eyes were all covered with black eyes.

“ ……!!! ”

The immortal invitation magical superior snow.

The seamless vision began to expand gradually towards the wall of the estuary, which seemed to quickly zoom in.

100m, 200m…… 500m…… 2 km.

As if looking up at his nose, he can see Katan's face standing on the ledge.

Then, as the landscape gradually got further away, I saw all the landscapes of the sewer as if looking down from the sky.

[You have reached the height limit of 500m.]

[You cannot be more than the limit distance to the target.]

Heatless flicks your fingers toward the red warning window that is displayed in your vision.

His gaze shifts again.

You see the other side of the castle, again to the other side, and all the way to the last.

As if photographing the interior of the sewers, the fever engraved into the eyes one by one, said in a solemn voice.

“That's enough.”


At that moment.

A message window created above the hologram map.

[Map Sharing is available.]

[Do you want to add map content?]

“It's worth studying for. ”

Looking at the window, Hyuk-soo Choi smiled and pressed the button on the window.

[Map Sharing is over.]

[The detailed map of the sewer has been saved.]

[Do you want to zoom in on the map?]

Looking at the image of the Hao tube being built on top of the hologram, Aaron Bernstein looked unreliable.

“How can this be……. ”

“The crows are all in place. It couldn't have been easy to infiltrate. ”

“They opened the door themselves. It's the starting line for that. I snuck in when the enemy was coming from Tatur, facing a large force. If the Crows are hiding, it's enough to deceive some of the guards' eyes. ”

Heatless laughs lightly, recalling the image of Jin-a-wheel standing behind Katan's back, gasping for breath.

It was as expected.

He thought that the invitation magic from the Immortal Society, the superior eye, would turn the battle tables.

‘A magic that lets you know the location of the person you specify. I think I can only use it to pinpoint my colleague's location, but not if he's an assassin. ’

Before the vanguard moved and announced the march on Trammel, the ravens of Jina Wheel and Thousand Wheelers raced toward the sewers.

By the time the cavalry arrived, they were already ambushing around the Hao Canal, waiting for Kang Chan-suk, Ordo Chang, and Choi Hyuk-soo's troops to arrive, hiding in the Hao Canal and becoming infinite eyes.

“Magical power? Amazing.”

“Out of thousands of enemies, only 50 waited for days. It's not magic, it's their greatness that's at stake. ”

Heatless looked at the map of the finished Hao tube and told Hyuk-soo Choi and Aaron Bernstein.

“I am the Emperor." ”

* * *


Kwaga River!!!

“How……. ”

A flame that rises from the Gateway of Immortality that has not allowed an invasion of foreign lands for centuries.

Thirty ships guarding the canal were sinking beneath the burning surface.

“Attack them all!! ”

Strong voices coming from above.


It was a moment.

Suddenly, the fog rises.

Ships descending from the canal explode in unison and burn them.

But the damage was not great.

The problem was that the moment the green beads in the background burst, the troops inside the ship became addicted to the poison and died immediately.



I can still hear the screams of the soldiers in my ears.

The ragged gates have already been rendered useless and have accepted all hostiles onboard the ship.

Despite laying sentries on several layers, the troops of Dorae, who opened the gates together, were killed, and one of the oiled vessels charged straight into the gates.

The gate, which was not hard enough with the explosion, collapsed unwittingly as the connection between the sheaves flew away.

“You…!! ”

As he looked down at the battlefield with his arms crossed over his head, Katan felt a despair he had never felt before.

“First squad of shameless bastards!! Charge!!"

Kang Chan-suk shrugs the sewers as if racing over Cargon with a thick shield.

Following him, Ordo Chang's second squad climbs up the wall and cuts the archers' throats.

Perfect match without maggots. Even though there were only a few hundred, they were more than C rankers together, an elite chosen from Trammel.

Ordinary soldiers could not handle it.


As Katan looks at the incoming enemy, she grinds her teeth.

It was then.

“Ahhhh…!!! ”

“Ahhh…!! ”

The soldiers standing on the ramparts fall in unison, spraying their blood with screams.

“ ……!!! ”

Katan hurriedly turns her head.

Men in masks slowly reveal themselves in the shadows.

“W-when...? ”

Looking at the crows wiping away the blood from the sharp dagger, he steps back without knowing it.

“Phew, I thought I'd died standing still for a few days. ”

At the words of Jin-a-wheel, who snapped his neck like a grudge, Katan felt a chill on his back.

Fear of keeping an eye on all of his people.


It was then.

On the wall of the nook that touched his waist, he knew there was nowhere left to turn.

“Katan, Head of the Harbor Embassy. ”

Low voices coming from behind.

The cold, sharp iron touches his neck, and he realizes at once it's a sword.

“I ask you. What is a door?”

The defeat has already been confirmed.

Katan closes her eyes as if accepting it, without looking back.

The last thing you can do is protect your honor as an unmanned man.

“To protect. ”


Katan's neck falls into a feeble sword.

Without hesitation, he reaches out to the soldiers battling under the gate, lifting their necks.

Upon confirmation of the General's death, the soldiers of the Hao tube lose their will to fight and drop their armor to the ground.

The fever looks at them and mutters in a blatant voice, as if to say to Katan.

“For us, it's just a way through. ”